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Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Memo Climate change deniers: Senators Boyce and Troeth to cross the floor
Mood:  special
Topic: aust govt


Sooo protege of Iraq War monster ex PM John Howard is now 'in charge' of the Parliamentary Liberal Party by a 42 to 41 vote complete with single donkey bray informal vote, and one abstention due to illness.

(It was classic tv viewing of the vote declaration by Alex SomlyayMP (Lib), with mobile tv propped on the dashboard, earphones on, with curious police car following us down Parramatta Rd).

'Bring it on' Mr Abbott and Nationals Senator Joyce exhort defiantly, meaning an election on climate: Correctly sniffing the reality PM Kevin Rudd is as scared of the consequences of a double dis-solution election as the Coalition should be. Meaning fear of Green Senators balance of power via increased numbers.

So much for respect for democracy and the will of the Australian People for real action. PM Rudd is hoist on his own petard - "Delay is Denial" according to PM Rudd quoted from the other side of the world.


Delay is Denial on a Double Dissolution . Why the delay in calling the DD election if Rudd really believes that? Why PM Rudd's delay on calling an election to get his climate legislation through?

Senator Milne for the The Greens this morning 7 am ABC radio news in Sydney has called on the Govt to to go full term and negotiate a climate law with them. That is not reach for the DD election trigger.

But the Greens 'only have 5 of 7 votes needed' to pass legislation replies ALP Minister/Senator Wong, and Minister Greg Combet in the House of Reps.

Re read the headline. Senators Sue Boyce and Judith Troeth may well vote according to loyal party lines to reject the current ETS climate Bill. But we have weeks and months ahead where these senators in particular who presumably voted for a different leader will have the capacity to cross the floor on a re-worked climate Bill.


Background on Senator Sue Boyce in her own words:

I was elected by the Queensland Parliament on April 19, 2007, to fill a casual Senate vacancy, and then elected in my own right at the Federal election on November 24, 2007. I am Deputy Chair of the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Australian Crime Commission and Coalition Convenor of the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs. I have also been appointed to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration for its upcoming inquiry into the Immigration Treatment of Disability.

I am a Company director and former journalist and public relations practitioner with experience in Queensland, Victoria, PNG and the UK. I was based in Melbourne for more than 20 years before returning to Queensland, in 1994, to work with my family's manufacturing company. 

I stood down as executive chair at my election and I'm now a non-executive director of the company - a manufacturer, importer and exporter of products used primarily in the water and wastewater industries. The company, established in 1926, employs about 300 people in Australia and South Africa and has branches in Cairns, the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and Logan areas as well as interstate. I believe this gives me a good handle on the issues faced by Australian manufacturers and by business, especially family companies.  I also appreciate the depth of co-operation needed from government and private sectors at all levels to solve Queensland's water problems.

I remain very committed to improving the political participation rates of women.

I am a disability advocate and a past president of the Down Syndrome Association of Queensland (DSAQ), and of Lifeways Inc., a Queensland organisation designed to assist ageing parents to plan for the long-term future of their adult child with a disability. 
I remain on the management committee of Lifeways.

I am a Past President of the Liberal Women's Council (Qld).  Most importantly, I'm the mother of three adult children.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from Monash University, a Masters of Business from QUT and I'm a Fellow and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Background about Senator Judith Troeth in her own words:

When I was elected to the Senate in 1993, I made a personal commitment to the people of Victoria to represent them through hard work, honesty and openness.


Prior to embarking on a career in parliament, I worked as a secondary school teacher and was involved in local community activities such as the local hospital board, kindergarten and school council in South West Victoria.

As a mother of five and partner in a family farm for more than 30 years, I felt I could bring a wealth of practical experience and knowledge to the role of Senator for Victoria.


Importantly, I feel I understand the every day pressures many Victorians face trying to balance work whilst raising a family. I am determined to maximise the opportunities for all Victorians.

Having lived in the country and the city, I have a solid understanding of the issues that concern fellow Victorians. I believe the three most important things which Australians can have is a sense of national security, economic strength and social stability. I also see issues such as unemployment, education, and health as matters of top priority.

Whilst in Parliament, I have demonstrated my commitment to the people of rural and regional Victoria by actively working towards profitable, competitive and sustainable rural communities. I have worked hard to ensure that issues affecting rural Australia are thoroughly addressed.


As part of my commitment to keeping Victorians fully informed on Federal Government matters, I regularly travel throughout Victoria to meet citizens, and listen to their views and concerns.

