Mood: energetic
Topic: aust govt
[unsolicited email received recently, SAM is agnostic about the balance of competing interests both within and against the green movement on this issue.]
“Democracy Betrayed –Tasmanians Betrayed”
Saturday May 14th - 11.30 AM. Royal Park, Launceston.
TAP Into A Better Tasmania is organising a rally and march in Launceston, Tasmania. We are working with all like minded groups State-wide to send a clear message to the State Government that they have betrayed Tasmanians and democracy in our state. Are you disappointed with the way in which “your” government and the opposition continue to support Gunns Limited’s proposed Tamar Valley Pulp Mill? Are you “sickened to the stomach” when you repeatedly see organised covert assistance and resources being given, in so many ways, to prop up this 7 year old proposal?
If so, please join us on Saturday, May 14th at Royal Park Launceston. This protest will not only prominently feature the anti pulp mill campaign, but it will also focus on the relentless destruction of Tasmania’s environment - the poisoning and increasing toxicity of our rivers and drinking water supplies - the dreadful damage done to our ancient forests - the utter contempt being shown towards the treasure house of precious Aboriginal artifacts, plus the abysmal standard of representation, state governance and management of our money and resources being shown to our young people. We are very concerned with the steady deterioration in our health services and hospitals; the increasing neglect of the education of our young people - the disgraceful poker machine corruption, and a government that increasingly ignores the needs of the disabled and elderly. We are demanding an end to the relentless tendency to place the profits of foreign and mainland owned corporations ahead of the health, future and well-being of all Tasmanians. If you share these concerns, please join us on Saturday, May14that Royal Park Launceston, Tasmania.
TAP- Needs and asks for your support, assistance & donations.
Support: Please come to the Rally, car pool, hire a bus, keep up to date on TAP’s website, Twitter, Facebook or at our next fortnightly TAP meeting 7.30PM, Thursday May 12th at the Riverside Community Centre at Riverside High School – off Brownfield Lane -West Tamar Hwy, Launceston, Tasmania. Assist: Please assist us by telling all your family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and your social club or organisation about the rally – and by forwarding this email to every person you know, to your club or your organisations members and particularly to young people.
Donations: If you can not attend, could you please consider making a donation either by:-
1) By Pay Mate on the TAP website.
2) By Direct Transfer to –Tasmanians Against the Pulpmill INC, BSB. 067 022 A/C. 10022503.
3) By cheque and mail – Tasmanians Against the Pulpmill INC. PO. Box 200. Exeter, Tasmania 7275.
4) At the next fortnightly TAP meeting.
All donations will go towards these typical expenses. * $20 =printing of 20 rally bumper stickers that will be seen by thousands.* $50 =funds 200 brochures delivered to households by volunteers.* $100 =funds the hosting of this website for 1 year.* $200 =funds one third of the meeting venue hire for informing 600 people.* $1000 = one quarter page advertisement in one daily newspaper.
“We thank you for your help - together we can make a difference."
This rally will draw attention to the long, appalling history of lies, bribery, cronyism and arrogance by the very people elected to represent us.
TAP Into A Better Tasmania is a non-party political community group fighting Gunns’ proposed pulp mill.
For more information AND TO RECIVE UPDATES email, see and and Or on Twitter # tapvision or FaceBook: Tasmanians Against The Pulp Mill (TAP)