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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Green Senators email solidarity campaign via Copenhagen for the AOSIS
Mood:  hug me
Topic: globalWarming

The primary vote in the latest polling in NSW has The Green Party here at 17% up from around 11%.

Similarly the federal Green Party reps are busy in solidarity with the Association of Small Island States at Copenhagen as per this email just in 6 hours ago by the magic of the intertubes. We would have posted more on the Austalian interface with the UN conference but we've been at the NSW Supreme Court on a charity mission for a colleague for 3 days:


Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 12:42 AM
Subject: Send Island leaders a message of support for their climate stand
Australian Greens Senator Christine Milne

A message from Australian Greens Senator Christine Milne

Join the campaign online

Dear friend,

I am writing to you again from Copenhagen, where the conference has been reverberating for days with the brave voices of island leaders.

The island leaders, from Tuvalu to the Maldives, Grenada to Kiribati, are pleading for serious climate action from developed and developing countries alike. They rightly point out that the kind of weak deal that rich countries like Australia have on offer is a suicide pact for them and they will not sign it.

Support the island leaders now!

But Kevin Rudd responded to this heartfelt plea from the world's most vulnerable people by trying to bully them into submission. He picked up the phone and started to call Pacific leaders, berating them for what he called their "unproductive stance". You can read about it in my blogs from Copenhagen on our website.

These island leaders will be coming under immense pressure from the world's largest and richest countries in the next few days. Those who want a political outcome more than they want a meaningful safe climate outcome are pressuring the islands to pull back and accept a weak deal.

Island leaders need our support now!

Stand with Tuvalu impromptu protest pic

All Australians who support the brave stand taken by island leaders should get behind them now.

We need to tell them not to listen to Mr Rudd, and reassure them that many Australians stand with the islands in their call for survival.

Please take a few minutes to email these leaders to give them your support.

Yours in hope,



Meanwhile ironic that the right wing shock jocks are whining about police resources over this banner below when literally millions of Australians agree with this Greenpeace message. The people's house? We paid for it (literally).

Also notice how pathetic The Sydney Daily Telegraph are not publishing the unfurled banner in their press edition yesterday, while the Sydney Morning Herald did. What would owner Rupert 'give the planet the benefit of the doubt' Murdoch think of their News Limited (literally) values, let alone common sense? Here is the Greenpeace blog posting, with link to a short video:

 We've just noticed this blog site from New Matilda here http://newmatilda.com/copthis/

and no doubt there is plenty more at www.crikey.com.au

and public broadcaste www.abc.net.au

Posted by editor at 5:44 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 17 December 2009 6:20 AM EADT

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