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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Monday, 29 October 2007
Green Party 'national leader' provides wise counsel on the ecology front
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: election Oz 2007


Senator Bob Brown

  Will the Green Party under the official leadership nationally of the veteran Senator Bob Brown close the pragmatic preferences deal with the hard nosed pragmatic federal ALP, in defiance of ridicule by such as Senator Fielding of the Assembly of God aka 'Family First' right wing party?

Well time will tell. But the veteran Brown is looking like a Melbourne Cup bolter this last 24 hours. A spring in his step, the rumble of the ocean in his voice, a strong tonic of relevance syndrome like a ring in to a Fantastic 4 movie script on tv last night.

Picture: Images lifted from Fantastic 4 chortler, with Bob Brown in the Ioan Gruffudd role attempting to pursuade a pneumatic potential green voter, hanging in there electorally and very worried about Mr Hot, his friend or fatal super nova?

There he is, not for nothing, on Meet the Press, Insiders couch where Matt Price should be (and is not forgotten Matt in his darkest hours), and ABC tv prime time evening news correctly noting that "for the first time as national leader".

In this way the acutely diplomatic Brown, that this writer has much less time or interest in pursuing as the world crashes around us, is well placed to rein in the ideological left wing in the NSW division, and keep a subliminal ecological theme running strongly. The real green in Green. And thank God (!) for that.

And the ALP are getting it. The green in Greens are not for turning, getting a .5% increment every year on average, and the whole song and dance has to move stage forward to our position because we have the moral trumps on preserving creation and survival of our species including, God's creation as you please. There is no bargaining on such an issue.

Truly dangerous climate change is in fact Satan. 


This morning in Sydney 800 km south of Lismore (in the aftermath of a tornado - let me say that again, a tornado) the temperature at 6 am pre daylight saving, 7 am post daylight correction - was 25 degrees ("inside the truck" says the dead cow delivery guy outside a local butcher next to the local newsagent).

That folks is a subtropical climate shift bearing down on Sydney. A cyclone 800 km away last weekend but actually in Sydney in our lifetime. That's right - a cyclone in Sydney in our lifetime.

Climate Change is Satan. Are you reading this George Pell?

Posted by editor at 9:31 AM NZT
Updated: Monday, 29 October 2007 11:15 AM NZT

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