Topic: aust govt
Author’s general introductory note (skip this bit if you know this regular weekly column):
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media.
Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208
“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”
Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.
For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Media backgrounders
* Take out the Trash #1? Iemma shelves his secret $5B tollroad tunnel under Marrickville? Such a little story, such huge political-economy implications. Is it really true? Is it the policy bribe to get Carmel Tebbutt back in the Cabinet going south in the polls fast? She wouldn't cop ventillation stacks in her electorate so push it all back on Cranky Franky Sartor at Rockdale with the M5 East x2? Big winners and losers in this story hardly commented on in Big Media.
* Emancipation anyone? League stakeholders wisely decide to cut a deal before Australia's double headed answer to Mohamed Ali gets a replay here.
* Simon Marnie refers to ex federal treasurer Peter Costello having a friendly chat with Nelson on his return from OS – on his own in a report pre 7 am Sat 16 Aug – is this true?
* Take out the trash #2? Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett delays verdict on expansion of Beverley U Mine until 29 August 2008 "the government does not anticipate any further delays". (from News Corp The Oz 14/8/08 p31). The mine is owned by US based General Atomics via local subsidiary Heathgate Resources. Beverley uses in situ leaching which is bound to impact the local environment.
* Sunday Telegraph goes big on the latest cheap junk from China - $12-18K cars/utes
* TB - a debilitating illness that destroys ones mucous linings, also known as Tim Blair - in the Sydney Saturday Telegraph goes on another of his fanciful diatribes alleging lack of efficacy in the green energy sector. Like Gerard Henderson it's what he leaves out that matters. For example UK citizen Allan Jones OBE visit recently after results Woking in UK:
Woking Borough Council in Surrey England reduced CO2 emissions by 77.5 per cent from 1990 to 2004 by installing 81 decentralised energy systems - nearly 10 per cent of the UK's total number of photovoltaics.
TB then ignores the other immensely effective green technology with a proven efficacy - the off switch for easily 20% conservation. And the odd $1B solar energy first step in a potential further 33 rollout by those well known 'greenies' BHP Rio Tinto and Woodside and other big business joint venturers. TB hasn't got a clue nitpicking about long life light globes. More reportage on that huge solar energy play including TB's own News Ltd sister paper here:
13 Aug 08 Australia as a solar energy leader, says WorleyParsons | The ...
13 Aug 08 Worley weighs up $1b Pilbara solar plant |
13 Aug 08 [press date but curiously posted on the web as 16 Aug] Big guns turn their sights on solar | The Australian by John Durie in Martin Collins column - formerly Chanticleer back page Australian Financial Review i.e. a sharp cookie]
* Take out the trash #3? Meanwhile the WA Liberals in state election mode blow the whistle on poor gas pipeline safety in their north west sector - as we stated on a string on last Wednesday:
Here's another political angle of interest - the Libs in WA expose poor ALP governance on gas pipeline safety (Australian p14 yesterday, today p12) - but doesn't this also demonstrate that the gas pipeline sector itself are a risky proposition for potentially catastrophic effect of leakage from a large scale carbon capture sequestration pipeline? In the gas explosion on the Apache Energy Varanus Island pipeline in north west WA it was 'only' billions of dollars in lost economic production. But in a populated area it would be thousands of deaths from asphyxiation from a lethal CO2 cloud bleeding out - say overnight - colourless, odourless, soundless [tasteless] ... and oh so fatal. Even the CEO of local Exxon subsidiary Mobil Australia said on the Kohler ABC business show that the he didn't want CCS to "sour" any current oil fields till at least 2020-2025 when they are finished. The implication is very clear - if it's not safe for over lying oil fields, its NOT SAFE FOR PEOPLE.
I bet the Barnett Liberals didn't realise they were also blowing the whistle on CCS? Or maybe we should give 'em credit? Notice too BHP etc joint venture on $1B solar potentially x 33 rollout if the economics stand up. Maybe they know something about CCS that Mobil already talked about with Alan Kohler ? - it's a crock. Someone should tell Martin Ferguson too.
