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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Singapore freaks over Asian neighbours unsafe nuclear ambitions
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: nuke threats

Picture: Australian PM John Howard peers into the reactor at Lucas Heights. Will Australia like the USA be promoting unsafe nuke energy in South East Asia?

Here is a story that senior writer Marian Wilkinson of Sydney Morning Herald reported from Darwin APEC energy minister's conference yesterday 30th May 2007 but it only appeared on the web (!?) not our press version (reproduced in full below).

We telephoned her about this and apparently there was lack of space. But first her pithy story builds on another by the competition here a week earlier from Nigel Wilson, 15 years in that role:

The Herald ran another story to the Darwin fracas 30 May 07 instead about Morris Iemma repudiating John Howard's nuclear plans

Advice found on axing state bans on nuclear - National - smh.com.au

[which is funny because it runs in the press but is missing from the web based text index for 30 May. But a bit of googling throws it up here for a different date. Advice found on axing state bans on nuclear - Sydney Morning Herald - 29 May 2007. The googling is guess work because the article is actually printed under the headline "Bid to overturn nuclear ban" bottom right page 6. ]

Whatever the confused (deliberate or otherwise) Herald indexing, the issue of nuclear energy expansion in Australia was the question time strategy it seems in both NSW and State Parliament. Seems its not just Premier Iemma and Opposition leader Rudd who will fight the nuke expansion plans on the beaches: Singapore are obviously very alarmed at the lack of safety implicit in the sleep walk to nuclear proliferation by Vietnam and Indonesian governments. But what about Australia's role in our neighbours' planning? We would be selling the raw materials and probably much technical support out of Lucas Heights reactor, do yer think? Is the Pope a Catholic? Does the bore hole ooze hot mud (ie a disaster in Indonesia recently)?

As explained to journo Wilkinson we see one alternative future like this on a 5 or 10 year horizon:

- USA promotes missile defense system vis a vis Nth Korea, Iran, China leveraging support of Japan, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan and likely others.

-  An arms race to prevent USA first strike capacity (via foolproof shield) ensues.

- Tensions rise. Allies of the USA feel the need for a nuke weapon deterrent of their own, as Japan is flirting with right now.

- Australia's PM seeks nuclear energy dual use capacity in order to prepare for this strategic security possibility.

- Somewhere along the line someone makes a human error or comparatively minor clashes are exagerated like the precursor to the Vietnam War, and a nuclear weapon is launched by someone.

- Apocalypse. Do not collect, do not pass go. Game over.

No wonder Singapore are scared about this kind of future, even likelihood under a Howard Bush style regime of the future.

We tipped off some others like MP Peter Garrett and Senator Bob Brown's office about this report of diplomatic rage up in Darwin, and here is the rather scary story in full:



Asia-Pacific nuclear authority plan scuttled after safety debate

Date: May 30 2007

Marian Wilkinson in Darwin

A plan to set up a regional nuclear safeguards authority for the Asia Pacific has been ditched after an intense debate at the APEC energy ministers conference in Darwin which centered on the importance of nuclear safety.

The proposal was dropped from the final declaration of the conference, despite being included in earlier drafts. But the Industry Minister, Ian Macfarlane, denied there had been a "bitter debate" over the issue after Singapore raised questions over nuclear safety.

The discussion on the role of nuclear power as an option to lower greenhouse gas emissions in the APEC region was strongly supported by the US Deputy Secretary of Energy, Clay Sell. Mr Macfarlane said Singapore had requested that any decision by an APEC country to pursue the nuclear mix should be made in consultation with their neighbours.

Officials from both Vietnam and Indonesia told the APEC conference their countries were studying the option of nuclear power stations that could come on line in the next decade.

The final declaration contained a watered down clause encouraging APEC members to join the organisation's nuclear technologies group to ensure the "safety, security, seismic health and waste handling aspects" of nuclear power were "adequately addressed".

The final declaration by the 21 APEC countries also supported sharing technologies on energy efficiency, biofuels, clean coal and renewable energy as well as measures to increase energy security in the growing APEC region. But there was little support for a regional carbon trading emissions scheme that would put a price on greenhouse gas pollution from fossil fuels across APEC.

A report on emissions trading is set to be delivered to the Prime Minister, John Howard, tomorrow. But it is now believed it will be unlikely to set hard targets for Australia to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Mr Macfarlane strongly signalled in Darwin that the targets will be left to another economic committee to assess how they can be achieved without cutting into economic growth.

Mr Macfarlane told reporters any target will depend on the technology capable of achieving it. "The challenge at the moment is not to set targets, the challenge is to actually have the technology to achieve targets."

Labor has set a long-term target of reducing Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by 60 per cent by 2050, based on emissions in the year 2000 which the Government has dismissed as irresponsible.

Tomorrow's report will, however, pave the way for Australia to finally establish an emissions trading scheme that will put a price on Australia's greenhouse gas pollution.

The importance of clean coal technology in achieving a target for greenhouse gas cuts was highlighted yesterday when a slanging match broke out between Mr Macfarlane and the Queensland Premier, Peter Beattie, over his state's high profile "zero gen" clean coal project.

Mr Macfarlane told reporters in Darwin the project has "collapsed" but Mr Beattie said he had "no idea" what Mr Macfarlane was talking about. "Why would the coal industry invest $600million in clean coal if they weren't serious?" Mr Beattie said. "Ian Macfarlane is repeatedly trying to undermine clean coal technologies?"


Postscript #1 1st June 2007

By coincidence (or not ?) a prominent reflection on widespread public fears of nuclear apocalypse was published today in the high circulation Sydney Daily Telegraph:

Gideon Haigh Shute's sands of timeBy Gideon Haigh: THEY don't make novelists like Nevil Shute any more: a self-made millionaire who served in both

Posted by editor at 2:20 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 1 June 2007 1:04 PM NZT
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Steve Truman of 'Agmates' of Gympie Qld - the 2nd hand farm machinery seller who likes land clearing
Mood:  down
Topic: ecology

Crikey.com.au runs this story today, as per similar advert in The Land this week threatening possibly illegal land clearing from 1st July 2007:

3. Each day more trees will die

Steve Truman, renegade farmer [actually not a farmer as admitted to Dan Lewis journo at the Sydney Morning Herald pers comm 30/5/07] and member of the Commonwealth Property Protection Association writes:

Australian farmers have had enough of federal and state governments' reclamation of their land by stealth. So, on Sunday 1 July as a form of civil disobedience, thousands of farmers across Queensland, NSW and Victoria will cut down a tree. On 2 July they will cut down two trees and so on.

How has it come to this? The Federal Government sent Senator Ian Campbell to the Kyoto Conference in 1997 with a simple instruction. Only sign the agreement if the Australian government could insert a clause that allowed them to count the carbon credits accrued from stopping landing clearing in Australia. The clause 3.7 is known internationally as "The Australian Clause"................

The end result of Governments acting unfairly and unjustly towards its citizens is civil disobedience. History has shown that in a strong democracy, if its citizens can’t rely on their judicial system to uphold their democratically won rights, civil disobedience is the only course of action. The result of Governments behaving badly towards its citizens is, in turn, a protest in the form of its citizens behaving badly.

