Mood: sharp
Topic: nsw govt
We read with interest another of Meredith Burgman's embarrassed political mates:
We posted previously about jet setting Meredith Burgmann's credentials in the 21C here:
Thursday, 13 March 2008The trouble with Meredith Burgmann, career lefty, disaster tourist, feminist
Mood: down
Topic: nsw govtFriday, 14 March 2008How could ex MP Burgmann have supported Joh style Part 3A repeal of green laws in NSW Planning Act?
Mood: down
Topic: nsw govtSaturday, 29 March 2008City Hall Left candidate Burgmann airbrushes 2 million death holocaust in North Korea?
Mood: incredulous
Topic: nsw govt
And here is another problem with one of Burgmann's mates, co-author Yvette Andrews:
Saturday, 16 February 2008How to get a $65Kpa community sector wage without any open job selection process?
Mood: sharp
Topic: local news
This particular scandal was updated with no essential change in the failure to undertake a competitive job selection process for a Labor mate at 'Australia's biggest community centre':
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
More grist here:
Thursday, 3 April 2008Addison Road Community Centre board minutes leak out, suggesting more ructions?
Mood: quizzical
Topic: local newsSaturday, 26 April 2008
Notice too the rumours around Addison Rd Centre that Andrews was actually fishing for a job with the same Senator John Faulkner above but got stranded, not least from complaints by this writer, at the ARC rather than face scrutiny before a Senate Estimates Committee. Oh the irony of it all.
Our sad conclusion is that the ALP Left have been beaten down and exploited by the ALP Right - spivs like Master of Conflicted Self Interest Paul Keating - for so long that they have ended up copying the same sleazy self interest modus operandi. Becoming what they hate.
Those with any integrity left should probably consider splitting from a broken ALP Parliamentary Party under a new labour umbrella and go into coalition with the Green Party. And leave the sleaze behind. It's the next logical step in the evolution of Australian politics in the ecological 21C.
Posted by editor
at 2:13 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 August 2008 3:52 PM NZT