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Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Establishment confusion as 'dangerous' climate changes everything politically, economically, socially, ecologically
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: globalWarming

It used to be the song "money changes everything" by Cyndi Lauper. But now it's the all encompassing issue of dangerous climate change shaking up conventional wisdom. And DCC itself is a subset of the even greater unifying reality of ecology - that is simply everything alive is connected. Whether you believe God created that circumstance and thus a sacred obligation for stewardship, or by some other process, it's still all connected.

Never has moral credibility on matters of ecological sustainability been at more of a premium in our 15 year downshifting 'career' as an environmental reformist/lobbyist.


Crikey.com.au, very commited to the creative destruction of capitalism and thus market forces wrote this about climate influenced drought today, quoting approvingly in turn editorial of the conservative, pro fossil fuel The Australian newspaper, in turn echoing community medi The Big Issue March 2007 edition above. The "enlightened" irony of the text will become apparent, and we don't actually mean that in such a judgemental way. We really are in scary unchartered waters for western civilisation and this writer for one is scared, for real:

The trouble with drought relief is that it props up unviable farms. The Australian recognises the terrible pressure a drought puts on individuals, families and communities, but drought assistance is a government intervention and as with any government intervention, it distorts the market. So long as farmers in marginal agricultural enterprises know that the Government will bail them out, they defer the difficult decision to cut their losses and leave the land. Whereas other unviable industries go to the wall in the face of changing conditions, there is an assumption that farmers should not be allowed to go broke, and if they do, they should be given assistance to exit the industry. When droughts break, as the always do, new entrants go in, enjoying the good times and then expecting a handout when the next drought hits.
Sadly, the lead up to a federal election is no time to expect rational economic decisions, but this is what is required. Handouts to unviable farms are a drain on the public purse and on scarce resources such as water, and by putting subsidised products in the market, they make it harder for viable farms to survive. [bold added]
Not enough rain indefinitely? The complex relationship of drought and dangerous climate change is uncertain and may always be unproven. For instance we wonder what effect land clearing of some 2 million hectares of bush in the last 12 years has had on rainfall in this state as the NSW Farmers rep Jock Laurie tells us farmers are using the best modern methods today. To that we say humbug. In any case politically the drought/DCC nexus is here right now.

On the other hand, and likely much more certain is the prospect of way too much 'water' inevitably? We noticed Nobel medical science winner Peter Doherty on 7.30 Report last night quoting the taboo 4 to 6 metre sea rise figure for melting ice by turn of the century (it's the melting of the ice and sea level rise'), which is the thesis of climate experts like Dr James Hansen of NASA's Goddard Institute and his colleague Australian/Troublemaker of the Year, Professor Tim Flannery:

....full story continues here

Posted by editor at 8:15 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 January 2008 5:22 PM EADT
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Tony Maher, Pres of the CFMEU dig it up, chop it down union embraces election double talk on climate?
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: globalWarming

When combined with actual action on the ground, reading Tony Maher here below reminds me of Bob Carr champion of the forests in '93-95 while in Opposition, while always only ever committing to protection of 50% of legally identified wilderness. The green wedge of the Lib-Nats succeeded in 1995. Then after 1997 Carr as Premier made it very clear by various policy settings he was NEVER going to end woodchipping of natural forest as promised in the 1995 election. We qualified our judgement of Carr from at least 1993 and this reservation was well vindicated.


Similarly we can say, the union/ALP federal complex is equally determined to wedge the Liberal National Party with the environment in another close election 2007, not hard given dinosaur Nationals crucial to Howard's PM status. Back then it was with forests in NSW against then Premier John Fahey in 1995, today it is leveraging the green iconic issue of climate change nationally. Many of us are willing participants in this wedge whether we realise it's Carr/Clive Hamilton's real politik strategy or not.


