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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Friday, 4 April 2008
Monthly readership figures for SAM micro news site March 2008
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: independent media

Previous monthly reader pageview figures for 2007, 2008 verified by screen shot (web host provider monthly pageview account details) posted on or about 4th day of the month found in this thread:

  • March 08 - 20,803 
  • February 08 - 13,109
  • January 08 -  19, 898
  • December - 11,627
  • November - 10,220
  • October - 9, 100 
  • Sept -  8,100 (roughly, no screenshot)
  • August - 8,845
  • July - 7475
  • June - 9675
  • May  - 9, 059
  • April  - 12,087
  • March  - 6,684
  • February - 5,372
  • January 07 -  2800 (3rd Jan - 3rd Feb 07)


Posted by editor at 12:29 PM NZT
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Report on 'trust online' forum at UTS 2nd April 08
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: independent media

The small theartrette in building four was filled to the maximum with 100 students and the audience also included some professional journalists.

SAM's editor went last and had the most formally prepared speech (tip for young players - speech written in 16 point triple spaced bold - it works!) and it seemed to go off okay. The Q & A at the end was fairly energetic. The refreshments afterward were even more so. We stuck to the tea.

The other presenters and details of the event are listed here.

We met the covert blogger of HousoLink dedicated to the cause of those in public housing. She is quite a trouper by the looks:

The forum was organised by New Matilda and Australian Centre for Independent Journalism.

Meanwhile we noticed in the Media section of the The Oz today the death of Rod Campbell yesterday after a long illness after a 30 year career with The Canberra Times. We offer our sincere condolences to his family particularly his younger sisters Heloise and Rowena. May he rest in peace.

Here is our speech below fairly close to what was actually delivered:

Hi, I’m the editor of a micro news website SydneyAlternativeMedia.com  also known as SAM which was born 3rd January 2007. I’m also a solicitor in NSW.

Thanks to New Matilda and Australian Centre for Independent Journalism for organising this

Trust is a very timely topic. I clipped an article recently that people are spending 13.7 hours per week surfing the net, overtaking 13.3 hours a week watching TV.

Talking about trust is also like the proverbial Denton "enough rope". I’m reassured it’s hard to rope a mossie sized operation like SAM. 

We are a micro news website  not simply a blog - no personal trivia, or anonymous junk. We go for the public interest issues. We dwell on the Big Media a lot too as meta reportage.

This topic is somewhat loaded because conversely we could ask: “Who do you distrust offline?”.

To put the positive case we source respectable non govt email networks and also 5 filing cabinets / 15 years worth of discipline form the green ngo sector.

We break some stories on conservation, local community centre, anything going. We bring a local government experience to our community media, the reverse direction of someone like Maxine McKew or Prue Goward going from professional media to big politics.

We get 20,000 page views a month on an upward trend and post the reader stats every month as a reality check.

Recently a producer for Sixty Minutes said he was aware of SAM, as did an experienced reporter at NSW Stateline . This suggests the SAM subversive ‘community media’ is finding its target, that is, getting inside the head of the big media. This fits our strategy of – in like a needle out like a plough.

Building content on SAM has been very satisfying. Even therapeutic – After 15 years in the NGO sector one feels a bit like jaded Peter Wright on the last page of his 1987 book Spycatcher: A person who knew too many secrets”. Or perhaps the old lawyer in the 2007 film Michael Clayton heartily sick of all the double talk.

In terms of trust why has humble SAM been growing in readers?

Firstly, The public interest mission is worthy

Secondly  SAM promotes ecological sustainability as a political economic subtext. This is 21C thinking. By contrast we recall the disgraceful axing of Earthbeat on Radio National late 2004. That was under a previous regime.

Thirdly: Legal resources. Like reversing a ban off Sydney Uni campus, and reporting the APEC and ICAC proceedings.

Fourthly: Experience. It may be  'age and treachery will beat youth and idealism every time'. But not age and idealism.

Fifthly, non profit – Gandhi teaches that self sacrifice shows sincerity. I started out as a corporate lawyer in 1990 and downshifted from there whereas youthful ambition and careerism is vulnerable to flattery of special interests. Also anyone who sues us will lose a lot of money before we ever do.

Lastly, basic journalistic principles even as an amateur –  check facts, balance, corrections given equal prominent, right of reply, rhetorical question marks to avoid being sued for defamation. Never say anything without evidence.

I heard investigative journalists Andrew Fowler of 4 Corners and the Herald’s Kate McClymont on ABC radio recently along the lines of “don’t trust anyone”[1]. I tend to agree.

Nor do I particularly trust a great facility with words because it could signify a clarity of thinking, or it could be sophistry. Or shallow charm as in the Brideshead Revisited sense.

Nor do I trust the hard Left who present like the fishers in the recent Children of Men post apocalyptic movie, nor the hard right who confuse healthy competition with cancer causing stress.

Nor the naked ambition of the high volume Gawker website in New York trashing quality content with sensationalism[2]


I don’t even trust the Independent Commission Against Corruption after the Herald reported [3] their manager of investigations Melinda McCabe ended up working by coincidence with Joe Scimone in the NSW Maritime Authority.

I don’t really trust the Herald either with two recent examples being

Firstly, a thinly veiled advertising special for the NSW Govt promoting their Green Globe Awards heavy on the corporate greenwashing [4] with such as Stockland pushing development over Sandon Point coastal dunes;

Secondly, another worry was the airbrushing of the Green Party and Environmental policy as a voters concern in their comparison of the ALP and Coalition [5]: Arguably it was environment that turned Govt for Greiner in 91-2 (known as the Metherell Affair), Fahey in ’95, Carr in 99 and 2003. Yet the Herald ignored it as a policy factor? The Australian same day showed the Green Party on 14% in the polls.

Nor do I trust the Rudd Govt which may yet get its own Howard style National Media Liaison Service aka aNiMaLS [6]. Then there is the great insider/outsider debate over whether ‘independent’ journalists should really be duchessed by the 2020 summit.

Similarly I like and respect the ABC but I don’t trust it entirely. I am heartened by an article by Tony Moore [7]where he notes:

“The ABC is grappling with how to transform itself from a paternalistic public broadcaster catering to a loyal if passive audience to a multi-channel narrow-caste, engaging diverse and conditional audiences that have an expectation they will participate, or at least be consulted, in content creation.”

