Sunday Political talkies: Olympic Circus buys time on Murray, cost of living, political economy 'narrative'
Topic: aust govt
Picture: Images from the 1982-3 The Dismissal made by the Kennedy Miller team with a youngish Stuart Littlemore as the tv anchor etc etc. Good show. Many echoes for this week from Keating on the steps with Gough 11 Nov 1975 and in the news this week. Leadership tensions in the Liberal Party - this week. GG sacking long time staffer, Dauth to London as balancer for the monarchist set. And refer final section of Insiders wrap below re new GG Bryce, and poison pen of Piers Akerman in press today. It's all got the feel of an ALP elephantine memory getting square.
[under construction, more pics to follow]
Author’s general introductory note (skip this bit if you know this regular weekly column):
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media.
Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208
“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”
Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.
For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Media backgrounders
There is some kind of event sponsored by fizzy drinks and other multinationals over in China.
High quality interview by ABC 702 Simon Marnie with Brett Solomon of Get Up over rolled gold censorship by Channel 7 at the opening ceremony coverage (of advert Australia Tibet Council and Get Up). Made me righteously angry to see our democracy insulted [compare 10 Meet The Press this morning which ran it] Solomon was tired and eloquent – a quality effort on his part.
Alan Ramsey does what he does best – memories of older Australia, a real tear jerker in the SMH yesterday.
The Sphere Laurie Oakes pushes a line in Saturday Tele, or does he, re Costello sticking around for mere entertainment value if nothing else. Likens him to failed PM Keating. Speaking of which I noticed Rex Conner’s understudy in this pic at bottom of this collage from The Dismissal of 11 Nov 1975.
Peter Switzer begs to differ 8 August 08 in The Oz that small business has no good reason to like Costello - ouch.
Tim Blair is irrelevant in the same paper on page 103 yesterday. Good.
Woolworths lose the big Grocery Inquiry and are hiding behind innocent children in tv slots and GW colour supplement. Chinese dictatorship similarly hides innocent children of the world for the sentimental vote to hide their ruthless murderous human rights abuses. How many children oppressed? How many hungry children? There is no shame.
NT swing against the ALP echoes the Gippsland byelection swing. Stay tuned for big changes in govt policy towards the browns? Or the right wing? Or what?
Reba Meagher new squeeze is a media spinner.
NRMA sprung for $225K undeclared political donations? Alan Evans on $300K a year – rich folks cooking and fixing society p15 Sun Herald Sydney.
Profound picture of chick magnet Sonny Bill Williams in bruvverly solidarity with Anthony Mundine – Mohomad Ali replay – the story is emancipation.
Paul Gilding is talking his book in the business and conservative press for Ecos Corporation.
Conservative press still tying itself in knots over climate change policy realities – big play is Geof Carmody founder of Access Economics, on Doogue Radio National yesterday along with Baker & McKenzie guy, big splash by Paul Kelly in The Oz pushing his line too, and Greg Sheridan. (Thesis is about tax consumption not exports. That is try and delink our economic satellite status as supplier to big developing industrial countries like China and India, but also to Japan which is a bigger customer again.) Other commentators desperate to be heard in The Australian like Dr Strangelove – Ziggy Switkowski. Others are Bjorn Lomborg, sophist editorials
Exxon Mobil breaks it’s own profit record in second quarter of US$11.68 profit.
Smoker and master of condescension Roger Wilkins in personal profile 8 Aug 08 The Oz p33 - 2nd last paragraph Carr praises Wilkins driving 2002 'tort reforms' which actually gave insurance industry a windfall and hurt working people as judges and academics well know. Says it all really.
Solicitor prosecuted for allegedly promoting phoenix companies to avoid legal obligations - likely to see more of this trickey as the two speed economy kicks in.
Organic food sector is growing Aug 9-10 Australian p37.
Pulled an editorial attacking unions by same newspaper constantly ignoring coverage of union awards (high numbers) for membership (relatively low).
Asa Wahlquist The Oz decries political failure on protecting the Murray Darling – no Labor votes in it is my cynical view – they want to trash the National/Country Party.
Black developer Gerhardt Pearson looking fat like his famous brother Noel Pearson up Cape York way as Qld Govt makes a deal with traditional owners and urban environment groups like ACF and The Wilderness Society. No accident this is after Howard Govt and Mal Brough have been turfed from Parliament..
Paul Keating talks his book (?) on increasing super on 7.30 Report and The Oz full of puffery about 15%
Airline boss says high oil price of $145 a barrel will put 25% if carriers out of business in 12 months – bring it on!
