Mood: on fire
Topic: local news
Three days after the widely reported fire at Broadway shopping centre we took a look at the damage this afternoon - despite a surly traffic monitor who maybe had experienced too many fumes. He tried the old one about getting permission to take photographs in a public street - and then lectured me on compulsory voting being anti democratic! Mmm, and we were feeling sympathy.
All this suggested quite a worried attitude about retailers going out of business. And we can see the logic in that. We reported recently on 3 other suspicious fires in the general area, 2 last month and one another 2 years before:
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Our colleague on the sand mining sagas had a point of view about another motive - protection racket (!?) But this was pure speculation. In the meantime what really matters is that the air in the shopping complex was not the usual crisp cool fresh air conditioned norm. In fact it was uncomfortably warm. We took our tea at the little UniLodge arcade over the road instead.
And the scorch marks were damn high on the building too, and the number of high powered generators out in the street were going for it full bore trying to keep the retail heaven going. Below are more pictures of the fire that remains unexplained: