Mood: crushed out
Topic: election nsw 2007
Kevin Rudd federal Opposition Leader has exchanged exaltations with Premier Iemma on the tv news tonight, and is pictured in today's edition of The Glebe (News Limited suburban freebie, in a quick turnaround given his visit only today), walking in Leichhardt in the marginal seat of Balmain. We have edited the picture to try and show what we call Rudd Love from onlookers:
The picture of the onlookers is especially revealing we think because there is a certain expression implying "there is our next Prime Minister". It is an innner city electorate friendly to the ALP true but Norton Street is pretty up market, not your average battlers.
The picture below shows other items in the letter boxes and front yards today in the marginal seat of Marrickville. Most damaging probably is the ALP state government failure reported in the Valley Times to filter toxic emissions in the M5 East Tunnel. The volume suggests the major parties are fighting hard over Minister Carmel Tebbutt's seat such that it will fall to the Greens, or not.