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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Monkeys on PM Howard's back will be hard to shake as Rudd polling 'soars'
Mood:  silly
Topic: election Oz 2007

Peter Costello is doing the PR lifting for the PM in the news today. And no wonder when these cartoons below from across the major dailies Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Sydney Daily Telegraph are reaching critical momentum, let alone the serious content in the text stories.

This opinion piece by a preferred leaker for the Treasurer Peter Costello, rival to the PM, is also more woe to Mr Howard for wetting the powder of his loyalist hard man Minister Tony Abbott:

Glenn Milne: Boot in his mouth 19 March 2007 AS the waves of scandal whipped up by Santo Santoro lap ever higher and the Government gulps for air, the recriminations inside the Coalition have already begun.

Mind you Ruddy (Kevin Rudd) as federal Opposition Leader seems to have his own PR blemish being consipicuously absent from the NSW election campaign by Morris Iemma formerly known as the parliamentary leader of the ALP in NSW.

There is another curious item (picture) at the bottom of our cartoon collage below, of Defence 'Wanker' .... err Minister, in the Howard government, Brendan Nelson in a report about the controversial $6/$15B billion deal with US arms dealer Lockheed Martin

(listed on google this way:"Lockheed Martin - We never forget who we're working for. As a lead systems integrator and information technology company, nearly 80% of Lockheed Martin's business is with the US Department of Defense and the US ...")

is also a very unflattering image. The headline "cockpit" possibly alludes to rumours about his vigorous love life (?) pushed by scurrilous ezine Crikey.com.au at times, and the whole picfac orchestrated by the minister is a response to this big hit on him here last Sunday night in the very high rating 60 Minutes here:

Dogfight You can forget health, forget welfare, wait till you hear how they're spending your money now. Fifteen billion dollars of it. All for a new war plane. A top secret project called the Joint Strike Fighter, our biggest defence purchase ever. But then Liam took a look at the fine print. For some strange reason, our defence chiefs have gone into the deal without seriously considering any other plane.

Where reporter Liam Bartlett (pictured here) did the Tom Cruise Top Gun (1986)thing

Posted by editor at 9:59 AM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 March 2007 3:45 PM NZT

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