But all is not lost – what I do trust is:

- a dynamic free press as represented in the totality of these 2 folders of clips about the good bad and ugly of the Sydney 2000 Olympics: Lies, bribes, gangsters, drugs and arrogance. One can only hope the same dynamic coverage for Beijing later this year.

- similarly I trust the maverick spirit like Jamie Johnson who the Wall Street Journal reports is the rich man’s Michael Moore (via The Australian p35 25/2/08) seeking out and embarrassing rich folks in the USA for “going too far”.

- I trust getting out in the field and seeing stories and issues for myself, like mum and dad APEC protesters putting the lie to smear and demonizing by authorities.

- I trust an open inquiring mind even while 70% of Australians have limited education.

- Like Gandhi I trust openness, which not only helps avoid violence

- I trust a vocational commitment, where career and profit are a mere by product.

- I trust my digital camera because when the Big Media come after you, just trade clicks as I did down at the Holt St Harlot and funny to say they feel just as naked as anyone else.

In learning about the chimera we call truth I recommend Giuseppe de Lampedusa's historical novel The Leopard  which is a marvelous study of how time distorts all perceptions so people actually create their own 'facts'. If official history is so plastic, we can hardly expect more of the web. At least with the web we have the instant compare and contrast of keyword searching via google, which presumably is why the erstwhile Carr govt banned web based archive of their media releases. Did Google kills Bob Carr's career?


In conclusion, don’t trust anyone online or offline until they’ve earned it.

[1] Deborah Cameron, ABC 702 radio, 26th March 2008

[2] Hits or dismiss, Iain Hollingshead, The Guardian, 10 March 2008

[3] Sydney Morning Herald page 1, 21/2/08 “Watchdog investigator became colleague”

[4] 4 pages worth 4 March 2008, Sydney Morning Herald

[5] Sydney Morning Herald on 5th March 08

[6] Mark Davis, Will the latest ANiMaLS be CUTsies or go CaCTUS?, SMH p11 25 Feb 2008

[7] SMH 25 March 08 p11

Posted by editor at 7:01 PM NZT
Updated: Saturday, 5 April 2008 10:04 AM NZT
Images of Cooks River enviro art event 29-30 March 08
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: local news


Cooks River Festival is sponsored and organised by Canterbury Council as per this [pdf] press release. This festival is at Marrickville eastern end of the Cooks River recreational area.  The western end of the river parkland falls in the state electorate of the Premier Morris Iemma and as you would expect the Canterbury Council is thus controlled by his ALP Right loyalists.

The event is thus very much an ALP branded event parading their green credentials such as they are.

This protest information stall was notable for picture of ALP Left retired MP Meredith Burgman bottom left, and criticising the active recreation agendas of Canterbery Council in previously more passive picnic recreation areas. More info here and here. The relevant group is Friends of Ewen Park which address is PO Box 172 Hurlstone Park 2193 and email e w e n p a r k @ h o t m a i l . c o m (retype for use without gaps).

Posted by editor at 6:08 PM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 6 April 2008 9:22 AM NZT
Grog pusher adverts versus censorious articles on violence and wowsers?
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: big media

A few variations in the pattern of big alcohol adverts in the press today April 3rd 2008 here in Sydney/NSW. Before listing these we have been told that advertising is usually organised quite independent of the news sections of both the Sydney Daily Telegraph and Sydney Morning Herald. Can this really be true?

If you look at this collage above you will notice the disjunction of grog pushers (especially "beer world")  filling literally pages of adverts near the front of the Telegraph. The Herald also has its full pager.

We think the smarties at the Herald are wising up a little though because today they are running a moderation approach in their lifestyle supplement called Essential style home health. But over at News Ltd's Telegraph they prefer to go big on attacking a violent athlete who was binge drinking by all accounts, while at the same time attacking "wowsers" who don't understand the party spirit, and taking the advertising revenue of course.

It's all very confusing really. It does look like a three ball juggling act by the Big Media here.

One can't see either Big Media organisation declining the advertising revenue of Big Alcohol arguably doing as much damage to society as cigarettes or even illegal drugs. This guy D'Arcy is looking a bit like a sucker hook line and sinker when it comes to alcohol culture brainwashing.

So we ask yet again will Big Booze be a sponsor at the ever hypocritical (Beijing) Olympics?



Posted by editor at 5:06 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 3 April 2008 5:52 PM NZT
2020 Vision Summit diplomatic brush off letter
Mood:  chatty
Topic: aust govt



Posted by editor at 1:11 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 3 April 2008 6:57 PM NZT
Addison Road Community Centre board minutes leak out, suggesting more ructions?
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: local news


[editor's introductory comments]

Some notable things on a scan read of these leaked minutes in this "biggest community centre in Australia" which appears to be jealousy controlled by the local ALP Left. Of course not least the fact it's been leaked to the SAM micro news site by a source. Also that the website for the centre is down about 8 months now (though still up indirectly here), and on the front page still reads

"Come back soon. We are just getting it better. This Website is still under construction"

On the specific detail in the minutes:

1. MB is Max Burgess, principal of Law Consumers. Seems to have a strategic grievance lodged against him after protected disclosure to ICAC re Marrickville Council alleged stacking of the Board with ALP Left allies.

2. Incredibly Marrickville Council cancelled their rubbish service, could paralyse a place like ARC.

3. Legal advice sought on this writer who has gone on strike over our allegation of a failure to honestly apply the grievance procedure, gone nowhere

4. major cost has arisen with Great Hall roof repair of some kind.

5. ongoing saw of asbestos on the site

6. Presence of Laurel Draffen who it seems has been appointed as another honourary board member (?) but according to google key word search is "Laurel Draffen, Manager, Good Practice Unit, NSW Federation of Housing Associations (NSWFHA) – Centre for Training in Social Housing" We don't know what this means either.

7. Absence for two meetings in a row of Cr Peter Olive - admittedly during the School holidays period but not very encouraging for those hoping for some transparency via his generally respected presence.

8. Major change over in staff, Yvette Andrews previously President, now General Manager on $65K p.a. supposed to advertise for new GM by open advertisement by April. Has it happened yet? Office Manager similar changed position. ALP stack?

9. The meeting minutes of 17th December 2007 have a serious omission - an issue underpinning the the tone and tension of the whole AGM was the rent free lease (for 4 years) and then reissued discount lease for the Art Gallery. A question was put by this writer to Cr Peter Olive, which was attempted to be censored by Assad Abdi (a tenant), question pressed and Olive advised the meeting it was 'unfortunate the lease was not treated like other leases in a standard fashion' (or words to that effect). Indeed this issue underpins the whole political representation on the Board.