* Curious allegation in The Oz Media last Thursday about ABC and Ch9 "colluding" on sharing footage. This follows Crikey getting spanked and for posting an ABC film of the National Press Club (for being a commercial operator using tax payer funded materials without permission). Max Uechtritz used to work for the ABC and is now a chief nob at Nine, or was but who really knows these days. Just saying. Nothing personal Big Max - we've seen you swinging those fists against the dark forces of organised crime on tv.
* Another cracking story about Fijian local press reporter, pregnant and all, being harrassed by the dictator Bainimarama. Which doesn't sit too well with Jocelyn Scutt 'cleared' to work for the same dictator as reported in the same News Corp newspaper. What a mess.
* Same excellent The Media with some more chapter and verse from Rowan Callick on dictatorship control games at the Olympic for visiting journalists.
* Meanwhile the big miners like BHP leverage their PR with advertising spin with many full page colour adverts about how they mined the metal for the medals at the Olympics - only the Gold one looks in their pic looks like uranium from their Olympic Dam U mine. Radiation like Coca Cola fizzy drinks is not a good health product.
* The blowback against Ch7's tv coverage of the Olympics continued on the main opinion page of the Daily Telegraph last Tues p23 'Remote rage grows as Seven stumbles' - might be true, might be ratings jealousy, and might be for craven capitulation to Chinese and IOC dictators for censoring the Get Up advert on Tibet. One would like to think it was the latter.
* Take out the trash #4? The execellent reportage out of China by John Garnaut/SMH - none better than goss on PM Rudd dinner with big business of Chinese and Australian based kind. So why no front page story for JG? All a bit too discreet back on page 22 if you really think about it:
* Take out the trash #5? Strewth gives a warning shot across the bows to Julia Gillard over her press flak last week. p21 13 Aug 2008, last item.
* someone called runs a full pager in the News Corp broadsheet about a disputed island between Japan and Korea. The black blocking must have been murder with the printers. Who is it?
* Can't be sure but sharp axe Christian Kerr (Thurs 14th Aug) possibly echoes our SAM line about Senator Xenophon leveraging other issues to push saving the Murray river - in a comment by moi as riposte to Bernard Keane sledge of X on crikey last week Wed 13th (dates check out).
* Take out the trash #6? MP Dr John Kaye on the hunt still over Tillegra Dam blowing out in cost for Iemma AND maybe being unsafe too for poor geology. Has the ingredients of another big stuff up? p12 14 August The Oz.
* Everywhere angst about new statutary 'tort' of privacy in the Big Media. Plenty of traffic both ways on this. Ackland in SMH says it's another attack on free press. ALRC says its needed due to technological change
* Verity above refers to the loquacious NSW Minister for Environment Verity Firth. In a decidedly brown government.
* A special catch up on Bob Beale who used to be environment editor for the SMH and now works if memory serves for Prof Mike Archer at UNSW always keen for a commercial use of natural heritage: Beale wrote a piece on Friday 13 June (!) 2008 and he is bad luck for the environment. Fails to declare any conflicts of interests over UNSW trawling industry for joint venture grants on say research into commercialisation of National Parks? His piece "Nature's not sacred, let's use our national parks" is a hopelessly shallow piece on the indusry and browns in govt salami slicing protected areas. A real environmentalist in our view would be seeking to shift the huge predominance of land outside precious refugia into a more sustainable political economic model. Not a word from Bob Beale about for instance logging of redgums helping to destroy the Murray River eco-system. That's the real meaning of sleazy terms like 'multiple use'. At least with the Black developers you can see a social justice agenda not only private profit. Stop rent seeking Bob on the public's estate - go out in the market and buy some clapped out dairy country and turn it into a eco resort with critters and flora - if you can. But you can't can yer.
* Take out the trash #7? Aging Phillip Ruddock 35 years in federal parliament - a pitiful statistic surely - runs spin on his "legacy" in a big feature by tough guy John Lyons in The Australian p21 13 Aug 08 called "Locking up his legacy" .