Bob Carr is patron of ... the Climate Institute headed up by spiv like John Connor who previously helped knowingly or not Carr's 97-99 corrupt forest election broken promise on woodchipped natural forest as CEO of  NSW Nature Conservation Council. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Connor went on to the ACF an ALP leaning outfit and at one point promoted the idea 'you don't have to sacrifice comfort to live sustainably'. Well maybe, but riding a bicycle is quite different to an expensive Prius.  And it's a bicycle kind of future at this juncture, and that's assuming there is oil to make the wheels. But some will always have their privileged enclave.


All of this means if, still quite a big if, and when the federal ALP wins this election it's going to be broken election climate change promises and a million extra population for Sydney and hyper development and God knows what other land use depradations.


And the Coalition are as bad. I think this piece below might better be referred to as 'Miners embrace election double talk' as per Anvil Hill, Moolarben coal mine approvals, power greedy desalination plant (on Stateline again last night) where Sydney gets 1.2 metres of rain a year, etc etc.

Miners embrace climate change

By Tony Maher

September 19, 2007 12:00am

IN The Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore speaks of his family's struggle to come to terms with their history as tobacco farmers.

[full text at the link above and also here ]

Posted by editor at 7:15 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 January 2008 5:20 PM EADT
Mick Kelty, AFP chief lobbying judges outside the judicial process?
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: legal


Picture: p1 Australian Financial Review 24th Sept 07. There go the civil liberties online?

It was surreal as dawn events often can be. Seven am Phillip St Sydney. 10th floor of the Supreme Court Building. Missing my sleep.  Lawyers badge on in case of wire cage barriers. Blinking at the sombre procession of barristers, protesters, media, the Beak, senior coppers. Far below on the steps we saw banners, face paint, police on bicycles, and plain clothes Australian Federal Police, one of whom gave me a card by way of sussing this community media practitioner out.

We gave the card to David Marr of the SMH later on that day as he nipped around gleaning here, gleaning there for his sketch pieces.

 It was early September and still cold.

So this was democracy.

And then there was Mr X. Quite chatty and enthusiastic He was an interested onlooker in the gallery sticky beaking at proceedings on the way to somewhere else in the Court building perhaps. Many people wanted to know if the Stop Bush Rally was going to be allowed during this super security conscious APEC week.

"What's your role in all this?" X asked. "Community media" I slouched. We got to chatting. He trusted me a bit. Gave me his card too. Then he shared this little gem as we moved away from Big Ears who gave me the other card:

Seems about 2 years ago AFP chief Mick Kelty had allegedly been at a conference of legal big wigs and gave a speech. He talked about the age of errorism and he let it out that he had been having informal chats with judges along the lines

- you don't understand, these people are capable of things you wouldn't believe

- you don't know what these people are really like

- you are going to have to adjust your thinking and make decisions appropriate to the times of much greater security.

At least that was the gist of it as I understood the allegation. Which is very interesting. Because if it is true it suggests an old boy/girl network of extra judicial lobbying outside the well worn processes of evidence in the legal system, complete with upcoming anti terrorism cases. To save the village by autocractically changing the village, openly or otherwise. The power behind the facade of the ballot box? The old Ken Livingstone book comes to mind: "If voting changed anything they'd abolish it"

It also resonates with some speeches the sainted Mick Kelty is reported today about yet more changes to our legal system needed to ensure (perfect?) security in what has always been an uncertain world:

Prevention is better than crime

For governments the world over, political priorities were transformed by September 11, 2001. Domestic security has been elevated to a level of importance we've never experienced before, writes Mick Keelty.

Mick is a clever CEO all the same. While pushing the conservative buttons on the Coalition side, on the other hand he is spruiking the risks of climate change to security in the 21C which would be music to the ears of the ALP, as reported here on ABC AM this morning:

Police Commissioner enters climate change debate/ The Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty has labelled climate change the biggest security issue of the century and he's detailed the problems he sees caused by global warming.

Yep Kelty is a contemporary man, but is he too contemporary to stick to good legal process and norms of democracy? Is he indeed a very political figure in a police uniform playing both sides of the street, and was it ever thus anyway?