Send your tips to boss@crikey.com.au or submit them anonymously here.


Nor is this the only anti environmental ratbag in the last few days rushing into the media: Don Burke the determined anti recycler and green baiter was at it for the rippoff of the Australian Conservation Foundation with a real democratic basis. Burke calls his bogus group the Australian Environment Foundation in a clear attempt at misleading and deceptive conduct on the opinion page of the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday. A good legal case under the Trade Practices Act by the ACF would be our view:

Farmers' offer too good to refuse - Opinion - smh.com.au

It's mostly hogwash trying to cover up the outrageous criminal clearing of the Gwydir Wetlands here page 1 21st May 2007

Bulldozed: a vital wetland - National - smh.com.au

And we notice this story running of Rio Tinto paying farmers $1M for not clearing to get the carbon credits, which is just no good for someone like Steve Truman in the farm machinery land clearing business May 26th

Farmer makes $1m for doing nothing at all | NEWS.com.au

with this heartening image captioned "Tree change ... Queensland farmer Peter Allen and his wife were ready to chop down their trees until Rio Tinto stepped in / Annette Dew"

The following is a tip sent to Crikey.com.au this afternoon:

Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 4:26 PM
Subject: Steve Truman 2nd hand farm machinery seller for ...... land clearing

some astute googling of "Steve Truman" brings up Wesfarmers business link back in 2001
Store cattle producers in the Far West of New South Wales are ...  then "Steve Truman livestock brings up this massive financial conflict of interest as a seller of farm machinery to do the clearing, ploughing etc etc 
At first I thought he must be one of the Shooters Party 'cede from Australia' ultra right wingers but now I get it, another financial angle, not a gun seller but a dozer etc seller.
Tom McLoughlin, ecology action
[links with evidence attached of Steve Truman financial vested interest in pushing land clearing as a 2nd hand farm machinery seller based in Gympie Qld]
..........................................#1 of 2
Truman Livestock
Farmers Dealing Direct With Farmers

We call you now in 5 seconds.

(07) 5483-9388
0428 966819

Website: http://www.agmates.com Address: 106 River Road
QLD, 4570
  GREATER SUNSHINE COAST AREA Contact: Steve Truman Opening Hours: Not available ABN:
32 556 307 251 Established: 2005 Payment


Listed In:

Marketing Consultants

Newspapers - Rural

Real Estate Listing Services

Secondhand Machinery



..................................... #2 of 2



AUSTRALIAN FARMERS - Really, what hope have you got?

G'day Agmates,

What hope have FARMERS got when the people that represent them have given up. I was appalled by this email I got from an AgForce person. I can't even imagine why they'd be purporting to represent QLD farmers.

Below is a copy of the email I got and below that my reply. As you will see I've kept this AgForce person's identity confidential. I see this persons name in the Queensland Country Life regularly.

From: (Name suppressed by Agmates) [mailto: @bigpond.com]
Sent: 08/03/2007 10:05 AM
To: Truman Livestock
Subject: Re: Agmates Alert - Breaking News

Please remove me from your Email list. This is unsolicited Email Perhaps you should read some of Agforce's press releases on Land clearing.
We know we have been sacrificed but only 4% of the population are farmers and that voting % means nothing.


Below is my reply, which the AgForce person has not answered.


From: Truman Livestock [mailto:trumanlivestock@bigpond.com]
Sent: 08/03/2007 11:51 AM
To: 'Name suppressed by Agmates'
Subject: (Name) - Australian Farmers Need YOU

G’day (Name),

Thanks for your email. At your request I’ve removed you from the Email list. I’d just like to clarify 3 points you raised in your email:

1. “This is unsolicited Email”:
Your email address is listed on the AgForce web site. I can only guess it is there because you want people to contact you about issues that are related to your role as an AgForce office holder.

In my 2 emails that is exactly what I’ve done. The only thing I’m peddling is a FAIR GO for the 1,000’s of QLD farmers your organization represents. I apologizes if this has offended you.

2. “Read AgForce’s press releases on Land Clearing”:

I would like to read the press releases on Land Clearing that you refer to. If you could tell me where to get hold of them, I’d be grateful.

I have a completely open mind on the subject and can only present the facts as I find them.

My suspicion is that AgForce and the other farmer representative bodies have been badly let down by the NFF on this issue and I’d like to bring that to every AUSTRALIAN FARMERS attention.

3. “We know we have been sacrificed, but only 4% of the population are farmers and that voting means nothing”:

(Name), unfortunately this is not the 1st time I’ve heard this sentiment / opinion from a representative of a State Agripolitical organization. I detect a lot of frustration in what you and others are saying. From what I’ve discovered I can understand your feelings.

However I’d urge you not to give up. I know you and your fellow AgForce representative know that Farmers HAVE BEEN SACRIFICEDand the real story of why FARMERS ARE NOT BEING REPRESENTED AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL.

But the problem is getting that information, and THE STORY OF THIS SCANDALOUS SITUATION to the 120,000 farmers across Australia.

THAT"S WHAT WE CAN ACHIEVE WITH AGMATES. Let me clarify firstly that Agmates has absolutely no political agenda, it is 100% PRO-FARMER.

Agmates uses the latest technology, email and – Blogging to give informed opinion backed up by links to the source documents, e.g. any farmer in Australia is able to Click the Link in my article Australian Farmers – Are they Second Rate Citizens?

FARMERS can read the 263 page NETS discussion paper or the related communiques and submissions for themselves. This is an incredibly powerful medium.

I don’t believe for a minute that my vote, your vote, plus the other 119,999 FARMER votes across Australia means nothing.

That number does represent 4% of the voters but it does not take into account all ex farmers, people who come from the land (and still have a strong affiliation with rural Australia), extended families and friends.

With the above numbers and the number of people who are sympathetic and empathetic to farmers would be 5 times that number or 20% of voters. Look what the GREEN’S have achieved with just 6-8% of voters.

We just need to get active and get the message out there. At present Agmates is being regularly read by people from Port Douglas to Perth.

We have a big percentage of our readers are people in Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra (interesting), Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth. We also have readers in the UK, USA, China, India, Europe and Asia. What an opportunity to get REAL AUSTRALIAN FARMER ISSUES out one the table.

(Name), from your email I think you are ONE OF THE GOOD GUY’S.

I’d ask that you join me and my friends in helping spread the message, rather than just give up.

Mate I’d really like to publish your email to me and this reply but respect your privacy and will only do so with your permission (otherwise I’ll publish it anonymously).

You can help and contribute by firstly contributing your views and information to be published on Agmates for every one else to read (You can do this by email).

Secondly by emailing an Agmates link to everybody you know so they have the opportunity to see the issues that you / we raise and pursue.

So there you have it. I have taken you off the AGMATES email distribution list and will leave it like that unless I hear from you. All the best!

Cheers – Your Agmate, Steve Truman

P.S. I never heard back from this AgForce person. Really, I mean What Hope have QLD farmers got with an attitude like this AgForce person has.

Cheers - You Agmate Steve

Postscript #1

Steve Truman makes a gracious respone in the comments section below, and interestingly hails from the Gwydir wetlands area. He denies directly (but obviously still indirectly) benefits from agri machinery trade but he also makes no apology for the clearing of wetlands which has really angered the broad community.

