Sunday political talkies: Women's nurturing vote subtext to climate change, labour crudity, nuke threats of apocalypse
Topic: election Oz 2007
Picture: Today's Murdoch press in Sydney - speaks to Labour tough guys in unions, and to women who want a latter day sensitive new age strong Bruce Willis in their lives. And fair enough too.
Author’s general introductory note (skip this if you know this regular weekly column):
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media.
Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208
“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”
Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.
For actual transcripts go to web sites quoted below except with Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Media backgrounder:
37 minutes (ie 60 Minutes) is doing a feminism story tonight with Prue Goward MP in the story. She is not promoting environmental side of the portfolio: It’s to amplify the NSW women’s vote against the ALP federally which is a Rudd strength leveraging as best she can through the NSW Parliament which ironically has far more ALP women MPs.
Just as Iemma is going hard against nuke energy in state parliament here in NSW against the Howard policy agenda to harvest votes as well [which we strongly approve of re nuke energy madness]
But women being natural nurturers generally speaking surely have their eye on climate change with revered scientists like NASA’s Dr James Hansen saying its quite possible a 5 metre sea rise in 90 years. We know they took man to the moon, I think we can trust them on the weather.
Additionally, Singapore govt reacting to an emerging new cold war arms race over missile defence with dual use nuke energy a precursor for nuke detterent on Australian soil in 5 to 10 years at this rate of hawkish foreign affairs. Leading to human error and potential apocalypse.
Labour movement folks like the chubby twins in the building union in WA are similarly exposed for allegedy rough behaviour, but it's a joke to think the developers and Howard govt's BACC quasi police body are healthy for democracy with $20K individual fines for going on strike. That's fascism.
- amusing road runner metaphor by Mike Carlton in Herald rings true on the polls but caution steel of Howard on tv vision Saturday night abc. Never time for change unless its for the better. Elegant riposte
- Stephen Bartholomeusz, Herald business section, column supports go slow and steady on carbon emissions – worthy writer but too narrow like a younger Gittins - who better realizes the value not just the economic price. That is: no economy on a dead planet, China/India can only sell responsible manufactureds/services into a strong unified regulated market position on carbon by the West. That is we conditionalise what they sell to us, but only once the USA stops sabotaging the rigor of that conditionality.
- beware, beware, beware sleep walking into a nuclear arms race via 'missile defence' with dual use nuke energy then nuke weapon silos here in Australia eg China's missile warning | The Nation | The Australian but also Russia Missile test response to US moves: Putin - Breaking News - World ... and fascinating talk of sleep walk into the same stand off in the 50ies and 60ies Shute's sands of time | The Daily Telegraph
10 Meet the Press 8-8.30 am
McFarlane looking like the dinosaur that he is on climate change. Footage of Howard in penguin suit – nice for the female voters? Or old fashioned?
Mutual sledges Swan and Tuckey.
1st ad break – public education 2nd school visuals Teachers Fed
Panel is Maria Hawthorne AAP (suitably Italian looking, on Italian national day), Mal Farr Murdoch press.
Farr tackles pro nukes approach as prefaced above – McFarlane hedges, which is sleazy. Clear pro nukes [and will go to weapons too on our soil].
McF plays nuke waste card, alleges shipping container in a general hospital somewhere. Farr tackles him but again hedges – sleazy.
Ignores drawing international waste dump future of MH of AAP.
Sept to Cabinet timeline to repeal laws for a site for waste.
MH strong q re legal advice onto C’th land at say Jervis Bay. Implies public will say yes based on big information campaign.
Nicholson rubbery figures excellent grasp of the politics. That uranium business could get ugly re Singapore and safety South East Asia and USA China emerging cold war over missile defence arms race.
Talent is Will Hutton author re China with good access to Oz media this last week – emphasizes Rudd language skills is the right man at this time at economic expansion of that future super power. Says economic model in China is limited must change.
Big risks – two 1 conservatives reject further engagement of China society to market economy western democracy 2. China buying foreign reserves unsustainable.
What value our example on anything like climate change carbon emissions? Thinks our democracy has made an impression in South East Asia from Japan to South Korea to Indonesia to Thailand. And will affect China.
[Farr question ignores market impact of Montreal protocol of Western market to China’s manufacturing. That’s the real influence.]
Transcript in due course
7 Weekend Sunrise, 8.35-40 am Riley Diary - Come on 7 time to start streaming this on your website???!!!!
Andrew shows his class noting Mabo 15 years now. Happy Days theme allusion to Howard leather jacket is fair. Union culture re Dean Mighal.
[note Gittins profound column this weekend re less share of profit to workers and trending down – that’s the Howard rodent effect, why Therese Rein is rich (at least in part), and why Mighal is right to support the Greens financially and politically, bad language or not. What the unions need to remember it's about the women’s vote and fear of crudity in male culture, a very fair concern.]
