Mood: chatty
Topic: aust govt
Picture: Premier Keneally (bottom right) gets in some early practise fronting scary slick back, fleshy brown boofy blokes with goggle glasses. Here it's her proud father on first communion day in Ohio, while today it's Sussex St Labor administrative committee and ALP parliamentary party: Indeed her MPs were described on ABC public radio this week as "muppets".
Author’s general introductory note
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media. Perhaps the greatest utility is the headline synthesis above of the 3 or 4 shows followed in this session.
For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to the programme web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Other sources of pollie talkies on Sunday include SkyNews paytv Sunday Agenda, Radio National Monica Attard Sunday Profile show. And of course Sunday night shows SBS Dateline, Sixty Minutes and now Sunday Tonight on 7.
Media backgrounders.
- away from Canberra beltway it’s been a boring as batsh*t week with the big media defaulting to Lara and Clarky trivia on the front pages selling vicarious sex as news, as if.
Lenore Taylor is right in her piece this weekend it’s been “scatty” “even sillier” and about “season’s bleatings” this last week.- A Qld contact asked us in the first few weeks of the first 100 days, what we thought of new premier Keneally - I ummed and ahhed and then said what I really thought - A red ribbon around a box of sh*t. By the look of PM Rudd in the press over health reforms for NSW he doesn't like the smell in the box.
- Claire Harvey nails it – without quite using the word misogyny in her Sunday Telegraph column this week. The sexism in the big media this last 2 weeks, let alone invasion of privacy, is making web 2.0 look decent, which takes some doing given the plethora of porn there.
- Is Tasmania going to an election soon just a glorified local council borough with barely 500K residents?
- SMH played for suckers early this week on an otherwise important story about western Sydney air/ozone pollution in green fields north and south west Sydney (Richmond to Camden). The signs of choreography were all there with controlled leak to SMH journo and trusty dial a quote greenie Jeff Angel, with EPA wonderboy Simon ‘inventor of ‘land bribe’ policy’ Smith, also quoted for the government. The leak had manipulative Sartor’s fingerprints all over it in service to the NSW Right Cabinet. The SMH were played because it was a preface to a much bigger story from the Govt later that week of compulsory acquisition of land around rail and other transport links to service their corrupt record level economic immigration/political donation agenda. Money politics driven by the high rise development sector for high rise – which is not financially viable away from govt public transport developers will never pay for.
- We wrote to state hot shot Andrew Clennell of smh about the previous item and his story this weekend seems to have added spice this weekend about the state govt in first gear, spinning wheels going nowhere. Says polling shows Keneally is likeable – which was SAM here story in her first week via local observer from Laperouse, Lynda Newnam. And her husbands policy smarts is also in evidence – like PR at Lake Cargellico to offset noise of redgums conservation decision.What people in Big Media seem to forget is that most US white middle class kids are trained in public speaking way beyond usual Australian standards. As Vietnam war correspondents used to say of the US military PR machine – they were so good at verbalizing you always needed a reality check on what was the truth on the ground. Same in NSW politics with Premier Keneally.
- The so called interactive ABC 702 Cameron Morning show blog has minimum comments, like 3 for last Friday. Our comment was blocked. Making the same points as here at previous post quoting developers Triguboff and Lowy of Meriton and Westfield respectively on record for 100M population in Australia. Our point we should quadruple refugee intake and slash economic immigration. To break the big money politics racket destroying planning now. The censor, err sorry, moderator making a mockery of interactive dynamic audience participation? Do the ABC realize that annoying people with censorship does more damage to goodwill than not hosting a blog in the first place?
- Good feature about Paul Watson/Sea Shepherd in today’s Sunday Herald who former housemate of this writer and Australian citizen ‘George’ used to work with (and how). ‘George’ had a photo on his wall taken through a port hole of a ship in the distance, with barb wire in the frame. The other ship – Canadian Govt gun boat seeking to prevent anti whale protest in the chilly north sea. The barbwire through the porthole was actually wrapped around George’s own converted offshore trawler to prevent boarding of the Sea Shepherd in international waters by the Canuk govt. ‘George’ always was an under the radar kind of guy. It was ‘George’ in Europe in the 1970ies who helped sink two pirate whaling boats in a Spanish Port, with no injuries. He rode his bicycle via many countries without a passport back to England. Just pause for a moment there – pirate ships, under no flag. Acting illegally. Even so it puts the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior in some kind of context. ‘George’ always was very intrepid. Another anecdote: ‘George’ is walking along a snowed out deserted road in the depth of winter in a northern hemisphere country over 20 years ago. The public phone on the street starts ringing. He picks it up. A calm voice announces “Hello ‘George’ we just wanted you to know we are keeping an eye on you.” What is the technology that can do this at that time? A well calculated reminder with George being very technically minded. This was in a time before mobile phones were ubiquitous. Such is the international business of saving whales and treading into the realms of foreign relations, spooks etc.
- We’ve always been impressed with Stephanie Peatling in the Sun Herald, apparently right back to research assistant to Alan Ramsey. We wonder if she's influenced by the ALP governing party more recently. Her pieces in the Sun Herald this weekend (Carr on redgums, Greens wrong to block parental leave of Govt) are friendly for Labor, right or wrong.
10 Meet the Press: 8- 8-30 am
Press round up, talent is Greens leader Bob Brown, with Hugh Riminton in the chair. Social welfare policies in focus – dental, parental leave, support from the Greens.
Brown – we need a population policy after 430K increase in one year without an [official] govt policy [what a scandal] Brown is staunch again saying this “is not a green government’ whether it’s forests, climate etc. Humour out take is cartoon of Abbott from The Australian.
Panel is Stanley 2UE, Stephanie Balogh Courier Mail/News Corp.
Second guest is Heather Ridout, lampooned by the Coalition in previous times as Heather Sellout, but she picked the winner of the 2007 election. Waffles on about parental leave. Ridout waffles about nuclear, and energy security in northern hemisphere. [Highly ignorant about safety issues of nukes after child cancer study in New York State of 2002 proven by 8 reactor closures].
Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.
Riley Diary 7, from 8.40am
Alice in Wonderland theme.
9 Sunday newshour Laurie Oakes interview 8.44 am
Julie Bishop on so called people smuggling. Missed a chunk of it. Increasingly looks like the talking skull.
LO takes a mild tone – softly softly catchee monkee on complex tax, parental leave.
Insiders 2: 9- 10am
“Fascinating week” says Barry. [Actually away from Canberra beltway it’s been a boring as batsh*t week with the big media defaulting to Lara and Clarky trivia on the front pages selling vicarious sex as news, as if. Lenore Taylor is right it’s “scatty” “even sillier” in her piece this weekend about “season’s bleatings” this last week.].
Film package has terrible shallow pop music.
More interesting discussion and footage of tense atmospherics with Premier Keneally. Her personal popularity is noted by Fran Kelly, says definite rudeness by PM. [Might be misunderstanding PM on right side of people view of NSW Govt.]
Swan is the guest by remote screen and conceptual discussion of Henry Tax review, sophistry about refusing to release the Henry Report.
Amusing package of Groucho Marx on Abbott oppositionism. Talk about Julia Gillard heir apparent. Ruddock and Howard still in profile pulling strings, Ruddock in particular angling for one of his daughters to go into politics.
Inside Business with Alan Kohler .