There may well be some degree of truth in his notion the miners and other industry are getting away with greenhouse murder at the expense of farmers. On the other hand my experience of agri industry (in particular the National Party)is that they are usually very gracious and personable folks - and just keep on killing the environment ...however nicely. We agree carbon pricing to keep bush upright would be a good way forward. We also note Prof Peter Cullen comment that much farming on marginal land should have been shut down decades ago. Harsh but true.

Posted by editor at 6:14 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 31 May 2007 3:02 PM NZT
Aidwatch oppressed by Howard Govt, and why our Ecology Action never bothered with tax deductibility status
Mood:  sharp
Topic: human rights


Picture: Top left inset Lee Rhiannon, founder of Aidwatch, and later Green MP in NSW from March 1999. "1993 Lee co-founded AID/WATCH, an international monitoring body of Australia’s overseas aid program. Lee was Director of this group for six years and instrumental in establishing this independent organisation. It is now widely respected for its vigorous scrutiny of projects undertaken by the World Bank and AusAID."  Top right, Environment Minister in 1996 Senator Faulkner. Headline in the Herald today, and below that the Friends of the Earth '$20K edition' of Chain Reaction newsletter of Friends of the Earth of July 1996 prefacing repeal of their federal govt admin grant for that ngo.

We rang the ABC radio this morning and gave some background on the politics of tax deductibility (TD) for non govt groups in relation to their story on Aidwatch (AW) non profit: Canberra's gagging us, say charities - National - brisbanetimes.com.au and locally here

Canberra's gagging us, say charities THE freedom of welfare, aid and environment groups to speak out about government policies has been called into question by a decision of the Australian Taxation Office to strip a voluntary watchdog of its charity status.

The guy carrying the can today is card carrying bleeding heart idealistic public intellectual Dr James Goodman.

First the notion of charity and non profit should be clarified. Charity is usually understood as social services like food, clothing, shelter, medical including mental health services. Non profits are a much more intangible public good like art, theatre, environment, civil society, democracy, human rights awareness. They both deserve and get TD for a better society and a better democracy, if you believe in those kind of things.

AW falls into the second class of TD but the conservative Howard Govt only believe it seems in the first class. Sad really. In this way the arts and theatre people should be very worried.

TD as we understand it is administered by the Australian Taxation Office but the gate keeper for TD are the relevant govt departments of the relevant ministerial portfolio - arts for those ngo groups, health for those ngo groups, environment same and on it goes. This is logical because those specific dept bureaucrats have expertise on which non profit ngos are fair dinkum community based and which ones might be bogus or fraudulent.

In 1996 Senator John Faulkner was Environment Minister (we on behalf of The Wilderness Society had months earlier been bushwalking with the guy and his two kids in the Blue Mountains with press man James Woodford in a pre election Pic Fac). I was working with Friends of the Earth Sydney in Bathurst St Sydney in 1996. Aidwatch was above The Wilderness Society shop in Liverpool St a block away fora a year or two (just back from Hungry Jacks today and opposite World Square, then a dead hole in the ground). AW was run by Lee Rhiannon, then a fairly unknown activist, and we had moved on from The Wilderness Society. Lee and I were both members of the Eastern Suburbs Greens (I'm non aligned since 2000.)

AW a recent startup were desperate for TD and requested a letter of support from FoE who were categorically a TD green group accredited by the Federal Dept of the Environment probably for decades like a constellation of groups including the Australian Conservation Foundation promoted by such as conservative Sir Garfield Barwick back to the 1960ies.

Being of a legal litigation experience and knowing how sharp Faulkner was, I knew blather wouldn't cut and AW would have to meet the obvious concern with AW getting TD under an environmental category: That they were busy on human rights and social justice concerns.

But FoE had a perspective on that with their slogan "environmental protection in a human rights context". This was the extra step from say ACF on environment, or The Wilderness Society again on environment per se. So I wrote a reference with a view to Faulkner in terms similar to:

'We are a well recognised green group who understand how the environment inter relates with human rights concerns such as tropical deforestation leaving villages ripped off and poverty stricken. Often as a result of corruption of govt process. Civil society rule of law and democracy are valid issues for a green group to fight for. So we are comfortable with such as AidWatch being characterised as an environmental group from human rights perspective"

Of course since then the concept of "environmental justice" cross over between environment and human rights/social justice has become mainstream like .....

- climate change refugees,

- Javanese villagers land being flooded by hot spewing mud from a bore hole,

- compensation concerns for nuclear test victims including army veterans, Indigenous etc

- racialised and socio economic siting of polluting industry generally including here in Sydney eg containers, dredging, poisons in Botany not Pittwater

AW contacted us way back then and were wrapped with our "great" letter. Well thankyou, all in a days work in fact. AW was indeed given TD. And so Lee Rhiannon's political career took another big step. Not the other way round as some might think today with Big Lee rampaging across the political landscape from Gulaga forest protest to coal mines in the Hunter.

The rest is electoral history with Howard's govt marching to power later in 1996.

We don't know whether the basis of AW TD has changed since 1996 but in the nature of these things we imagine its remained the same all the way back to 1996. Now it's all in the news today on AM show this morning 30th May 2007 with assistant treasurer Peter Dutton etc. No doubt the government figure such as academic Dr James Goodman of that group are "undesirables" given this image of the great and good James alternatively bearded and clean shaven at different times in his career


Indeed we wonder what possible expertise the ATO actually has in regard to portfolio related decisions as to valid community based ngo groups involved in art, health, environment, human rights etc. It's not an expertise that naturally fits with the bean counters in the ATO at first instance. It should be a portfolio ministerial discretionary advice based on the research of their officers in the relevant field.

Also the idea that such ngo's should not be part of political discourse or engage in political posture as somehow the ethical basis for cancelling TD is a joke at the expense of real democracy and civil society and to protect the govt from scrutiny. Everything is political from the choice you make at the supermarket to handing out at a polling booth.The idea public interest groups should not express a view in any forum is fundamentally fascist. The point is whether you want people with expertise to advocate on these public virtues whether charity, narrowly defined, or non profit social benefits more broadly.

The real question is whether the ngo is working for an appropriate topic known as a public good and worth supporting financially in a democracy, not where they do so. The real question is whether it is medical, human right, environment, art, social service, whatever not whether it is 'political'.

In the current context for AW to be promoting more direct hypothecation of govt aid expenditure to poverty alleviation for our neighbours, and the govt to argue sufficient nexus via indirect benefit to global budget of the beneficiary country is fair game, and fair play. Penalising AW for exposing that allegedly sly accounting of Treasurer Peter Costello is highly suggestive, with rumours now in crikey.com.au yesterday of corrupt developers in Africa via Indonesia tsunami.

