Mood: not sure
Topic: aust govt
Author’s general introductory note
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media.
For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to the programme web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Media backgrounders
* Most of big press and political coverage a bit hollow this week due to gravity of the Victorian bushfire tragedy, with funerals to roll out constantly for a week or more.
* high awareness of bushfire risk in the Hills district and north west of Sydney region, builds on Richmond as potential threat for megafire in future implied by Stateline interview with John Connor quoting NSW Bushfire Co-operative Research Centre report of 2007. Range of quality, and not, bushfire coverage here: [extract of email]
Bushfires spark ACT hazard reduction debate
News Video |
| Duration 2m 4s.............................
search out NSW edition, video is still up on main page, still to be archived by them:
24 Feb 2008 re Canberra Residents reflect on 2003 firestorm
'Weston Creek built next to highly flammable fine forest ....', didn't tell the public days ahead despite level of threat, volunteers ready but not deployed early, new broom through fire bureaucracy after that, insurance industry as 'the black hat'.
[Rudd says Fran Bailey in a marginal seat, Liberal, is doing "an extraordinary job" as per Insiders show recently to quote Barry Cassidy. She will have alot of influence - and huge responsibility for failure to protect her towns????? suddenly interested in prescribed burning:
Vic MP delivers impassioned plea to Parliament
Federal Liberal MP, Fran Bailey, pleads for resolve to heed lessons from 'black Saturday' bushfires on fuel loads and concrete shelters in an emotional speech to Parliament.
"ALEXANDRA KIRK: Much has been said about not allowing history to be repeated.
FRAN BAILEY: But you know people have said that before following other disasters. Back in 1988 I had discovered that the Victorian Education Department had a plan to build 72 of these, what I call a community and school safe shelter. Only one has ever been built. We've got to do better than that.
ALEXANDRA KIRK: That's struck a chord with Kevin Rudd.
KEVIN RUDD: We are, I think all of us in this place, not just struggling with the dimensions of what's happened personally and emotionally; but also struggling with the burden of history that you present us with.
And the burden of history is this: there have been many inquiries before about many fires. I hate to think how many of those recommendations have not been acted on. Sighs…. So what do we now do to make it different?
ALEXANDRA KIRK: The Prime Minister's lent one of his staff to work with Fran Bailey on all that she asks.
She's also pleaded with the Federal Government to attach conditions to the millions of federal dollars that go to state and local governments for roads. To do something about a problem first identified more than 150 years ago.
FRAN BAILEY: I'm going to suggest here today that we tie that funding to fuel reduction programs; because unless we do something, nothing will be done. And this is something colleagues, I hope that we can have a unanimous agreement on.
ALEXANDRA KIRK: Kevin Rudd says he's considering her every wish. Fran Bailey's also urging him to find innovative ways to help businesses that have been destroyed, such as trout farming.
Eighty per cent of the nation's trout is produced in her electorate; and she wants locals paid to replace fences instead of volunteers doing the work.
Ongoing bushfire threat:
[.........more of the black hat stereotype media coverage here. Arsonists and real estate predators, but the candidacy is still open to smear any hapless greenie ....]
PM - Friday, 20 February , 2009 18:30:00
Fire bargain hunters labelled vultures
Talkback as we write on abc 702 a good half an hour re media role and then talkback implying the big media are the "black hat" for exploitative coverage.
Leading scientists discuss latest climate change data
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 23/02/2009
"JOHN BRUMBY, VICTORIAN PREMIER (archive footage, '7.30 Report', Feb. 9): There's clear evidence now that the climate is becoming more extreme. You know, those people who doubted that - we had temperatures of 48 degrees."
Notable malice of opinion writer Hills News/Fairfax owned, 24 Feb 09 re alleged “silence ofgreenies” regarding the Victorian bushfires and “stance against controlled burning”. An outright defamation given the firestorm monstered up on state forest/plantation/farmland and hardly on national park. Answered in his own flagship SMH for instance. Similarly here on SAM 30 hours after the tragedy and constantly thereafter. Pathetic politicking over a desperate tragedy really. And dishonest given the decades of destruction of wet forest types by the logging industry.
