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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Sunday political talkies: $50B alleged 'corruption' by Madoff echoes Syriana soliliquy?
Topic: aust govt

Author's general introductory note

This is not a well packaged story. It?s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media.

For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to the programme web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don?t really give you the image content value.

Media backgrounders

* Sad story of Oz mountaineer who died on Mt Cook, Dr from Perth. This is the real Mt Cook tragedy compared with the ridiculous trekker/Mt Sealy Range story a few months back, about 5 to 10 km from Mt Cook, mis-described.

* Leading story about Mr Madoff fraud of $50 BILLION alleged in USA founder/chair NASDAQ. Based on pyramid selling called Ponzi scheme. Real head shaking stuff as per Syriana soliloquy .... "corruption"

* SAM's editor has discovered blogging tool software which is a free download for our server. This means no more clunky frustrated willful blindness at typos and poor sentence construction. Also faster upload of edits and pics and spellchecking (like 'spell checking'). It also means ominiously much easier understanding of html advertising inserts from Google Adsense and other companies that do that kind of thing. Sorry folks. We are likely to be blighted by adverts. But as minimal as financially viable.

10 Meet the Press: 8- 8-30 am

No show, summer break

Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.

Riley Diary 7, from 8.30am

In recess for summer holidays. Sunday Sunrise last show of the year.


9 Sunday newshour Laurie Oakes interview 8.40 am

Leading story about Mr Madoff fraud of $50 BILLION alleged in USA founder/chair NASDAQ. Based on pyramid selling called Ponzi scheme. Real head shaking stuff as per Syriana soliloquy ... "corruption"

Ross Greenwood does round up of the GFC in impacting way re corporates and currency here etc. Good story, should go back to it.

Kevin Wilde does interview with newish Premier Rees. First 100 days. Ministerial embarrassments. Not Joan Kirner he reckons. Pushes greenest state in Australia and smartest. Presents well [compared with disgrace of guns everywhere front page Sunday Telegraph ? all about courting the old `One Nation? vote.

Laurie Oakes with Opposition Tony Abbott. Intro adverse for re "very bad" newspoll. Abbott has to wrangle LO who is getting cranky (and with Ramsey bailing the notable crusty) with the Opposition and quite chummy with the Rudd Govt.

Joyce as maverick. Says he?s a decent bloke and learnt his lesson to work as a team.

Costello waits as potential leader ..."sick of this stuff as I am" as per column in Daily Telegraph yesterday. Joke? Says in the main game or not, his talent shouldn't be on back bench. Peter's time never came and happens in politics. Offers high praise for 11 years service.

Re Joyce ? mix ups last sitting night ? was "one crazy night". Learning experience.

Confused about unfair dismissal in demise of Work Choices compared to leader Turnbull. "No no no" exhorts TA all a matter of careful consideration ? maybe.

LO tone gets testy on 3 occasions plus. Real dentist drilling session here.


Great story follow up train ride in South America re The Devil's Nose in Ecuador 9000 feet, [air thins at about 6000?]. Tourists on roof, wave to children and children wave too. Lovely. Rotting wooden slats. Rails are 100 years old. A lot of tracks. Not dangerous. Only goes at 20 to 30 km. Train derails. Well practised routine. Great story.

3 train derailments. Buses in Egypt just as bad, philosophical attitude. Train staff are frustrated with lack of investment too.


Insiders 2: 9 to 10am

Run Talkie show ? Q&A

"Debating all the big issues are former Foreign Minister Alexander Downer; author David Marr (Fairfax); columnist Angela Shanahan (News Corp); Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner; and Young Labor's Rose Jackson." Rose is typically wordy and a bit shallow, daughter of Liz Jackson, but very telegenic.

Lindsay Tanner "I'm not really religious, I'm Anglican" and "I'm not really spiritual ....[I'm in the Labor Party ... obsessed with power and spoils of same over principle!?]".

Home page is http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/

Inside Business, 2 at 10am

In summer recess ? check this for a chunky wrap from Alan Kohler from last week

Alan Kohler on Inside Business

2008 an extraodinary year in finance

Alan Kohler gives a final summary of what happened in finance in 2008.

Refer http://www.abc.net.au/insidebusiness/

Posted by editor at 8:55 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 14 December 2008 9:35 AM EADT

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