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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Sunday Political talkies: Still no pay cuts at the top of, for, by the Rich
Mood:  chatty
Topic: aust govt

Picture: Symbolically red cartoon by Bill Leake who had a very bad fall later on Saturday night. Get well Bill we hope and trust, previously Kid from Bondi.

Author’s general introductory note

This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies  in Big Politics and Big Media.



For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to the programme web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.




Media backgrounders


* John Robertson of Unions NSW to go to the Upper House to share the political workload. An opposite man to Michael Costa.

* Greens take 3 seats and to share Govt in ACT population of 300K compare Tas with 500K.



* Tim Gartrell ex ALP federal secretary just the latest to fall out of love with big party donations culture? Opinion piece in Sydney Sun Herald today. His farewells sound like a guy who wants time with his children before the whole western capitalism/dangerous climate thing goes crash.


* Actor Eric Bana, as per the graphic from 7 Sunrise above right, does his part for redneck car culture with new move Love the Beast. Notice the use of forests and cars on the road and ethereal 'nature' music reminiscent of Into the Wild. It's a classic form of culture jamming for possibly the biggests killer of nature and waste of natural resources in the history of mankind - the automobile. Also shown is Coca Cola's Mount Franklin adverts for women's health - same 7 sunrise website. Very sophisticated advertising strategy.


This is not so sophisticated:




 Picture above - Hunters advert in the middle of the classifieds this weekend, colour and all. Breach of fair trading legislation (eg s.52 of the Trade Practices Act) for misleading and deceptive conduct? Professional sharp shooters use science, seasonal studies, well mapped locations. Weekend warriors they are not, who invariably miss, as well as releasing their own pets into the wild, and grooming feral populations for sport. Just another redneck agenda in Big Politics.




Speaking of Coca Cola Amatil - they have been in the news all over the place copping flack for their PR tactics with actor Kerry Armstrong - perennially skinny unlike most soda drinkers. What we noticed too was the very fit CEO of CCA in a profile piece in a colour supplement called "The deal" in one of the big press - seems he sleeps at 9.30 pm, and rows 2 hours every morning from 4 am. And doesn't drink his own company's products?





And speaking of fat (head?): Front page of the Sydney Morning Herald bottom left about we fatties from Oz 'having overcome the US to become the fattest nation in the world with more than 9 million adults rated obese or overweight' only Barry Cohen on the back of the front section at page 40 says 'We also ranked fourth in the obesity stakes.' That folks is what sub editors are for before you sacked them.



We get the feeling that Greenpeace have noticed our own ecology action mantra since establishment in 2002 in our own humble way, with their latest PR angle for fundraising - another insert in the big press this weekend as shown - some $8M a year apparently. Gawd, what we could do with that! Not jealous, just wondering.




10 Meet the Press:  8- 8-30 am



Julie Bishop follow up to Laurie Oakes on 9 last week. Competent but plain.  Struggles heroically to find a federal angle in 4 byelections in NSW. Panel Fran Kelly and guy from WA News.


Part 3 to Gerry Harvey – no regrets about consumer debt



Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.




Riley Diary 7, 8.35 am

Good footage weaving in Dad’s Army – all doomed, versus don’t panic from Rudd Govt in some contradiction, with Capt Quibble Opposition Leader. Good use of weather metaphor again after rainy perfect storm. Missed last week’s still not on 7 video on demand. Slow update of Riley Diary dedicted page.






9 Sunday newshour Laurie Oakes interview 8.40 am



Interview with talking dopey koala … oh sorry it was Jenny Macklin. Didn’t bother listening.



Oakes own web link Oakes Report is here, and don’t miss his Saturday Daily Telegraph column which is often probative and makes Piers Akerman look the poor man’s LO.









Insiders 2: 9- 10am



Govt staged gravitas on Global Financial Crisis (GFC) which the show obsessed on last week available as video on demand in my case.  Panel is Lenore Taylor, Brian Toohey, Tim Blair over his camera sweats. Vindicated by 15% got safety margin in NSW state seats.



Talent is Malcolm Turnbull. Makes a good point as per Alan Ramsey about accountability and role of parliament. “Thrown democracy out the window” claiming spin model like ‘NSW Govt’. Not eye glazing, which is saying something given the topic.



Everyperson segment – pensioner single mother teenage children. Suitably grateful.



BC etc picks up confused messaging of Govt as per Riley Diary.


Paul Kelly falls into line praising Rudd’s calmness which just so happens to fit his employer’s corporate self interest and sounds unconvincing about good policy or not, when the big media game is keeping the advertising industry on life support. 

Home page is http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/

Posted by editor at 11:48 AM NZT
Updated: Monday, 20 October 2008 10:19 AM NZT

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