I devote time to visiting schools, aged care hostels and nursing homes, community groups, service clubs and small businesses, listening to differing perspectives on a wide variety of issues.


I consider time spent with the people of Victoria as the most important part of my role.

During my time in the Senate I have been privileged to serve the First, Second and Third Coalition Government Ministries as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Primary Industries and Resources, and then as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.


Drawing on my extensive experience living and working in rural Victoria, I felt that during my time in the Ministry I was able to make a substantial contribution to the lives of Australians making a living from the land.


Under the Coalition Government I was also Chair of the Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Committee and a member of the Senate Select Committee into Mental Health.  In 2006 the then Minister for Transport and Regional Services, the Hon Warren Truss MP, selected me to be Co-Chair of an Inquiry into Women's representation on regional and rural bodies of influence.  In August 2006 we released a detailed report titled At the table which presented our findings on getting the best people and making the right decisions for rural and regional Australia.

Currently I am an active member of a number of Parliamentary Committees and Groups: Public Works Committee, Scrutiny of Bills Committee, Parliamentary Group on Population and Development Australia, the Coalition Education and Industry Committee and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

In my spare time I enjoy reading, bushwalking, travelling and spending time with my family.

I am also a passionate supporter of the Hawthorn Football Club.

Posted by editor at 9:36 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 2 December 2009 9:39 AM EADT
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
'45,000 hectare' East Gippsland forest decision - reactions
Mood:  surprised
Topic: ecology

One of the challenges of a micro news website is deciding what category to post news under. In this post is it really about "ecology" or arguably real politik of buying the silence of the Melbourne head office based Australian Conservation Foundation, formerly ALP aligned on the climate legislation famously before the Senate today? Certainly there is big politics at play as per this media release by a peak green group challenging ALP Premier Brumby on 12 Nov 2009:

Lack of leadership breaks election promise to protect Victoria’s old-growth forests

 And as per this media release welcoming the ACF back to the indy fold by Green Party senators:


In that case it would be an "aust govt" topic really. But this story is about "the trees" in the jargon, which itself is a misnomer because that's shorthand for the massive water storage in the root system, the fungi and lichens, vertebrate furries, invertebrate crawlies, ground and mid storey plants of various green hues under 800 year old huge tree trunks and cool canopy.

Places like Goolengook, Dingo Creek, Brown Mountain, some seriously vandalised and smashed, others partly so, and a rare few still intact, not yet woodchipped for Japanese cartoon books and landfill.

So how good is the recent Victorian decision? Here is response of Tony Hastings with a background in famous legal victory over illegal rainforest logging in the Victorian Supreme Court (here via Austlii legal data base Hastings v Brennan; Tantram v Courtney (No. 3) [2005] VSC 228 (28 June 2005)

(Declaration: This writer paid for air fare for legal support for Tony for that hearing.)

Here is Tony's reaction [with bold added, and photographs added from his website and our file for East Gippsland]


From: Tony Quoll

To: Sent: Friday, November 27, 2009 8:09 AM
Subject: 45000ha new National park in East Gippsland!

Hi all,

Pop the champagne and shout it from the rooftops; The Parks And Crown Land Legislation Amendment (East Gippsland) Bill was been passed by the Victorian Parliament’s Legislative Assembly yesterday, 26th November.


This means that 45,000ha of forest including the entire Goolengook forest block, Rainforest Sites of National Significance including Dingo Creek and Sassafras Basin, and linkages between parks are now protected from logging.


This means that most of the areas which fulfilled the ‘JANIS’ criteria during the 1996 ‘Comprehensive Regional Assessment’ have at long last been included in the “Comprehensive Adequate and Representative Reserve System,” – which is what the public were lead to believe at the time.


And it only took a campaign involving dozens of lobbyists, hundreds of blockades, thousands of protesters, millions of items of correspondence and inestimable stress on all involved.


Don’t be fooled into believing that all old-growth forests and threatened species habitat is now safe. Those last fragments are scattered across the landscape, mostly in steep, wet gullies, and still rely on the writing and implementation of Action Statements required under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, enforced via the Code of Practice for Timber Production (2007).. Particularly, the “Loss of Hollow-bearing trees from Victorian forests”, listed in 1992, with action required “as soon as possible.”


The passing of the The Parks And Crown Land Legislation Amendment (East Gippsland) Bill  is a wonderful and amazing thing. It gives hope that there is some decency in humanity, and hope that honourable deeds will occur.




