Topic: globalWarming
We were honoured to meet Patricia Andren who lives in a retirement home on the South Coast. She is sister to Peter who was independent federal member of parliament for the central west of NSW seat of Calare. Peter tragically died of cancer and was widely respected and maintained a huge majority in the seat.
She has met local Liberal MP in the state parliament Andrew Constance at her residence and has written to every other state MP about protecting the wild forest landscapes of the south coast.
Go Patricia!
Over this last 3 days this writer has enjoyed positive chats with:
- farmer from Bemboka
- retired tree feller
- ex forestry dozer driver, ex mining industry indigenous family man
- self funded retiree
- local science teacher
- assorted local environmentalists
- festival organiser
- tourism hostel manager
- local journalist
- other stall holders
Day 3 was approaching fast with some minor excitement good and bad.