Mood: on fire
Topic: globalWarming
If John Howard thinks he is free of the troublesome priest of greenhouse science, Prof Tim Flannery, think again PM.
There was Prof Flannery introducing Noel Pearson's rage against systemic white government on Australian Story last night - Pearson and Flannery both a product of quite a deal of white society (including big business) sponsorship from Keating back to 1993, and the fallout of the Mabo decision, and big law firm jobs. To be fair Pearson is back where it counts for years now. And Flannery has his green vocation which is also admirable.
[To digress from Flannery a moment re Australian Story, Noel was keen to work with the The Wilderness Society in the early 1990's coining the phrase "indigenous wilderness", just as I worked with Steve Lalor the NSW Aboriginal Liaison Officer in the NSW branch of TWS. What was more revealing in the show last night was the marked shift of traditional owner Marandoo Yanner proving that Black politics has as many fraught twists and turns as Canberra, given Yanner was all for the Wild Rivers legislation till recently. Yanner was playing us greenies shamelessly there on the screen.
And chubby poetic Alec Marr of TWS is no slouch with a clever yarn .... just like Flannery as per The Australian colour mag).
There is plenty more to run in the morality of the North Qld situation and Noel Pearson is kidding himself if he thinks he can use a Big Media bullypit alone via non journalistic Australian Story, leveraging black skin on a visual medium to win this argument over future land use and big developers. Recall Jabiluka owner Yvonne Margarula's brother murdered in a knife fight in a mining town. That's what big white vice in the name of development does to Traditional culture too. Witness Marcia Langton part funded by uranium miner ERA in her academic career. That's quite a grey moral world of land use politics.]
The point is Flannery is building an alliance with Margaret Fulton, a cultural icon if ever there was, and thus bouncing back from the Coalition Govt chill with a vengeance. Indeed consorting with 2 other living treasures in 2 days of Big Media - Margaret Fulton described as "Australia's best-known and most-loved cookery writer", and Noel Pearson perhaps the most articulate English speaking Black Australian that has ever lived. That's alot of kitchens there PM, and Black and White barrackers let alone ABC watchers. In cahoots with nemesis Prof Tim Flannery.
And grand dame Fulton getting the royal treatment on Trioli 702 radio mid morning today and previous weeks from memory just reinforces the point.
It's the attack of the cultural icons: PM - to be frank - you are cactus, individual ALP hypocrisy on IR regardless.
And notice this evolving issue of food sourcing by distance in Tim's Flannery's quote
" There's an old Italian bloke and I just buy whatever he's got because it's grown about a kilometre away from where we buy it ..."
Which is exactly what this grist article is about there in the USA:
Alisa Smith and James McKinnon chew the fat on their 100-mile diet ...