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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Monday, 19 May 2008
Police Minister Campbell tasers 'travel rorts' story in Sydney Morning Herald?
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: nsw govt

Arguably overfed police minister David Campell was exposed recently for alleged 'travel rorts':

17 May 2008 Surf-and-turf police jaunt costs $40000 - National - smh.com.au

David Campbell.

David Campbell.

He needed a new media focus and quick smart especially in this phase of public energy sell off 'friendly fire'.

Now he seems to have tasered (if such a word exists) the travel rorts allegation story via his loyal Police Commissioner Scipione and 229 tasers.  Ex Premier Bob Carr would be proud of the spin management:

Taser guns rolled out to cops | NEWS.com.au

 NSW top cop says tasers not fatal - Breaking News - National ...

He'd be alive if we had tasers: police chief - National - smh.com.au

More NSW police to be issued Taser guns - ABC News (Australian ...

As for tragedy of Roni Levi shooting in 1997, as local Bondi Ward Councillor 1995-99 we helped his relative organise an art exhibition of his art after the death, and helped staff the Bondi Safety Committee during that time against riotous behaviour. Significantly there is a major art work in the offices of Justice Action led by Brett Collins featuring Roni surrounded by officers with guns drawn. It's very sad and moving.

Later we also helped police peacefully arrest/help a confused and paranoid neighbor with a pot habit who was shaking the kitchen draw - meaning searching for a knife as we stood at his door. I intervened actually. We think this might have saved the neighbour's life by getting him to open the door without dramas and be admitted to an outpatients service. Next morning he was back at home on planet earth.

Frankly these tasers scare the hell out of us, not least in public protest situations, after APEC 2007, or as below in close quarters in the anti Forbes protests 2005 (!?):

Police Liaison for the 30A Forbes Global CEO Protest, 30 August 2005

Just imagine Chas from the ABC Chasers writhing in pain on the ground in his Osama costume. It's quite a worry, especially if its media cycle spin related policy making?

By the by, the first picture of Forbes 2005 collage below shows a cheeky editor of SAM here, holding a bundle Sydney City News free press work, normally hand delivered to the Opera House as advertising client for same published by Alternative Media Group (also publish Sydney City Hub). Clearly we couldn't access the public's Opera House which was the point of that photo and lawful presence, to make the point about Forbes disruption of commerce and tourism and public space. Yes it was cheeky.


Posted by editor at 10:46 AM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 May 2008 1:58 PM NZT

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