Sunday political talkies: Rudd-ick* tell**: Furrowed brow, earnest tone presages DD trigger on $2B health shortfall
* refer fictional ‘Furian’ sci fi movie character Riddick – a uniquely lethal night vision specialist.
** reference to PM Rudd’s similar tired, serious expression during parade of People’s Republic of China troops with their Premier. Soon after the Australian Govt Defence White paper was released and surprised many including the PRC by taking a harsh line on China threats to security in the 21C. It’s PM Rudd’s ‘I am seriously worried so look out’ expression.
Author’s general introductory note
This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies in Big Politics and Big Media. Perhaps the greatest utility is the headline synthesis above of the 3 or 4 shows followed in this session.
For actual transcripts and/or video feeds go to the programme web sites quoted including Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.
Other sources of pollie talkies on Sunday include SkyNews paytv Sunday Agenda, Radio National Monica Attard Sunday Profile show. And of course Sunday night shows SBS Dateline, Sixty Minutes and now Sunday Tonight on 7.
Media backgrounders.
1. NSW Govt moves to sell of energy retailers reminds of the origins of the whole saga in 1996 – Bob Carr copying Howard’s $1B NHT in a greenwash steer through of the sale of Telstra worth how much ($50B?) In Carr’s case it was the $25B NSW energy generators and lines and retailers, with a $450M green fund. Who knows this may have been to pay out the woodchippers at Eden and get rid of them Do the Greens who trenchantly opposed that sale on the principle that climate policy is better handled within public ownership have a view about all this? It sure is a confusing morally speaking not least given the Carr led and ALP generally notorious self interest over public interest. Witness for instance consultant Keating barracking in 2007 for a mini sell off formula but listing maximum revenue figures. Apples and oranges Paul, called to account by Green MP John Kaye. Now all this is served up to new NSW environment and energy minister John Robertson, and Green MP cross benchers.
2. Paddy Manning continues to write up the real issues of business in a sustainable world hidden from the crowds in the back of the newspaper. In some ways more important than the former Eco section of the paper. And what ever happened to that? The greenie bashing following the Victorian bushfires, that’s what.
3. Lisa Carty in Sun Herald writes up Koperberg article today. How many florid metaphors this time? Is she the lightest feather weight state political reporter in the reptile park? Without Kerry Ann Walsh who will provide the gravitas the paper so badly needs? There we are first sentence “kamikaze” soon followed by “absolute hatred” “stuff up” “disastrous” “disenchantment”. Meanwhile big Phil probably, in reality, has a mild headache thinking about the next fire season? The story is an obvious reprise of the ALP Right friendly fire over his personal life over 20 years ago to blast him out of his Blue Mtns seat.
4. Is it us, or is Crikey’s expansion into multiple blog endeavours weakening the daily tealeaves of the ezine mailout contrary to the punchy name? And how is rival Punch going. Still haven’t bothered. Nor Twitted which surely is a Big Media conspiracy against web 2.0 credibility: A gotcha form of stupidity anathema to say wikipedia, or learned blogs.
5. Very amusing reality tv show star, the Asian dry cleaner guy now spruiking 30 second cleaner product via Bunnings tv advert. Complete with new teeth. A small business man ‘hero’.
6. Channel’s 7 and 9 are going head to head now at about 8.40 am Riley Diary versus Laurie Oakes respectively on Sunday mornings. Ouch. Oakes is a no show today.
7. Worth keeping in mind in the slow motion implosion that is the NSW Govt that the NSW Left ALP are on a personal level a mirror of the ALP Right. Quite vicious and ruthless in a whatever it takes sort of way with highly flexible handle on reality. That’s what hatred does in a family – clones of slightly different flavour.
8. Latest NSW Govt reshuffle related email corro:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 2:10 PM
Subject: [] metro v RARA* land, Work Choices lens, Lee is da Woman, what Simon did next ...Re: [chipstop] John Robertson minister for environment and energy
* Rural & regional areas.
True enough re Currawong, but that was also related to funding the ouster of Howard on Work Choices which was an even bigger deal for the unions. So one might like to read that down regarding regional rural chipstop agenda. It's not the same as the blessed northern suburbs of metro Sydney hung up on their amenity issues (!?). (feel free to argue against).