In addition this writer has learned via a source that the Gallery curator/director Terry Cutcliffe has decided to move out after his (ex?) wife and mother of his kids landed a big writing commission with "huge" advances. We don't know if this is true but if it is, it's big news not least regarding the revenue opportunity in his till now mostly rent free 500 sq metres of public buildings for a private income art gallery with at times $30K art works for sale (possibly never sold?).

10. Notice the meeting date for 28th Jan 2008 happened a week earlier, in the controversial Gallery itself in a change of schedule. Did this affect Cr Olive attendance?

11. Notice the minutes for both Dec and Jan are distributed only now 2 and 3 months after the event.


Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2008 3:34 PM
Subject: Important information

Dear ARC,
We are preparing a newsletter for the ARC community and the local neighbours that will be distributed on a regular basis.
It will be used among other things to inform people about what is happening at ARC. This is not only a good way to promote your event but will also allow members to prepare for when big events are on.
Please email me information (what, when, where and a contact) for any events in April/May. This information will also be used to update the website.
Front Gates (Opening Times)
A reminder that for the safety and security of the Centre the front gates will be locked at 10:30pm Sunday - Thursday and 12midnight on Friday and Saturday. They are open from 6:30am in the morning. Please make sure your events finish on time to avoid being locked in.
Please respect speed limits and remind people who use your hut to do so also. Lots of kids use the Centre and it would be terrible to see someone hurt. No hooning in the carpark, please.
We recognised that on Sunday parking can become a big problem. We are working on ways to fix this, but please in the meantime, respect your ARC neighbours and the grounds - don't park people in no matter how frustrating it is.
Staff and the Board
Narelle Mantle was elected at the February meeting as the new ARC President
I started in the office on 11 February and Leanne Anderson on 18 February. Leanne works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please give us a call on 9569 7633 or pop in if you need something done.
Please find attached the minutes of the December and January meetings.
Yvette Andrews
Acting ARC Manager


Board of Directors’ meeting – Monday– Dec 17 2007

Venue –Greening Australia Building 13 - 6:00pm

Meeting commenced 6.10pm

Attendance Yvette Andrews (YA) Pres, Natalie McCarthy (NMc) Sec, John Reynolds (JR) Treas, Laurel Draffen (LD), Narelle Mantle (NM), Geoff Hague (GH)

Peter Olive (PO)

New Members Welcome – LD and NM were welcomed to Board

Minutes of previous meeting – 31 October 2007 *

Minutes were adopted with amendment NM to elaborate on discussion relating to appropriate procedure for conveying Grievances to the Board Moved JR, Seconded NM, Adopted.


Fencing- Barbed Wire removal still to be implemented

Grievance Policy

No further progress with grievance against MB as he has been away. Board has directed PT to write to RO to update her with confirmation that the Board are continuing to investigate but MB being unavailable

A: PT to continue investigation on MB’s return & report to Board.

Rescue Service-Yet to get back to PT


Asbestos around building 21, 22, and 23 was removed by All Kleen Contracting as directed. JR questioned the short time it took for them to do clean up to take a few hours rather than day. The area has been tested and given an Asbestos Clearance Certificate by the Contractor.  The fuse Box and other priority 2 areas are being looked at by Contractor for quotes.

Turkish Hut- Electricity meter has been installed and in operation

Short Term lease- Three applicants have been received to be reviewed later in the meeting


With all standing orders suspended, the Board preceded to elect Office Bearers for New Board.

YA was elected by JR for Chair, Seconded LD. No other nominations were taken.

JR was elected by YA for Treasurer, Seconded NM. No other nominations were taken.

NMc was elected by GH for Secretary, Seconded LD. No other nominations were taken.

A motion was moved to adopt elected Office Bearers

Moved GH, seconded LD, Adopted


Letters from the following organisations were tabled by the Board

-Markets- in response to Safety Committee Meeting-to be discussed later with Safety Committee Report

-Aerialize- Regarding leaking Roof damage to Great Hall- to be discussed at later point

-Jobs Australia regarding membership joining fee.  The Board discussed possible benefits but did not have enough background knowledge

A: LD will look into obtaining more info from own org’s experience with them and report back with a recommendation.


The MMC Nursery has requested a phone line. The Board agreed the centre is not in a financial position to assist in its installation but were happy for them to look into it themselves, and directed PT to write to Helen in response.

PT to email Helen

Moved JR Seconded GH, Adopted.



Great Hall- Substantial damage to floor and electrical wiring reported after heavy rains. A discussion followed to inform new members of Great Hall situation

Pt has instructed KL to plug obvious holes as a temporary measure to reduce leaking and with reasonable success. 

Investigation into repair of roof PT has passed onto the Board two quotes and options

Quote one- to remove and replace roof- $19,000

Quote 2- $10,000 to recover roof with a layer of roofing sealant


The Board has instructed PT to get in electrician to fix Exit signs not working and some light switches as result of leaks ASAP. Continue plugging any obtainable gaps.  Considering the state of other rooves that are in need of repair throughout the Centre the Board have directed PT to provide the Board with entire costing quote for all urgent repairs for Feb Board meeting in order to devise to a plan to fix all in one hit.  The Board will also consider approaching MMC to obtain matched funding of $50,000 once a costing plan is established.

A: PT to get costing for all urgent roof repairs throughout centre and get in electrician ASAP

Moved JR, Seconded NM, Adopted.

Leases- Short Term Hire

Three applications

Nicole Barakat (NB)

Alison Cornish (AC)

Kay- ARC Neighbour (K

With due consideration with recommendations from Board members, The Board agreed to offer the space to NB

A: PT to notify NB and organise lease ASAP

Moved NM, Seconded NMc

Safety Committee Report – Markets

Main problematic issues raised in discussion amongst Safety Committee were- Rubbish, Electricity use, Traffic management particularly in co-junction with Great Hall Hirers. 

The uneven road surface that leads from side entrance was determined to pose a possible risk to pedestrians and the Safety committee have since implemented its closure for the Sundays.

The Board would like to see an audit of stalls and the Centre’s financial revenue from the markets and are looking into issues raised to follow up next meeting.

A: PT to prepare report and circulate to Board for next meeting

Sunday Activity and Parking

Complaints from membership have raised problems of people blocking access to huts by parking inappropriately when parking is full and using the huts up the backs gardens’ as toilets. The Board have directed PT to improve signage around the Centre and to include toilet directions and more No Parking signs. NM offered Reverse Garbage (RG) services for supply of materials and assistance.