Q and A: Discussion of Mighel. Note concern about taping of private conversations - I know from 2 years at Media Monitors that they are increasingly an unofficial arm of Big Brother Govt - based in the federal police building Cleveland St Surry Hills.
Increased advertising on national security, lead up to APEC. German extremist protester violence plays directly into this and will run on tv vision tonight as night follows day. Quite foreign to Australia – we hope and trust. [sure enough runs ABC TV prime time, and twice at least 9 Sunday show].
Just as there was increased superannuation advertising all Saturday last night. That’s a lot of money.
Sunday 9
Laurie Oaks looking fitter, well done old man. Interview with Bob Brown early in show missed the start, 3 seats affected by green preference flows. No threats to Rudd, wants a change of govt. Warns about Steve Feilding types going to Howard.
Fundamentalist party like Family First true based on Assembly of God like Exclusive Brethren nutters.
Greens will take ETU support. Strong on IR - view by Gittins. Bob Brown doesn't swear! Far worse than Dean Mighel.
Summary - don't take us for granted. Interesting choice of talent there by LO.
Feature story on sleep apnea? No actually Big Pharma scandal of safety profile of a sleep drug differential regulatory consumer info in USA and here. Serious gotcha story.
Poll on Therese 84% said yes should sell her business [ which she did "for the country". Bravo Ms Rein. You are a champ.]
tune out for 20 minutes
Important interview with Ray Martin re Middle East China, Iran, Iraq, oil etc Gwynne Dwyer "The Mess they made"
Story on Congo looks good, have to push on though.
Run G8 protester footage, doesn't have to be APEC sydney. Time for ngo to start a pledge movement for peaceful democracy.
Insiders 2
Talent is Mal Turnbull who constructs a fantasy based on ignoring the lesson of Montreal Protocol - clean up our market destination for Chinese Indian product manufacturers etc leveraging our advanced economy and affluence that they want to sell into, that we can condition, just like CFC, HCFC in the Ozone protecting Montreal Protocol. That's the global template to quote Turnbull back at him. Revealing why he is a late comer to environmental policy development (!).
But he like whales so that counts for something too, tiping that kids hat on the vision last week. (Port Stephens crew in Alaska, bravo)
Turnbull namedrops talent Jon Thwaites Vict Govt Env spokes.
Missed alot of Everyperson segment but green metaphor of golf course background.
Panel says Mal Turnbull mixed message re going global, versus PM going it alone. [ Calls up false premise above of MT on Montreal Protocol economic mechanism discipline on China and India, IF west gets its own policy unified, not least USA post Bush probably.]
Paul Kelly soliliquy: Notes "huge" policy reversal [as per Rudd thesis] re carbon trading. Kelly praises Rudd 60% target. [Kelly has shifted immensely to pro ALP future in his analysis and rhetoric. This trend in place for about 4 weeks now.]
Footage of discipline on Dean Mighel - Kelly likely to be approving - sure enough likes [as per DLP history?]. Comes back to IR policy, and what do?
Panel is Lenore Taylor AFR (still?!), Meglogenis Murdoch press, Bolter Murdoch press.
Panel moves onto reality of increased energy price - moderate increase unlike Bolt argument but will be increase, [so people will start turning off their standby's and use their intellect]. Vigorous discussion, healthy.
LT shows her very appealing side smile for an Irish pudding face, has read House of Lords report mid 2006 [relied on by dinosaur Hugh Morgan, nuke booster] "is not credible".
Rudd footage shows him finding his voice and tone powered up, Howard notices and goes extremely personal, alleged glass jaw, claims lecturing etc. Howard felt and reacted to Rudd sounding ministerial. [refer West Wing stand in President episode]
Bolt significantly concedes and makes a speech which boosts Rudd - in effect that he is prime ministerial. Congratulations Kevin, you are arriving as per the Sunday Telegraph gist above in the world of the Murdoch Press.
Is he tough enough says Bolt, question has been answered posiitively, a reality Big Kev might not have known himself till now tested, but does his strong nuggety Father proud from all those years ago on the share farm grind. Gotta love that.
Every party has their black sheep grab by Swan again as per 10 above re Tuckey and bumps in rugs (mmm bit close to home here)
Talking pictures on demand video stream usually, very amusing especially Primeval Howard image.
Great footage of Julia Gillard not so much the answer re mind your own business about my personal life, but the fact she looks happy, and can't hide that. This guy Tim is doing wonders for her hair style too, changes and very very telegenic. Applause shows she has moved beyond this focus on her marital status.
Ouch footage of dinosaur McFarlane mucking up his language on currency, echoes the perception of isolationist attitude to energy policy and amateurishness at that international level of cooperation. [compare Rudd expertise, what about other ALP folks, got a second language?]
The Age front pager runs with potential 5 metre sea rise as per Jim Hansen NASA guy best scientific advice.
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Posted by editor
at 10:48 AM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 5 June 2007 11:15 AM NZT