Sunday tv talkies: NSW integrity gestures as feds obsess on boats borders and agri climate emissions
Topic: aust govt
Picture: Wong's history is the proof - 1/4 of forest at risk traded for 3/4 also at risk gifted to logging industry in NSW in the late 90ies. Hence the huge ALP Carr Govt tv advertising spend in the 1999 state election 'Saving trees and job' to achieve a very big lie in recent political history. A grave precedent for the bogus ETS currently before federal Parliament.
Author’s general introductory note
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media. Perhaps the greatest utility is the headline synthesis above of the 3 or 4 shows followed in this session.
For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to the programme web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Other sources of pollie talkies on Sunday include SkyNews paytv Sunday Agenda, Radio National Monica Attard Sunday Profile show. And of course Sunday night shows SBS Dateline, Sixty Minutes and now Sunday Tonight on 7.
Media backgrounders.
1. Retired legislative lion John Hatton challenge to NSW ICAC as a “dud” (on nsw stateline 2 weeks back) resonating with premier Rees policy at ALP conference to ban developer donations in press today? We think so, as well as smh front pager smear on Tripodi yesterday leveraging arguably valid policy on competition initiative of some kind - which shows how easy it is to smear the bloke even when he has a case.
2. MTP 10 compere Paul Bongiorno AWOL. Rimington in the chair.
3. Rees got his nsw stateline interview in just in time 2 weeks back ‘lowest mainlaind unemployment’ assertion made only to jump to highest mainland unemployment at 6.1% official data one week later. That’s the ALP machine doing it’s choreography. Probably only innovate sunrise green industry is going to change this employment descent in NSW.
4. Public transport union chief Nick Lewocki bails out of the ALP Admin Committee, again on Stateline last Friday. Lewocki pictured with Della Bosca in the press, with DL since sidelined badly by ruthless central coast internal polling. Lewocki says in effect going to war on public transport until the election in 2011. Magically Rees announces return of south west heavy rail at ALP conference yesterday but not NW rail in Sydney Liberal electorates.
5. Labor ex premiers around their own ‘table of knowledge’ in an echo of the symbolism of the Wollongong developer scandal, plastic table for developers? Carr at Macquarie Bank, Iemma similar, both slashed Env Planning Act via Part 3A repeals, Wran a diverse business operator today but quite green back in the 80ies, one presumes Unsworth similar. As Keating always says – self interest is always trying?
Picture: The summary of ALP premier 'achievements' is a bit weird in these captions. Wran introduced the 1979 Planning Act which Carr and Iemma later trashed. Unsworth gun control laws lost a 1988 election but was the right thing to do not least after Port Authur massacre. As regards Carr's national parks, see Wong above re woodchippers gifted 3/4 of forest at risk for 1/4 protected. That's not green hence the huge PR tv spend in 1999 by the NSW ALP to sell that particular big lie.
5A. Carefully note, the left sidebar story re ICAC access to McGurk tapes. Is this the real driver of internal ministerial reshuffles and disinfecting sunlight on developer donations and ministers "the public can have confidence in"? That the factional bosses and backroom boys know of scandals to come and moving the furniture before the sheriff arrives - so to speak?
6. PM Rudd similar solidarity imagery with Rees. What does tribe Labor know about evidence to ICAC in the McGurk tapes, Della Bosca etc?
7. First Tuesday in November is ‘take out the trash day’ for Defence re incompetence and lack of leadership were key factors in the death in action of an Aussie Digger in Afghanistan, to paraphrase Sydney Daily Telegraph.
8. Cynical bushfire rhetoric on Sixty Minutes last Sunday totally misconceives the role of moisture/lack thereof in forest landscapes. More here Bushfire science. Logging industry gets free pass again on massive transformation of moist forest types to dry schlerophyll mega fire fuel. This process has gone on for 50 years and now the logger-woodchippers like David Packham and allies trashing wet areas of East Gippsland (with 800 year old trees) dare to claim the high moral ground on hazard reduction HR burns. Grotesque hypocrisy. Hopeless big media bias exploiting country people's genuine fears. And yes we are in a bushfire zone, and built a bunker last winter for a handicapped tenant.
9. The Oz glossy earlier 2009 (shown above) re Minister Wong trashed ¾ of unprotected forest in NSW with sellout to logger corporates and industry in the 90ies. So what else is new in the ETS negotations 10 years later? Absolutely nothing. The public interest is being trashed only mitigated with such as NSW decision for a 7 year gross feed in tariff to promote roof top power stations.
10. Clark & Dawe do the job for the otherwise respected ABC news machine, as the only section of the national broadcaster with the guts to report albeit by satire the actual 4,500,000 litre oil spill in the Timor Sea north west Australia. Interestingly Paul Bongiorno of MTP 10 was the only outlet in SE Australia carrying the right metric last Sunday.
11. The Senate estimates economics committee 21 Oct 2009 heard
12. Strong string on corporate welfare of carbon capture sequestration CCS on New Matilda by Ben Eltham. See our link added there to Norway Petroleum Saftey Authority.
