Mood: sharp
Topic: nsw govt
Two items have come through to our office in the last 2 days which seem to bear out the accusation running like fire through state politics today, reinforcing current premier Rees view of odourous lack of integrity in the NSW ALP.
The first below relates to ex Minister and Right wing white anter Ian Macdonald allowing illegal logging in river redgum forests, allowing 3 forest conservation protesters to walk free according to Carmel Flint of Environmental Defenders Office.
The second relates to the Planning Minister Keneally apparently spruiking a development while also exercising discretion over public consultation for same development regarding community objectors. Meanwhile research shows major financial donations by the developer. Will she ever learn indeed.
We post these two items here and follow with a third being a pitch made direct to community sector people including micro news website SAM by Barry O'Farrell as leader of the Opposition by email mid November 2009 as the the third item. We held off publishing it till now, but it seems to echo with events of the day.
We have just booked our seat in question time at Macquarie St with the spill motion to follow at 4 pm. Should be interesting:
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Info. Note: “The Magistrate made a clear finding on the evidence that a Part 3A
approval under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is
required for the logging operation and had not been obtained. He concluded,
therefore, that the logging was unlawful.
From: Jonathan La Nauze
*Media Release, **1st December 2009****RED GUM PROTESTORS FOUND NOT GUILTY*In Deniliquin Local Court today three protestors arrested at the Red Gumblockade in June were found not guilty on all charges of trespass andobstruction.“Represented by Ken Averre of Counsel and the Environmental Defender’sOffice, the defendants argued that Forests NSW were logging illegally in River RedGum forests and therefore the charges laid could not be upheld” said Ms Carmel Flint,one of the three acquitted.“The Magistrate made a clear finding on the evidence that a Part 3A approval underthe NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 is requiredfor the logging operation and had not been obtained.He concluded, therefore, that the logging was unlawful.“This highlights an extraordinary and on-going breach of environmental law inthe River Red Gum forests – logging is still occurring in these areas to this day.“Globally significant wetlands are being subject to irreparable environmentaldamage contrary to the law. “The finding of the court shows that Forests NSWmust now get its house in order. They should cease logging operations in RiverRed Gum forests until such time as they obtain a proper environmental approval.“The NSW Government must now take decisive action on River Red Gumand protect large areas in National Parks. “Victoria has just created fournew Red Gum National Parks whilst NSW continues to destroy theirs inbreach of the most basic environmental laws” Ms Flint said.For more information or comment, contact Carmel Flint on 0400521474
Jonathan La Nauze
Red Gum Campaign Coordinator
Friends of the Earth Melbourne
PO Box 222
Fitzroy 3065
Mob: +61 402 904 251
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Media Release
>From Sylvia Hale, Greens MP and Spokesperson for Planning
2 December 2009 - For immediate use
When will she ever learn?
Sylvia Hale MLC, Greens spokesperson for Planning, today condemned the
Minister for Planning’s promoting a development proposal at Marsden
Park that is currently being considered by her Department. The
Minister’s extolling the benefits of the development will raise
doubts about the impartiality of any decision the Department makes in
relation to the proposed rezoning.
“Minister Keneally has clearly learned nothing from the debacles of
the Catherine Hill Bay and Sweetwater developments,” said Ms Hale.
“The Land & Environment Court declared the Catherine Hill Bay
approval void because of perceptions that Minister Sartor’s decision
had been influenced by a ‘land bribe’.
“ Minister Keneally was then ignominiously forced to concede the
illegality of the Sweetwater approval on the same grounds.
“Yet only months after those decisions, we have the Minister
spruiking the alleged benefits of the Marsden Park Industrial Park
rezoning, and even going so far as to specify the number of extra jobs
that might be created and the value of road upgrades.
“It would be difficult for the Minister to be more blatant about her
support for the proposal.
“For her then to ask the public to comment on the draft plans is the
height of hypocrisy.
“Does she really expect anyone to believe that any notice will be
taken of public submissions?
“The public is well aware of how token the public submission process
is. The record shows that, despite thousands of public objections to
Part 3A developments, the Minister ends up approving almost all of
” The other ingredient common to the Marsden Park plans and Part 3A
approvals such as Catherine Hill Bay and Sweetwater, is the malevolent
influence of political donations.
“By the Minister’s own admission, the movers and shakers behind the
rezoning proposal are significant donors to the Labor, Liberal and
National parties. The Johnson Property Group has donated $494,000 to the
ALP, $136,00 to the Liberals, and $14,000 to the Nationals. Valad Funds
Management and the Winten Property Group have given $19,000 and $7,000
respectively to the ALP.
“So there we have planning NSW-style: a poisonous brew of developer
donations mixed with a perception that the Minister has made a decision
in advance of a token public submission process,” Ms Hale said.
Contact: Colin Hesse on 02 9230 3030 or 0401 719 124
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Dear Ecology Action,
This weekend we saw the soap opera that is the NSW Labor Government continue. This is despite Nathan Rees saying it would end when he became Premier in September 2008.
We have another Rees ministry in 14 months - or a fifth series of the soap opera.
Replacing unpopular factional hacks with unknown factional hacks does nothing to address the problems our State faces – it’s simply an attempt to do a cast revamp in the face of falling ratings and thin story lines.
The kindest thing to do would be to pull the series off the air and call an election!
So, what are the NSW Liberal & Nationals plans for NSW?
Over a year out from the March 2011 election, we have launched some 40 policies and discussion papers – and will continue to do so!
Based on our five priorities, you can check out my past blogs (click on titles to read) on our commitments:
Transport and Infrastructure - build the South West and North West rail links, establish Infrastructure NSW and an Integrated Transport Authority;
Health – establish smaller Health Districts creating a flatter administrative structure and giving communities and medical experts a say through representation on District Boards to deliver a health system that puts patients first;
Planning – returning planning controls to local residents, scrapping Part 3A, re-writing the State’s planning legislation, appointing a Minister for Planning and Infrastructure, appointing a separate Minister for Heritage, and implementing campaign finance reforms;
Economic Investment – Making Sydney Australia’s sporting capital; and
Honesty and Accountability - establish a Charter of Honesty and Accountability in Government to clean up politics and restore confidence and integrity to Government in NSW.
Currently we are undertaking social policy consultations 'Smarter, Stronger, Healthier Safer' which is whole-of-government approach to the delivery of social policy based on a clear set of principles and supported by goals. Make a submission by visiting
Also, make a comment or suggestion on this blog by visiting Facebook – Click here.
You deserve change for the better and the NSW Liberal & Nationals will make real change to NSW happen.
Barry O'Farrell MP
NSW Liberal Leader