Mood: caffeinated
Topic: election Oz 2007
Picture: At the time of writing we chose a different picture which was trumped by the Oaks interview here with Howard on Sunday 9 show, the last of the Sunday Talkies. Now we read a day later Monday 30th April, today notes the media room at the ALP Conference was similarly packed to watch the same interview with scary Howard. Author’s general introductory note (skip this if you know this regular weekly column):
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media. ]
Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208
“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.
For actual transcripts go to web sites quoted below except with Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Media Backgrounder:
PM Howard Govt policy via the Switkowski Report is driving up the price of uranium stocks by 100 to 200% according to Deloitte energy and resources partner Bhavesh Morar: Florence Chong, Resources writer The Australian p27, 28th March 2007.
ALP conference – Sydney Morning Herald
PM sets nation on nuclear path
A speech aimed not at true believers, but the new receivers
Rubbing shoulders - at a price
Rudd's long march to Asia's heart
Forget policy, the aim is to channel imagery
Life in top job not as easy as ABC
The Australian – News Ltd
Matt Price: Speech glosses over substance
Video: Rudd's speech to the conference
Audio: Labor's conference song
Howard's nuclear strategy to pressure Opposition
Dennis Shanahan: Sounds like same old Labor
Matt Price: This dag will have his day
Editorial: ALP is still fighting the wrong enemy
Left seizes on Rudd's 'activist' vow
I was Bush's scapegoat: ex-CIA boss
Sydney Daily Telegraph
PM pushes nuclear nation | The Daily Telegraph
Picture: Main cartoon in Sydney Morning Herald echoes Daily Telegraph rival on page 2 "Up and atom: PM's push for nuclear reality"
10 Meet the Press 8-8.30 am
Paul Bongiorno directs traffic. Michelle Grattan Age/Fairfax, Mal Farr, Daily Telegraph/News Ltd (both serious, moderates)Missed the first 13 minutes.
Bob Brown Greens on ALP and Coalition embrace of nuclear industry, with Australian targeted as international nukes waste dump. Role of Peter Garrett in the ALP. Russsia to get our uranium just broke an arms treaty. Crazy dangerous expansion of this industry .
Notable discussion with Farr and Brown as the credits rolled and the theme music kicked in for at least another 30 seconds. They all know its game on.
Transcript in due course
Insiders 2
Focuses on Rudd sledging in opening. Takes live cross to Rudd at the ALP conference from the main meeting room at 9.15am no activity in the background. Big questions to Rudd on Garrett capacity to sell ALP message when so against the policy of uranium mining, just like Meet the Press.
Everyperson segment 1950ies rockers pro uranium mining from South Australia. Panel Meglogenis (News Ltd), David Marr (Fairfax), Gerard Henderson pro Coalition Sydney Institute and media tart.on abc/Fairfax.
Paul Kelly analysis – radical change on IR will define Rudd.
Replayed at 11.10 am on radio PNN 630 AM band.
Home page is
Picture: Insiders run Howard speech to Victorian State Liberal conference embracing a nuclear reactor future, below is a 2004 NYC Republican convention poster on 1 of our 5 filing cabinets.
Henderson says unwise to sledge Howard. We agree as posted late Friday night.
Sunday 9
Feature on drug rehab scheme near Byron Bay, rhetorical response to Bob Brown attack on MTP earlier in the day, in set piece feature story here.
Laurie Oaks, Prime Minister. Looking hale and hearty for an old bloke. Inexperience versus age frame. “Stale versus fresh”.
Focus on IR. Howard strongly leads with the idea he will be there for another 4 years if he wins. ‘67 now, younger than when Reagan started as President.’
Oaks pressed him on age and Howard repudiates any concerns about this, as long as his party wants him.
Presses him on climate change. Weasels out on this. Won’t do modeling like Stern Report.
California 27% of nuke power. Adopted big target climate change. Howard says PM of here. Underlines commitment to fossil fuel and nuclear industry here.
Budget questions:
Howard plays long experience wind up. Sounding very upbeat. Coalition in the hunt. Obligatory cricket rah rah. Look out Rudd and ALP.