Mood: d'oh
Topic: big media
Sydney radio listeners got a bit of a surprise this morning.
Their favourite ABC announcer Deb Cameron with ratings on an upswing - no doubt related to her kind tone and bright intellect - suddenly threw her considerable presence behind the kangaroo hunting agenda.
Then even more surprising it turns out she was prefacing a story about a report actually from a conservation group for eco tourism for kangaroos which was contrary to game shooting of big red kangaroos:
21 Aug 2008 Tourist bonanza in roo viewing reserves - National -
What gives? Where did the balanced journalist go? Or was that supposed to be from the previous story? It was a confusing sort of morning drinking up the greenies at The Wilderness Society over the long running Gunns pulp mill issue, then crossing back for some redneck chaser on kangaroo hunting? Is editorial so crude?
Let's just make one thing clear - this is not a comment piece in the flippant/obnoxious Joe Hildebrand style regularly niggling at Cameron in the Saturday Telegraph when he's not exercising his sexual frustrations. This is meant to be a serious critique on how Big Media do what they do, even on our ABC.
The conservationists who have really researched this area know most Big Reds never get past 2 or 3 years of age before the huge kangaroo shooting industry get them. There are profound issues of damage to the genetic health of the whole Red kangaroo population as alpha males are never identified to procreate because they never get to the 5+ years to emerge as a breeding champion keeping the mob vigorous and strong.
That is resilient to harsh environmental factors but also such as disastrous illness like the face tumours cutting down Tasmanian Devils towards extinction. The overall population of Red Kanagaroo might still be big but we are weakening them with huge culls every year putting the whole lot at risk. All species cull per year is anywhere from 3-5 million per year depending on drought conditions.
But if you ask the kangaroo shooting and meat industry they skate over such fine details. But someone who doesn't ignore this reality is such as report author UNSW academic David Croft.
So why did the ABC 702 morning team ambush Croft with the hunting agenda in an interview based on the report on page 5 of the Sydney Morning Herald? No mention of hunting tourism there. The nearest it comes to is a proposed policy of dingo predation to increase the drama of a wildlife experience to compare with the savannah of Africa to get the eco tour dollars in.
Indeed the World Today show later same day made it clear it was a report launched by a "conservation group".
So here is the back story if our observations count for anything
- James Woodford who worked at Fairfax Sydney Morning Herald with Deborah Cameron has been on the show saying commercial use of kangaroos for domestic consumption is a sound idea. Another favourite Bob Beale also ex SMH pushes the same barrow. No in depth analysis of centuries of parasite control in domestic agricultural meat production compared to wild animals. No understanding of genetic diversity issues in the Big Red population after Tasmanian Devil's crash. And that's before we get to the welfare and rights issues of the critters that worry quite a few people.
- A renewed push last week for more kangaroo meat consumption again not really understanding the innate caution of the majority of the population against off farm wild meat. An innate common sense in fact.
- Cameron instead takes what can fairly be called a perverse and indeed shallow approach to the report called The Kangaroo Trail to fit within her own biased sources rather than sticking to the content of the reportage in the press today.
To her credit she read out the backlash reaction which we found amusing. There are some really salient points she can learn from in the politics of this issue well beyond vegetarian, animal rights/welfare issues of game hunting:
1. Her schtik is kind tone, bright intellect, and here she wants to kill the mummies of little joeys regardless of audience sensitivities. That's a jarring disjunction. And it's going to cannabalise her own ratings.
2. As one wag spindoctor Sue Cato pointed out, you can't get fuzzy about a doomed baby whale on the North Shore and promote hunting of skippy and her joeys. 2nd disjunction.
3. For those a bit sharper on the media watching it was mean and tricky to ambush David Croft with a preface that is totally skewed or even perverse interpretation of the report in the SMH and the report he is launching. A question or two maybe not the actual lead in. That's just wrong.
4. One policy of the increasingly reviled Iemma Govt is throwing open huge areas of public state forest for game hunters with absolutely no scientific backing for their thrill kill sport, and real alarm over public safety. These shooters have nothing much in common with elite professional shooters who actually know how to conduct an efficient cull according to season and geography in combination with land use managers. (As happened with rabbits at Centennial Park.) These guys are gun freaks and and gun industry spruikers out of the USA.
5. We wonder why exactly Deborah Cameron thinks she is better than Eleanor Hall's straight reportage on the ABC World Today here? Has the ratings gone to her head? Hope not!
All in all the Cameron's team seriously miscalculated. The signs were there earlier in the show with the diplomatic contrary reactions of scientist David Croft. When we rang the show a staffer even admitted they knew he was anti kangaroo hunting - so there is the proof it wasn't lack of research but a deliberate ambush interview. I didn't think the ABC descended down there. Sad stuff and contrary to the science he was promoting of the 50 different species.
Dingo predation is one thing, professional shooters one thing, hunting for pleasure rather than food or necessity, well ... the two major parties might have policies that support this but that still leaves about 40% of the voting public who think it's sick or misconceived.
And so this is probably another example of govt funded radio systemic bias to the policies of the only two parties who have held the treasury benches for the last 50 years plus, and where the other 40% are left roundly p*ssed off with the announcer on today's show. Our advice to the otherwise successful Deb Cameron - when you are in a hole stop digging and take a breather. You might even decide to climb out!