If AW watchdog didn't exist today it would be necessary to invent it. The hypocrisy regarding the Coalition commitment to the Building and Industrial Commission quite fascist watchdog issuing $20K individual fines, but not mild mannered herbal ngos says alot. Here is that crikey item in the public interest from their subscriber material yesterday 29th May 07:

7. Tips and rumours

Our ever-alert DFAT mole has come up with some very interesting news emanating from, of all places, Lome, the capital of Togo. As Crikey was reaching for an atlas, the mole explained: Togo is nestled between Ghana and Benin and is under the control of a strict dictatorship and, like most African countries,is rife with corruption. We gather the mole has seen reports emanating from Lome -- he wouldn't identify the author, but as Australia is represented in Ghana it's not hard to guess. The message is that the building boom in Lome, which is of huge proportions, is being financed by some high-ranking Indonesian officials allegedly using tsunami relief funds. The mole says there's more to come -- and it's not nice. Crikey was reminded the Australian Government was a huge relief donor and this information might just explain why the rebuilding of the worst-affected tsunami areas is going at snail's pace.

All this underlines why in late 2002 we requested from the Environment Dept the tedious lengthy forms for TD for our ecology action australia network busy on green projects as such here and then decided no, it wasn't safe to deliver all that confidential personal information into the hands of this government. They couldn't be trusted. Better to proceed as a private non profit foundation. Such distrust, based on demonstrated experience of the ngo movement not least the FoE national organisation (whose admin subsidy had been cut already some years earlier for the newsletter pictured above). And so it has come to pass with AidWatch last October 2006 and in the news today, and other groups feeling the heat as reported in the Fairfax press today.

Make no mistake there is a creeping culture of fascism in this government just as this writer was blacklisted from blog reporting on the campus of Sydney University recently (a student anti govt rally), and Big Media have "drawn a line in the sand" on protection of journalists and their sources.

Bring on a change of government, democracy depends on it.


Postscript #1 Crikey.com.au writes today 30th May 2007

28. Has the Tax Office become the Government’s knee-capper?

Former ATO auditor Chris Seage writes:

Allegations of politicising of the Australian Taxation Office have surfaced this morning in The SMH. It is alleged the charitable status of Aidwatch was revoked by the ATO because it has been "trying to procure changes in Australia's aid and development programs" and for being involved in political activities.


“This is a direct attack on free speech and on democracy” said Aidwatch Chair James Goodman. “Aidwatch is the only independent watchdog of Australian aid. We have to raise these issues publicly or else no one will. Charities exist for public benefit. How can we benefit the public if we keep silent?"

Aidwatch Co-director Flint Duxfield said “It’s clear that the government is using the ATO to target charities such as Aidwatch who speak out in the public interest against misguided policy.”


“The ATO Ruling threatens our very existence and sends an ominous message to all charities– question Government policy and you will lose your charitable status,” said Mr. Goodman. Aidwatch has lodged an appeal with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.


In its decision the ATO recognised that Aidwatch objectives, as stated in its constitution, were entirely charitable. They observed that these objectives were fulfilled by Aidwatch through a range of different research and education activities, including through the provision of advice to governments in Australia and overseas.

However, the ATO cited three activities of the organisation that it believed were not consistent with charitable status:

(i) urging the public to write to the Government to put pressure on the Burmese regime;

(ii) delivering an (ironic) 60th anniversary birthday cake to the World Bank;

(iii) raising concerns about the developmental impacts of the US-Australia Free Trade Agreement.


The ATO alleged the three activities sat outside the ATO definition of 'incidental' political activities for a charity, and removed its charitable status.



In my view this decision is a crook one and needs to be examined by the external authorities. My advice to Aidwatch, along with their appeal to the AAT, is to lodge complaints with the Commonwealth Taxation Ombudsman and the tax office watchdog David Vos, the Inspector-General of Taxation. Vos is a rottweiler and is not frightened to stand up for taxpayers against the might of the tax office or government. In fact I think he would love to get his big paws on this.


It is not the first time the ATO have been accused of being politicised. Crikey readers will recall the infamous Robert Gerard tax fiasco where the ATO sliced $75 million dollars off the big liberal party donor’s tax bill. He was also provided a comfort letter personally signed by the former tax commissioner Michael Carmody effectively clearing him of any tax foibles which facilitated his promotion to the Reserve Bank Board.


I think this government may have been in power too long.

Send your tips to boss@crikey.com.au or submit them anonymously here.

Posted by editor at 9:56 AM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 30 May 2007 9:12 PM NZT
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Tim Flannery and the Cultural Icons playing at a big media near you
Mood:  on fire
Topic: globalWarming

If John Howard thinks he is free of the troublesome priest of greenhouse science, Prof Tim Flannery, think again PM.

There was Prof Flannery introducing Noel Pearson's rage against systemic white government on Australian Story last night - Pearson and Flannery both a product of quite a deal of white society (including big business) sponsorship from Keating back to 1993, and the fallout of the Mabo decision, and big law firm jobs. To be fair Pearson is back where it counts for years now. And Flannery has his green vocation which is also admirable.

[To digress from Flannery a moment re Australian Story, Noel was keen to work with the The Wilderness Society in the early 1990's coining the phrase "indigenous wilderness", just as I worked with Steve Lalor the NSW Aboriginal Liaison Officer in the NSW branch of TWS. What was more revealing in the show last night was the marked shift of traditional owner Marandoo Yanner proving that Black politics has as many fraught twists and turns as Canberra, given Yanner was all for the Wild Rivers legislation till recently. Yanner was playing us greenies shamelessly there on the screen.

And chubby poetic Alec Marr of TWS is no slouch with a clever yarn .... just like Flannery as per The Australian colour mag).

There is plenty more to run in the morality of the North Qld situation and Noel Pearson is kidding himself if he thinks he can use a Big Media bullypit alone via non journalistic Australian Story, leveraging black skin on a visual medium to win this argument over future land use and big developers. Recall Jabiluka owner Yvonne Margarula's brother murdered in a knife fight in a mining town. That's what big white vice in the name of development does to Traditional culture too. Witness Marcia Langton part funded by uranium miner ERA in her academic career. That's quite a grey moral world of land use politics.]

The point is Flannery is building an alliance with Margaret Fulton, a cultural icon if ever there was, and thus bouncing back from the Coalition Govt chill with a vengeance. Indeed consorting with 2 other living treasures in 2 days of Big Media - Margaret Fulton described as "Australia's best-known and most-loved cookery writer", and Noel Pearson perhaps the most articulate English speaking Black Australian that has ever lived. That's alot of kitchens there PM, and Black and White barrackers let alone ABC watchers. In cahoots with nemesis Prof Tim Flannery.

And grand dame Fulton getting the royal treatment on Trioli 702 radio mid morning today and previous weeks from memory just reinforces the point.

It's the attack of the cultural icons: PM - to be frank - you are cactus, individual ALP hypocrisy on IR regardless.

And notice this evolving issue of food sourcing by distance in Tim's Flannery's quote

" There's an old Italian bloke and I just buy whatever he's got because it's grown about a kilometre away from where we buy it ..."

Which is exactly what this grist article is about there in the USA:

Alisa Smith and James McKinnon chew the fat on their 100-mile diet ...

Posted by editor at 1:27 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 May 2007 8:04 PM NZT
No cure for the common cold - but try inhaling vapour clouds of eucalyptus in hot water
Mood:  surprised
Topic: health


The SAM blogger has had the dreaded onset winter lergie for some 4 weeks now - it's rotten. The colder than average home base here in the old building doesn't help either.