10 Meet the Press: 8- 8-30 am
Press round up conspicuously avoids the dumb mistake story about mountain rescue in NZ.
Andrew Robb, shadow foreign affairs. Skate over Russia and China authoritarianism. Something about illegal foreign workers.
Out take footage of Rudd hiding behind children for a picfac. [So shallow. Should stop doing this manipulative stuff or the Big Media should.]
First adbreak Teachers Union effective advert about teachers in wrong subjects.
Panel is smart with Fran Kelly and Glenn Milne
Robb sledges Rudd “embarrassing” regional security organization.
FK asks great question about uranium exports to “tinderbox region” bad idea. Robb takes a lifetime to answer and weave his spin why we should.
Footage of Nelson [in nightwatchman job] at 17% going backwards. Milne tough question –
Robb political rhetoric resonates about 1996 5% swing to Govt in Lindsay. Compare Gippsland and NT tone set big swing against govt.
Robb skates away from Costello leadership story. Go to second adbreak with cartoon about Dubya and Putin cold war standoff.
Whining teachers federation advert – but effective.
Paul Howes AWU unionist in dirty industry sector. [Wants to weaken climate change policies.] Starts off on Work Choices.
Howes wants strong regulation on illegal foreign workers regarding bad treatment of same – rife in the agriculture sector. Not worried about criminal elements. Talks up harmony and welcoming country. Is worried about industries collapsing under labor shortages while not welcoming per se wants to engage and be proactive.
Free pollution permits until level playing field for overseas – says it will export jobs with no greenhouse cuts [– a do nothing policy in fact when we can leverage our preferred location and buyer market geo political economic advantages to make that playing field – walk and chew gum]
Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.
Riley Diary 7, 8.35 am
After the Olympics.
9 Sunday 7.30 – 9.30 am
Laurie Oakes interview with Senator Xenophon, says Fuel Watch like a dead parrot from Monty Python [tough talk].
Fast talking Senator, trips up LO about alleged flip flop in SA but olive branch with “Laurie”.
Follow up Q distinguishing WA – independents driven out of business there says X. Wants to open up distribution and wholesale arrangements. That’s the focus he wants.
LO goes hard on instructions to parliamentary draftsmen, extraordinary, and X admits it was a mistake and he learned from that, did his homework. Symptomatic? Graciously says hope not, live and learn.
[Good stuff on both sides call it a draw – or dentistry]
Horsetrading approach asks LO? X – trouble is get a donkey or Trojan horse. Evidence based, refers to good conscience.
Big issue on alcopops. Missed the answer.
X suffers dry mouth, just as talking about water. Agrees no bigger issue in South Australia – national interest 10 years away not sufficient urgency. Agrees with Wentworth Group avoid disaster. Drafting legislation on this. Greens also doing something on audit as well. Urgent inquiry in senate.
Fed govt to deal with 4 states, trammel over them? Refers to Hawke on Franklin, demands intervention, needs a federal takeover. 50% of food produced, water to rice and cotton a bad use.
LO on Paroo being dammed illegally. X agrees shows planning not action authority needs real teeth.
Your issue about pokie machines? Get rid of ATM’s from venues. Any hope major parties banning from clubs and pubs. Something like 50% of profits from addicts.
X looks like he needs a drink of water. But he did good too. Admitting his mistake was honest and saved him.
Insiders 2: 9- 10am
Press round up, Gerard Henderson looking chuffed at his front page story and feature yesterday [not realizing it damages Coalition by living in the past?] but instead refers to Iemma sleaze employment and wages policies plundering the public purse for mates.
Meglo refers to letter to witness – is it interfering with a witness? Referral to police under crimes act.
Much wry amusement about just how bad the Iemma Govt is – consensus. Public just want the trains and hospitals to work, not amazing lateral thinkers on high wages.
Talent is Treasurer Swan – rusted on loyalty to Fuelwatch. Believes in competition.
Bracks report $1.5B to car industry. Always been transitional assistance. Says it’s all normal, lifts innovation. Long term assistance – 65K employees he says.
All the usual segments - refer website
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