Lee Rhiannon's office will be even more crucial now in relations with the ALP given her union antecedents, but that will probably be better too than Jeff Angel as the interface with the ALP Right delivering us many horrors (lets start with land 'bribe'/swap conceptual framework Jeff blessed in 1997 - Brigalow Belt South deal with farmers/WWF(Jamie Piddock) resulting eventually in Catherine Hill 2009). Indeed Jeff would know the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Note also FoE Sydney and Greens played a very strong role in preventing energy privatisation in 1997 - stay tuned for a historical brief on that via link to SAM blog, and Greens again in 2007. These were main platforms for Robertson policy speaking. He will be about public intervention for green collar jobs and the joke that is CCS (as per 4 corners last week - excellent show).
As to Part 3A analysis Tim Robertson on Stateline last night was confirmation of my view years now, that the 1979 L&E Act is broken - he said 'back to 1965' Askin era. Significant because (a) Tim is an SC barrister, (b) Labor Lawyer's group (c) NEFA legal strike in famous Chaelundi/Corkill legal victory 1991 re need for State Forests to do EIS's under the same Act (d) he is feeling brave enough to go public including via from his developer client's AND public interest group clients. (There is a first cab rank rule for barristers to not refuse clients which may explain some things.)
But Tim told me about 10 years back in his office once he doesn't believe in wilderness, rather refugia old growth with critters there to recolonise disturbed sustainably logged areas. Trouble is he is ignorant about island biogeography/edge effects because unlike moi he doesn't have a zoology degree to speak on such matters: If Wilderness as an ecological concept didn't exist it would have to be invented. Refugia is too limited a design framework. But he means well and is generally sincere. He was instrumental in Carr pre 1995 forest policy approach IMHO.
So much for theory and practice.
The other interesting revelation is reference by Lincoln Hall in his mountaineering story in the SMH today to one Geof Bartram (?) 1983-4 expedition to Everest with a journalist .... Simon Baulderstone. SB was ex minder staffer of Peter Garrett for the ALP in recent years 2004 onwards, and known recently to defend PG zeolously in the comment strings of crikey (where I outed him!).
Just saying ...
Yours truly, etc
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: [] John Robertson minister for environment and energy
hi all
it seems that Minister for Health is somewhat unhealthy
john robertson is poisonously disliked by many left leaning ALP members and conservationoists for his heavy handed tactics in pushing on (after Michael Decosta - remember him?) with the fire sale of the wonderful Pittwater foreshore property 'Currawong", an ALP retreat and holdiday resort for its rank and file members,and much used by teachers, nurses and local government employees at all levels, for sale to ALP mates/property developers who are part of the Bondi Beach Whiteshoe Brigade.
He is now core ALP right - an apparent disaster for us BUT he needs to be formally approached abouit his views on forests and biomas/biofuels/woodchipping calamities.
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 5:18 PM
Subject: [] John Robertson minister for environment and energy
"John Robertson will pick up Ms Tebbutt's former environment portfolio, as well as continue as the Minister for Prisons. He will also pick up energy from Mr Macdonald."
Robertson defied the unions on privatisation of prison services, but I think it is most unlikely he would do anything the CFMEU didn't like.
Tony Kelly has been dumped as the NSW Police Minister after criticism that he mishandled a police pay dispute and was devoting more time to campaigning for a leadership challenge.
Ian Macdonald loses his energy portfolio, but remains Minister for Primary Industries.
Premier Nathan Rees announced a cabinet reshuffle this afternoon after John Della Bosca quit the cabinet over an affair. Mr Rees said the reshuffle was about loyalty and discipline, indicating that he had punished Mr Kelly and Mr Macdonald for working behind the scenes against him.
The NSW Deputy Premier, Carmel Tebbutt, has taken over as the state's new Health Minister.
Ms Tebbutt, from the Labor Left, has been the environment minister for the past year.
Michael Daley will become the new Minister for Police.