Some like oranges, garlic etc but what really works for us beside rest and fluids is careful use of eucalyptus drops about $4.50 for 100ml at the supermarket depending on the brand.

Boil the kettle, pour into a pot. Put in 10 or 15 drops (a short pour) and slowly breathe in the heady mix gradually and out again. It's strong stuff so be sure to read the directions and don't ever drink the stuff. Do this as long as you like or the vapour cloud lasts (a minute or two). No need to boil on a cooker either as adequate volalitility just off the boil, and quite comfortable temperature.

2 or 3 times a day is really working to clear our lungs, and it somehow feels patriotic too.

Posted by editor at 12:33 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 May 2007 1:10 PM NZT
Monday, 28 May 2007
Police setting APEC pre publicity tone is a self fulfilling prophesy of aggressive clashes and ignores real threats
Mood:  not sure
Topic: legal

Picture: Truck accident in Rockdale about 5 years ago. Images taken by this writer as a local resident/witness. If one looks closely at the top image you can see a truck has flipped onto its side and is being lifted about a metre aloft with wheels at right angle to the ground. It looks strange because the heat of the fuel fire has literallly vaporised half the metal tank on the trailer. No one was killed in this accident which in itself must have been a minor miracle. There were some people sleeping in the burnt buildings nearby at the time of the one vehicle accident at a sharp corner just before the rail bridge. 

Note this pre publicity by the police and their captured political representatives in State Government in the press today:

APEC gets tough on protesters | The Daily Telegraph 

This writer spent 2 years on Bondi Safety Committee 1996-97 as an elected local councillor and we learned to never let the police set the tone of pre event publicity. The principle looks the same today even as big as the APEC conference will be in Sydney in September 2007.

Police inevitably predict aggressive clashes with the public and suggest criminal behaviour by protesters which is the police paradigm and in fact what they plan for. This has the effect of promoting their own importance and budget in a highly convenient fashion for the bureaucracy. It is also self fulfilling prophesy because the minute number actually looking for sport at the police expense take it as an invitation to come on down and box on. 

In a sense they all get what they want at the expense of the broader public. But there is a much more serious aspect of distraction from  real risk profile for such an event.

What worries this writer most is not loud ferals, even pushy ones, or mindless street violence. And certainly not organised recognised non govt groups who never want the reputation for violence. What worries me, and should worry everyone not least Big Media and Govt:

1. is those 7 or so missing rocket launchers reported in the Murdoch press and media release of the federal/NSW police. Still missing?

2. Canberra is set up for gatherings away from the largest centre of population, not just for one offs like APEC, but to avoid opportunistic coups via a big rally taking over the parliament house (theoretically possible in Sydney of 4M but not Canberra).

3. Is Howard secretly hoping there will be an attack to get votes in a patriotic fervour?

4. The petrol tanker scenario. See these pics above of a truck accident in Rockdale 5 years back we locals of the time witnessed  - large volumes of fuel and a spark can destroy anything, including melt the tanker in half, like a hot knife through butter. That's scary.

None of these are protester related, marbles or stuff like that. Those are so marginal and in truth this writer has never ever witnessed that in 15 years of ngo activity as God is my witness, 6 or so arrests for peaceful protest without conviction, and solicitor now. That said, we don't like seeing anyone get hurt, democracy activists police or anyone. For moral reasons but also quite practical - draconian blow back by the system. Gandhi is my way even if we can't be a saint like him.

We were quite surprised indeed to read the quite calm and brutal article in the Herald recently on the history of lethal attacks on political leaders. This was suggestive of activity way beyond the aims or objectives of the local ngo movement I've known this last 15 years in Sydney. Here is the reference, and we had to wonder how responsible the article was but here it is anyway relying on the Herald as precedent:

Gunning for democracy works, just don't miss - Opinion - smh.com.au

Postscript #1 May 29th 2007

As we hear of alleged sadism of police filming capsicum spray victims on their mobile phone, and police 'on patrol' at the local McDonalds (read feeding their face), we notice the Peerless Hack on APEC in the press today below: Coincidence really given we put a version of the above comment piece on that Daily Telegrpah story which they did publish. Here is the Akerman headline and notice the yellow sunshine and bogus image of Deputy Premier John Watkins in their graphic:

Stay tuned for our analysis of the "natural gas" and "other working groups looking at other aspects of the energy industry".

These are great euphemisms by Hackerman refering to the Bush-Howard Global Nuclear Energy Partnership spread of radioactive stain across the world. Indeed this is confirmed by Nigel Wilson recently in the business pages of the Australian so no point in denials. It's salad days for the nuke pimps with a missile defence shield boosting an arms race and thus nuke weapon deterrent here too on Australian soil. If only Howard can win the next election. And if there were any doubt about Mr Yellow take a look at this image:

Here is the web link to the story at:

APEC more than insular views with my comment, but will it go up?

"Piers, you are being euphemistic about the

"working groups looking at other aspects of the energy industry"

Not so much "natural gas" as in fact the Bush-Howard Global Nuclear Energy Partnership spreading radioactive risk to the world.

Nigel Wilson, an excellent News Ltd journo says APEC will do as much in The Australian business section p20 24 May 07.

Trouble is, nuke industry boosting of missile defence shield promotes an arms race and nuke weapon deterent here on our soil. Are you ready for the apocalypse, what about your daughters?

Come on Piers, publish this. I've copied it."

Posted by editor at 4:53 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 May 2007 12:17 PM NZT
Oh dear, blogster Tim Blair implies climate change worrier Rupert Murdoch is in terrorism denial
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: big media


Last Saturday Tim Blair made a bizarre implication in the high circulation Sydney Daily Telegraph Saturday edition satire. We have pictured the article above with a few additions in our mischevious way. The implication in the text found here May 26th

Just swap weather for terrorism | The Daily Telegraph

is quite clear - that his own boss Rupert Murdoch owner of News Corporation, British PM Tony Blair, Australian Opposition leader Kevin Rudd all on record as very concerned about climate change are actually indulging terrorism denial. They are not actually named but the smear is there in a very clumsy mud feast:

 "Tough language is borrowed from the war on terror and applied to the war on weather," Gorin wrote - presciently, since at that point the trend was nowhere near as obvious as it is now. "Freud called it displacement. People fixate on the environment when they can't deal with real threats."

Tim Blair quotes someone called Gorin in approving terms.

Never mind these three world leaders all support various kinds of military action on what we term errorist violence, not least in Afghanistan, and Big Rupert and Tony Blair the whole hog  in Iraq also. And support bucket loads of action on climate change too. Rupert suffering 'Freudian displacement'? Big call Tim.

No doubt columnist Blair meant to limit his smear of terrorism denial to named targets like Green senator Bob Brown, and Al Gore to scare off cultural icons like super fish Ian Thorpe at Foxtel environmental tv show now, rocker now MP Peter Garrett, and think tank academic Clive Hamilton and Professor Tim Flannery who indeed are global warming activists. But the mud is spread liberally to all. In a grand non sequitur Tim Blair figures anyone worrried about climate change is indulging 'Freudian displacement'. This must be so by their alleged lack of advocacy on terrorism issues. And there we were thinking it's a walk and chew gum kind of reality.

