Mood: down
Topic: corporates
Tim Blair aka the human rottweiler and his 30 non sequiturs in the press yesterday still deserves a response as tedious as he is.
People like shrieker Blair might realise a right wing blog, only on newsprint (go figure, refer page 23 Sydney Daily Telegraph 14th April 2007 “30 deeply unfair generalisations”) is not actually cleverer, sharper or funnier than say the highly successful Al Gore or Michael Moore. In fact to quote THE CASTLE he is “dreamin”:
Here's another 30 curiousities of modern life (plus one axiom no.31 at the end) likely of far more sense than the intellectual vomit from mad dog Blair:
1. Funny how the same people based here and the USA who most support the Iraq war have never seen active service and wouldn’t step out of the Green Zone in Baghdad in a pink fit. First and best chicken hawk example is golf loving George Bush who never served in the Vietnam War. Second is John Howard ditto.
2. Funny how the same chicken hawk supporters of the Iraq war would never send their own adult children, as per the famous Michael Moore footage of the hawks of US Congress running from his camera. Example: John Howard’s sons. George Bush’s daughters.
3. Notice how the deniers of global warming like Alan Jones are busy buying houses in the Southern Highlands at 500 m elevation.
4. Notice how people stuck living amongst concrete in dense inner city suburbs (because services are so bad in the bush), do compost, and do have lower average energy and water use because economy of scale means they have much smaller ecological footprint per head than others, but still get baited as 'concrete lovers'.
5. Notice how the “original conservationists” to quote Liberal ex leader Debnam are also the grain grower, Saddam bribe merchants, who are also the biggest land clearers.
6. Funny how the best haters of the ABC (for daring to have standards) think 37 Minutes (plus 23 minutes of adverts), and ACA are documentaries.
7. The same people who think the ABC is the “only … pay tv” in Australia we are forced to fund (according to Blair at least) have never heard of Foxtel part owned by Telstra subsidised by govt monopoly for a 100 years.
8. The same people who admire George Pell’s bigotry against gay lifestyle also support the Church’s traditional ban on married priests making the Churches a hotbed of gay sexual frustration.
9. The same people who admire the free market also support the 'nanny state' banning of consenting adults doing things to eachother on film sold in Fyshwick ACT.
10. The same people who reject Prof Flannery speaking out on global warming in good faith demand to be taken seriously on the topic in their newspaper (The Australian) while publishing reams of ‘special advertising reports’ for the fossil fool industry
11. The people who think the Simpsons mainstreaming of goofy 'yet harmless' nuke plants in hoky Springfield is innocent fun are the same ones most alarmed at Iran getting nuclear energy capacity because it will proliferate nuke weapon's risk.
12. The same people at Davos World Economic Forum happy to leave global warming 'to the free market to solve', if it exists at all, meet in the Swiss Alps high above the ocean, set to rise if the polar caps melt, and support a seeds repository 130 m above sea level in Norway. Rumour has it they also buy up in the Blue Mountains and sell in Double Bay.
13. The same people who freak most at Iran’s nuke programme praise George Bush’s first strike missile ‘defence shield’ scheme, sending Russia and China into paroxysms of diplomatic protest and undoing the nuclear balance since the 1950’s and trashing the global disarmament agenda etc, because its okay to proliferate if it’s one of ours.
14. The same people who are most religious, indeed Rapturous, think it's okay for W Bush to cause the end of the world with 6 billion deaths ... because he is one of ours.
15. The same people who call the Left anti US also think Noam Chomsky, Pete Seeger, Dixie Chicks, Michael Frente, John Lennon (!), Rage Against the Machine and Muhammed Ali are all Shining Path communists from Peru.
16. The same people who think George Clooney, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman (!?) “are surrender monkeys” would never let their kids serve in Iraq let alone Afghanistan and think the movie Syrianna is a documentary about the Stasi in East Germany (actually it is a doco drama, but it’s about the CIA).
17. The people who think blogging for Big Media is smart and witty have never seen The Chaser War on Everything in case it was funnier than them.
18. The same people who support privatisation of all public assets built up over generations of taxpayers, scream blue murder over death taxes on private assets embedded with generations of public subsidy around a civil society, health services, public education, traffic lights.