Posted by editor at 3:13 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 4:10 PM NZT
Howard's implausible denial of real Lib fingerprint on so called 'Ruddiculous' heart valve story
Mood:  surprised
Topic: election Oz 2007

Picture: The AFR get the headline right 24/9/07 while the Oz buries the lead?

Matthew Franklin Chief political correspondent for The Australian yesterday buried the lead on Liberal Party smearing of the ALP. In the last 3 paragraphs, at page 3 bottom right hand corner of The Oz 24th Sept 07, he mentioned proof of a Liberal Party member and Qld health professional 'acting alone' as the source of the Rudd heart valve information.
So a Liberal source but plausible deniability for the head office in the federal party? An ambitious activist on the make in the Libs? All of the above?
Given this was at heart the cause of the feral meltdown in the last question time of federal parliament last Thursday so widely reported, it seemed to us worth a headline rather than buried under Bob Hawke opinion aspect. This meltdown led to sledging  2 days later that Rudd was really Kev Frankenrudd, is he human? | The Daily Telegraph Have a look at the text in bold and judge for yourself:
Coalition will fight dirty, says Hawke
Matthew Franklin, Chief political correspondent | September 24, 2007

....Mr Abbott said the election campaign would be about Mr Rudd's political character, not his personal character, and that he was not interested in news that the Labor leader had had a heart valve replaced 14 years ago.

"It's his credibility, not his heart, that's the issue," he said.

"It's his political character that's in question, not his health."

The clash came after Sydney's The Sunday Telegraph newspaper reported that a Howard government minister was a homosexual who visited gay bath houses and was married to a woman as a front to hide his true sexuality.

Veteran Nine Network television reporter Laurie Oakes told The Sunday Program that he had heard the same claim, but from a Liberal Party source.

The source who last week told The Australian about Mr Rudd's heart operation 14 years ago has denied doing so as part of a political conspiracy to hobble Labor's election hopes.

The Queensland health professional - who passed information about Mr Rudd's medical history to one of this newspaper's journalists on Monday - yesterday admitted being a Liberal Party member, but denied acting at the behest of anyone else.

In particular, the source denied discussing the matter with any party official or MP - despite Opposition claims that the surfacing of the rumours in a Nine Network news bulletin was the work of a Liberal Party dirty tricks machine.

"There's no Liberal Party plot here as far as I'm aware," the source said yesterday. "It's an absolute nonsense."


Postscript #1

We have just noticed this subdued headline the day before in The Australian at page 21 of the Saturday issue by Franklin's superior on the food chain there, Dennis Shanahan, which reveals similarly the real Liberal Party member fingerprint, but 'no conspiracy': "At the heart of a conspiracy theory" possibly offline.

Posted by editor at 2:46 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 September 2007 8:57 PM NZT
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Sunday free tv talkies: Oakes spikes Milne feral Coalition front pager re Kevin 'the white Koala', foggy after 50 birthday bash
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: election Oz 2007


...... full story found here

Posted by editor at 10:17 AM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 27 September 2007 4:23 PM NZT
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Marrickville Film Festival #1 of 2007
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: independent media

Marrickville film festival last weekend 14th and 15th September at Addison Rd Centre was a goer by the looks of things. We missed the Friday night event too tired after 7 hours solid digging, sawing, composting etc. The programme sheet indicates 18 movies about 5 min each. On the next night we noticed about 150 people for the outdoor screening of ‘They’re a Weird Mob’. Mmmm. We  recognised the large projector screen, if not mistaken, from a certain giant Qantas dumpster near Wolli Creek railway in late 2002 rescued by moi. That’s the spirit of The Composter alive and well.


Apparently the film nights reflect a WW2 tradition of out door screenings on the same grounds.



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Posted by editor at 7:25 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 24 September 2007 10:55 AM NZT
Nelson cruels last Q time. Devine's Albrechtsen eny? Wheels fall off the Heiner play and Akerman career, switch to Rudd ticker?
Mood:  rushed
Topic: election Oz 2007

Why would Minister Nelson raise Pine Gap in a boring speech to cruel the scheduled 2pm question time of the last day of the last parliament before the election in 2007? To cruel the radio and web based ratings for the Opposition in their last attack perhaps, while the ABC tv perversely prefers senate question time? To symbolically show who's still boss? To try and wedge peace nik Peter Garrett MP again?