Ironic that rival Hills Shire Times runs front pager of Cumberland State Forest (run by the loggers as a demonstration forest in North Sydney) showing quite a lot of ground litter with father and son pic.
* 8 weeks of flooding in North Queensland sending remote communities to despair. Covered by AM-WT-PM late last week. Otherwise not much of a look in rest of Australia.
* Turnbull targeted for ancient logging record in Today’s Sunday Telegraph with double pager and separate front end news article. MT might care to consider that the greens do a good line redemption. That everyone is a lot greener now? That the transparent ALP attempt with their secret dosier to split the Green Party and Coalition in the Senate on the ETS/greenhouse model, is hypocrisy of the highest order: The ALP have Michael O’Conner of the logger union on their national executive and supported destruction of more rainforest and mature forest for decades. Classic forest in Tasmania, East Gippsland. All of world heritage quality as well. Fact is these major parties are as ugly as eachother on forest destruction. Turnbull’s past sins pale in comparison, as wicked as they are.
* As the big press lose their business model they are running a lot more flesh stories. And These are primarily female flesh, especially News Corp press, including Dame Murdoch’s The Australian. When she dies, now at 100, surely that paper will too?.
* In the same vein over at Fairfax – has too many light, derivative stories posing as news, more suitable in a medical or other expert journal short piece.
* What odds a shark feeding frenzy in the Harbour today, for simply tempting fate, with young bloke seriously attacked at Avalon breaking news.
10 Meet the Press: 8- 8-30 am
* Press round up re insurance issues in bushfires (SunHerald, family/defacto laws change
* Gillard as deputy PM is talent re swinging unemployment.
Wayne Swan joke piece on rhinoceros mispronunciation.
CPSU public servants union advert ran here as on Ch9 (?)
* Panel is Annabel Crabb/Fairfax [who should be doing Ramsey’s space, as political colour writer].
* JG won’t admit companies on danger list, must have one, dissembling with formula of words.
* JG can’t say what they will do about excessive executive pay. Lewis very pointed “what will you do”, JG refers to G20 process [very lame]. Agrees major public concern.
* boilerplate in support of Joel Fitzgibbon.
2nd adbreak out take – “toxic bore” comment by Abbott of PM Rudd, amusing cartoon Howard was too.
* Senator Fielding – swinging vote on what?
Alcohol advertising, tax on one particular product not effective. Keeps using the term “it’s crazy”. Good argument about industry wide focus.
* On Fair Work Bill - admits close to unionist Joe Debruin (conservative Shoppies union?). There it is again more subdued “it’s crazy”.
Fade out is blurred to avoid revealing friendly chats off screen, lip readers?
Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.
Riley Diary 7, from 8.30am
Focus on Chris Pyne versus Tony Abbott, mince versus macho, poodle versus Doberman.
Various references to Toxic Bore, versus Toxic Assets.
Q & A at end suggesting restrained approach is correct
Notes Chris Pyne is effective. Also shores up Turnbull’s home seat vote in the alternative (read gay) crowd. Notes Green Party 4 times tried to control executive pay rates and ALP and Coalition voted against.
9 Sunday newshour Laurie Oakes interview 8.40 am
Scheduling avoids clash with Riley Diary.
* Adbreak has CPSU on job protection in the public union sector.
Followed by Radio Rentals no credit check adverts. Such irony given both relate to the global financial crisis.
* Hockey as Shadow Treasurer. Infighting angle gibe re Abbott v Pyne. Apology resolves it.
* Stimilus argument – distinguishes increased retail result with Britain where same increase over dec qtr 07 to dec q 08 without cash splash.
* Hopes it’s 100m than marathon, if latter we will be out of funds.
