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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Monday, 26 March 2007
Retiring MP email after the NSW vote
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: election nsw 2007
From: "Bob Debus" <Bob.Debus@debus.minister.nsw.gov.au>
To: "ecology action australia"
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: Container truck tunnel crash is Sydney's future too underALP Iemma transport policies (Retiring from State Politics)

At the election on March 24 I will be retiring from state politics.  
This email address will not be active as of March 23.

If your matter is urgent please contact the new minister after the
election is finalised or ring the relevant department on - 
Attorney Generals - 9228 7777
Environment and Conservation - 9995 5000
Arts - 9228 5533


From: "Meredith Burgmann" <MeredithBurgmann@parliament.nsw.gov.au>
To: "ecology action australia"
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: Container truck tunnel crash is Sydney's future too underALP Iemma transport policies (I Have left Parliament)

I am leaving Parliament on the 24th March, however I am not taking up bowls.

All Parliamentary business should be directed to Jason Stewart on 9230 2548 or xxxxxxxxx
Personal Emails will be sent through to me on a daily basis.

Yours sincerely,

Meredith Burgmann

Posted by editor at 2:19 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 27 March 2007 9:45 AM NZT
Our news blog is growing
Mood:  cool
Topic: independent media

It's not the end of the month yet to properly report our hit rate. Still we noticed this provocative item in The Australian today:  Ghosts of blogging haunt net cemetery with Trioli ABC Sydney radio confirming it's a premature valedictory.

We can say our www.sydneyalternativemedia.com/blog is growing from 2,800 to 4,400 to 6,600 hits per month in the last 3 months roughly 8 days left to go in this 3rd one (we started January 3rd). Our biggest story so far was on the role of climate change in this NSW election (900 hits or so). That's a positive trend at least.

And there is another intangible measure of our fifth estate discipline on the 4th (Big Media) and 3rd (politicians) estate: We notice a sense of dejavu reading/hearing our language back at us. It could be parallel thinking but it's happening so often that it's either a lift, a crib, a  borrow (which is okay with our open copyright), or 3 degrees of separation in the endless creative recycling which is the human condition:

- This morning John Hewson refers to "squandered" opportunity by the Libs in this election (which was our nice word for Fred Nile's treatment of God's creation with his redneck voting patterns);

- In the Daily Telegraph editorial today we noticed the Iemma Govt refered to as "accident prone" which was also our mood emoticon choice in the blog template for our election report yesterday Sunday 25th March;

- In the Sydney Morning Herald today Davd Marr refers to the old axiom 'your enemies enemy is your short term ally' which was also our recent blogger terminology (to find an ethical resolution of Norman Thompson's criticism of Clover Moore's suspect developer donations back in the 2004 election to stave off the ALP gerrymander of City Hall).

- Again in the Herald today an image of candidate Prue Goward praying (or preying) in a Goulburn church similar to our metaphorical image (see yesterday - election report) of voters in a local church hall booth like sheep fulfilling some tired religous obligation. A lesson in faith over reality.

Or maybe it's just our ego noticing these echoes. But it happens alot.

No surprise specialised blogs are healthy. Trioli's crew wouldn't take my call on air this morning but they knew my surname (!). And anyway the Oz article above is spliced amongst the "Paul Kelly Blog" and the "Janet Albrechtsen blog"  in the newspaper's own website rebuffing the sense of their own article really. You can be sure the disciplined-by-blog Big Media are not really safe critics of blogging and resent the fact being told as professional journalists they never were that high on the intellectual or wisdom hierarchy in the first place. Think about it - they were the guys (gender neutral) getting the (f)arts degrees.

Which is why we enjoyed this piece so much as even more healthy discipline on the grotesquely overpaid and indeed captured 4th estate:

"Talk is cheap and newspeak beckons by Julianne Schultz is the editor of Griffith REVIEW (ABC Books) and the author of Reviving the Fourth Estate: Democracy, Accountability and the Media (Cambridge University Press)."

But what can be said about sustainable blogging is that one needs to be a creatively inspired person, and as such dependent on the medium, not so much for shallow self aggrandisement but as a safety valve and harmoniser of one's own maelstrom of insights as if to unload a burden, of too much knowledge. Indeed blogging, like painting, or singing, or book writing is pretty much for its own sake. It's not nearly enough to have a big ego (though it helps to get started) because, well, an ego per se just runs out of material which was the real message in the Oz: Celebrity might spread over the world like a thin sprinkle of radioactive dust from a massive burst of energy, touching everyone and everything, but it's not very useful, and in the worst cases a fatal germ.

And it certainly helps with blogger motivation if your previous truth telling has closed off all the orthodox pathways (just like Muhammed Ali was shut out) in a systemicly corrupt and grasping polity. In that case blogging is virtually an inevitability to sidestep the fascist gatekeepers and their powermongering.