Nelson is fillerbustering as we speak, with a compulsory response by the Opposition Minister to confirm support for the Australia US alliance. More bleeding of listener numbers.

Picture: Peter Costello as PM heir apparent looks very worried about colleague Defence Minister Nelson crashing the scheduled start of the last question time of the last parliament of the Howard 2007 govt. He smells perhaps a very damaging final question time, which indeed has turned feral as we write.

In our press media catchup today we noticed some other startling political lurches in this "feral" last week of parliament as World Today's Eleanor Hall has called it today.

Notice Malcolm Turnbull getting a semi snub here from the sainted Al Gore, while Turnbull is outed by Miranda Devine seeking to display her inside knowledge of serious Liberal Party hierarchy, as Janet Albrechtsen was seen to do from her perch at The Australian recently by calling for Howard to stand down as PM.

We also noticed that this latest of several recent tub thumps by Piers Akerman in the Daily Telegaph today about the shredder in the Heiner affair from back in 1990 is about to become a whisper. A whisper? How so?

Meanwhile the big boys in the News Ltd broadsheet The Australian, yesterday noted a senior Liberal figure with high legal standing and the editorial both junked the Heiner scandal as in any way relevant to the suitability of Kevin Rudd as alternative PM. There goes that tactic in the Big Conservative press.

But Akerman runs it anyway next day in the sister Sydney Daily Telegraph desperate for an arrow to hit, while Gary Linnel formerly a 9 news chief, and other new chum to the SDT Steve Lewis but an old hand in the News Ltd stable has been sent downstairs from The Australian, to both do political reporting there. Get the picture? Akerman, Linnel, Lewis all in on the one national affairs bench at the SDT along with Malcolm Farr who regularly posts front page stories. 

That's too many fat *rses for one bench we suspect, well due for a generational change in the age of handover?

Methinks Akerman should assume the position and brace, as the wheels fall off his last pro Howard gambit on the old desperate Heiner matter, a tragedy no doubt but also long gone history.

And thus it seems wiser heads have realised a new attack on Rudd was needed, so switch to the health of Rudd's ticker as here?:

Rudd forced to defend his ticker


I had same heart op as Arnie: Rudd

Kevin Rudd 10:55am | Kevin Rudd likens himself to Arnold Schwarzenegger, following revelations about a heart operation 14 years ago. 

Sure enough this govt on its last legs is fast expiring, are getting nasty and dangerously wild as per this confusion of Iraq war legal service and Nazi death camp guards:

AM - Labor seeks Phelps sacking for Nazi comment

Picture: Rudd makes his 'I have a ticker' speech with great vigour, rival Tony Abbott desperately tries 'relevance' points of order, as Rudd quotes the Phelps Nazi slur story above. The damaging question time Costello feared at the outset?

The cartoonists are noticing the strange factor too with a growing vivisection/mutant theme first Moir, now Leak here

Now Anthony Albanese as 'leader of Opposition business' has been named and evicted for 24 hours from the last question time after going for broke calling the chair "an embarrassment" for allowing another speech by PM Howard for 10 minutes in their question time, and thus 'reflecting on the chair' as the jargon goes. More precious question time lost but maybe running a little interference on the PM's choreography too.

And now John Howard PM has the floor virtually quoting chapter and verse the old Karl Rove Republican method of puting up a smear at your own guy (allegedly smear of Rudd over his heart operation by his own ALP) and then blaming Howard's side for dirty tactics. The allegation by Howard he's the victim of such a Karl Rove trick does sound a bit neurotic. It sounds like a bit of a projection of his own side being quite interested in such trickery. A complex confusing mind game well understood by wonks but not the general public.

