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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Turnbull, Newhouse election bunkers get a surprise once over by SAM news site
Mood:  happy
Topic: election Oz 2007

Picture: The ugly face of capitalism? Malcolm Turnbull, federal environment minister electorate office in Bronte Rd Bondi Junction taken Monday 31st August 07 by the editor.

We read about the bunker of the ALP candidate for federal seat of Wentworth, Mayor George Newhouse. It's located in the Media Union building in Redfern in Chalmers St actually outside the electorate. We were told a shopfront would be organised in the electorate when the election was called.

We intended to mostly stay away from this contest except for some recycled leaflets. But when Kevin Rudd, Opposition Leader made a love pact with forest killers in Tasmania 7 days earlier we decided that rather than distribute a crate full of Not Happy John leaflets from 2004 in Double Bay or Bellevue Hill, it just seemed irrelevant. If Newhouse was Rudd's proxy in Wentworth, as he is quoted in the Australian Financial Review August colour magazine, then he is not much use to forest lovers like this writer either.

So we dumped them at Mal Turnbull's office so they can shred them. And that's from a writer who was once a candidate pulling 10% in the 1995 state election for the overlapping seat of Vaucluse, then a member of the Green Party.

At least we got to recycle our old printer cartridges just down the road George's bunker, as a copter hovered over the nearby AFP building.


Postscript #1 3rd Aug 07


Looks like a Daily Telegraph campaign here, after article 2 days earlier (above re 'toff Mal Turnbull' of Coalition side of politics, who ironically came from quite difficult poor childhood in fact). Front page with spill to page 7 today 3rd of August 07 complete with picture of young mothers with kids (as per our image near bottom right walking past the toner shop).

Posted by editor at 12:08 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 3 August 2007 10:24 AM NZT

Thursday, 23 August 2007 - 1:55 PM NZT

Home Page: http://www.legalexchange.com.au

Community Independent Residents such as myself will be instituting the following agenda priorities for the forthcoming election; 
In the next few weeks/months a series of public meetings will be called and held to set up an Exploratory Campaign Committee with a view to promoting an Independent campaign and or candidates in the Forthcoming Federal Election for the Federal Seat of Wentworth. 
"This may appeal to ordinary local residents  and For those who are not members of BIG POLITICAL PARTIES , BIG TRADE UNIONS OR BIG BUSINESS" 
Draft Policy Issues for Discussion 
1. A Policy to guarantee everyone who is capable a job ; with Government if necessary, particularly in these economic boom times to subsidize mobility of job seekers on 100% basis, subsidize jobs with Local Govt, Community organizations and other employers.Such 
policy will involve the abolition of unemployment benefits and its replacement with guaranteed net wage of at least that set by the Fair Pay Commission. 
2.a)Control of all Health/Education services by the Commonwealth with the Commonwealth to pay for the same ; with same to be paid for by the Commonwealth/Federal Government.ONE NATIONAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH SYSTEM = MASSIVE COST SAVINGS – NO DUPLICATION OF BUREAUCRACY 
b) One single National registration system for all Trades and Professions with Common standards = more massive savings for Government and Business. 
3. A Further closer integration of all Police Services both Federal and State into one co-operative command ; abolishing all duplicated responsibilities in Policing and law enforcement that currently exists between Federal/State bodies.Further and extra funding for all Police and a National Training system for Police to be set up. 
4. The closure of Villawood detention centre and those at Port Hedland/and Victoria and its/their replacement with a scheme where necessary of home detention and a smaller more humane immigration detention centre. No more former criminals or criminal deportees 
to be put in such centres with ordinary immigration detainees and no children ever to held in immigration detention. 
5. A Proper National environmental audit with particular emphasis on further prevention of land clearance and preservation of natural rain forests. 
6. Further Continued Assistance and intervention in support of all Aboriginal Communities in strict consultation with such communities to prevent child abuse in ALL States/Territories with LONG TERM extra resources and funds for doctors, accommodation 
and education. 
7. Continued National control of the national Communications/telephone and internet network and better government funding of same in all areas of Australia. 
8. Enhanced funding and a massive expansion of Defence Reserve Forces to be recruited and trained on a regional basis ; with emphasis on civil defence and natural disasters ; while bolstering national and regional defence preparedness with maximum flexibility etc. 
9. Increased Funding and resources for Defence Forces to train local Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
10. Massive increase in Commonwealth funding for alternative energy sources other than Oil/Petrol ; to Solar, wind, tidal and Oil substitute fuels ; massive increase in funding for Public Transport and Railways with the Commonwealth to take control of one 
National Uniform Rail system. 
11. A Fair and Equitable National Industrial Relations System that governs all employees ; not the current Federal State Government sponsored mess with multiple coverage and uncertainty for employees and employers in every jurisdiction in Australia. 
12. GST ADMINISTRTION COSTS FOR SMALL BUSINESS ARE STILL TOO ONEROUS AND SHOULD BE SUBSIDIZED AND PAID FOR BY GOVERNMENT NOT Small Business ... a GST Stamp system could be introduced whereby users of small business services purchase GST stamps from the 
Government and then hand them over physically or electronically to Small Businesses thereby meaning Small Businesses no longer collect Taxes for the government or administer its tax system for it........... 
“The cost of administering the GST system should be borne by the Government NOT SMALL BUSINESS “ ( as it is at the moment) 
All the above will achieve massive costs savings and significant investment for the future of all Australians for the future. 
A public meeting will shortly be held in Wentworth in the next few months to Form a Campaign Committee to promote the above policies. 
Further Information : 
Alex Tees 
A.A.W. Tees 
Office :@ ANZIA, Su 3a, Lvl 6 
303 Pitt St Sydney 2000 
Tel  9281 3230/821 10233 
Email atees@bigpond.com 
After Hours (02) 820 73122 & 
9387 4836/0409813622 
Mobile (040) 981 3622 
Fax (02) 9262 7644 
Intnl After hours 612 820 73122 
Web sites: 


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