Tim Blair has scattered merde under the cover of satire so wide he managed to smear the most influential media mogul in the world who just happens to pay his wage. Go figure. Truly the clown proves to be the fool. Hope Rupe can take a joke at his expense in his own press. Here is the uber Murdoch only 2 weeks ago worrying about climate change in his more upmarket The Australian, and notice it's a story by ex coal industry lobbyist Matthew Warren who surely understands from where the bread and butter is supplied: May 12th 2007

Capitalism clears the air | Features | The Australian

"THE business response to the risk of climate change is quickly gaining momentum. This week News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch made headlines when he announced his plan to make the world's biggest media company carbon neutral by 2010. He is the latest and biggest corporate mover on an issue increasingly being driven by business rather than governments."

Is blogster Blair actually bipolar? We only ask because a symptom of such often high functioning folks is the propensity to high risk behaviour, and you don't get much more high risk within a local News Ltd newspaper by implicitly smearing Big Rupert 

The only question in our mind now is: "Does Big Rupert google his own name very often as per the title to our micro news blog here?" Perhaps we will know by next Saturday.

Posted by editor at 3:12 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 May 2007 10:29 AM NZT
Caroline Overington's restless feet as Scott of the ABC takes out some Ruddy insurance
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: big media

Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 11:24 AM, Subject: .......ABC Scott takes insurance, Overington's restless feet

On another tack I finally yesterday managed to read Caroline Overington of The Australian colour magazine article profile piece of Mark Scott 12 months as head of the ABC, April 28-29 2007:
There are some real talking turkey moments in the story.
- Scott says he's from the sensible centre - it's a bogus claim - evangelical Christianity is not that, long line of govt privileged senior positions in the family is not that,
- Says he has always believed in public duty - easy to say on a 6 figure wage, in fact sleazy to say in that context .
- A blessing for Scott is head of JJJ called Bracken - but my take out for a genuinely rebellious inclusive youth radio network would be that comfort level with the older generation means something is wrong because by its intrinsic nature youth should expect progress from the past and the present and to be "comfortable" with the present means stagnation, even young fogey rot setting in .
- the pitch for online advertising was also sleazy - Seachange should be free to download, other abc produced materials should be free to download. Not a sales precedent for selling advertising. The ABC remains the keystone of our democracy and just imagine Gunns advertising their latest eco tourism venture on the science show website or Catalyst.
- Get the picture? Conflict of interest writ large.
Indeed Overington's piece has a context which reveals a virtual 5 page job application to the ABC via Scott profile. She has been writing whimsy lifestyle pieces about discovery of Bob Dylan (good) late in life (bad). Has young kids so presumably wants a change of pace .
- notice this edgy rather painful jab at her in her own newspaper for daring to stray in the Amanda Meade industry gossip column The Media in Murdoch Press:
3rd May 2007 http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,21661400-22822,00.html

Broadcasting a mistake

CAROLINE Overington quit The Australian for a job as a radio current affairs reporter on the ABC yesterday. The 37-year-old author told the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, Chris Mitchell, the day after the launch of her book Kickback: Inside The Australian Wheat Board Scandal at Sydney's Gleebooks on Tuesday night. Overington, a former staffer of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, who won a Walkley last year for her coverage of the AWB story, apparently wants to be a broadcasting star, the next conservative Maxine McKew. She was keen to learn all about broadcasting and find out if she could do "one of the big jobs in broadcasting". Overington, who just had a profile of ABC managing director Mark Scott published in The Weekend Australian Magazine, said she didn't have an offer from the ABC at the time of writing the largely positive piece. Last year Overington also won the Sir Keith Murdoch Award worth $15,000 at the second annual News Awards and was happily pictured in an embrace with Rupert Murdoch. Late yesterday she shocked everyone, including Mitchell, when she changed her mind and decided to stay at the Oz. She said the decision to leave had been "the silliest" mistake she'd ever made. The ABC had already announced her appointment in an email to staff yesterday. ABC director of news and current affairs John Cameron said he was "shocked and confused" when told of the backflip by Diary last night.


I sounded out a sub editor at The Australian a little while ago after this quote was published and he volunteered it was "bizarre", more harsh than my word "flighty". He preferred "erratic".
Overington is no light weight. She won the argument over AWB scandal being a big bad story and got the professional kudos everywhere for that including within the Murdoch press. My feeling CO really wants to leave having admitted to Sarah McDonald in quiet 702 morning space after 10 am standing in for Trioli again only recently (promoting her book Kickback launched by Rudd no less http://eventmechanics.net.au/?p=854) that some staff at her paper rejected her approach, or the gravity. The sniping above would only reinforce that situation.
So in doing her profile piece she has opened a window on Howard's man at the top of the ABC. What is intriguing also is Scott apparently sniffing the wind and taking out some insurance for an ALP Rudd victory post Howard leadership role at the ABC. That's a man with alot of bureaucratic savvy running in his family. But will it work and more importantly will the ABC sell it's soul via online advertising as per the Quentin Dempster thesis?
It's all in the democratic mix this march to the election. And may God have mercy on our souls given the last 10 sad years of ....not least environmental destruction.
Cheers, Tom McLoughlin ecology action australia

Posted by editor at 1:24 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 28 May 2007 8:04 PM NZT
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Sunday political talkies: ALP families reach for their better selves in Rein company sell off
Mood:  chatty
Topic: election Oz 2007



Author’s general introductory note (skip this if you know this regular weekly column):



This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies  in Big Politics and Big Media. ]



Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208



“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”



Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.



For actual transcripts go to web sites quoted below except with Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.





Media backgrounder:



ALP know how important this election is and are reaching for their better selves.



Front pages all about Therese Rein IR history, issue management. Said the right words – going to do the right thing for the country and for husband aspiring PM Kevin Rudd. As such any victory for ALP will always be in part due to her avoiding future conflicts of interest. Ita Buttrose on ACA or TT (?) she is the perfect capitalist wife for an ALP leader. Fascinating backgrounder from Amanda Gomes as then BRW journo that her dad was a paraplegic war veteran thus she specialized in work placements for so called intractable cases: Reported in Crikey.com.au It'll take more than a chat to sway Ms Rein Friday, 25 May 2007

Another subtext about all this is Treasurer Costello's wife Tanya was a high flyer with ANZ bank on a "6 figure wage" and refused to acknowledge any conflict of interest, when obviously there was a real perception of potential conflict if not actuality:  Why won't pollies or regulators move on the bank cartel? Tuesday, 28 February 2006 [Is that repeat entry on their database or new story at Wednesday, 1 March 2006?]

 Is this one mentioning Tanya Costello? Was there any legal duress on Crikey to delete the story? Do a search on crikey.com.au and you can't find the original story about Tanya Costello at ANZ. Mmmm Banks gouging millions on penalty fees -- but is it legal? Thursday, 22 February 2007. And not just Costello: Forget-Santo-what-about-the-PMs-conflict. Excellent work by crikey there and Mayne in particular.

And notice this from Kim Beazley at a doorstop 3rd August 2006:


"JOURNALIST: Tanya Costello, apparently, has been given a top job at the ANZ bank by friends of the Costello family. Do you think it’s appropriate?