19. The same people who think Islamofascists are around every corner still love Leb flat bread wraps from Subway, and various exotic dishes at their bbq like hummus, and Hazzem El Masri (aka Magic) when he scores a try for their rugby team. They're okay because that’s different.
20. The same people who think free speech demands the right to disrespect a religious Prophet for the Muslims don't mind Mr Peek after 30 years at Tristar getting sacked with no long service payment simply for talking to the media. Free speech anyone?
21. The same people who think the Meeja regulator is wrong to attack Alan Jones for promoting racist street gang fights because he is just the messenger, think it's fine to strangle the ABC funding so environment shows like EarthBeat on the real science of forest destruction and global warming can be axed.
22. The same people who think that the globalisation of capital and free trade should be unfettered, and executive bonuses unlimited, are desperate to lock up refugees in Villawood desperately seeking freedom from tyranny.
23. Some people think the Devil simply got a bad rap because he never got a chance to put his side of the story, unlike say Tim Blair.
24. The same people who want strict controls on harmful drugs and movement of terrorists across borders for the general public welfare also reject international action on greenhouse emission targets as unrealistic.
25. The same people who applaud John Howard saving forests in Indonesia with $200M in our taxpayer funds want to destroy the same natural carbon storage warehouse in Tasmania for a pulp mill of a big political donor Gunns Ltd.
26. The same people who argue that Tasmania already has 45% of locked up forest (even button grass and rocky peaks), also praise those horny handed sons of the soil affected by drought in this “wide treeless brown land”.
27. The same people who say only a few people died after Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island nuke disasters also think its cute that we can read radioactive traces of atmospheric tests of the 1950’s in every glowing silt layer on the globe from Antarctica to the Sahara to the NSW South Coast.
28. The same people attacking Kevin Rudd for being on Sunrise show on ch7 as too exclusive and low brow, have nothing to say about the Big media companies ganging up and attacking Kerry Stokes C7 pay tv start up resulting in the biggest Meeja litigation contest in living memory.
29. The same people who loved Princess Di paid for the photos of the paparazzi who killed her, and seemingly want to kill her sons/girlfriends now with the same treatment.
30. The same people who are ultra nationalists waving ‘our’ flag on Australia day also think we are still a white supremacist colony of the UK given the union jack in the top left corner. Independent country anyone?
31. There is a columnist in Sydney who thinks our moniker for him as the human rottweiler is a compliment.
Postscript #1 Monday 16th April 07
Of course like the sinister flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz but in this case over the void of the internet, we have attracted a peanut gallery apparently from modern Rome over there (ie USA), . Go to it boys.
Postscript #2: Tuesday 17th April 07, I'm all for 'across the aisle' bipartisanship including talkies with ill mannered, vicious or evil Right wingers as per the panoply of lightweights in the comments section below. If time permits. As for the insults like the proverbial flogging with a wet lettuce, consider this:
- I wrote that in 10 minutes while Blair probably took 10 days to figure his out. He gets marks for the first draft but not any moral cred.
- Even if we dropped 30 IQ points (not that we follow that bogus western metric here) I would still be above W Bush at 120 - a full 40 points behind his ideological enemies Clinton 159, and JF Kennedy on 160. That metric bespeaks a global tragedy for all of us right now, and volumes for the power of rat cunning.
- In W Bush's case an old Thai saying seems to fit: Anyone can be rich if they are willing to pick the coin out of the poo with their teeth.
But mostly what I wanted to link to was the whining feature about some ultra right harradons, err sorry Big Media female columnists, allegedly suffering psychological violence from cruel email respondents (but no independent verification of same). Their sad situation as good honest toiling journos looks suspiciously like the infamous Rove tactic of sympathy rent seeking from a usually sceptical Centre Left audience, by inventing a grave injury as they literally barrack for extreme policies that will hurt the same audience. Very cute and quite evil mind f*ck: And here it is
You've got hate mail | Media | The Australian
Whether real or not in their case, I can now catalogue these very real, nasty insults from carnivorous Righties below as a handy resource of quotable quotes to use against the Right in future for my own sympathy trawling (in my case justified of course) from their traditional centre right supporters. Keep it comning boys!