Tony Hastings
Po Box 130 Merimbula NSW 2548







Like World Heritage, conservation requires eternal vigilance. Here is legendary Jill Redwood response:

Hi Tom and others -
here's my take on the announcement. .....The areas that were included (after some were gutted like the heart of Goolengook and Dingo Creek) are a good save, but look at what was left out and double saved - ie - protecting large areas that were already in protection zones while leaving areas like the controversial Brown Mountain old growth open for the loggers.
ALP promise dishonoured
Old growth forests to go up in smoke.
The Brumby government snuck out a media release at 7pm on Tuesday 10th November 2009. What was in it that they didn't want the media to make a big deal about? 
It was about the area of old growth that it had promised to protect 3 years ago - but much reduced. There is now 5,000 ha less than the original offer. It also cut out the intact stands of old growth at Ferntree Creek and Big River. How did they do this and still claim to protect even more? They protected areas that were already protected but under a different name.
In 2006 they had 4,000 ha of protected forest offered for protection. In 2009, the government used this trick again to protect an even greater 12,000 ha of reserves. This is hardly a conservation win when ancient trees at Brown Mt. are still planned for logging.
The dry crappy burnt forest around Buchan has been left in as 'significant stands of old growth'.
However - one part of the offer is quite good. There's a decent area of the Yalmy forests protected (too steep to log) and at last Goolengook (what a shame they’d already spent over a $million logging the heart out of it earlier). 
But the rest?
Page ONE of the ALP 2006 election policy was a clearly worded promise to protect "the last significant stands of old growth currently available for logging" ---  not cow paddocks --- not burnt regrowth --- not previously logged areas --- not protect areas already protected -  but 'significant stands of old growth currently available for logging'.

This is another attempt by the government to put polish on a turd. 
Mr Brumby has caved into the logging brotherhood - again. Three years of negotiations after a solid promise to protect old growth and the Labor government still can't do what it says it will for forests.  
So that means thousands of hectares of publicly owned old growth forest are still on the government logging maps for conversion to industrial tree farms.
The government could have easily and smoothly honoured this promise - saved old growth forests - our 600 year old trees, endangered wildlife and saved the declining logging industry in East Gippsland. How? By helping to provide skilled workers to the plantations in the rest of the state. These plantation companies are screaming out for hundreds of workers. 
But Mr Brumby has instead decided to knock down ancient forests, add hundreds of years of stored carbon into the atmosphere, convert public forests into commercial tree crops, maintain the conflict, keep a handful of workers in an insecure industry, while allowing the plantation logging companies in the west to import their labour needs. 
Thanks Mr Brumby.

See also this video from 2006:

Protecting Victoria's Forests (part 1 of 2)

Protecting Victoria's Forests (part 2 of 2)

Posted by editor at 7:46 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 December 2009 7:53 AM EADT
Monday, 30 November 2009
ALP shedding it's base, Howard still running Libs to refight 2007 loss
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: globalWarming

Our comment based on fairly comprehensive political watching, including stint at 2 question times in the public gallery last week:

Academic and big media writer Peter Van Onselen is surely wrong today to say a reform of the Liberal Party is not overdue. Turnbull is the man to do it, while Hockey is not nearly strong enough and would be destroyed, just like Peter Garrett has been bent out of all shape by the ALP. Hock would be captured and leader in name only.

Fact is Howard having been thrashed in the 2007 election especially on climate is trying to re fight that election, as per recent conservative press images.


Like Thing from The Swamp he is trying to drag the Liberal Party back down there with him in a link chain with Tony Abbott. Big mistake.


PR veteran Gavin Kortlang on Sydney ABC radio last week made the point from the NSW 1989 victory against Barry Unsworth ALP - 'there were rusted on Libs who preferred to lose against the ALP back then than change and win under Greiner'.  How pathetic is that?

Same in November 2009.

If Joe Hockey wants a good outcome for Australia and the Libs in the medium to long term he ought to let matters take their course in the way of capitalist creative destruction. Don't be the sacrificial peacemaker. As Turnbull has said 'the climate war' will continue until it is resolved. The current CPRS is no resolution as everyone knows. Let Abbott run win or lose. Let Minchin block support in the Senate for the current CPRS and cross the floor etc.