Here is an example via google of presumably a right wing attempt to do 'a Karl Rove' on lefties at indymedia alleging Howard's old man was a Nazi who fought in WW2, which obviously he was not. For a start he fought in WW1:

The Truth about John Howards Dead father | Sydney Indymedia

The story has been 'hidden' by the editors but might be found (?) in their hidden archive? We posted on that story string before it was hidden, hence the memory of it, saying it had an iffy Rove like nature to it and factually totally baseless. The bare google listing can be found with search terms "howard father nazi indymedia" proving it did exist once.

It was posted on the 'IMC' from memory about the time Dr Peter Phelps got in deep doo doo for his desperate Nazi allusion directed at ALP candidate for Eden Monaro Mike Kelly at a public meeting. An attempt to run interference to save Phelps? To road test a 'Karl Rove' on the Left or ALP via indymedia in Sydney? Who really knows. These mind games are so vexatious.

And then it was all over, and the MP's were off to defend their seats at the election?



Posted by editor at 4:09 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 20 September 2007 7:43 PM NZT
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Rudd puts in another impressive AM show interview when it counts
Mood:  chatty
Topic: election Oz 2007

It's becoming apparent how intense the electioneering has become with a seriously difficult battle for both sides. Rudd as ALP leader was impressive with his communication skills this morning, as Howard is but alot older, and thus less vigorous prospects.

We also got these electioneering materials recently from Anthony Albanese in the mail in Marrickville, and from the Green Party off a pile off a big print run by Cr Chris Harris, 'Deputy Lord Mayor' of City of Sydney:



Posted by editor at 11:56 AM NZT
Scip tells 200 anon / 3,300 badged coppers 'the road is yours'
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: legal


As we travelled to Windsor by train to challenge a sand mine next to World Heritage Wollemi, we heard over the radio 1pm bulletin new Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione exonerate 200 anonymous coppers on the security detail at APEC, badgeless contrary to standing orders. We felt compelled to make a phone call to a friendly MP.

It's reported here too APEC violence reports go to Ombudsman: The headline reflects the fact the Sydney Morning Herald actually published about 30 anon police mugshots to make a strong point, also found here on SAM or IMC if you look elsewhere, which itself was a Big Meeja equaliser to the Daily Telegraph panel of "excluded persons" mugshots.

Our headline at top reflects The Chaser incredible footage of the security down near W Bush's Hotel Intercon (just across from my old office level 25, 50 Bridge St with litigation sharks Baker & McKenzie) when they as the 'Canadian delegation' were told by security "the road is yours". So West Wing, I almost expected to see 'Flamingo' and 'Eagle' or is that 'POTUS'?

The trouble for conservative Scip, cunningly leveraging the media shadow of the apparent Newspoll fillip to conservative law and order tub thumper PM Howard earlier in that day (who also blesses anon coppers), the trouble is ...3,300 other coppers in the CBD presumably did have their name tags on. And sure enough the ABC tv vision last night shows decent coppers with name tags in the front line of the rally following the Commissioner's standing orders, not afraid of their 'pin or hard edged plastic surface'.

A velcro tagged future for coppers or not, there are plenty of other matters, as ex Police Minister Peter Anderson has said on ABC radio last week, for the Ombudsman and independent review to properly look into. The Herald article above refers to some.

We are also worried here about the 'Aussies for ANZUS' pro Bush mob being positioned by police into an anti Bush rally on the Friday preceding the big rally at Hyde Park North. That looks just too cute for the law and order 'industry'.

Another howler - the evidence to the Supreme Court by police 'intelligence' was very divergent from what really happened eg not '20K' but only '3K' turnout, or '10-15k' if you listen to the ngo organisers (which we do because that fits our estimate from personal attendance - say 10K).

Another aspect of the court process - David Marr of the SMH made a cracking comment in a Monday post rally opinion piece at how so much was made by the riot commander of the narrow George St proposed route of the march, yet literally the 10K crowd on the approved route to North Hyde Park via Park St not George were funneled through a bottle neck gate. That's looks dodgy or incompetent. Marr commented on the gardenias copping (!) a hiding as the overflow walked over planters. How true. We saw that.

