Mood: incredulous
Topic: big media
So there we have the defiance of Andrew Bolt on his channel 10 half hour Sunday show this morning regardless of general revulsion at the Norway political mass murder. No mention by Bolt of the Norway massacre by an extremist who took comfort from the political a swing to the right in Australia. Rather a five minute slot for an anti immigration author from Germany.
The Sydney News Ltd Sunday tabloid today is more judicious. A two page feature with some straight reportage and analysis of the Norway horror, as if reaching for some self respect and a retreat from the right wing incubator traditional role.
Bolt is not for turning. According to his German guest it's all about the dumbing down of Europe, specifically Germany, by Muslim immigrants and differential birthrates according to the alarmest meme. Nothing about hybrid vigour of multiculturalism and interbreeding (a well known biological concept), common human values, acknowledgment of Jesus Christ in Islam etc.
No sense of deference or timing from Bolt to those attending funerals, or the echo of alarm across the Eurocentric Australian community. Not for Bolt these civilities. The true colour of a cruel and one eyed man, drenched in red (as shown above).
The Fairfax Sydney tabloid carries a headline today "Extremists lure young minds" in another context. The Bolt Report fits the alarming headline quite well.
Some questions arises out of the two page feature in the Murdoch tabloid today:
1. Was Andrew Bolt one of the 8,000 worldwide to receive an email from Norway mass murderer Anders Breivik only hours before his murderous onslaught?;
2. Is Andrew Bolt one of the names on a list of 100 reportedly being compliled by the NSW Police "known for their fanatical viewpoints and ...deemed a "concern" to police agencies .....including white supremacists ... on the radar"?