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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Historic Aboriginal leader speech on nuke threat to ALP Conference of 1984
Mood:  special
Topic: nuke threats

With environmental legal advisers to attend Tenant Creek to discuss a nuclear waste dump proposal with traditional owners, with background here via the ABC NT website:

 Long term radiation from possible dump needs attention

And the federal government running a PR tour of some other Aboriginal folks at Lucas Heights reactor also from the same area with similar ownership status earlier this week, we found this profound document in a recent filing/throwout:




Posted by editor at 11:13 AM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 1 April 2010 11:18 AM NZT
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Peter Costello badly out of his depth on unsafe nuclear reactor energy
Mood:  loud
Topic: nuke threats


We read recently former federal treasurer wax lyrical in the Sydney Morning Herald recently how the insulation 'debacle' has involved more fatalities than nuclear energy has over the same time frame. or something like that.

But how would Costello know, (long term lap puppy of former PM Howard pictured above).

We posted this very real threat to humanity in a western country, here on a crikey comment string late last week:

Infant Deaths And Childhood Cancer Drop Dramatically After Nuclear Plants Close
November 30, 2001, New York, NY”

Dramatic declines in local infant death and childhood cancer rates occurred soon after the closing of eight nuclear power plants, according to a new report announced by New York State Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, Radiation and Public Health Project, and the STAR Foundation. The study documents a 17.4% reduction in infant mortality in the downwind counties within 40 miles two years after reactor closing, compared to a national decline of just 6.4%. Large declines occurred in all eight areas near closed reactors, and remained above national trends for at least six years after closing. The information appears as an article published in the March/April 2002 edition of Archives of Environmental Health.

We finally have reliable peer-reviewed accurate data attaching the nuclear power plants to death and injury in the host communities, this is a sobering and significant scientific study and we all need to take it seriously,” stated New York State Assemblyman Richard Brodsky. “It is critical that more studies of this type be performed, so that we fully understand the risks posed by nuclear reactors,” added Westchester County legislator Thomas Abinanti.

Nuclear power is a failed experiment that is expensive and dangerous,” said Scott Cullen, Executive Director of STAR. “This study confirms the best of public health principles: that when you remove a known cause of illness, health improves,” said Cullen. “What is gratifying about the research is that it showed childhood health measures increasing so dramatically and quickly after the reactors closed and provides good news that we can strive towards.”

In three of the eight areas with available data, cancer diagnosed in children less than five years of age declined 25.0% in the seven years after reactor closing, compared to a 0.3% increase nationally. Children exposed to radiation are of increased risk for cancer, says Joseph Mangano, MPH MBA, the principal author of the study who is affiliated with the New York research group Radiation and Public Health Project.

This study is most relevant to New York City because over 8% of the nation’s population lives within 50 miles of the Indian Point reactor. Counties downwind and within 40 miles of Indian Point include the Bronx, Dutchess, Manhattan, Nassau, Putnam, Queens, and Westchester in New York, and Fairfield County in Connecticut. Over 8.5 million persons live in these counties, where 110,000 babies are born each year. “




with link to http://www.radiation.org/spotlight/closed.html

Posted by editor at 11:39 AM EADT
Friday, 30 May 2008
Tragic death of Roni Levy 11 years ago on mural at Justice Action office
Mood:  sad
Topic: nuke threats

We recently got permission from Brett Collins principal of Justice Action prisoner lobby/human rights group, to take a picture of this mural of Roni Levy who died from multiple gun shot wounds from police early morning about 10 years ago. Roni by all accounts was in high confusion and distress and brandishing a knife when he died.

We were put in mind of this mural recently since we were a local ward councillor back then living 2 blocks from the same beach and it was this event said recently to justify the use of stun guns now in NSW:

 Taser guns rolled out to cops | NEWS.com.au

 NSW top cop says tasers not fatal - Breaking News - National ...

He'd be alive if we had tasers: police chief - National - smh.com.au

More NSW police to be issued Taser guns - ABC News (Australian ...

We had another theory about the sudden enthusiasm to announce the decision by the police minister:

 19 May 2008

Police Minister Campbell tasers 'travel rorts' story in Sydney Morning Herald?
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: nsw govt

Posted by editor at 10:22 AM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 June 2008 1:21 AM NZT
Friday, 15 February 2008
Legal thrills and spills at Jabiru courthouse anti Jabiluka U mine 1998
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: nuke threats

We came across this educational experience in our old files on work for the Mirrar Traditional Owners campaign in the Northern Territory, Spring 1998, Third Opinion magazine, out of print now:



Posted by editor at 8:47 PM EADT
Updated: Friday, 15 February 2008 9:03 PM EADT
Monday, 5 November 2007
Uh oh Sydney research reactor built by 'Dodgy Bros' of Argentina proves to be dodgy in front of world experts
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: nuke threats



[Greens media release] 

Six month reactor shutdown as nuclear delegates arrive in Australia


The admission by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology
Organisation that Australia's only nuclear reactor will remain shutdown
for six months shows the need for a new direction on nuclear power,
Greens Senator Kerry Nettle said today.