BEAZLEY: I’ve been in politics for a very long time and the families of politicians bear tremendous burdens. I make life extremely difficult for my kids and my spouse as time goes by so I am always very, very cautious to make judgments. But we’ll take a look that. We’ll take a look at the circumstances but we’d want to know a fair bit more about the circumstances before we rushed to judgement."


Our other impressions: The whole affair will bolster Rudd’s standing with business no end. There will be niggling issues of whether it’s a confession of guilt. Kerry Obrien/Glen Milne target the 45c tradeoff for award conditions per hour is the hammer blow causing the sell down. The old story how rich people get rich. Syd Sunday Teleg muck rakes with 64 year old ‘sergeant major’ type, and 23 year old whiner. Pretty thin stuff. Also that she is decisive when the time comes, and does listen. Still involved in international business side of things.



That’s why her apology is warranted Kev so let her just make it, for being too good a business woman, a metaphor for our society being too good at profit and thus destroying our ecological limits ….that the ALP is doing better on in terms of rhetoric at least as per PG below.



Which brings us to evil blairt aka Tim Blair – virtually accusing anyone concerned about weather as ignoring terrorism as an issue. It’s a “child’s view” of history to quote Paul Kelly on the 1967 referendum in the news everywhere today. One other evil child being Anita Quigley’s pouting petulance about carbon tax on airtravel. Quite logical – just shows how she can’t even get market measures in her own paradigm. To evidence the point notice who the so called  terrorist deniers are – Ian Thorpe doing a Foxtel promo in the same Telegraph sister Sunday paper. The whole ALP who support the war in Afghanistan against the Taliban. Tony Blair who is as loud in Iraq as Climate Change.



It’s all “Freudian displacement” says Blairt. To realize how child like he is – consider we revere NASA for sending the first man to the moon. And Dr James Hansen the world leading expert warning us of 5m sea rise potential in 90 years is from …. NASA. As Al Gore says, listen to the doctor or die denying a problem.



That’s what I call a bad case of denial.



The last two weeks have been full of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership promoted by Bush-Howard hawks, with diverse variants of the expanded sector including missile defence which leads to escalated weaponry of Iran, China, NKorea, which leads to nuclear weapons deterrent on Australian, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea soil. Great revenue for the nuclear industry at the expense of an apocalyptic nuclear weapons exchange.



The end of the world, no less.



As to sorry day one cannot go past this movie Australian Atomic Confessions made with funding from the NSW Film and Television office by our Friend Greg Young and others in 2005 how Blacks were effectively murdered to do nuke weapons tests in the 1950ies in Australia under the Australian Government of Robert Menzies Liberal Party. [Declaration - we donated Greg Young's airfaire to a film festival screening in Taiwan in 2006 partially re imbursed by the festival organisers.]


Similarly we noticed the so called diplomacy by Rio Tinto this last week to get at Jabiluka uranium after repudiation across the board in 1998. But what they maybe don't realise is they can't bring Yvonne Margarula's dead brother back to life killed in a mining town by ultra violence.


White vices in a miniing culture and Aboriginal society don't mix very well is the point. [Declaration legal adviser to protester camp in 1998.]



10 Meet the Press 8-8.30 am



Deborah Rice looking as gorgeous and smart as usual.



 Peter Garrett – lead singer follows the lyrics written elsewhere by someone else. Ipsos McKay polls of 1000, 45% undecided who best on Climate Change (CC), with 35 leading 20 ALP v Coalition. 24%, 25% v important or important.



Sounding like an Opposition v Coalition on CC but more importantly v Greens.



Footage of Tuckey about late leadership changes. Panel of Steve Lewis Australian deep conservative, but presses quite effectively on lack of target with alp by 2020. Garrett negative carping on Coalition re tests of carbon trading.



Alison Carabine (r) of 2UE on panel too. 30% increase.




Garrett sledges Howard for twisting words around (!). The irony.

Garrett looking sleepy and a bit fraught. Dancing on his seat and rapid fire. Not so reassuring style really.



Topic goes heavily on whaling, PG doesn’t step back from tackling Japan more intensely. “Not aggressive, but firm.”



LC – celebrities – more show than substance? Quite an insightful dig at PG himself. Lacking substance as per the polls.



Rubbery figures does Howard lovers leap stale lover, Rudd playing Spanish guitar. Repulsive Howard then jumps onto fake platform, to advert of NCIS – looking for a mass murderer – Iraq anyone?


That disturbing advert implying a rape horror of fast mail. Like the 2 minute noodle advert. Real cringeworthy theme.




2nd guest Tom Calma on health and Aboriginal policy inequality. HREOC – Not one single item to improve inequality of life opportunities. Steve Lewis asks a bit frustrated.





Transcript in due course www.ten.com.au/meetthepress



7 Weekend Sunrise, 8.35-40 am Riley Diary  - Come on 7 time to start streaming this on your website???!!!!



Good segueway for new compere Costello running running running ….Like her.



Very amusing Costello Rocky museum steps.



Therese Rein affair. Human and honest line by Rudd, and good point about modern working women but stuffed the language re stay at homes being appendages, which is exactly how women were treated  for ages.


Q and A – Andrew with MR.

Sunday 9


Q and A with Laurie Oaks missed the start of it – to avoid disgruntled employees in future.


Feature on toxic air.


Oaks with Deputy PM Mark Vaile. Significant conflict of interest for Therese Rein if husband Rudd became PM. Wealth based on govt policy of job creation. Big sacrifice.






Insiders 2


Mal Brough is the talent on 40 year anniversary of referendum on Aboriginal policy, in a reaction perhaps to the marginalization of South Africa in the UN etc.


Panel – Fran Kelly radio national, Brian Toohey A Fin Review, Piers Akerman Murdoch press Sydney


Paul Kelly soliloquy – big decision for Rein, did the right thing, re apparent conflict of interest. Showcase their own relationship.



Home page is http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/


Posted by editor at 11:06 AM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 27 May 2007 12:43 PM NZT
Friday, 25 May 2007
Bogus Barry Chipman and the great statistics fraud from the logger industry
Mood:  sharp
Topic: ecology


Recent correspondence to Crikey.com.au 
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:37 PM
Subject: Bogus Barry Chipman, bogus statistical deceptions

Barry Chipman (comments, 24th May 2007) is an expert at statistical deception. The genius is in his simplicity. Here's how the trick works. Limit the area of comparison in order to expand the proportion of forest allegedly protected. Here is the real statistic your readers need to know - in 1788 Australia only ever had 10% forest cover. By 1992 this was halved to only 5% forest cover. These figures come from the Resource Assessment Council Reports of 1992 (C'th Govt).  In 2007 there is likely even less than 5% forest cover but it may still be a reasonable working number. Last time I looked, Tasmania was part of Australia, not an isolated geographical construct not least sucking tax dollars out of the mainland. Then there is the global loss of forest cover. That's an even worse story of numbers. Keep your grubby hands off our forests Barry.
Signed, Tom McLoughlin, ecology action sydney
This is what Bogus Barry had to say yesterday on crikey.com.au ezine


Barry Chipman, Tasmanian state manager, Timber Communities Australia, writes: It looks like John Hayward (yesterday, comments) who recently claimed to be representing Tasmanians Against Pulp Mills, has exposed the greens' real agenda and that is to lock up all forest on private land in Tasmania. Clearly he is not satisfied with the 47% of native forest already in reserve. A reserve system that covers 2.9 million hectares of Tasmania's total land mass which includes 1.4 million hectares of native forest. These figures are not TCA's but can be downloaded from the Australian Government's website. For those wanting to know how the company proposing the pulp mill for Bell Bay manages its forest estate on its own freehold land, this information is available in a completely open and transparent way here and shows that 19% is already managed as conservation reserves. These two publicly accessible documents show that Tasmania's forest industry and its dependent communities have no hidden agendas and are proud of the balance achieved between conservation and timber values.

