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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Friday, 3 August 2007
Contact details for SAM news website here
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: contact us


tel. 0410 558838

Australian Business Number: 506-347-944-95 for Ecology Action Sydney trading as Sydney Alternative Media

Posted by editor at 11:59 AM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 12 April 2009 11:23 AM NZT
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Greens candidate in Bennelong Lindsay Peters launches his campaign
Mood:  bright
Topic: election Oz 2007



 [press release]

31 July 2007

The Greens and Rod Quantock launch Howard overboard in Bennelong

On Tuesday 31st July, the Ryde-Epping Greens launch their campaign for
the seat of Bennelong with their candidate Lindsay Peters at a dinner
hosted by the high-profile comedian/activist Rod Quantock and the Greens
Senator Kerry Nettle.

In Rod's words "Nobody told me and if they did I didn't hear them and if
I did hear them I wasn't listening. Can I be Prime Minister now?"

Mr Lindsay said "We encourage all socially responsible parties and
community groups to get behind the campaign to throw Howard overboard in
Bennelong in the next election - as a sign that Australians are ready to
redress the shameful legacy the Liberal government has left us - an
immoral war in Iraq, mandatory detention, children overboard lies,
WorkChoices, ignoring the stolen generation, the cruel treatment of
David Hicks, the denial of climate change, the destruction of our
wilderness areas, the neglect of public health and education and the
silencing of dissent.

"We also encourage Australians to restore balance to the Senate by
supporting Kerry Nettle and the other Greens senators so that unfair
legislation like WorkChoices can be undone."

For more information: 
* Lindsay Peters (Bennelong Candidate) on 0418 643 064, or
* Kristian Bolwell (Senator Kerry Nettle)  04116383220

Are You enrolled to Vote?  Have a look here:

Kristian Bolwell
Office of Greens Senator for NSW
Senator Kerry Nettle
T:(02) 96902038
F:(02) 96902041

[Here is the personal profile of Lindsay Peters from an earlier state election candidacy for the seat of Epping within Bennelong Mach 2007 here.]

“I have lived in the Epping area for the past 15 years. About 3 years ago I joined the Greens in the hope that I could make at least a small contribution to a group which was trying to address the major issues of our day including social and economic injustice, environmental destruction, loss of democratic rights, and war.

“Specific incidents that drove me closer to action have included our disgraceful treatment of asylum seekers, our patently unjust war on Iraq, our continuing logging of our wilderness areas, and our reluctance to make any meaningful effort to address our contribution to climate change.

“The last few years has confirmed for me that the Greens are committed to values which I see as deeply spiritual. Furthermore, even though they are passionate about many issues, they do not believe that the ends justify the means, but strive for a democratic, ethical and peaceful process in theirmeetings and campaigns.

Lindsay Peters is the son of a Jewish refugee who escaped to Australia from Nazi Germany in 1938. He was born in 1954, brought up in Wollongong, then studied science at the Uni of NSW, obtaining a BSc, PhD and Dip Ed. After graduation he worked as a software manager in both the private and public sectors. For the last ten years he has been the chief technical officer for a small Australian hi-tech startup.

“During my years at university I was a keen member of a progressive Catholic chaplaincy community which was active in issues such as feminism, peace, social justice, fair trade, indigenous rights, and of course, the environment - the same issues now being championed by the Greens.

Lindsay has four children from a previous marriage, and two from my current marriage. Lindsay’s wife works part time as a GP.

 “Our hope for the coming state election is that the Greens can raise people's awareness of some of these major issues, and as well, to provide a focus for voters who want to try and address these issues with us.”

To contact Lindsay Peters please email: ..... or call 0418 643 064.

Posted by editor at 8:18 PM NZT
Turnbull, Newhouse election bunkers get a surprise once over by SAM news site
Mood:  happy
Topic: election Oz 2007

Picture: The ugly face of capitalism? Malcolm Turnbull, federal environment minister electorate office in Bronte Rd Bondi Junction taken Monday 31st August 07 by the editor.

We read about the bunker of the ALP candidate for federal seat of Wentworth, Mayor George Newhouse. It's located in the Media Union building in Redfern in Chalmers St actually outside the electorate. We were told a shopfront would be organised in the electorate when the election was called.

We intended to mostly stay away from this contest except for some recycled leaflets. But when Kevin Rudd, Opposition Leader made a love pact with forest killers in Tasmania 7 days earlier we decided that rather than distribute a crate full of Not Happy John leaflets from 2004 in Double Bay or Bellevue Hill, it just seemed irrelevant. If Newhouse was Rudd's proxy in Wentworth, as he is quoted in the Australian Financial Review August colour magazine, then he is not much use to forest lovers like this writer either.

So we dumped them at Mal Turnbull's office so they can shred them. And that's from a writer who was once a candidate pulling 10% in the 1995 state election for the overlapping seat of Vaucluse, then a member of the Green Party.

At least we got to recycle our old printer cartridges just down the road George's bunker, as a copter hovered over the nearby AFP building.


Postscript #1 3rd Aug 07


Looks like a Daily Telegraph campaign here, after article 2 days earlier (above re 'toff Mal Turnbull' of Coalition side of politics, who ironically came from quite difficult poor childhood in fact). Front page with spill to page 7 today 3rd of August 07 complete with picture of young mothers with kids (as per our image near bottom right walking past the toner shop).