This CPRS has lost the critical support of the Australian Conservation Foundation last week - hardly reported in big media - forcing a desperate adjustment with 45,000 ha national park in East Gippsland to get them back. The sunrise Green Party are right to say the CPRS is a formula for failure on climate safety, regardless of bias of Insiders compere Barry Cassidy.

The Construction Union within the CFMEU has disaffiliated from the ALP as you know from last Wednesday's question time. In other words the ALP are shedding their base as much as anyone. 

Let Howard and Co lose the next election on climate with bigger Green representation in the Senate following and make your run then. It's not just about your career Joe, or current discomfort, it's about your patriotism, and good policy outcomes. The current CPRS is a rabid dog.

Conversely a change in policy is gaining support according Mark Neeham, NSW Liberal Director, to quote "After the events of the last 48 hours you may be interested to know that the number of voters calling offices asking to join the party, as a result of Malcolm's and the party-room decision on our approach in tackling climate change, is more than double the members who have resigned" (Sydney The Sun Herald, p7 29 Nov 2009).



Posted by editor at 8:36 AM EADT
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Sunday tv talkies: Irresistible force of Turnbull’s climate conviction versus immovable deniers
Mood:  chatty
Topic: aust govt

Picture: Bega river in dairy country NSW South Coast taken from big bridge in town last week, a dry sand pit for hundreds of metres. A self funded retiree  long time local says: 'It used to run with water more often than not 30 years ago and now dry - more often than not'. A sure sign of climate shift, poor land use, and probably both?


Author’s general introductory note   


This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media. Perhaps the greatest utility is the headline synthesis above of the 3 or 4 shows followed in this session.


For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to the programme web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.


Other sources of pollie talkies on Sunday include SkyNews paytv Sunday Agenda, Radio National Monica Attard Sunday Profile show. And of course Sunday night shows SBS Dateline, Sixty Minutes and now Sunday Tonight on 7.  


Picture: Dust in the climate heat wave over Bega 7 days ago 22nd November 2009 as back drop to a mobile billboard about local landuse controversy driven by this writer. Interestingly feedback was 99% deferential or polite on the week long tour. Only one rude sledge in otherwise friendly tourism town of Merimbula.



Media backgrounders.  

1. On climate note Bega river dairy area has main river through town running dry as per this picture taken by the writer last week. One local told us runs more dry than not while 30 years ago it was running more than dry. That’s climate shift surely and public meetings there reinforce that community perception and worry in a rural service town.

2. Stop press: East Gippsland 45, 000 ha new forest conservation decision omits some important forest areas but defacto admission Victorian land use policy has been wrong for well over 15 years in that region, not least conversion of wet forest types to dry schlerophyll promoting bushfire risk. What a tragedy. Especially Goolengook we think best forest we've ever seen … in the world … bar none, smashed to pieces after 10,000 years steady state. An evil criminal act, there should be a prison for loggers in suits for that vandalism let alone encouraging bushfire risk.

2A. What relation the forest conservation decision by Victorian ALP State Govt  with the tame Australian Conservation Foundation decision to reject the Federal ALP policy deal with the Coalition leader Turnbull on their climate legislation gifting some $7B to coal and power generator interests? Trying to win back the green ALP aligned base? That's the ALP blinking and way too late to save critical cathedral forest types in many places. A tragedy.

3. SAM editor did see most political talkies last week with notes in our book, from Bega Lookout and then later showground via mobile tv handset and country allied tv stations. Oakes was good value as usual. Insiders also. Riley etc. But we missed Julie Bishop etc on  MTP 10 which apparently is on the web replay now. Hooray. We didn’t get a chance to write it up as too busy at Bega Festival 3 days, Canberra 3 days. We watched Q time in the big House Tues and Wednes as mitigation.


4. Watching the press gallery in Canberra was just as interesting as the pollies. Grattan in hot yellow power suit number – sunglasses material but it worked. Onya Glasses (speaking as glasses wearer too). Crabb ‘s big hair. Coorey’s bald patch. Lewis chatty with Hartcher across the Fairfax News divide. Old Grey up in the top level falling asleep. Christian Kerr manfully trying to fill Matt Price’s colour section. And those missing – no LO, no Bonge, no Laura Tingle – folks who don’t have to slum it on the daily slog perhaps relying on remote feed?

5. Also interesting apart from the ingenious  whistler protesters – all 20 somethings out of a Get Up milieu perhaps past 2 security checks, with plastic instruments. The pollies laughed but it was the PM who was interrupted Tues, and Thurs again despite coalition meltdown.