Phillip Ruddock ex A-G and ex Immigration Minister is getting quietly sledged and trashed in many different sections of the Big Media.
Reactor leak at Lucas Heights in dodgy brothers.
Iemma incredibly does a forest PR line on Millers Point via SMH yesterday – what about Eden Chipmill 2,500 trees killed every day.
Imre Saluszinsky gets it wrong back page of last week’s weekend’s Rear View about NSW Power public ownership – says it’s a battle between unions and Parliamentary party. No – it’s a battle between People with unions as their proxy versus Big Business with craven MP’s on donation drip as their proxy. Repeats hoary chestnut about low membership when it’s high coverage by union awards that really counts.
Weird story in Sun Herald about crippled sports shooter – killed 60 feral animals with absolutely no scientificly valid reason to claim “conservation” benefit. Even worse says he gets others to flush animals out for him to shoot – safety anyone? This is govt gone mad. They should be thrown out.
Rob Oakshot talks up the Green economy in the NSW seat of Lynne. After NT lets see.
Geof Gallup on Doogue agrees environment is a “narrative” both sides should improve on [refer stuffed Insiders scheduling today, below]
10 Meet the Press: 8- 8-30 am
Chris Bowen re grocery inquiry. Press round up – Georgia – Russian war over South Ossetia. Press round up
Bowen excuses NT result – not a federal related result. “Very dangerous” might be the word but not the way he means. On groceries – leads on planning laws.
First adbreak Get Up and Australia Tibet Council advert for Beijing Olympics – strong.
Panel is Jennifer Hewitt and Mal Farr. 2nd guest is Olympic stager Konrads talking up the apolitical brand. All circus rubbish.
Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.
Riley Diary 7, 8.35 am
After the Olympics.
Insiders 2: 9- 10am
Press roundup with panel Lenore Taylor, Fran Kelly, Piers Akerman. Rudd pic front page with Opals women basketball – but he looks like a wanker to me.
Guest is Julia Gillard. In person as Melb based. Not a fan of “narrative” term.
Bangs drum on work choices. BC skips NT result? Skips Costello leadership? Prefers grocery watch.
Everyperson young mothers re grocery prices.
Kelly says Rudd “misled” electorate about shopping prices. System not one of gross exploitation “at all”. [All these rich folks are totally unqualified on this subject.] Rudd in picfacs in Beijing – enjoying himself, exploiting it.
Talking pictures with Minister for Sport Kate Ellis – charming, youthful, any good as a minister or just decoration as ‘the silver lining’ in 2004 election? Who would know from this segment.
After mostly dross finally talk about lower lakes salt water ‘solution’ to the Murray. Peirs Akerman says there is enough water to release, can buy back water rights as per ACF plan.
Topic greatly guillotined should have been much higher, weighty coverage. Fran Kelly predicts major problem for govt if lower lakes die. Taylor says govt does need a narrative (exactly – like green economy as per Rob Oakshot piece?).
Akerman makes a curious prediction with meaning Quentin Bryce can’t be leading while she is being investigated – meaning what scandal from Qld is new Governor General at risk from?
[Here it is, long running Heiner scandal – Akerman story back of today’s Sydney print copy of the Sydney Sunday Telegraph and online:
Mr Lindeberg said in his letter that the Australian Constitution vested reserve powers in the Governor-General, including the right to dismiss a prime minister or minister who acts unlawfully.
He said those holding the office of Governor-General must do so without any suspicion that their integrity might be in doubt as sufficing to impinge on their capacity to exercise those reserve powers impartially.
The exercise of those reserve powers may be brought into jeopardy after September 5, he claimed, unless the Heiner affair is properly resolved.
A spokesman for the Governor-General would not tell The Sunday Telegraph how the investigation into the Heiner affair was being conducted.10 August 2008 12:00am Heiner affair shadows Bryce | The Daily Telegraph
Home page is
9 Sunday 7.30 – 9.30 am
Finished forever replaced by Maxwell Smart adverts? Laurie Oakes interview still on with reporter from 60 Minutes namely Tara Brown with a Bladerunner haircut.
LO with Foreign Minister Steven Smith – re South Ossetia etc softly spoken boring safe etc. Jim Hacker with a make over? All very important issues where safe is likely good. After Iraq especially.
NT election result – “tide turning against the ALP”.
Posted by editor
at 12:17 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 11 August 2008 12:03 PM NZT