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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Monday, 17 September 2007
About to get the sack from ARC for free speech in The Composter #1 newsletter?
Mood:  hug me
Topic: independent media
[to my Addison Rd Community Centre network list]
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 6:38 PM
Subject: about to get the sack from ARC for free speech in The Composter #1 newsletter?

On Sunday last a Board Member Natalie McCarthy told me I was in trouble for producing a satirical newsletter with some good info about ARC in the lead up to the AGM in November and various topics of community interest. I believe the content was very fair, very moderate and honest. I'm happy to take any copy for The Composter #2 that can find fault with the newsletter, errors, corrections. I've been a community media practitioner for 10 years and a solicitor and I deny there is anything unlawful or contrary to my employment contract.
Today the centre manager (who has just resigned) rang me this afternoon. He told me he has been talking to the President Yvette Andrews and he wanted to know my views on staying in my employment at the ARC as a part time gardener and issues of allegedly bringing the centre into disrepute or defamation of anyone. I rejected any of these false claims.
I said my position was that there is no lawful reason to terminate my employment. Today I had two good briefing sessions with two tenants at the centre about where to from here after the current GM goes at the end of the week.
I recall a provocative sign on the street frontage last Christmas where John Howard was described as a "MAGGOT". Further I recall the President referring to that "incident" in approving terms at a very big NAIDOC function at the art gallery only a month ago. In comparison my little The Composter #1 newsletter is very mild and indeed valid democracy.
Thankfully we live in a democracy here in Marrickville so I'm not going to worry too much about this implied threat to my free speech.
I remain committed to energetic information flow and free speech at Addison Rd Community Centre.
Updates will be forthcoming as the situation develops.
Yours truly
Tom McLoughlin, part time gardener, editor, solicitor in NSW.
[The Composter #1 can be found on this news site at 16th Sept under independent media topic]
Postscript #1
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 7:53 AM
Subject: copy of board member email re my compost newsletter

Though Natalie doesn't like my satire in The Composter #1, I can say Jim who runs the Organic Food Market on Sunday liked the writing, said it was good, and said it was fine to distribute to all stallholders. Thanks Jim. Not everyone laughs at the same thing I guess.
Also I can add that the waste seperation education was popular and actually successful greatly reducing the general waste volume and tidiness for Monday at the centre in especially in front of Reverse Garbage. I think the general public liked the way I opened the bin lids for them.
Have a great day. Tom

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Natalie McCarthy" >
To: "ecology action australia" > Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 8:44 PM
> Subject: Re: about to get the sack from ARC for free speech in The Composter
> #1 newsletter?
>> Dear Tom
>> Obviously you were to embarrassed to put your name on
>> the Composter.
>> I dont blame you as it was not even good satire, yet
>> there is so much to write about that is funny about
>> this centre prehaps I shall start to write my own ARC
>> Musical with the endless ridiculous happenings which
>> occur!
>> PS Just to clarify things, I didnt tell you you were
>> in trouble, I told you that you would get yourself in
>> trouble.
>> Cheers
>> Natalie
[bold added]

----- Original Message -----
From: "ecology action australia" To: "Natalie McCarthy" Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: about to get the sack from ARC for free speech in The Composter #1 newsletter?

> actually I put my mobile phone number on it so anyone could call and find
> out. The reason I didn't put my name is because it added a bit of mystery. I
> was thinking of writing "by Sandy Bray",  a pseudonym similar to famous
> Hillary Bray who wrote for Crikey.com.au, and another comic figure called
> Sandy Stone which I think might be Barry Humphries.
> In any case thankyou and the other Bob Jellies there at ARC for making The
> Composter #1 a collector's item.
> Yours truly, etc ...

Posted by editor at 8:44 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 19 September 2007 7:48 AM NZT

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