6. Check this collage (roughly left to right, top to bottom in time sequence) off the web as the Govt understand their failure to pass the ETS/CPRS last Fri in federal parliament by 3.45 pm deadline "deal".  Not happy Chris (leader of Govt in Senate that is) from about 3.30 pm knowing the deadline is lost, and we got the time stamp for posterity too of the Speaker terminating the session, as the 'Copenhagen PR legislation' became an empty box on the screen.


7. Also interesting in parliament was the non verbal info – Pyne and Albanese as respectively managers of business for each party chatty behind the Speakers chair away from tv cameras and press gallery above? Crean, Ferguson and Burke resource and trade related ministers sitting together like 3 wise monkey on dangerous climate change - hear no, see no, speak no evil? Kevin Andrews looking like climate denier Cardinal Pell is an evil angel on his shoulder, with a whiff of the failed Lib leader John Gorton about him before he even gets the gig?

7A. Speaking of public access to question time - there is a clubby arrangement where those mates of MPs and staffers know you get a ticket before 12.30 pm from the Sergeants parliamentary office and pick up 1.15 to 2 pm. This queue gazumps the unticketed hoi polloi who risk missing the first critical questions in a second queue. Is this publicised anywhere? There are 500 seats apparently and unticketed is a better seat anyway. Also security are strict - take off belt for scanning, pad down jackets etc, sit where you are told. Fair enough but it didn't stop the plastic whistles protest. At one point the whole house seems to stare at moi but really the 5 protesters with whistles invisible in their mouth direclty behind.

8. They say never intervene in an enemies unfolding car crash – so should green groups billboard banner on forests and climate go this hot weekend to (a) Manly to embarrass climate sceptic Abbott in Waringah? (b) Wentworth to tackle Turnbull’s leadership given the marginal nature of the seat after Bennelong (c) Braddon for upcoming byelection. (d) do nothing because it’s too hot, people are inside if they have any sense and better to let the ructions take their course, then review/reassess situation. What an ecology action dilemma.


8A. Construction union disaffiliates with the ALP last week and PM Rudd virtually says good riddance in parliament last week. Dodges question on return of $80K in donations since the last election. Not reported in big media? PM admitted so after consulting with Gillard in Question Time last Wednesday – it was her answer via PM Rudd's voice, admittely her portfolio. Raising impression she was acting prime minister at the time, which she actually is this week. We saw it all as observer in the public gallery in Canberra.


9. Nat senator Joyce said to ABC Fran Kelly last Friday morning that 'a carbon tax is better than a CPRS to make investment bankers rich'. He is so right. The sledge about 'member for Goldman Sachs' re Mal Turnbull never rang truer after the glossy feature in The Australian 2 weekends ago about GS. Frightening greed and extreme capitalism of the secret society kind.

10. Green senator Bob Brown big media political stocks never higher having helped family rescue of freelancer journo Nigel Brennan and colleague from Somalia gangsters last Friday after a torturous year, reminiscent of New York Times guy escape from Taliban controlled border area of Pakistan.

11. Potential list of climate criminals might relate to the penultimate post here on SAM of attendance list there of 30 federal MPs both major parties to a logger industry conference dinner funded by the taxpayer via sleazy secret political deals.  Here is another picture of Barry Chipman by name and nature apologist for old growth woodchipping in Tasmania, arriving at the Hyatt Hotel last week, taken by this writer:

12. On a personal note this last 10 days trailer towing with a heavy tall mobile billboard an be a challenge because as the owner said 'when it happens it will be quick' referring to wind shift and results like this:



10 Meet the Press:  8- 8-30 am 

Footage of Lib leadership players Abbott, Tuckey, backbencher etc. Polling in press Hock level with MT on leadership.


Rudd says no to an early election, footage from overseas. Kevin Andrews is guest #1. Won’t answer first question whether he will put up his hand on Tuesday again. Andrews Waffles on in one on one.


Michelle Grattan (Fairfax Melb/gallery), Marius Benson (with?). Andrews not ruling out a candidate when pressed. Liberals a leaderless rabble? Stinging question answers itself. Grattan says disingenuous position on ETS. Andrews has the Gorton Lib slack jaw look about him. Humour out take is Turnbull as General Custer cartoon.


Senator Wong grab, Christine Milne Greens – accused of undermining climate legislation. Says it’s not action because status quo till 2020 beyond tipping points of catastrophic climate change. First time price on carbon blocking? Says energy providers won’t reduce until 2034. Energy emissions, conservation, forests. Milne has an ever slightly asymmetric face, or lazy right eye, circle on that side.


