Topic: election Oz 2007
Above are some salutary clippings from today's Big Media in Sydney. They all tend to suggest a successful ALP conference and the kiss off to PM John Howard who is hot for nuke reactors and cold for saving the planet. He thinks our economy is separate from our environmental wellbeing.
But even the editor of The Daily Telegraph has got a kid who needs an environmental future and who surely has heard of St Paul's warning that the root of all evil is the love of money in 1 Timothy, 6:7-10 as discussed here
And as Christian Kerr resident conservative of wrote recently there comes a time when people are just not listening. And to that we might add, a time comes when one is either on the right or the wrong side of ecological history.
To be flippant, PM, and to borrow a line from the great Hunters & Collectors song Say Goodbye: You don't make me feel like a country anymore.
For the original tune go to YouTube here, and what a ripping song it is:
And for wonks and others regarding this curious, obscure German headline in the Sydney Morning Herald today:
Ich bin ein Queenslander: Howard woos pivotal state's voters THE Prime Minister, John Howard, has shrugged off the hometown advantage of the Labor leader Kevin Rudd in the key battleground state of Queensland as an "accident of birth".
it refers to this speech by JF Kennedy in Berlin in 1963 apparently from that 'low rent' JF said he was a Berliner too, showing solidarity with the West Germans. Howard is thus a cane toad?
And stone the crows I find myself acknowledging the weight of the column by Gerard Henderson today with the graphic above of the Bob Hawke mask, and its been a long time between drinks as regards that commentator:
Inner-city left loves Labor saints like Gough Whitlam and Paul Keating - who led ALP governments to disastrous electoral defeats, writes Gerard Henderson.
And another observation from Big Media. A trend in political photography has emerged in the press and tv prime time news. There is an inordinate focus on Howard and Rudd's hand gestures. It seems they are all trying to imitate this incredible image captured by Andrew Taylor of Fairfax which featured on Insiders last Sunday 22nd April 07:
Postscript #1: The 'People kiss off Howard' concept here today, Sydney Morning Herald, Anzac day 25th April 2007