The embarrassing revelation comes on the eve of an International Atomic
Energy Agency conference, which starts in Sydney tomorrow and is focused
on research reactors like the Lucas Heights OPAL reactor.

The week long conference, The International Conference on Research
Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization, is being hosted by
Australia and 220 delegates from around the world are expected to

"The government now has egg on its face as the world's nuclear
scientists gather in Australia," Senator Nettle said.

"Just before Australia hosts a major international conference on
research reactors we learn that Sydney's nuclear reactor will be out of
action for at least six months."

"John Howard called this reactor a 'triumph' but just three months after
his government opened the reactor it has broken down and will now be off
line for at least 6 months."

"There is major gap between the rhetoric and reality of nuclear power in
this country. How can John Howard and ANSTO argue for 25 nuclear power
reactors when they can't even run one small research reactor?"

"There is still no clear answer to the cause of the reactor shutdown and
who will foot the bill."

"The admission that the reactor will remain closed also undermines the
claim that it is necessary for nuclear medicine. ANSTO says it is
spending $90,000 a week to provide nuclear medicine while the reactor is
shutdown. The reactor cost $400 million to build so for the cost of
building a reactor Australia could have had 100 years of medical

"The government should cut its losses, keep the reactor closed and focus
on real solutions to climate change like renewable energy and energy

For more information:  Damien Lawson 0419 253 342

Posted by editor at 1:01 PM EADT
Updated: Monday, 5 November 2007 1:07 PM EADT
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Yellow-cake John: Australia quietly signs up to nuclear club
Mood:  sad
Topic: nuke threats

 [Press release follows]

Yellow-cake John: Australia quietly signs up to nuclear club

Canberra, Monday 17 September 2007 

Australian Greens Climate Change
Spokesperson, Senator Christine Milne, today condemned the Howard
Government's action in signing up to the Global Nuclear Energy
Partnership overnight, without making any public announcement of that

Senator Milne said "In the dying days of his Government, John Howard has
signed up to George Bush's Global Nuclear Energy Partnership at a
meeting in Austria, seemingly without any public statements that he has
done so.

"GNEP is a truly Orwellian idea - spreading nuclear technology and
resources in the name of preventing nuclear weapons proliferation. It
can and will only make the world a more dangerous place by making the
ingredients for nuclear weapons available to more countries around the

"Having signed onto GNEP with barely a word to the Australian people,
John Howard must now come forward and explain what he has signed us up
for. Will we now be required to store the world's nuclear waste?

"This is a major public debate in Canada, where fears that becoming a
global nuclear waste dump would be a requirement under GNEP have thus
far made them hesitate before agreeing to join the club.

"The decision to sign onto the GNEP agreement overnight has put nuclear
issues fairly and squarely on the election agenda.

"Kevin Rudd must now step forward and commit to repudiating this
agreement if he wins the looming election."

Contact: Tim Hollo on 0437 587 562

Tim Hollo
Media and Communications Adviser
Senator Christine Milne
Phone: + 61 (0) 2 6277 3063
Mobile: + 61 (0) 437 587 562

Posted by editor at 8:24 AM NZT
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Aussie activist at US nuclear reactor for Hiroshima Day
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: nuke threats

Benny Zable Indian Point Overnight Vigil ~ Aug 5th & 6th

Join us in front of Indian Point
Buchanan, NY
August 5th & 6th
for an overnight vigil!

In solidarity with his nuclear free campaigners in the USA, Benny Zable Australian peace and environmental performance artist is available for photo opportunities outside the Indian Point Nuclear Reactor during an overnight vigil 5th and 6th August Hiroshima day commemorations.
Friday the core of the new nuclear reactor at
Lucas Heights in Australia collapsed.
US President Bush and Australian Prime Minister Howard are to sign a Global Nuclear Energy Partnership deal during the
APEC meeting in Sydney.
Good time to meet to talk .

