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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Monday, 4 June 2007
Our part in Laurie Oakes diet (?!), PM Howard's 'invincible' Sherman Tanks on the ridge
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: election Oz 2007

 Apologies to Spike Milligan for a crib there in the headline turned to a happier subject matter. We had a busy day yesterday

- opening of the chess set at Addison Rd Centre here

  Mayor Hanna to officially open the chess board 11am 3rd June 2007

and on YouTube here Independence Square

- trying to catch up on the press and losing

- brief tour of Sustainable Design show at Everleigh Railyards (a rip off $5 for 41 minutes parking, if only flu free I would have cycled) and stay tuned for that report

- 'End of the World' provocation at Sydney Writers Festival at The Rocks Sydney Dance Theatre with Ecos Corp, ex SMH enviro editor Murray Hogarth (pictured, sorry about the red eye Murray but it makes you look more ferocious too), Marian Wilkinson and author William Lyons.  Report in due course.


We put our thesis there to some writers that the Montreal Protocol/Ozone Hole problem with its qualified success, is a template for forcing China/India to a carbon reduced economy because the affluent markets of the west decide the conditionality for them to sell their manufactures and services into.

This indeed is the precedent based on historical affluence of the west they want to sell into, why China is moving now based on that experience and geopolik economy, and why a unified western countries position (read Kyoto 1997) is a precursor to enforcing such green house gas limited rigour on China/India.

And why Rudd's Chinese language skills are so critical.

So the USA and Australia (read Howard) have been literally sabotaging the ghg reforms in China by confusing our western markets bargaining position to condition India and China's sales into our market. Shameful stuff.

We made this same point in summary on the Adam Spencer abc radio talkback show earlier this morning too.


But what really makes us feel chuffed is this page 3 report in the Sydney Murdoch press Sunday 

regarding Laurie Oakes diet at channel 9. We broke that story with this picture Sunday May 13th:

In fact we eyeballed the legend mid 2006 at the Sydney federal govt offices during the Costello/Howard leadership stoush, as we shook his hand, and suggestively asked "How long are you going to keep going?"

Yes it was bald, yes it was possibly rude, but it was also damn timely and we can't help suspecting the Big Laurie might just have reflected and taken the personal sustainability challenge. Great effort. He said at the time "Another 25 years." with a twinkle and now it looks credible.

As to PM Howard at his Party Council yesterday and fiesty Costello flourishing his fists as if to box on to the election as reported on the ABC vision last night (a nice touch in the coverage): 

If the political community want to crank up the heat in this federal political contest, we submit refer to

- Howard's self description as in effect 'indispensible' which is such an annoying posture to society and real life workplaces. 

- Second Howard's hubris in lecturing even hectoring comment to Australians in effect we "never need a change" presumably until his Coaliton overlords tells us "it is for the better". As the old saying goes PM, we'll be the judge of that.

- In summary talk about arrogant SOB's.  We scoff at that impertinence of the current federal govt 'leaders'. Indeed in terms of trust notice this under the bed still from 2004:

In any case here come the Coalition "Sherman Tanks" to quote Christian Kerr at ezine crikey.com.au somwhere, ie poll turn back toward the Coaliton today 4th June 07. Just like the "invincible" Rommell.

PS It's not a Garrett recession that we need to worry about. It's nuke apocalypse via sleep walk into a new nuke weapons arms race, resultant nuke detterence on our soil via so called missile defence. That's real, not rodent. Notice Russian, and China here in the news only today 4th June 2007

China's missile warning | The Nation | The Australian

Posted by editor at 10:22 AM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 7 June 2007 10:46 AM NZT

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