John Robertson will pick up Ms Tebbutt's former environment portfolio, as well as continue as the Minister for Prisons. He will also pick up energy from Mr Macdonald.
The Minister for Transport David Campbell picks up Mr Daley's Roads portfolio. Mr Campbell will be assisted by David Borger, who will continue as Minister for Housing.
Mr Della Bosca quit the ministry last week after admitting to the affair with 26-year-old Kate Neill.
Ms Tebbutt has previously served as the minister for education, from 2005 to 2007, before she resigned from the frontbench to spend more time with her young son.
The Marrickville MP is married to federal Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese.
She agreed to return to the frontbench when Nathan Rees became Premier but has held a relatively minor portfolio.
Three recent former health ministers have become political casualties, with two quitting Parliament and one now relegated to the back bench.
Former premier Morris Iemma was health minister in 2005, followed by Attorney-General John Hatzistergos in 2006/07, Reba Meagher in 2007/08 and Mr Della Bosca took on the job a year ago. Mr Hatzistergos took over the portfolio for about a week after Mr Della Bosca resigned.
Andrew Clennell is the Herald’s State Political Editor.
- with AAP
10 Meet the Press: 8- 8-30 am
Lead in on economic credentials of Oppositions leader with Govt’s Emerson trying his Peter Costello style theatrics (complete with mock Garrett arm waving, and florid phraseology).
Guest is Steven Smith on G20 re Hockey sledge it’s going centre left. Smith indulges more sledging of Hockey. Move on to Balibo 5 relations with Indonesia. PB as compere chases the filibuster answer sharply which is good. Senior politician alleged suspect footage shown.
1st out take is Albanese sledge of Turnbull side stepping Fielding’s pressure moment doorstop fiscal, physical stuff up. Nice on many levels given Albo was being smeared last week re Badgerys creek land deal, shows Fielding as the flake he is, and of course dumping on Opposition leader ALP corporate self interest.
Mid show section re Afghanistan rorted election. Smith finally makes the point re Sept 11 anniversary. Sri Lanka ejects child rights campaigning Australian working for UN. What is Australia doing about it? Good one Bonge.
Out take is cartoon at expense of Turnbull re Fielding learning difficulty.
Last section of show Rudd footage of history wars. Tony Roberts history of govt slaughters in NT under South Australian Govt semi official policy. Outstanding testimony of psycho sadistic murder of Black Australians.
Meet The Press - Watch Political Video Online - Channel TEN.
Riley Diary 7, from 8.40am
Fielding special satire, man under pressure and flaking badly.Albanese sledge rerun. Heart to heart about learning difficulty with Mark Riley. 29/100 HSC. Struggled back with higher degrees. Riley gives him a vote of support for being “fair dinkum”. Riley agrees with view above re Emerson going OTT with Costello style theatrics.
9 Sunday newshour Laurie Oakes interview 8.44 am
“Given the week off”. That’s flippant.
Insiders 2: 9- 10am
Riley Diary style package on economics, Fielding, Emerson, Greens Brown fiscal responsibility. Albanese sledge 3 times today now. Abbott madness about “shit eating grin”. Gomer Pyle impersonations. [All about twitter and Sienfeldisation of public forums in a race to ecological dysfunction]
Panel Lenore Taylor News Corp all in white but not her employer (!), Glen Milne re policy of Work Choices,
David Marr “
Rudd grab off 7.30 Report – he’s got that earnest look like when he was paraded in front of PRC crack troops on parade. It’s the tell, re double dissolution on health funding of $2B. Guest is Minister Roxon rolling out the policy and rhetoric on health portfolio (got distracted from the mousy one).
Vox pop is woodchop with Foster etc re Fielding stuff up and pollie perks, and senator gets off light in his heartland demographic.
Debate follows re double dissolution prospects re health issue. [re read tell on Rudd furrowed brow and earnest tone]
Legacy debate over economics reform. Taylor says it’s painfull and tedious, and also patronizing [my words – and she is so right – what pollies do, jaw boning as the ecological wheels fall off in lead up to Copenhagen climate talks?].
Inside Business with Alan Kohler
Posted by editor
at 12:13 PM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 13 September 2009 12:47 PM NZT