Agrees Rudd won’t go to a double dissolution – as arch conservative. Grattan says cynical of Greens to boost their position. Since 2005 – global emergency on climate condemning future generations, species. As big as GFC. What about transition of 10-15 years? Physics and chemistry won’t wait for coal industry. Journos reinforce Greens not relevant on climate.  Milne has a charm about her smiling under pressure as hectored by questioners despite her short pithy questions.


Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.

Riley Diary 7, from 8.40am 

Might have to miss this one. Sunrise election reprising Rudd and Hockey match from 3 years back trivializing federal contest to some degree or emphasizing the power of tv as Alan Ramsey argues with oomph. Missed a fair bit of it.


9 Sunday newshour Laurie Oakes interview 8.44 am 

Turnbull in his seat early for LO interview. Intro refers to Sun Herald (Sydney) coverage re North Sydney seated Joe Hockey.


How are the knife wounds? Unbowed with a grin. Notes Queen support for action on climate. Not given to tears. Critique of Minchinites, and their acolytes. He’s a denier. Do nothing. Majority of party room don’t believe in [AGW] caused by humans. Position of irrelevance. Do nothing party. On the record. Delay, deferral, means denial.


Says he will win on Tuesday, says he doesn’t know. Howard was noted sceptic, but leader enough to know we had to act. Very similar to scheme last election of coalition, and Cabinet members went on to it. His critics are recklessness destroying the Liberal.Party. 14 front benchers resigned can’t work with people in future even if survive? Says not a hater, has done before. Can’t fight the people of Australia. The climate war started by Minchin go on until Rudd destroys Libs in an election until need to get legislation passed. Relies on Hockey policy support. Joe leader cuddly friendly face, Minchin policy would destroy him.


John Howard meeting yesterday with Hockey, LO says H was angry with Costello for divisiveness. MT says this is a policy difference not leadership Costello v others. MT gives a great summary of Rudd real politik now, LO says not just policy re ratting on ETS legislation. Says deniers will never give up even after 2007 crushing. Says these deniers make Howard look like a greenie. MT refers to polls in his favour bigger sample in Qld.


MT says expect leadership. LO looks interested, impressed by leadership soliloquy of MT. Notes Howard wanted to do ETS in advance, and notes Abbott think piece in The Australian encourages global agreement before Copenhagen. Says Hockey or Billy Bloggs under Minchin policy will end up far right not Howard broad church. Turnbull the conviction politician really argues strongly.


Comperes react and call for email audience response – clearly impressed by the interview – of a lifetime perhaps.




Insiders 2: 9- 10am


Footage of protester drag off on climate, talking pollie heads govt on climate,  leadership issues. Footage shows Turnbull in a certain stillness in the eye of the storm. Family PR Saturday. Good fodder for wonks but for the public not so much?


Press roundup with panel – Lenore Taylor notes picture re Howard visit yesterday. Question of no consensus even if Hockey wins. And notes LOakes interview. Grab of Turnbull of 10 minutes earlier. Coorey notes Hockey is “Luke Skywalker” implying too soon. Bolt says “totally disgraceful” interview with Oakes destroying Hockey as credible alternative and “stupid great green tax”.


Argues megalomaniac personal as corporate interest. Anger in Lib Party, anger in Turnbull Party. Taylor asserts with strength talking space versus Bolt ahead of himself rather than malicious.


All lie down tragedy say LT. Real news is Tiger alleged bust up at home and alleged affair.


Footage of Senate last Friday – Evans, Abetz, Fielding, Wong. “We will be back”. Soft tones, national interest to get the legislation through. [almost certainly wrong, corporate LabLib interest to pass it, not Australian people, country or planet].


“Can’t manage climate change, can’t manage the future” is the line. Why not a double dissolution election by February – hot period late summer. Gillard dodges the question. “Not interested in an early election” [echo Combet and Rudd this weekend too] sitting this Monday, expect Libs to honour agreement. Avoids constitutional questions about delay is valid trigger or not.


Cassidy alarm about negotiating with Greens about strengthening the Bill. Leading question about ‘wouldn’t want that to happen would you?’. Gillard getting desperate about Coalition not passing their pissweak CPRS. [Joyce said a carbon tax would be better than CPRS to Fran Kelly last Friday morning abc RN]. Boilerplate by Gillard about all this, and at the decision making stage “delay is denial”.