13. Riley Diary and Oakes interview increasingly head on clash scheduling these day. Inconvenient really without taping one or other.14. On a personal note a buzz cut never worked so well in this hot weather, the ¼ may become a 1/8 soon.
10 Meet the Press: 8- 8-30 am
Hugh Rimington in the chair [ex squeeze of Stot back years ago], package preface is refugee with MT sledging govt, Minchin denialism on anthropogenic global warming AGW.Tanner soporific guest. Breaking news of two refugees shot by Indonesian authorities etc. Walsh [redneck] sledge of PM, Ray re Rudd Nelson column aspect. Brittle loyalty to Rudd? Tanner sophistry about how govt has evolved [actually major party corporatism as Greens genuine grassroots democracy hunts their corruption]. T argues ETS postpone agriculture for 5 years, hedges on done deal [in press today]. Humour out take Gillard can’t cook.
Panel is Hewitt and Lewis both of News Corp. ETS deal making discussed. Tanner runs web pressure on books as real competitive pressure. Walsh attack on Rudd raised again. Humour out take at expense of Rudd hairdryer man ‘lest we forget’.
Adbreak Pages River Stop Bichham Coal Mine advert. Grab from PM Rudd, Graeme Bradley Business Council of Australia – looks like a mild mannered character, on ETS topic. More compensation. BCA on electricity, coal, trade exposed sectors [the whole point of the ETS].
Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.
Riley Diary 7, from 8.40am
Albanese car door mishap, foreign affairs alphabet soup, Rudd wank in Afghanistan inclusive of shaggy dog story. Fairly negative package for the Govt.
9 Sunday newshour Laurie Oakes interview 8.44 am
Missed first quip/barb. ETS main topic re agri ‘indefinite suspension’ from ETS [which is about as solid as a rubber shovel] get out for Turnbull and Govt vis-à-vis country Australia. Move on finally to “border protection” policy [meaning refugee policy]. Minchin on 4 Corners re denialism of climate change. Says shadow cabinet discipline. Great riposte re Minchin sees CC as global leftist conspiracy.
Fearmongering re “open borders”. Argues Rudd (red) carpet for “people smugglers”. Oakes says going for redneck/Rudd vote?
[All a distraction from huge immigration levels which Turnbull supports, unqualified. Won’t cut that to allow for more refugees. Pathetic fearmongering and dishonesty. At least Rudd and Tanner say they support 35M population which is deeply unpopular too.]
Dissension in Liberal Party re cruelty to genuine refugees (Troeth, Georgiou), and didn’t take to party room. Says he knows and supported by party room.
Interview runs right to 9 am boundary. Turnbull trivializing Oakes as “affable pussycat” meant lightly but jarrs. Political killing season says Oakes?
Insiders 2: 9- 10am
News update re Rudd in Asia with Mark Simpkin who is competent. Package on ‘Goodbye Bligh’ on ‘travesty Traveston Dam’. Footage of Garrett bolstering tarnished reputation. Jarring segue to book pricing issue. Allan Fels argues little people case when it’s really the big book retail chains who wanted it. Fels [gets his retail pricing wrong ] re Dan Brown The last symbol, [wrong as per SMH letters page].
Media round up: Fran Kelly re ETS agri exemption, agrees personally, turning on hard to measure. A lot of pressure on Nats, make money from offsets. Meglo on auditor critique re advertising for stimulus. Good kicking for unclear. Stuchberry emboldened with powers to select their own ministers unlike Wran or Carr. Grabbed the power ‘do or die’. Argues Tripodi may be dumped – FK says would be amazed if that happens (despite polling).
Grab re Rees public have “full confidence” in their ministers. [Is this the Orkopolous scandal/outrage catch up finally by the ALP?]
Book policy re vested interests versus broader interest?
Guest is Minister Wong re ETS looking very haughty and satisfied. Concession made by govt important to the Opposition [bone to Turnbull keep him propped up versus Minchin/Joyce et al]. Challenged on Mary River Dam decision, Wong backs Garrett decision. [Ironic as each speaks on other’s portfolio). Refugee issue, begs off not her portfolio and talks out boilerplate. “Good to speak with you” which is a mindless Ruddism on her part.
Vox pop re books at sculpture by sea. Most people agree online is the cheaper method. Lose identity without local support.
Books, dams discussed. Qld electoral dynamics analysed by Meglo. Defends ‘rogue’ poll. Pat Oliphant guest on cartooning with Fiona Katsoukis. Final comments FK and Meglo re Copenhagen trumps Australia ETS big time. Stutch on stimulus, school halls. “Penny is wrong” re ETS significance says FK [ouch].
Inside Business with Alan Kohler
Alan on an overdue diet perhaps? Mostly about nbn, ie national broadband network postures.
Posted by editor
at 10:35 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 15 November 2009 11:03 AM EADT