A: PT to consult RG for assistance


As the Budget was not apparent in Financial Report the Board directed PT to locate Budget with Accountant (MG). and work together to bring over spreadsheet necessary info cash-flow projection etc in time for review before next meeting.

In retrospect the Board would like to work towards simplifying format of Financial Report for more obvious transparency and clarity at meetings and for Membership viewing and will consider using alternative reporting formats such as used by RG

A: PT to persist in bringing accounts up to date and work on for next meeting

RG to provide samples of accounting reports for possible reference

Moved YA, Seconded NM, Adopted



The Board recognised main issues raised and discussed at AGM to be

-Continuation of Open Meetings throughout Year- Dates to be confirmed once staffing is addressed

-Markets- Look at problems arising and managerial resolutions with increasing use of Centre’s resources with growing market

-Environmental Responsibility for ARC- continue to improve on current practice and implement for new Project Developments

-Financial reports –More transparency and clarity


A motion was moved to review Constitution and Clarify process for Associate Membership for 2008 AGM

An Induction Kit for new Board members to be developed to include ARC Constitution and all policy procedures prior to first Board meeting

 Moved JR, Seconded YA, Adopted.



A/Leave –PT to take two weeks A/Leave.  Office will be closed from 21 Jan and reopen Jan 6.

Kerry and Kerry Lindberg- Pt to check with for leave option

Christmas Day

The Board agreed for Centre to close on Christmas Day and allow Caretakers to take Public Holiday.

A: PT to advise membership ASAP of office closure dates

Moved YA, Seconded JR, Adopted.

JR left the room at 7.33 for grievance discussion to continue.


Situation with staff member has not improved with them now abstaining to follow given duties. Despite verbal and written warning they are continuing to publish public comments damaging to the Centre and Board members reputations. The Board agreed to seek legal advice for situation to be resolved

A: PT to contact recommended Lawyer and Report to Board ASAP

Moved NM, Seconded GH, Adopted.

JR returned to meeting

PT left meeting 7.50pm

GM Position

The Board discussed the necessity of an Operations Report and relevant info for Agenda items to be sent out for reading a week or so prior for more informed discussion and time efficiency of Board meeting. Clearer direction for tasks to be given to PT to assist in process.

The Board agreed to conduct a separate meeting in the New Year before the next regular Board meeting to come up with a staff restructuring timeline and work towards GM replacement. Working with PT for recommendations with Budget in mind. January 21 was set as date to be confirmed.

 A: PT to organise report with relevant info for Board as follows Current employees, job descriptions in place, rate of pay, 2008 staffing budget projection.

Moved NM, Seconded JR, Adopted.

General Business

PR/ Website –On NM’s recommendation the Board agreed to employ Greg Shapely one day a week on casual basis to update website for three months.  The Board would also like for him to look at developing a system for updating info and member’s input, upcoming events and a monthly newsletter and ARC Brochure.  To be reviewed March

Moved NM, Seconded NMc, Adopted


The Board are considering seeking legal advice to negotiate non-standard long term leasing requests from some Tenants.

Meeting closed 8.30pm


Next Board Meeting (last Wednesday of the month): 28 January 2008


Board and Staffing Meeting – Wednesday– Jan 23 2008

Venue –Gallery Building 13 - 6:00pm


Meeting commenced 6.10pm

Attendance Yvette Andrews (YA) Pres, Natalie McCarthy (NMc) Sec, John Reynolds (JR) Treas, Laurel Draffen (LD), Narelle Mantle (NM), Geoff Hague (GH)

Peter Olive (PO)


Letters from the following organisations were tabled by the Board

-Greening Australia regarding emergency telephone cabling installed due to telephone cabling breakdown with response from PT

Management are happy to meet with GA to discuss issue and are continuing to find the best solutions for telecommunications overall in the Centre

-Marrickville Council- cancellation of rubbish collection service

The Board agree that in consideration to the lack of notice from Council (three weeks) with no prior warning by Council Board Rep and the multiple community groups within ARC including Marrickville Council organizations that that are dependant on the service.  Management will need more time to consider a new rubbish removal system that meets the needs of centre and is responsible environmentally.  The Board would like meet with Council to discuss matter

 A: PT to write to Council requesting more time then stated and Board to meet with Council to come up with working solution


Update with legal advice

Following Consultation with Lawyer PT sent letter to staff member calling for a meeting for 25 January to resolve matter between staff member and management. NM will attend with PT

PT to update Board following meeting

Staffing - GM Position

PT officially tendered his resignation as of Feb 1. The Board thanked PT for his time of 18 months at ARC and acknowledged his efforts and contribution particularly for his cooperation in taking on acting managerial role. They wished him well for the future.  NM is organising a farewell BBQ at RG for the Friday with Members, staff and Board invited to attend. 

A: PT to work towards handover process with Board Membership to be notified

Bookkeeper is finishing up end of January

PT proceeded to leave meeting for Board to discuss situation

A temporary solution of YA stepping into the position as acting manager for six months while the position was reviewed and a recruitment process put in place was proposed. YA stepped down from chair and left meeting 6:37 for Board to consider the matter.

The Board were then in agreement to first discuss their thoughts on the urgent matter of staffing situation and then establish an appropriate process to resolve matter in an open and transparent way with the centre’s best interest in mind.

After a discussion, the Board agreed bringing in an acting Manager who was already active in the Centre for six months to be the best possible solution. It would allow for consistency in Centre operations and keep up the momentum of the Board to establish staff structure and review criteria for Centre Manager. The acting person in the role would be required to begin the process of recruitment for position in this time. A motion was moved to offer the position of acting role to YA. A part-time (3 days a week) bookkeeper/admin assistant would be sort immediately to assist the Acting Manager.

Moved NM, Seconded GH, Adopted

YA returned to meeting 7p.m and accepted the Boards offer. She then proceeded to resign from the Board and would be able to step into acting managerial role from Feb 10. Office to be tended where possible (suggested Kerry) during week of transition between acting managers.

The Board were reluctant to lose their President and thanked YA for her all time and efforts. They are confident in her ability to take on role and be the best person for the position.

A: YA will email Admin Position description Feb 11 and advertise to fill position ASAP. RG accountant Adam will be able to assist YA and Board with bookkeeping for interim.