Vox pop in Old Parliament House museum. Says Libs are in rabble state.


Panel on arithmetic most relevant figure is 49 to 36 in favour of Turnbull. Grab of Turnbull on Oakes interpreted as destruction, but sounds to me like creative destruction of the deniers, skeptics and new broom through the Liberal Party post Howard.


Cassidy refers to Paul Kelly as “our old master” with laugh, but quite a reveal there. PK relies on Turnbull-Hockey relations. Two pre conditions Hockey won’t stand against MT, another one – Minchin etc support ETS deal? Cassidy says neither condition will be met.


Grab of Fielding mangling the Old Testament. Taylor notes UK Cameron wants stronger action on climate change and looks like winning next election. Bolt sure climate is cooling. Coorey fence sitting as safest option on Lib ructions.



[Minister for Sport Kate Ellis on Offsiders defends Govt response to Crawford report on funding.]




Inside Business with Alan Kohler  .

Wrap up of govt climate legislation. Important interviews on energy generator  technologies.

Refer http://www.abc.net.au/insidebusiness/ 


Posted by editor at 10:58 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 29 November 2009 11:37 AM EADT
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Eco intervention at tax payer funded logger industry conference
Mood:  energetic
Topic: globalWarming



As indicated in recent posts on this micro news blog, a logger industry conference has been hosted by the federal government in the form of a QANGO called Forest Works in Canberra.

Here is their self referential back slap at taxpayer funded expense:

And notice this image from John Howard's time as Prime Minister in the newsletter of the Australian conservatives funding the redneck loggers and unionists in the native forest woodchip sector:

We can report that the industry conference received some special attention from ecological activists earlier this week. It started with ALP national executive member Michael OConnor, chief of the Forestry Union within CFMEU, choking on his morning coffee at a Manuka Bakery Cafe to see this writer's laptop with anti woodchip graphic.

(And note the C namely Construction Union in CFMEU announced disaffiliation from the ALP according PM Rudd in question time.) 

 The 'conversation' went something like this 7.15 am:

SAM editor - Ain't democracy grand? This is definitely a workers cafe.  Swiss neutrality in the bakery cafe, eh?

O'Connor - bleary eyed, blinking silence, then nervous uncomfortable laugh.

Picture: Michael O'Connor, ALP national executive member and logger unionist and apologist for forest woodchipping, leaving Manuka cafe in Canberra 24 Nov. 2009.

Later that morning we attended the Hyatt Hotel with Forest Climate Mobile Billboard display where the industry conference was based. The giant sign was funded and organised by ChipStop based in Bega of which this writer is a supporter since foundation, and South East Region Conservation Alliance.

At the Hyatt we met up with regional, Canberra and Sydney environmentalists, some peak groups, some grassroots. In particular Winiata Puru attended as custodian of the long running Aboriginal Tent Embassy in front of Old Parliament House. At the time we were in Parliament House watching question time so here is a picture of Winiata in 2006:

 Puru is a gifted singer and a veteran of the successful blockade saving habitat of three rare owl species (Sooty, Masked, Barking Owls) at Croobyar State Forest in November 1994 leveraging sensitive pre election politics. He is also a legend in Canberra with real clout in social networks.  

 It is with his permission we carried the Aboriginal Flag in Canberra at the rally and on our vehicle as here on busy Belconnen Way:


Some images are on recent posts on SAM and here is another by Lorraine Bower first above, and one following:

canberra forest futures conf 029 by lozzab2003.

Local WIN TV attended and ran a story on the nightly news.

Later that night we returned to Parliament House to display the mobile billboard and forest-to-woodchip-to-energy smoke stack display given this egregious proposal back for the NSW South Coast forests. This was also the location of the formal conference dinner in the main hall of Parliament. Noel Plumb all suited up of Sydney affinity group ChipBusters, feisty Michelle Slater of the Dandenongs, Mal Fisher of Sydney office of The Wilderness Society in charcoal suit and lithe activist Frederica in glamour frock infiltrated the $300 a head dinner.

Plumb then regaled the dinner attended by 30 federal MPs for fully 12 minutes at first with the microphone on the main platform and then with his own lungs when this was turned off, House rules!

Here he is being escorted off the New House forecourt in high spirits:


And the climate criminals at the dinner? A list might start like this (?) off the dinner brochure circulated, balanced by another unauthorised brochure:


The following brochure front and back was circulated to every table at the dinner. Way to go Michelle!