Benny Zable

You can reach Benny at:
West Side Cultural

Alice Slater
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
446 E. 86 St.
New York, NY 10028
646-238-9000 (cell)
Postscript #1
Great story about nuclear energy expansion in the western world  and all the real problems that entails here on SBS Dateline August 1st 2007:  Feature:The nuclear renaissance  

Posted by editor at 5:24 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 2 August 2007 6:24 PM NZT
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Dr Jim Green's latest No Nuke News - late July 07
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: nuke threats


Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 3:14 PM
Subject: Upcoming anti-nuclear events

Dear No Nukes News subscribers, please find below a list of upcoming events including Hiroshima Day events, in Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney.
regards, Jim
Jim Green B.Med.Sci. (Hons.) PhD
Friends of the Earth <www.foe.org.au>
EnergyScience Coalition <www.energyscience.org.au>



Posted by editor at 12:48 PM NZT
Friday, 20 July 2007
Howard govt reprises BBC nuke classic - Edge of Darkness
Mood:  irritated
Topic: nuke threats

YouTube has serialised parts of this chilling BBC classic


Australia May Sign Up to US World Nuclear Energy Partnership - Bloomberg - 9 hours ago

Australia won't become nuke waste dump: PM - Melbourne Herald Sun - 2 hours ago


[Media Releases]

Friday, 20 July 2007

Howard-Bush nuclear deal puts Australia at risk - Greens
The Prime Minister's plan to sign a nuclear pact with President Bush risks Australia's future security and environmental wellbeing, Greens Leader Bob Brown said today.
"A thirty percent reallocation of current electricity supplies through energy efficiency, to meet future industrial, retail and domestic needs is a much safer, cleaner, cheaper option to dangerous nuclear power," Senator Brown said.
"Mr Howard's proposed pact with President Bush will anger neighbours like Indonesia and Malaysia and foster nuclear installations in our neighbourhood. The massive radioactive leak in Tokyo Electrics' giant nuclear plant this week shows how dangerous nuclear power stations on Java could be."
"The Howard move will inevitably bring Australia under pressure to become a global nuclear waste dump. It will increase terrorists' focus on Australia and will create a direct incentive for nuclear power plants to be built near our major cities, like Sydney and Melbourne," Senator Brown said.
Further information: Ebony Bennett 0409 164 603


Howard’s US nuclear push turns up heat on Iemma’s weak laws
Media release: 20 July 2007
Greens NSW MP John Kaye said he would be pushing ahead with his
legislation to trigger a plebiscite in the event that the federal
government tried to impose a nuclear facility on this state.
Dr Kaye said: “The only way to counter John Howard’s desperation to
join President George Bush’s nuclear club is to allow the people of NSW
to have their say.
“The problem is that the existing state laws that supposedly protect
the state from nuclear facilities are toothless.
“The construction of the OPAL reactor at Lucas Heights proved how
little power or political will there is in the NSW government to oppose
the expansion of the nuclear industry in this state.
“We have given notice of legislation that would automatically trigger a
referendum if any federal government tries to force this state to accept
a nuclear facility.
“Our bill is a direct challenge to the Iemma government to strengthen
their stand against nuclear power by giving the people a direct say in
their own future.
“The Greens are confident that there would be an overwhelming vote
against any move to impose nuclear reactors, enrichment, reprocessing or
storage onto a neighbourhood in this state.
“No community wants to risk poisonous waste, toxic leakages and
devastating accidents.
“No society should tolerate the economic damage and geopolitical
destabilisation that a nuclear industry would bring. 
“If Premier Iemma is serious about keeping NSW safe from John Howard’s
nuclear ambitions, he will join with us in strengthening state laws and
making sure that the people have a say before they end up with a reactor
in their back yard,” Dr Kaye said.
For more information: John Kaye 0407 195 455


"the confrontation of good and evil"


This via Benny Zable long time peace activist we have adopted as patron of ecology action australia 

Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 10:17 AM

Subject: Australia poised to sign nuclear deal with US


 This email .....confirms what has been going on behind the
 scenes of clearing the way for Nuclear Dumps and the railway links
 Halliburton is building.
 We need to highlight the ramification of what this deal is truly about, of
 why produce more radioactive waste products.
 "Fueling a new breed of Nuclear Weapons."
 I am heading off to New York City on Wednesday and will be discussing this
 matter with Nanci Callahan who produces and directs ECOFEST at the
 Center. <
 I will also be performing in New Jersey on Hiroshima Day.
 Yours Benny Zable
 Alice Slater
 Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, New York
 446 E. 86 St.
 New York, NY 10028
 -----Original Message-----
 Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 7:13 PM
 Subject:  Australia poised to sign onto GNEP with US


[Sydney Morning Herald writer Anne Davies article follows:]