But perhaps of greatest concern is the willingness of Scip and senior pollies, Premier Iemma and PM Howard and now Opposition leader O'Farrell in NSW, to effectively make cosy exceptions for some police but not a handful (a figleaf?) of protesters who allegedly also acted unlawfully. There will be many lawyers and even a few lawyer politicians unimpressed with that bullsh*t. Do you think they might let the court and other legal bodies do their job and not pre empt the 'law and order' these 'leaders' so hypocritically espouse? Seperation of powers anyone? 

This aspect of barracking 'authoritarian populism' is starting to look like not just an Ombudsman's brief but a Police Integrity Commission brief: Because when the tone is set from above, and cops start deciding for themselves when to cut corners, that's the slippery slope to Joh's Moonlight state, or Blue Murder in NSW or what's going on in Victoria right now. Is that really the road church going Scip wants to go down?

Sure he can argue crims make vexatious complaints to paralyse police but that's not the crowd at the peace rally, and he knows it. It's about time he and the pollies gave due respect to the civil society leaders of that rally. The Big Meeja are giving that due respect because such as Alex Bainbridge and his team earned it. Time for a cup tea at head quarters or the big House?

Postscript #1

Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 2:08 PM

Subject: [Greens-Media]

Shock: Police Investigate Themselves And Find They Are

The public can have no confidence in the announcement by Police Commissioner Scipione that an internal police inquiry has cleared police officers of any wrongdoing after dozens of officers were photographed with their name tags removed when confronting protesters at Sydney’s APEC meeting, according to Greens MP and police spokesperson Sylvia Hale.

“When announcing the inquiry Commissioner Scipione is reported as saying  "The indications that I've got is that there are times when protesters have used these things in the past, and I would be horrified if police didn't take the right actions to protect themselves." (SMH 10/9/07)

“Can anyone claim to be surprised at the outcome of the internal investigation given that the Police Commissioner announced the result at the same time he announced he was setting up the investigation,” said Ms Hale.

“The oppressive nature of police actions and the lack of police accountability since Commissioner Scipione was appointed is of serious concern.”

His reported comment that “this is the way we do business in NSW now” (SMH 10/9/07), his refusal to allow an independent investigation into the allegations against police and his arrogant dismissal of breaches of police procedure by the numerous officers pictured without badges shows that the Commissioner is committed to a highly authoritarian policing model that involves systematic intimidation of the public and minimal accountability for police,” said Ms Hale.

“Video, pictorial and eyewitness evidence has been made public of police acting in an aggressive fashion, throwing protesters on the ground, arresting people without any basis and keeping protesters restricted in Hyde Park for no reason, yet none of this has been investigated.”

“There should be a full independent inquiry into the actions of police towards protesters during the APEC meeting,” she said.

“We must not accept this sort of authoritarian police behaviour. It should not be the way police business is done in NSW.” Ms Hale said.

Ms Hale will be moving for a parliamentary inquiry into police conduct at APEC when state parliament resumes.

Further information: Chris Holley 9230 3030 / 0437 779 546



Posted by editor at 7:50 AM NZT
Updated: Saturday, 22 September 2007 9:06 AM NZT
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Shergold to perch at Sydney University to grab the $700K pa golden handshake?
Mood:  down
Topic: education
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:42 AM
Subject: Gavin Brown, Shergold at USYD

It all becomes clear. Gavin Brown as VC at USYD was in charge of security oppressing anti Howard pro free education rallies back in early May 07. I know because I've got a complaint into the NSW Ombudsman about ejection from campus for doing community media photos of security, name taking of students, the rally etc. A few weeks later the budget was a bonanza for the sandstones soon after. Now [crikey.com.au] say Shergold, the PM's man is going there. Talk about right to know.
Tom McLoughlin, editor www.sydneyalternativemedia.com

Posted by editor at 11:47 AM NZT

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