-LD/NM to come up with letter to notify membership ASAP

The next Board meeting will be after YA has begun role as acting manager Feb 27.  The new Chair to be voted in next meeting Board members to email possible candidate to replace community Rep prior to meeting for consideration and Honorary member endorsement

Moved JR Seconded NM, adopted.

Meeting closed 7.19 pm

Posted by editor at 11:32 AM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 3 April 2008 12:35 PM NZT
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Grog pushers overwhelming the press with full page adverts?
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: big media

The grog industry seem to think they will get a better bang for their buck advertising with full pagers in the Sydney Daily Telegraph today. But they also have a full pager in the broadsheet Sydney Morning Herald today too.

Ironically the perils of binge drinking have never been more obvious as per this classic disjunction of news and advertising, and yet we feel the grog pushers will buy their way out of trouble regardless, probably as Olympic sponsors?

They do say alcohol is the drug known as the great deceiver.

Posted by editor at 1:09 PM NZT
Monday, 31 March 2008
Event this week at UTS - Who do you trust online?
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: independent media

We are speaking for 5 minutes at this line up this Wednesday evening:

In Conversation: Who Can You Trust?

After a very successful talk’s seminar last year, newmatilda.com is holding its second  In Conversation discussion panel.

We are inviting you attend this free event; we also encourage you to contribute your ideas and thoughts on this topic, during the discussion:

Who Can You Trust?              
Who is a credible source online? With the proliferation of blogging, amateur experts and user generated content- has the investigative journalist become redundant?

Chaired by Wendy Bacon, investigative journalist & UTS academic

Jackie Dent:
ABC Opinion Online & UN Afghanistan spokesperson
Antony Loewenstein: Author of
My Israel Question, journalist, blogger
Tom McLoughlin:
Sydney Alternative Media- Editor of micro news site & solicitor
Edmund Tadros:
SMH.com & investigative journalist

Venue: Building 4, Level 2. Lecture Theatre 34 (4.2.34) University Of Technology Sydney, 15 Broadway, Ultimo.

Time: 6pm for a 6.30pm start

Date: Wednesday, April 2

RSVP: email: info(at)newmatilda.com or phone: 02 9211 1635.

This event is supported by the ACIJ.

We look forward to seeing you there and hearing your views.
The newmatilda.com team

Posted by editor at 6:49 PM NZT
2020 summit attendance list in the subjective eye of the Rudd Govt machine?
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: aust govt
Picture: file picture taken from this website 
Who at this upcoming 2020 summit of the federal govt will solve the disgrace in East Gippsland as pictured above, caused by the logging industry? With similar going on in Tasmania right now.
We have a few ideas as per the email content below with omitted giants from the sustainability group (which itself is only one of ten groups all up) which we add here:
- Prof Stuart White - UTS - Institute of Sustainable Futures (!)
- Prof Peter Newman  - Director of the Institute for Sustainability and Technology, Murdoch Uni
- Dr Mark Diesendorf - UNSW - Institute of Environmental Studies UNSW
Oh and you might notice absence of Jeff Angel which may be to do with the passover clash, or my determinedpublished analysis of collaboration with ALP Govt, not least on energy assets sale. 

- Oh, and on sustainability, the inestimable Prof Jamie Kirkpatrick in Tas, who is so very very smart and so greatly independent of thought.

Also I think in that particular group there ought to have been a world class mountaineer like Tim McCartney Snape or Brigitte Muir or one of several actually because we are very strong as a country in this respect. Sports I hear you cry, but actually they are become cross cultural experts from all the travel and experience of montane environments which are melting first meaning dangerous climate change.

Lateral but still true, as per my report of great Blue Mountains Climbing festival report 2007 here:


Of similar comment would be some of our awesome Antarctic scientist types - can’t think of the name but we have some beauties.

Very lastly I read worthy Sam(antha?) Mostyn’s background on Trust of Australian Museum - 2003 - ex staffer of Paul Keating, and BA/Llb - say no more eh? (The ALP stodge factor? We shall see.)

Also see these recent posts for some good analysis on New Matilda:
In addition this google project is useful when taken with the totality of comments added:
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [chipstop] 2020 visionaries

Harriet I think it would be worthwhile to collate a list of people who are missing from the Rudd preference list, and according to ChipStop's own lights-
Here are a few worthy notables, personal point of view (and you would think with 14% of the national vote to the Green Party) including a few highly political but also very bright types like :
  1. Senator Christine Milne (Taswegian)
  2. Peg Putt MP
  3. Jill Redwood (feature in Women's Weekly)
  4. Dr Judith Adjani - though disagree with her on privatising NSW plantations.
  5. Alexandra De Blass - environmental broadcaster
  6. Dr Sharon Beder, engineer, educator
  7. Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith (Phd law) senior adviser National toxics network
  8. Kirsty Ruddock, senior solicitor EDO
  9. Prof David Lindenmeyer (CRES)
  10. Clive Hamilton (principal researcher RAC, TAI)
  11. Senator Bob Brown
  12. Prof Tony Norton (CRES)
  13. Professor Andrew Cockburn (ANU)
  14. David Holmgren/Bill Mollison, founder(s) of permaculture global movement
  15. Scott Kinear organic farming expert
  16. Dr Geoff Mosley AM - heritage pioneer, world heritage issues
  17. Professor Tim Bonyhardy, environmental law academic, author
  18. Brian Preston chief judge Land & Environment Court
  19. Alec Marr, Director The Wilderness Society
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 12:53 PM
Subject: [chipstop] 2020 visionaries

Hi greenies
Delegates to the 2020 Summit have been announced. It looks pretty grim. Of the approx 100 names in the 'environment' group, there are very few known greenies. Does anyone know anybody on this list who might speak up for the forests? Hugh Possingham and Ian Lowe are possibly the most prospective.
It is also possible to make a submission directly to them.