Posted by editor at 12:08 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 3 August 2007 10:24 AM NZT
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Aussie activist at US nuclear reactor for Hiroshima Day
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: nuke threats

Benny Zable Indian Point Overnight Vigil ~ Aug 5th & 6th

Join us in front of Indian Point
Buchanan, NY
August 5th & 6th
for an overnight vigil!

In solidarity with his nuclear free campaigners in the USA, Benny Zable Australian peace and environmental performance artist is available for photo opportunities outside the Indian Point Nuclear Reactor during an overnight vigil 5th and 6th August Hiroshima day commemorations.
Friday the core of the new nuclear reactor at
Lucas Heights in Australia collapsed.
US President Bush and Australian Prime Minister Howard are to sign a Global Nuclear Energy Partnership deal during the
APEC meeting in Sydney.
Good time to meet to talk .

Benny Zable

You can reach Benny at:
West Side Cultural

Alice Slater
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
446 E. 86 St.
New York, NY 10028
646-238-9000 (cell)
Postscript #1
Great story about nuclear energy expansion in the western world  and all the real problems that entails here on SBS Dateline August 1st 2007:  Feature:The nuclear renaissance  

Posted by editor at 5:24 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 2 August 2007 6:24 PM NZT
Inaugural Marrickville Film Festival 14-15 Sept 07, call for entries
Mood:  chatty
Topic: culture

Marrickville Film Festival  

 Addison Rd Centre 142 Addison Rd Marrickville NSW 2204

Ph: 9564 1277 Mobile: 0408 281 810


Press Release 25 July 2007: Calling for films for the inaugural Marrickville Film Festival In the second week of spring, the Addison Rd Centre,
142 Addison Rd
Marrickville, will host the inaugural Marrickville Film Festival: a festival showcasing a diverse range of films from local filmmakers, schools and community groups. Over two days on the weekend of the 14th and 15th of September, the festival will show films from a cross section of styles, including comedy, drama, documentary and experimental and will represent filmmakers and artists from different cultural backgrounds, generations and perspectives. The festival is aimed at promoting creative expression in filmmaking among local students, filmmakers and artists and providing them with a platform to screen their works. The festival will create an opportunity for different groups in the community to share their ideas, experiences and stories through the medium of film. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of the first Marrickville Film Festival! Call for Entries: If you are a local student, filmmaker or artist and have made a film or are planning to make a film, then we would love to see it.

Films can be any genre: comic and quirky, animation and experimental, documentary and drama and up to 10 minutes in length.

Films will be selected on their quality, originality and relevance to the local Marrickville community and there will be prizes for the winning films.

Deadline: August 24th

For information on how to submit films go to www.addisonrdcentre.com.au and follow the links, or contact: Yvette Andrews    0408 281 810   President, Addison Rd Centre                           
Jola Jones    0415 521 580 / 9564 277  Festival Organising Committee

The Marrickville Film Festival is supported by Marrickville Council, Addison Rd Centre, Art Resistance Community TV, Sidetrack Theatre and Addison Rd Gallery.



Posted by editor at 4:31 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 2 August 2007 5:27 PM NZT
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Tas forest shock wave on federal election gathers momentum
Mood:  energetic
Topic: election Oz 2007
Liz Jackson reports on the controversial approval process for Australia’s largest ever pulp mill.

Four Corners broadcast last night 30th July 2007 badly damaged the reputation for lack of integrity of the federal ALP under the Rudd ALP, and state ALP under Tasmanian Premier Lennon.

This broadcast only adds to the shocks waves going through the progressive side of politics repudiating the cynical corrupt ALP state and federal.

Full story here .....

Posted by editor at 2:20 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 31 July 2007 2:48 PM NZT
Dr Jim Green's latest No Nuke News - late July 07
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: nuke threats


Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 3:14 PM
Subject: Upcoming anti-nuclear events

Dear No Nukes News subscribers, please find below a list of upcoming events including Hiroshima Day events, in Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney.
regards, Jim
Jim Green B.Med.Sci. (Hons.) PhD
Friends of the Earth <www.foe.org.au>
EnergyScience Coalition <www.energyscience.org.au>



Posted by editor at 12:48 PM NZT
N E W S wRAPS 'The M5 East Pollution Con Continues'
Mood:  irritated
Topic: health

.... full story here

Posted by editor at 11:59 AM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 31 July 2007 12:46 PM NZT
Monday, 30 July 2007
Hot House Flowers man takes a stand against mad road builders in Ireland
Mood:  lucky
Topic: world

Full story here

Posted by editor at 10:39 AM NZT
Updated: Monday, 30 July 2007 5:10 PM NZT
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Sunday political talkies: Rudd destroys God's creation in Tasmania, Gallery chilled, Howard 'till 70'
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: election Oz 2007

The incomparable David Rowe of the Australian Financial Review, that Rupert Murdoch correctly states is a genius, with Rudd as the CFMEU bitch boy, aka the pig f*cking scene in movie Deliverance.


Full story here.....



Posted by editor at 10:32 AM NZT
Updated: Monday, 30 July 2007 5:52 PM NZT

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