 Australia poised to sign nuclear deal with US
 Anne Davies, Washington
 July 20, 2007
 According to draft plans seen by The Age, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer
 and Resources Minister Ian Macfarlane want the deal announced when US
 President George Bush comes to Australia in September for the APEC leaders'
 The deal could advance Prime Minister John Howard's push for Australia to
 embrace nuclear power, including providing access to the latest
 technological advances.
 "The proposed action plan would help to open the way for valuable nuclear
 energy co-operation with the United States," a briefing note says.
 "It would also be consistent with the Government's strategy for the nuclear
 industry in Australia. An action plan on nuclear energy would also have
 bilateral advantages further broadening our relationship with the
 "While the US has not raised the possibility, the action plan may be a
 possible 'announceable' for President Bush's visit in September."
 But the proposal appears to stop short of recommending Australia sign up
 with the controversial club of nuclear nations, the Global Nuclear Energy
 Partnership (GNEP), being championed by Mr Bush.
 An initiative of Washington, the GNEP is seeking to control the
 distribution, reprocessing and storage of nuclear fuel around the world.
 Member nations include Russia, China, the US, Japan and France.
 Mr Bush has said the initiative is central to tackling climate change, and
 that its aim is to ensure the safe growth of the nuclear industry while
 limiting the risk of proliferation of nuclear material for weapons.
 US officials have indicated that Australia's status as a "totally reliable
 and trustworthy" nation could allow its inclusion in the plan as a fuel
 But the proposal is controversial for Australia partly because storage of
 nuclear waste by GNEP partners is an integral part of the arrangement.
 The Federal Government has repeatedly said Australia will not take other
 countries' waste.
 The GNEP countries met in Washington in May and agreed to work on plans that
 control the supply of all nuclear fuel and its reprocessing and waste
 disposal. Non-partnership countries would be leased fuel only if they
 complied with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
 Australia, the world's biggest exporter of unprocessed uranium, and Canada,
 another big supplier, have expressed interest in GNEP.
 But GNEP is seen by some developing nations as highly divisive, and
 Australia's membership could alarm neighbours including Indonesia.
 It would also rekindle heated debate in Australia over the development of
 nuclear power, and would inevitably raise the spectre of a nuclear waste
 Officials working on the US-Australia initiative flag this concern in their
 note, saying that signing "a joint nuclear energy action plan would be on
 the basis that this would not limit possible future choices regarding
 Australia's nuclear industry. It will be important also to ensure there is
 no misperception on the United States' part that conclusion of an action
 plan could have implications for the Government's policy of not taking other
 countries' radioactive waste or spent nuclear fuel."
 A US Energy Department spokeswoman, Angela Hill, said: "The vision of GNEP
 is something we would hope Australia and other countries can support."
 A spokesman for Mr Downer confirmed that discussions on an agreement were
 under way, focusing on safeguards and research and development.

 Alfred Meyer, Program Director
 Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
322 4th Street NE
 Washington, DC 20002

 202-544-6143 fax


Posted by editor at 10:46 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 23 July 2007 9:26 AM NZT
Monday, 25 June 2007
NT Traditional owners speak out in Sydney against Canberra's nuke waste dump
Mood:  special
Topic: nuke threats



Joint Media Release -

Traditional Owners from NT and Ian Cohen MLC 

25 June 2007

“From the bush to the harbour, we say never never” Concerns grow
over Canberra’s nuclear waste plan

After years of being ignored in the bush, Traditional Owners and
community representatives from four sites in the Northern Territory
targeted by the Federal Government for a radioactive waste dump have
brought their concerns to the heart of Australia’s biggest city.

The group is in Sydney at NSW Parliament House today, as part of a
national tour to highlight the growing issue of radioactive waste ahead
of the federal election.

“People in the NT know about this issue, now others need to hear the
story. This concerns all Australians, especially people living along the
roads leading from Sydney to the NT,” said Audrey McCormack, whose
homeland is four kilometres from the proposed Mt Everard dump site.

“Nuclear waste is to be deposited out of sight and out of mind on
Aboriginal land. Half a century of the nuclear era and still we are no
closer to effective disposal of nuclear waste”, said NSW Upper House
Greens MP Ian Cohen.

“We may find eventually that Muckaty or another region in the
Northern Territory will be a repository of global nuclear wastes. It is
a horrific scenario for those who live there, the environment, and for
small vulnerable communities along the transport corridor”, Mr Cohen

In 2004 a NSW Parliamentary committee examined the transport and
storage of nuclear waste in NSW and highlighted serious and unresolved
safety concerns, particularly for NSW regional communities on the
primary transport corridors.

“The NT is not no-where and we are not no-one. There are communities
living close to all of the proposed sites. We collect bush tucker and
bush medicine and water from underground,” said Mitch, an
Arrernte/Luritja woman representing Engawala, the community closest to
the proposed Harts Range site.

“This dump plan is the thin edge of the wedge and opens the door to
an international waste dump in the NT. The federal government has lied
to us about this dump not being in the Territory, so why should we
believe it won’t become an international dump?” concluded Margie
Lynch, an Arrernte woman from Central Australia.

Contact: Natalie Wasley (speaking tour coordinator) 0429 900 774
              Nic Clyde (Adviser, Greens MLC Ian Cohen) 0417 742 754

Posted by editor at 1:46 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 25 June 2007 1:55 PM NZT

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