Contributing a submission to the Australia 2020 Summit is a way for all Australians to be involved in bringing the best ideas forward to address Australia’s long term challenges.
All submissions will be made publicly available on this website and will be presented to the Australia 2020 Summit participants to stimulate discussion and ideas about addressing our future challenges.
Individuals, schools, groups, and organisations are invited to make submissions.
You can contribute a submission online, by downloading a form and mailing it, or by contacting the toll free number to have a form mailed out to you.
Submissions must be received no later than 5:00pm Wednesday 9 April 2008.
Written submissions are limited to 500 words per topic and should focus on one of the ten identified areas. You may contribute a submission in one or more policy areas.
Submissions will be collected by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, which is acting as a secretariat for the Australia 2020 Summit.
List of delegates:

Population, sustainability, climate change and water

Mr Carl Eric Binning                                              Male                       WA
Ms Irina Cattalini                                                   Female                   WA
Mr Joe Ross                                                         Male                       WA
Ms Cheryl Batagol                                                 Female                   VIC
Mr Damien Troy Bell                                              Male                       VIC
Dr Grant Blashki                                                   Male                       VIC
Ms Larissa Brown                                                 Female                   VIC
Mr Russell Ronald Caplan                                      Male                       VIC
Professor Ross Garnaut                                         Male                       VIC
Mr Gerry Hueston                                                  Male                       VIC
Mr Andrew Jaspan                                                 Male                       VIC
Honourable Dr Barry Owen Jones                           Male                       VIC
Professor David John Karoly                                   Male                       VIC
Professor Amanda Lynch                                       Female                   VIC
Ms Robyn Leigh McLeod                                       Female                   VIC
Dr Pam McRae-Williams                                        Female                   VIC
Mr Stephen Mills                                                   Male                       VIC
Ms Natasha Palich                                                Female                   VIC
Mr George Pappas                                                Male                       VIC
Dr Graeme Ivan Pearman                                       Male                       VIC
Mr Marcus Randolph                                             Male                       VIC
Mr Bernard Joseph Salt                                         Male                       VIC
Mr David Shelmerdine                                            Male                       VIC
The Honourable John Thwaites                               Male                       VIC
Ms Georgina Elise Boon                                        Female                   TAS
Ms Anne Howe                                                     Female                   SA
Ms Susan Barbara Jeanes                                     Female                   SA
Adjunct Professor Monica Viviene Oliphant              Female                   SA
Mrs Joanne Louise Pfeiffer                                     Female                   SA
Ms Ann Kathryn Shaw Rungie                                Female                   SA
Mr Michael Peter Berwick                                      Male                       QLD
Mrs Leith Boully                                                    Female                   QLD
Ms Erin Mara Cini                                                 Female                   QLD
Professor Chris (Christopher Reid) Cocklin              Male                       QLD
Ms Cheryl Desha                                                  Female                   QLD
Ms Melissa-Leigh Jane George                               Female                   QLD
Professor Ross Stewart Guest                               Male                       QLD
Dr Andrew Kenneth Leonard Johnson                      Male                       QLD
Professor Ian Lowe                                                Male                       QLD
Ms Elizabeth Ann Nosworthy                                 Female                   QLD
Professor Hugh Possingham                                  Male                       QLD
Professor John Quiggin                                          Male                       QLD
Dr Russell Evan Reichelt                                        Male                       QLD
Dr Lorraine Stephenson                                         Female                   QLD
Dr Stuart Blanch                                                   Male                       NT
Professor Stephen Thomas Garnett                        Male                       NT
Mr Joe Morrison                                                    Male                       NT
Ms Maria Atkinson                                                Female                   NSW
Professor Marcela Bilek                                         Female                   NSW
Mr Greg Bourne                                                    Male                       NSW
Ms Petrea Bradford                                               Female                   NSW
Ms Jillian Broadbent                                              Female                   NSW
Mr Peter Coates                                                    Male                       NSW
Professor Mary Elizabeth Crock                             Female                   NSW
Mr Stewart Ellis                                                    Male                       NSW
Ms Penelope Figgis (AO)                                       Female                   NSW
Professor Timothy Flannery                                    Male                       NSW
Ms Tanya Ha                                                        Female                   NSW
Mr Michael Hawker                                                Male                       NSW
Professor Lesley Margaret Head                             Female                   NSW
Dr Judy Isabel Henderson                                      Female                   NSW
The Hon Roslyn Joan Kelly                                    Female                   NSW
Professor Shahbaz Khan                                       Male                       NSW
Mr Ian Bruce Kiernan                                             Male                       NSW
Mr Eric Ronald Wing-Fai Knight                              Male                       NSW
Dr Gabrielle Sarah Kuiper                                       Female                   NSW
The Hon Susan Mary Lenehan                                Female                   NSW
Ms Romilly Madew                                                Female                   NSW
Ms Sam Mostyn                                                   Female                   NSW
Ms Elaine Prior                                                     Female                   NSW
Ms Tania Ritchie                                                   Female                   NSW
Ms Anna Rose                                                      Female                   NSW
Dr Paul Simshauser                                              Male                       NSW
Professor Will Steffen                                            Male                       NSW
Dr Tony Paul Wilkins                                             Male                       NSW
Emeritus Professor Valerie Anne Brown                  Female                   ACT
Dr Peter J Cook                                                    Male                       ACT
Dr Wendy Craik                                                    Female                   ACT
DR Brian Fisher                                                    Male                       ACT
Dr Geoff Garrett                                                     Male                       ACT
Dr Steve Hatfield Dodds                                         Male                       ACT
Professor Warwick james McKibbin                        Male                       ACT
Professor Patrick Nicol Troy, AO                            Male                       ACT
Dr Karen Elizabeth Hussey                                    Female                  
Dr Chloe Munro                                                     Female                  
Dr Bev Ronalds                                                     Female                   WA


Postscript #1 1st April 2008 


Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [chipstop] 2020 visionaries

Re Penny Figgis OAM 
Lots to add here to .... note on Ms Figgis. Penny Figgis was 'close' friend of Milo Dunphy by some accounts, who certainly bawled her eyes out at his funeral, as I did actually in 96 or so. She was an ACF vice president for quite some years, and loyalist of the ACF alliance with the ALP in NSW (eg Carr). Apparently Milo said she joined the enemy (which I think means married a rich lawyer). PF's specialty up here in Sydney was to write censorious letters to the SMH leveraging the ACF name and a nice turn of phrase, and decent science. But not for a long while now. I would have to say under the ALP machine's thumb. Would never say a bad word about Carr and the Eden chipper (?).
oh also that Penny Figgis was in the news recently in harness working for IUCN over ..... over protection of native [mammal] species I think - WWF report maybe in the Herald in the last few days.
McKibbon on Reserve Bank - he's a conservative on climate change and generates the do less economic models in direct contest with such as Clive Hamilton. Not quite GreenHouse Mafia but more in their direction if memory serves. Guy Pearse's website (?) might have more, as might his book.
Ross Garnaut - well its trite to say he wrote the Garnaut report, he's realised how bad for the planet the science is, I would say he's even scared, and scared the ALP premiers down in Adeliade too, but also he's on Board or chair of Lihir Gold miner in PNG too. He's a business man. Which maybe is why the ALP might actually fucking listen to him more..
Prof Lowe of course - secular scientific saint. ACF President. Heard a rumour he ditched John Conner (for being a spiv?) who now heads up the ALP Climate Institute - don't know if its true.
Prof Quiggin, lefty economist, blogger extraordinaire from Qld, strong opponent of NSW privitisation of energy assets. good dude I would guess.
yeah Ros Kelly, now that's an ALP stitch up, forced to resign over white boards etc in about 1994.
Professor David John Karoly  
Superb warrior on climate change - will push the hard line with a brain like a diamond cutting saw, A force of nature, awesome guy who destroyed the Great Global Warming Swindle documentary, returned recent years from States (Harvard or such like). Deserves a medal.
Mr Bernard Joseph Salt    
social scientist demographer guy I think
The Honourable John Thwaites     
The erstwhile green soul of the Vic Govt as I understood it, subject to vic chipstoppers on the list.
Adjunct Professor Monica Viviene Oliphant   
presumably related to the nukes man?
Dr Gabrielle Sarah Kuiper    
I think she might be a refugee from critical mass public transport activism. If so potentially very good value. Yep she is the one.
Tanya Ha
She's a marketing/model person with a green tinge? Oh yeah, author greeniology. Celebrity value.
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [chipstop] 2020 visionaries

