Mood: chatty
Topic: human rights
Gerard Henderson is pretty loose with the truth in a complex and tragic middle east situation that needs more light not lies.
Israel is no victim country with 100-200 nuke weapons. There is no 'destruction of Israel' by anyone, anytime, this side of the Rapture.
And Syria is a terrible dynamic with 1,500 deaths in the Arab Spring no doubt. But so is 1.5M Palestinians on starvation rations in Gaza for a decade or more. These are different issues and the sophistry of saying they are morally comparable is pretty dumb.
Another curious omission in GH's piece today in the SMH - apart from the long time omission of his corporate funding - is that the Max Brenner shop seems to be targetting by the International Solidarity Movement for supporting the Israeli Defence Force.
Also the issue of one state democracy and two state theocracy plus democracy is far more profound than the old 'anti semitism' smear. You can't call Desmond Tutu an anti-semite and get away with it, as a supporter of the BDS campaign.
Finally Henderson has failed to address the land theft aka 'settler' predators like assassin Yigal Amir. That would be far more intellectually honest.