Mood: chatty
Topic: aust govt
Author’s general introductory note
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media.
For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to the programme web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Other sources of pollie talkies on Sunday include SkyNews paytv Sunday Agenda, Radio National Monica Attard Sunday Profile show. And of course Sunday night shows SBS Dateline, Sixty Minutes and now Sunday Tonight on 7.
Media backgrounders
* Rudd language style change to quasi 50ies labour working class seems to suggest identity confusion in the man, as does the 25kg diet of his wealthy spouse. Reminds of West Wing script of Jed Bartlett insomnia and nostalgia of the child future president and cold hearted even cruel father. These things seems to relate to increased pressure forcing out flaws in the ego/id in a PM – like his climate Bill hitting the wall of Green Party no compromise. But if he is in electoral mode he will want the blue collar vote no doubt.
* Tough commentary in Fairfax back business section last week condemning The Australian News Corp rival over sellout editorial choices about global warming skepticism/denialism. Same writer again this weekend Paddy Manning in Sustainable Investing column at top banner spot on the page too. Related to Peter Manning senior journalist?
* Sixty Minutes lead story last week (7 days back) was shocking and powerful of the fatal damage to those people cruelly killed in the Victorian Central Highland bushfires. God have mercy. The subtext was unsaid but a hammer blow really – the Royal Commission must take no prisoners and go to the brazen truth of the disaster. (And the landlord here reckons a dam rather than a bushfire bunker is safe enough. Noooo, noooo, noooo. I don’t think so.)
* Reportage of Gunns Ltd moving to both annexe assets of Timbercorp and Great Southern agricultural ‘managed’ investment schemes at least as far as timber wood(chip?) products, and of a willing financier from Sweden The Oz June 11 p7, ‘Gunns set for mill deal with Swedes’
* Andrew Clennall at Fairfax may know of NSW Right agitation against faction Left premiership of Nathan Rees but the stories written so far have been flimsy and unconvincing. He knows all the players but he’s not got any probative leaks or change in the power relations: Sartor has always been a pragmatic egomaniacal grasper for more power. But does he have anything more than tyre tracks of ALP head office fundraising machine over his reputation? Damaged goods was the innuendo behind the SMH banner front pager about ‘illegal’ billion dollar land developments requiring retrospective legislation. Sartor is relying on the corporate greed of the ALP machine but would appear even less electable especially with the Coalition under OFarrell promising to rollback the developer friendly Part 3A junking of the 1979 planning regime.
OFarrell was staunch on opposing a fire sale of the public energy assets.
* Stephanie Peatling SMH runs a story about the grasping for power in the NSW Greens Party. From slippery tactics pioneered by Ian Cohen MLC, to effective branch stacking of the Eastern Suburbs Group by Lee Rhiannon MP with her office volunteers and the like (conflict of interest a la Victorian scandal recently?). A big obituary for Lee’s mother Freda Brown in the SMH a few weeks ago (memorial to be held today at the Bondi Pavillion same day as 150th anniversary of Waverley Council woohoo, Sunday Too Far Away). Freda Brown pictured with Gorby appears to have been an avowed cold war warrior – for the other side until at least 1972 when she resigned from the Australian Communist Party. If only Stalin’s 20 million victims could speak.
10 Meet the Press: 8- 8-30 amHard hats lead in, employment thrust featuring Arbib, Rudd.
Minister Macklin, Social Security. Unemployment question.
Background story on Alice Springs town camp ‘special report’ by police reporter re “smell” of poverty (Ester Lindstrom).
Panel is Mark Kenny Adelaide News Corp, Macklin “I have a responsibility to act [compulsory acquire town camps with $125M package.] “I have a lot of money to spend [for sick and elderly] and I want to get on with it.” Sounding actually emotional and idealistic with it over the nasal drone.
Panel also Natasha Robinson, News Corp national. Macklin praises Julia Gillard as potential PM successor.
Tom Calma re underlying racism in society and ethnic conflict over Indian students etc.
Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.
Riley Diary 7, from 8.30am
Use of language theme, with Mandarin, and strine. Great imagery from Barry McKenzie [time one caught a view of it], implies it’s a potentially contrived political strategy. [But we have another psychobabble explanation leveraging the West Wing episodes on Jed Bartlett’s insomnia and a disapproving dad, as above in backgrounders.]
9 Sunday newshour Laurie Oakes interview 8.40 am
Various IR serious questions about timetable and content relations with the unions, then on PM, living up to the trust gracious response, loving deputy PM position. Elephant reference of the comperes meaning Peter Costello.
Insiders 2: 9- 10am
Intro about PM Ruddish language and style.
Panel is KAK Fairfax Canberra, Milnes News Corp, G Henderson Sydney Institute.
Kooyong preselection formerly Petro Georgiou. Hendo says Frydenberg friendly to asylum seekers.
Christine Milne gets the coverage on climate change. BC notes NP and Greens oppose Govt Bill outright for different reasons. Sound problems with BC question but recovered.
On Bob Brown potential bankruptcy debt to avoid removal from the Senate. Milne calls BC a cynical view that mere fundraising. [Ignores $600K previous legal costs perhaps.]
Senator Fielding argues no temperature increase despite increase in carbon emissions. Deliberately disingenuously dodges/ignores fossil fuel funding of Heartland Institute.
[Fielding correct there is a real question but ignores parallel Global Dimming from escalating particulate pollution from China and India over the same period, ramp up of dirty economics. Trouble is air pollution is an unreliable brake on carbon/ghg driven global warming.
The guy is an Assembly of God creationist anti science type beyond mechano sets.]
Panel notes Ruddish strine. Paul Kelly soliloquy states Rudd no real history of Labor culture explains his change of language style [after touring hard hat pic facs across the land]
Talk of Sharon Burrow parachute to Debus seat of Macquarie, get her out of the ACTU.
Inside Business with Alan KohlerRefer