Does anyone know any of the other names besides our few 'good guys'?
It would be useful if someone could google a bunch and dig a bit of dirt to show how inappropriate they are to be on the country's 'sustainability climate and water' group. There's dirt on at least two so far.

Unbelievable, 100 (Give or take a few) people interested in this area and I have heard of about 10 of them. And I've been around these issues for over 3 decades. I wonder how many are ALP hacks?

These are my comments on those I know for what its worth (See list below)

Most lack an environmental perspective - indicative of the deired outcomes.

I expect each will read a prepared statement and at the end of the process we will have a report that someone is already writing...

Not really worth the greenhouse gases spent getting there.

Anyone here going?

Population, sustainability, climate change and water
 Professor Ross Garnaut                                         Male                       VIC
Dr Graeme Ivan Pearman                                       Male                       VIC
He was head of atmospheric science in CSIRO in 2000 - he may be one who lost his job or left during the final grim years of climate change denial.
Professor Ian Lowe                                                Male                       QLD

Professor Hugh Possingham                                  Male                       QLD
Ecological scientist
Professor John Quiggin                                          Male                       QLD
Mr Greg Bourne                                                    Male                       NSW
Ms Penelope Figgis (AO)                                       Female                   NSW
Worked at ACF when I was there - a lobbyist with a glancing but not detailed understanding of forest issues
Professor Timothy Flannery                                    Male                       NSW
Fount of knowledge
Dr Judy Isabel Henderson                                      Female                   NSW
Wonderful Judy who has campaigned on Tassie's forests, Lake Pedder, stood for the Greens, has been Chair of orgs such as Aust Ethical. Probably the best advocate we could have
The Hon Roslyn Joan Kelly                                    Female                   NSW
Now which bit of the topic is she addressing?
Ms Romilly Madew                                                Female                   NSW
Was Property Council in ACT, actively involved in Green Building Council of Aus - don't think she knows much about forests
Professor Will Steffen                                            Male                       NSW
Well, he is ACT actually - Director of what was Centre for Resource Development ANU (Fenner School now?) I have hear d him speak effectively about climate change science and issues.

Emeritus Professor Valerie Anne Brown                  Female                   ACT
Val writes about sustainability issues with a focus on the social side of things. She would be sympathetic of forest issues in the broad sense without knowing the detail.
Dr Peter J Cook                                                    Male                       ACT
 the Chief Executive of the Co-operative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC)
Dr Wendy Craik                                                    Female                   ACT
Chief Executive of the Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBC) in August 2004 - not a great advocate for the environment (and Great Barrier Reef before that)
DR Brian Fisher                                                    Male                       ACT
ABARE (whose stats have led us down so many wrong forest paths)
Dr Geoff Garrett                                                     Male                       ACT
Head of CSIRO manager of its de skilling and commercialisation
Dr Steve Hatfield Dodds                                         Male                       ACT
Economist with an environmental perspective. Husband of Lyn HAtfied Dodds, the President of ACOSS and Executive Director (so equivalent) of Uniting Care. Steve works for CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems’ as Integration Science and Public Policy researcher.
Professor Warwick james McKibbin                        Male                       ACT
Professorial Fellow at the Lowy Institute for International Policy. He is also Director of the Centre of Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA) at the Australian National University. He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC, and President of McKibbin Software Group. He is a member of the Board of the Reserve Bank of Australia and a member of the Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council. He also recently served on the Prime Minister's Uranium Mining and Nuclear Energy Review.
Professor Patrick Nicol Troy, AO                            Male                       ACT
Patrick is an academic with an interest in planning - was a key person during the Whitlam era and used to argue repeatedly with PEter Newman about urban form. He is currently writing about Canberra issues such as water, and proably doesn't give a lot of thought to forests.


Posted by editor at 3:18 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 April 2008 6:36 PM NZT
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Sunday political talkies: W Bush pragmatic embrace of Rudd subdues conservative punditariat
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: corporates

 Picture: Images from the 2002 movie The Quiet American directed by Australian Phillip Noyce where US colonial meddling also comes a cropper in a very very big way with mayhem and misery served up to an enormous degree for most everyone else, and at enormous cost in terms of finances and lives.


Author’s general introductory note (skip this bit if you know this regular weekly column):

This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies  in Big Politics and Big Media.


Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208


“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”


Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.


For actual transcripts go to web sites quoted below except with Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.




Media backgrounder – this section under construction till later Sunday/Monday



- pile of clips overwhelming the desk, table, floor - have to process sooner or later, not least News Ltd sledge of Fairfax re finding of Sydney navy ship, when in fact they have the record for “worst headline ever” stay tuned, hint January 2005, 2nd hint, another deadly watery topic. Oh allright here is the expose by moi at the time:


'Dead in the water': Worst headline in the Australian media history 17 January 2005


- climate change file grown like topsy, may swallow me like DeNiro in Brazil before get a chance to sort into sub categories, grain from chaff


- Beijing Olympics: A Quiet American starring Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser, Tzi Ma of 2002 was ambushed by Sept 11 2001 given it’s grim theme of US meddling and killing of a OSS/CIA operative (Fraser) based on Graeme Greene novel. Well worth a watch because it underscores the Chinese CP backing of the North Vietnamese who did over the Colonial French regime, then survived the US airforce and millions dead to annexe the whole country. But France has never forgotten – hence “Don’t go to Olympic shames” by Bernard-Henry Levy “acclaimed French philosopher and journalist. In other words French cultural warrior echoing his conservative president’s tough talk about boycotting same opening ceremony. This is standard hard reportage now for every Big Olympics – certainly in Sydney, not just China this time. This is the democratic dose of salts as price for getting the gig, understand?