* No one has monopoly of wisdom regarding stimulus effectiveness, as per advert in Wall Street Journal advert of 100 economists to Obama – it won’t work argued.
* Defence minister issue [beat up, given endless budgetry largesse, squealing at cut backs in a recession.]. Oakes refers to General Fumble running Defence, minister being disobeyed. Generals lose their job? Hockey says minister should be working with senior staff o
Today Sunday copying the blonde woman and mild mannered home body model of Sunrise 7.
Insiders 2: 9- 10am
* Leads with Bonds job losses, reruns for all 2009. JG and Swan presser. No one’s job is safe comment by Minister Carr. Turnbull grab about govt fumbles.
Panel is Fran Kelly abc RN, Akerman News Corp.
* Sunday press -
FK - CPSU adverts lead Canberra Times Sunday press.
PA – insurance bushfire story, question of equity argued [turns on how unprecedented the megafire, how foreseeable]. BC intervenes re bonus for those who insured. Like self funded retirees. Mal Farr colleague at News Corp – charity didn’t turn on insurance policy. PA agrees. PA refers to Teague royal commission. [In other words it’s a subliminal blame game angle over who took proper preparations just like clearing and controlled burning.] Complete with ugly smile of Akerman.
Farr about Kim Carr and jobs.
* Talent is Lindsay Tanner as Finance Minister. [Cassidy keeping his ALP Melbourne mate in seat of Melbourne in front of the audience? Too cynical! Maybe not as Cassidy refers to Australian Democrats in 2004 CEO pay rates bill, when Greens have the running for long time, suggests anti Green bias of BC.] Q re 25K per month at 5K per week will make Bonds look like a good week? One could almost hear the sharp intake of breath as the question answered itself.
- CEO pay rates, don’t want governments mandating pay rates. Sounds weak. Not ruling out binding vote option of shareholders. [Sol Trujiho bails out $30M richer front page of The Australian this week looks shocking.] BC picks up the thread on Telstra ex CEO without mentioning his pay rate.
- happy to pay pensioners. Refers to Harmer Report.
* Mike Bowers every person segment of some kind. Bowers needs the work post Fairfax.
* Pacific Brands/Bonds – no more incentives. Farr agrees. PA says lack of monitoring of govt grants. Got to be tied.
Farr notes in the USA 500K jobs per week are being lost. Phew.
PA raises huge immigration quota. ‘Not’ looked at yet [wrong JG tried to hose down, just not viable policy]. BC says targeting skill shortages. PA says what, podiatrists. FK – can’t stop completely.
FK re pay rates Pac Brands CEO not so high relatively, but Board rise at same time needs transparency.
* Defence minister issue: Grab – lively debate about Defence costs out of control and running their minister, Angus Huston as CDF accused of tricky nuancing. FK says bad luck about publicity. Akerman similar. Good value discussion here. FK offsets Akerman both in fair form too.
* Footage of sludgy PM Rudd confirming his “toxic bore” status. People like it still – 730K voters changed sides. PA amusingly refers to Stokholm Syndrome, [or perhaps ‘Copenhagen Syndrome’]
* Qld election – due to fall, 5 terms. Opening there for Springborg. Pauline in the clear on money motive as a candidate “bum rap”.
* Talking pictures – Wong images as tough, Rowe brilliant again, etc etc
* Sky footage of Tom Switzer The Australian opinion editor.
* FK predicts Ridout/AIG will provide cover for the govt to delay ETS via their Govt Bill. Farr – missed it. PA lack of judgment shows by reference to SAS unhappy and what happened in Bangladesh. Said in a flippant way but as BC points out “a very nasty situation” – trust Akerman to exploit mass fatalities for a cheap political point. Nothing changes at News Corp.
* Another clumsy out take this week? No, smooth.
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Inside Business – 2 at 10am
Recession porn continues regarding shares, equities etc. Overseas had 2 x 50% reductions in market, here only one 50%.
Expert says share markets 4 or 5 years to recover.