Posted by editor at 9:57 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 30 November 2009 8:00 AM EADT
Samples of south coast NSW press on mobile forest climate billboard
Mood:  sharp
Topic: globalWarming


Posted by editor at 8:25 AM EADT
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Forest climate billboard in Canberra attracts official concern
Mood:  chatty
Topic: globalWarming

We are all legal and exercising representative democratic duties with our billboard banner 23 - 26 November 2009. The objectives include national logger conference at historic Hyatt Hotel and funded by federal government, and federal parliament sitting on climate change legislation. 

It was a thrill swinging through the Hyatt with the feeling our grandfather Eric McLoughlin would have hung out here with PM Bob Menzies. What would the war correspondent journo think of his grandson writing this today?

By our reckoning we have had 7 professional chats with official authorities over the past week:

1. Uniform highway patrol at Cobargo - is that your car? Nope, borrowed. License, solicitor's card, and away.

2. Uniform Australian Federal Policeman on bicycle, federal Parliament precinct, caution and direction off the Hill because no permission to protest with vehicle.

3. Uniform ACT car patrol while propped on Commonwealth Ave, caution and potential parking fine under consideration.

4. Plain clothes AFP officer Hyatt Hotel, logger industry conference, together with hotel security general liaison.

5. Tactical Response Group officer in overalls caution not to enter Hyatt or approach guests with placards or brochures.

6. Day Chief AFP security Parliamentary Security by phone, night chief AFP security in person direction to park in Federal Drive (new and old House)

7. ACT parking ranger in Civic next to Garema Place as stationwagons cannot use loading zones in the ACT (unlike NSW).

Some images follow:









Posted by editor at 2:39 PM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 28 November 2009 8:08 AM EADT
Forest climate billboard travels south coast to Canberra for Parliament
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: globalWarming

Our banner billboard education tour has travelled from Bega to Canberra via Narooma and Batemans Bay (as per the press photo below published yesterday by Narooma News) in time for the federal govt sponsored logging and woodchip industry conference on 24 and 25 Nov 2009.

Feedback has been polite, deferential, approving and in one only case nasty.



Here are some pics from various towns raising awareness:


Picture: Merimbula beachfront


Picture: Main street of Pambula



Picture: Bega annual Rotary Family Fun Day, with highly popular giant slide in the background.


Moruya outside federal MP Mike Kelly's office:

Only after 4 days on the south coast at generally sympathetic tourism and service economy of Merimbula we heard some venom with a couple in a drive by verbal insult "You can stick that sign up your arse" and "You bloody idiot." Tsk Tsk.

Received from behind sun glasses and a benevolent silence as if to say have a nice day.

Posted by editor at 2:22 PM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 28 November 2009 8:41 AM EADT
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Canberra leg of giant forest climate billboard on big day for Parliament
Mood:  special
Topic: aust govt

Restful sleep - in the back of the stationwagon in the quiet Canberra burbs. This flyer has been drafted by the wonderful Harriet Swift convenor of Chipstop.

Taking breakfast in Manuka cafe bakery when ALP national executive committee member strolls in for his coffee at 7.20 am. Ain't democracy grand. Swiss neutrality in the bakery as he spies on my laptop images. Tsk tsk.

Hope he doesn't graffiti the billboard outside in front of the church.

Posted by editor at 7:34 AM EADT
Monday, 23 November 2009
Bega Fest #5: Peter Andren's sister endorses forest climate billboard
Mood:  happy
Topic: globalWarming


We were honoured to meet Patricia Andren who lives in a retirement home on the South Coast. She is sister to Peter who was independent federal member of parliament for the central west of NSW seat of Calare.  Peter tragically died of cancer and was widely respected and maintained a huge majority in the seat.

She has met local Liberal MP in the state parliament Andrew Constance at her residence and has written to every other state MP about protecting the wild forest landscapes of the south coast.

Go Patricia!


Over this last 3 days this writer has enjoyed positive chats with:

- farmer from Bemboka

- retired tree feller

- ex forestry dozer driver, ex mining industry indigenous family man

- self funded retiree

- local science teacher

- assorted local environmentalists

- festival organiser

- tourism hostel manager

- local journalist

- other stall holders

Day 3 was approaching fast with some minor excitement good and bad.

Posted by editor at 8:17 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 23 November 2009 8:52 AM EADT

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