- lots of footage of Rudd with W Bush, who incredibly faces up to former’s election victory, as if its democratic excuse for himself to get out too. Rudd’s sociopathic ambition revealed on the stage with W Bush, asserting an equal status in the banter. $165M offer of assistance to Iraq on agriculture (half the $300M bribe by AWB? as penance?) helped smooth the way. Shows how serious is the challenge of managing the relationship with China that Bush needs his Mandarin etc. It really is a hint of greatness ahead for Rudd in mediating that global  challenge.


- funny to see Tim Blair column with green typeface “Tim”, sledging earth hour, but you sense the fight or malice has gone out of him some. Memo Tim, G W didn’t mention anything about wax.


- lots of Easter Show fluff – with one sharp story about consumer ‘always been a rip off’. Funny Joe Dirt movie last night redneck working class theme during Earth Hour.


- Daily Telegraph runs balancer appeasement to grog advertisers attacking “wowsers” against binge drinking. It’s all about the money as per SAM image last week. Full page adverts for grog in most papers as usual.



- lots of coverage of Zimbabwe election not least Doogue pre 8 am, abc tv shows freedom fighter Mugabe gone very very bad.


-         moral panic over laser pointers is next ‘cause celeb’ long running nuisance.


Swannie pressure as Treasurer eases with friendly headlines tax cut for lower socio economic sectors including abc tv prime news.


Earth hour goes off fine, spreading a message with depth (that cutting energy means cutting costs and helping reduce greenhouse gases.) Mostly symbolic but it’s also a very visible vote of concern.


Laurie Oakes column Telegraph worthy but a little dry, needs a better graphic perhaps. Doesn’t quite fit the cartoon book milieu of SDT.


Tuned out a bit on economics imperative. LO raises Japan missed. Got to be as tough on human rights in Tibet as he is on whale rights in Japan. Should pick up a phone to Prime Minister Fukuda.


[Get the feeling that Rudd has the power to deliver a big balancer here with a specific trip to Japan, tell them that to wrong foot Opposition.]


Sundy Telegaph colour mag is getting more content substance amongst the fluff? Cancel that, its back to fluff.


Interesing read about Justin Hemmes ‘the playboy entrepeneur’ only when you look at ‘The Family’ portrait you get the spooky feeling of cut throat money assasins, endlessly charming and essentially ruthless and unreliable. We had a friend like that who ended up working for Macquarie Bank.


We wrote about the NSW power wrestle between DPP and Iemma Govt. We guessed Hugh Macken as boss of (my) lawyer's union Law Society and from a big family was from an ALP family tradition. Sure enough turns out his old man is a 50 year veteran of the party. Hence NSW ALP AG Hatsistergos on the front cover of the Law Society journal? Hard to say as might have been fore Hugh Macken got the gig.




Sunday 9, 7.30am- 9.30am


Features cottonwool kids (most rebellious ever blow back? Per Hugh Mckay), India miner bird pest, Shadow Foreign minister


Kick off story about ethical source of stem cell therapy example via pet pooch. Happy story.


-         Martu mob photographic exhibition, as per mainstream press. Looks very good, expanding perceptions of the humanity of these folks


Ross Greenwood strong story on super changes with Rudd Nov 07 “absolutely not” change. Shadow Minister on super, Keenan.  Nick Sherry in the story. Have to leave for Riley diary.




Laurie Oakes – with Shadow Robb  Man of Steel sledge on Coalition handed on to Rudd from Howard? All about the strong alliance.  True enough.


Robb looking a bit subdued, not quite crestfallen but like a beaten dog.  Ausmin references as per usual.. Robb makes it clear about “conservative packing their bags”. Robb takes some points about smokes and mirrors about many staying in support roles.


LO presses re ALP keeping the alliance fine despite pre election attacks by coalition. LO presses hard re “whole a lot of alarmist nonsense” fair point.


17 days is an indulgence says Robb – but comes across a bit lame this early on. Maybe in a week?








10 Meet the Press:  8- 8-30 am


Top coverage of W Bush/Rudd joint presser packed out with capital meeja, including Oz sector like Paul Bongiorno. Dennis Richardson, wife Therese there like berry red battleship (time to hit the early morning walkies Therese. W Bush reference to ‘fine lad’ and ‘heck yeah, Man of Steel’ to Rudd, as PB says “patronizing”. At risk of being Bush’s poodle, or maybe of biting the hand that feeds.


Rudd buckles under with President on warnings to China about democracy for Tibet.


Significant references to UN meeting with Rudd post Bali – get a move on.


Panel is Steve Lewis, serious tabloids journo. Jennifer Hewitt


- Jenny Macklin after visit to Aurukun [big bauxite mining town from memory, in fact stolen from the original indigenous, now melting pot of diverse groups from wide geographical area (?)The 'Wik' Peoples of Western Cape York - [1997] ILB 12; (1997) 4(1 ... ]. JM looking quite good with constructive agendas in a sea of misery. Must keep going, must ….


Out take is very funny Keating on W Bush fuck up of US economy [with 3 trillion Iraq war]


2nd ad break, nsw teachers advert attack on Iemma Govt re staffing system, very funny Rove – can you do that in green?



Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.





Riley Diary 7


Salute, missed. Funny track ‘on and on’ -  when it comes to, challenges to the future, working families, core business, better zip. Cliché machine.


Q&A Riley notes Latham policy 3 years too early.  Notes Japan tactical error.








Insiders 2: 9- 10am


Leader of Opposition  Brendan Nelson, tedious.


Parceur sports not quite everyperson segment, great images, great


Panel (the superb) Fran Kelly (getting a bit chubby there) (abc RN), Misha Schubert (Age?), Piers Akerman (SDT).


Big Piers subdued too.


Took a comfort break – good discussion on 2020 summit and hilarious coverage of John Singleton and Gerry Harvey – “it’s good bullshit” earthy reaction.



Home page is http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/

Posted by editor at 11:54 AM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 30 March 2008 12:12 PM NZT

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