Mood: accident prone
Topic: election Oz 2007
Picture: In flight free magazine Sydney to Avalon 30th Oct 07. PM Howard is on Insiders beating up the notion that Garrett (who was always a bolt on to the 100 year old ALP party), is somehow now the engine and steering wheel. Only dupes or the incredulous could be fooled by such self interested rhetoric. Sure Garrett (like all pollies, let alone ex rock star front man) is egotistical but the real test of his postures is whether he could deliver a radical change to the conservative, vandalistic ALP policy platform. And the resounding answer is NO, just as Bob Brown has cautioned the ALP will change PG, not vice versa. Unlike Howard who as leader does indeed deliver eg deception of the voters in 2004 by introducing unprecedented disruption to IR. Deception of voters again in 1996 to bring in the GST. Conclusion: Howard is projecting his own abuse of power onto Garrett. No wonder Howard is beating as much as he can.
Author’s general introductory note (skip this if you know this regular weekly column):
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media.
Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208
“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”
Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.
For actual transcripts go to web sites quoted below except with Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Media backgrounder
- We were on the bicycle/aeroplane/hike/train and back for three days and missed the micro detail [or maybe we didn't really] but even in South West Victoria (pictured below) we learned that Peter Garrett made a 'gaffe' as per the headline above, echoing a front pager Sydney Morning Herald leader on Saturday referring to "Labor's double talk/ We'll wield the axe". It's a story actually about Kevin Swan swearing to hang tough on financial management, but in close proximity and aimed at neutralising another front pager about said Peter Garrett including picture in his "sorry" suit on the Olympic stage.
- Another howler in the so called Garrett-gate affair. But not by PG in fact. Rather John Howard as quoted in today's Sunday press:
"You don't joke about what your intentions are in government three weeks out from the election."
Nod head sagely, oh yes such serious matters for serious men.
Unless of course you are Peter Costello and joking about your own leadership profile and 'in govt' intentions four weeks out from an election as running mate for same John Howard?! Was it the Treasurers debate in the Q&A session where Costello was asked why should the Liberal Party hand over leadership to Costello in 18 months if he agrees with everything John Howard does? To which of course Costello smirked and parried with a joke about wondering the same about Rudd being the same as Howard and so why vote for the ALP leader?
Here is the ABC transcript of the jokey exchange:
News Limited's Sue Dunlevy raised the leadership question that hangs ever-present around the Coalition: "In two years time, if the Prime Minister honours his promise to stand aside and allow a leadership change in the Liberal Party, you could be the Prime Minister of this country.
"Could you please tell voters, who are going to the polls in just over three weeks, what the three main differences will be between a Costello government and a Howard government, and if there are no differences, is there any point in a leadership change?"
Mr Costello answered: "Well, it's a question I often think when I listen to Kevin Rudd tell us how there'd be no changes between him and John Howard.
"Sometimes I wonder why Kevin wants to be elected when he wants to be so like John Howard."
But no, he did not answer the question.
But it got a good laugh while cutely avoidingCostello's 'intentions when in the govt/leadership succession'. So is Howard condemning Costello as well as Garrett now for flippant lack of gravitas or even maturity or indeed honesty? I don't think so. More's the pity.
- Warrnambool Standard tries to wake up dozy voters if not candidates in the otherwise safe seat of Wannon held by David Hawker (The Speaker) and also this Sydney based writer's home district.
One voter is in such despair she tries to drive off the Hopkins River boat ramp, and then the breakwater 6 weeks later (last Thursday). She is rescued both times, 2nd time unconscious floating face up frothing from her mouth with local fishers watching on agape. They go back to fishing.
10 Meet the Press
Press roundup Pakistan dictatorship with Purves Musharif. McKew looking strong in Bennelong ahead of Howard still.
Wombat otherwise known as Mark Vaile blathering on as guest with compere Paul Bongiorno. Claims credit for $10 billion road package.
Sleaze about climate change no big problem (hiding his big mining donation interests for the Nats). First adbreak is Get Up spoof on Govt advertising. Well worn but still effective.
Out take with Nicholson animation is strong re ‘double talk’ theme with Howard backflips constantly on climate, reconciliation, other?
Panel is looker Cath Hart from The Australian, and Steven Spencer of 2GB. CH goes for interest rates asap. Spencer on climate with pandering question (?).
2nd guest is Galaxy pollster sees Howard replaced by same younger Rudd as long as he gets there without looking risky. Notices big contrast general to marginals, says Lindsay and mortgage belt seats gone, but rural regionals different again (which way?).
Transcript in due course ,
Myspace web address:
7 Weekend Sunrise, 8.35-40 am Riley Diary
- Very amusing parallel of Howard and Forest Gump. Great soundtrack. One of the best satires this year? All a bit silly and ragged. Good focus on Abbott stuff ups with sorry music everywhere and ouch comparison with macho Mark Latham ie doesn’t play well at all. Pugilist Abbott pretty much revealed for what he is – a slugger.
Insiders 2
Howard interview. Gets in a lather about Garrett and some so called boasting by Garrett about changing their platform post election. It’s a path that Howard has ploughed all too well on GST, IR etc but he was leader, not a bolt on like Garrett whose main qualification is singing someone else’s lyrics.
Home page is
Sunday 9
Round up as above of the week of politics.
Feature on senate minor parties including proto fascist party Liberty and Democry Party (eg gun ownership) and Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party supporting Barnaby Joyce.
Important interview with Kevin Rudd and Laurie Oakes, addresses Garrett postures/double talk/joke as he is driving the ALP and delivering the platform eg the pulp mill.
Q&A with Laurie, Howard looking like "Captain Cranky", Rudd looking more relaxed.
Laurie looking fitter than ever. Well done Old Man.
Garrett destined to junior ministry thinks LO.
Reserve Bank business - interest rates likely to go up.
Feature with Naomi Wolf, about USA down the path of totalitarianism, and subvert early 2009 election. Ten steps dictators always take. Tipping point.