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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Respected journo Chris Masters holds forth
Topic: big media

These holidays makes time to catch up on stuff, not just rebuild bicycles using an amalgam of 20 different makes and models.

One such will be via the abc Fora website of the speech by abc retiree and arguably crusty Chris Masters. A guy who sold us this computer reckons he knew Masters from those fraught Qld days. When, legend has it, the ruthless corrupt Nationals under Bjelke Peterson, and their murderous agents, managed to taint the ALP/Liberal Opposition with their own share? This latter aspect is somewhat of a taboo subject which deserves a bit more nuanced and determined resportage of it's own to supplement the now famous "Moonlight State" by esteemed Masters.

Our former tech knew Chris Masters but not in a happy way unfortunately. And we have lost contact with the tech now too for about 2 years now. A bit like the Cable Guy, not that we've seen the movie.

We look forward to the lecture by the miracle that is the internet. Not quite the same as being the audience but nearly as good, as here:

Chris Masters 153

Chris Masters On Being A Journalist 21 November 2008 15:00

At the beginning of this week, veteran journalist Chris Masters filed his final story for Four Corners, the ABC current affairs programme he's worked on for 25 years. In this candid conversation with the ABC's Mark Colvin, he reflects back on an illustrious and award-winning career.

Chris Masters has won many Walkley awards, including the gold for his 1985 story "French Connections", about the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, but his most famous story is probably 1987's "The Moonlight State", which blew the lid on entrenched corruption in the Queensland police force and government. This report was one of the catalysts of the Fitzgerald Enquiry into police corruption.

He has written three books, the most recent of which, "Jonestown", an unauthorised biography of Alan Jones, became a bestseller in 2006, when it was published by Allen and Unwin.

The topic reminds us of this string by media commentator Marg Simons that we dropped in on there too while crikey.com.au are in recess:

Are All Bloggers Journalists? I don?t think so?

Then we will go searching out First Australians on SBS.

Posted by editor at 5:53 AM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 23 December 2008 6:31 AM EADT

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