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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Thursday, 25 January 2007
Sisters publish glossy on tragedy of SE Forests 'And They're Still Falling'
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: ecology
 [SAM's editor has not seen the book in question below but it looks quite possibly inspired, certainly a source of bitter sweet fatalism, given the Eden chipmill bragged in December 2006 they have woodchipped a record 1 million tonnes of natural forest in the past year, more than at the height of protests in say 1990 or so, when 4000 people camped out in protest down there led by Karenne Jurd of The Wilderness Society Ex Premier Bob Carr promised to end this scourge 'by year 2000'.]


Hi Tom


I am hoping you will be willing to circulate this info about our book, proceeds from which (when we meet our publishing costs), will of course go towards saving some more forests.


Regards Anabel Macdonald


Have you heard about 'And They're Still Falling'?


 Recently published by Ginninderra Press it is a collection of twenty three women's accounts of their involvement in the campaign from the 1970's through to the RFA in 1999.  Compiled by Olwyn Broder, Moira Collins, Anabel Macdonald and Venie Holmgren with a foreword by Bob Brown, it contains of a variety of anecdotal accounts from women of the Far South Coast and as well includes authoritative contributions from former Independent Senator Irena Dunn, Economist Judy Clarke and Botanist Heather Meek.


Some of the writers relate the effect the campaign had on their personal lives, others write of the beauty of the forests. Many tell of their arrests, two of the writers were gaoled for refusal to pay fines for trespassing in a forest.  The book is indexed and has twelve pages of colour photos and documents.


Olwyn, Moira, Anabel and Venie, whose average age is now 78 years, hope their book will encourage younger women to continue to fight for our precious forests because, as we all know, they are still falling.


Copies of And They're Still Falling can be ordered from: Moira Collins 84 Peak Hill Road Bega  NSW 2550


$27.50 Packing & postage included

Cheques payable to: O.Broder & A.Macdonald


For  orders of five or more contact the publisher:

Stephen Matthews

Ginninderra Press

xxxxx xxxxx


ph. (02)6258 9060

PO Box 6753 Charnwood ACT 2615 Australia


Postscript #1


Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: [chipstop] Re: Women's stories of NSWSE Forests Campaign

This is a good read, I'd highly reccomend it, gives good background and many inspiring stories of  those pre rfa days. Inspiring for men and women alike! love Rob [Toombs]
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 6:47 PM
Subject: RE: [chipstop] Re: Women's stories of NSWSE Forests Campaign
Hi Tom,  
Book was even raised as a positive at the FSC RAC meeting - by the forces of darkness.....Fiona McCrossin.

Posted by editor at 6:15 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 27 January 2007 7:41 AM EADT

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