This is what the best scientists in Australia had to say in 2004, direct quote:

Statement of support for change on Tasmania's forests

9 September 2004

The Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) is widely perceived in the scientific community to have failed to deliver the intended protection for environmental, wilderness and heritage values that state and federal governments committed to when they signed the National Forest Policy in 1992.

The scientific processes in the Tasmanian RFA were overwhelmed by political compromises. Established criteria for forest conservation were not fully applied. There are large areas of high conservation value forest that would have been reserved if the RFA criteria for forest conservation had been fully applied.

Logging practices and the conversion of native forests to plantations have intensified in the seven years since the signing of the RFA, resulting in record volumes of export wood chip production. This intensification, combined with the well-documented inadequacies of the conservation reserve system (exemplified by the large areas of unlogged Eucalyptus regnans tall open-forest that remain unprotected) has produced highly modified forested landscapes with diminished landscape values.

There is an urgent need for Commonwealth government intervention to significantly improve the forest reserve system and to adequately protect landscape values. We believe that the conversion of native forests to plantations is highly undesirable, and is contrary to the spirit of the RFA, the National Plantations Policy, the Forest Stewardship Council and the Australian Forestry Standard.

In light of the extensive changes that have occurred in many of the most productive forest ecosystems in Tasmania, we believe that the reserve system should be significantly extended to include all high conservation value forests.


Professor Tim Bonyhady FAAH FSSA, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Professor Ralf Buckley, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD

Professor Mark Burgman, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC

Professor David Gillieson, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD

Professor Richard Hobbs FAAS, Murdoch University, Murdoch, WA

Professor Peter Kershaw, Monash University, Clayton, VIC

Professor Jamie Kirkpatrick AM, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS

Professor Charles J Krebs, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra, ACT

Professor Tony Norton, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC

Professor Harry Recher AM, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, WA

Professor Jann Williams, LaTrobe University, Bendigo, VIC

Associate Professor Jeremy Bruhl, The University of New England, Armidale, NSW

Associate Professor Brendan Mackey, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Associate Professor Nick Reid, University of New England, Armidale, NSW

Dr Deborah Rose FASSA (Senior Fellow), The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Dr Matthew Appleby, Tea Tree, TAS

Dr Colin Arrowsmith, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC

Dr Geoff Bedford, Cremorne, NSW

Dr Sarah Bekessy, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC

Dr Kirsten Benkendorff, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA

Dr Joe Benshemesh, Alice Springs, NT

Dr Sandra Berry, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Dr Mark Breitfuss, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Herston, QLD

Dr Karl E C Brennan, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, WA

Dr Don Driscoll, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA

Dr Alaric Fisher, Jingili, NT

Dr David Fraser, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC

Dr David Green, Rosny Park, TAS

Dr Ron Grenfell, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC

Dr Graeme Hastwell, CRC for Australian Weed Management, Brisbane, QLD

Dr Robert Henzell, Uraidla, SA

Dr Andrew B Hingston, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS

Dr Amy Jansen, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW

Dr Simon Jones, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC

Dr David Keith, Wildlife Research Institute, Sydney, NSW

Dr Dylan Korczynskyj, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, WA

Dr Michelle Leishman, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW

Dr Gary Luck, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW

Dr Gang-Jun Liu, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC

Dr Michael McCarthy, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC0

Dr Tein McDonald, Woodburn, NSW

Dr Peter McQuillan, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS

Dr Silke Nebel, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW

Dr Kirsten Parris, Deakin University, Burwood, VIC

Dr S. "Topa" Petit, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA

Dr Emma Pharo, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS

Dr Pieter Poot, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA

Dr Lynda Prior, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT

Dr Libby Robin, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Dr Jonathan Stark, Fern Tree, TAS

Dr Alan Stewart, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW

Dr Barbara Stewart, Mullumbimby, NSW

Dr Elizabeth Tasker, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, Hurstville, NSW

Dr Fleur Tiver, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA

Dr Arn Tolsma, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Heidelberg, VIC

Dr Rodney van der Ree, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC

Dr Steven Ward, Mortdale, NSW

Dr Brendan Wintle, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC

Mr Keith Breheny, Midway Point, TAS

Mr Christopher M Carr, Armidale, NSW

Mr Oberon Carter, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Heidelberg, VIC

Mr Yung En Chee, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC

Mr Paul Finn, Griffith University, Nathan, QLD

Mr Garry Germon, Gloucester, NSW

Mr Tim Heard, CSIRO Entomology, Indooroopilly, QLD

Mr John Hibberd, Kestel Reserch Pty Ltd, Wapengo via Bega, NSW

Mr Daniel Hunter, Dhurringile, VIC

Mr Boris Lomov, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW

Mr Michael McBain, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC

Mr Wieslawa Misiak, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS

Mr Julian Reid, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, Canberra, ACT

Mr Paul Rymer, Woolloomooloo, NSW

Mr Matthew Sheehan, University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS

Mr Phil Spark, Tamworth, NSW

Mr Garon Staines, Terrigal, NSW

Mr Paul Thomas, Lawson, NSW

Mr Christopher van Buggenum, Thirroul, NSW

Ms Rose Andrew, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Ms Janet Cohn, NSW Department of Environment & Conservation, Hurstville, NSW

Ms Nicole Cranston, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT

Ms Naomi Davis, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC

Ms Kate Hammill, NSW Department of Environment & Conservation, Hurstville, NSW

Ms Jane Jelbart, University of Western Sydney, Avoca Beach, NSW

Ms Melinda Laidlaw, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD

Ms Deborah Landenberger, University of Newcastle, Elermore Vale, NSW

Ms Samantha Lloyd, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW

Ms Nicky Meeson, Midway Point, TAS

Ms Maggie Nightingale, Alice Springs, NT

Ms Shirley Pipitone, Flynn, ACT

Ms Catherine Pohlman, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD

Ms Frances Quinn, The University of New England, Armidale, NSW

Ms Sally Radford, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW

Ms Elizabeth Rickwood, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Ms Karen Ross, NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, Hurstville, NSW

Ms Monica Ruibal, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT

Ms Libby Rumpff, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC

Ms Justine Shaw, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS

Ms Andrea White, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC

Ms Joanna Willmott, Kurrajong, NSW

Ms Jesse McCoullough, Albion Park, NSW

Miss Amanda Nascimento, Port Kembla, NSW

Contact: Professor Tony Norton ph.(03) 9925-3279; fax.(03) 9663-2517

Email: tony.norton@rmit.edu.au



Posted by editor at 1:07 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 25 May 2007 1:32 PM NZT

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