Posted by editor at 1:28 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2007 9:01 PM NZT
Dr Jim Green's excellent No Nuke News
Mood:  blue
Topic: nuke threats

We now publish Dr Jim's ezine as promised for the Monday following the NSW election. (We will publish later today some post mortems on the election including Minister Tebbutt going directly to the back bench, do not collect $200, do not pass go. )

We have one minor criticism about Dr Jim's newsletter. We disagree that Matthew Warren of The Australian is a safe reporter on climate change issues (as here Rebels of the sun | Science & nature | The Australian ) when it's well known that organ is financially conflicted with its paid for massive 'Special Advertising Reports' pandering to the Fossil Fool and uranium mining sector here in Australia:

Examples are not limited to the March 19th 2007 "Paydirt uranium conference/ A SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPORT" pages 38 and 39 including 'story' with no byline "SA Labor presses for end to no-nukes policy".  

Indeed Dr Jim has agreed in correspondence now that such a major reservation is in order when gleaning any value from the corporate voice of one Matthew Warren, as if he can really as mere journo expertly second guess the UN IPCC and other world class scientists like the USA based NASA scientist Dr Jim Hansen. I don't think so.

In this way Warren must be read down severely just as reputable scientists are being attacked for speaking up in the USA under the Bush administration.

Here is our second try at posting this item:

Image provided by Friends of the Earth Scotland.

March 15, 2007

Hello No Nukes News subscribers,
No Nukes News is produced by Friends of the Earth and is sent to over 930 subscribers. To un/subscribe, send an email with NNN-Subscribe or NNN-Unsubscribe in the subject line to <jim.green@foe.org.au>.
In this exciting edition of No Nukes News:
2. UPCOMING EVENTS - Kathleen Sullivan national speaking tour - cycle against the nuclear cycle - various other events in Adelaide - Alice Springs - Brisbane - Canberra Darwin - Hobart - Melbourne - Perth - Sydney.

For details on the Peace Convergence  - protesting US/Australia war training in Qld - see <www.peaceconvergence.com>

* Support for G20 arrestees
* Online Petition to Demand UK nuclear weapons Trident Cancellation
* ALP - uranium
* Talisman Sabre 2007
* Support the Pine Gap 6

Matthew Warren in The Oz predicting climate change policies.
NUCLEAR NEWS ITEMS are posted on the web at: <www.geocities.com/jimgreen3/nnn8.html> in these categories:
New information sources
Internationally-renowned disarmament campaigner jumps into river
Clean energy solutions:
Baseload electricity - debunking the myths
National nuclear waste dump proposed for NT
Water use of different energy sources
Nuclear weapons for Australia
Australia as the world's nuclear waste dump
Nuclear power for Australia:
Electricity options for Australia - '0.55 to stay alive'
Nuclear test veterans
Uranium mining in Australia
USA ANZUS alliance
Military bases
ASIO infiltrates Pine Gap campaign
Nuclear accidents - Sweden
Environmental racism
Lucas Heights - problems with new OPAL reactor
Palm Sunday falls on April 1 and will be a major national day of anti-nuclear events and actions ... Nuclear Fools Day. Please help spread the word about events in your region.
Excellent Palm Sunday website which is updated regularly:
Palm Sunday will help galvanise and organise opposition to the nuclear push, and send a message to the Labor Party ahead of its national conference in late April, at which uranium policy will be debated.
A whopping 58 organisations have endorsed the Palm Sunday events, and this list is growing every day! It's great to see the diversity of groups that are part of the alliance - see http://www.nuclearfoolsday.org/endorsers
The website now has fliers and posters which people can download. For people wanting to adapt the flier with their local details, a template is available there also for you to adapt. If you would like a personalised flier, please e-mail details to: azane83@gmail.com
The website again: http://www.NuclearFoolsDay.org 

For details of events, see the city listings below.

Information on most capital cities is now available on the website. If you have more information or would like to add your event, please e-mail us at jessica@icanw.org
- Kathleen Sullivan national speaking tour
- cycle against the cycle
- Adelaide
- Alice Springs
- Brisbane
- Canberra
- Darwin
- Hobart
- Melbourne
- Perth
- Sydney
Kathleen Sullivan is a disarmament educator, author, activist and producer who has been engaged in the nuclear issue for the last 22 years, during which time she has worked with youth, community organizers, academics, government representatives and nuclear industry officials in Austria, China, Finland, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the UK and US.  She received her PhD entitled "This New Promethean Fire: Radioactive Monsters and Sustainable Nuclear Futures" through Lancaster University, UK.  Her independent research comprised nuclear criticism, environmental ethics, feminist theory, social theory and science studies.
From 2000 - 2006, she was the coordinator of the Nuclear Weapons Education and Action Project of Educators for Social Responsibility, one of the most significant youth programs in the US to teach nuclear awareness classes in the Public High Schools of New York City.  Currently, Kathleen is establishing her own NGO, the Institute for Disarmament Education and Action (IDEA) which will provide lesson plans, and interactive arts based activities for young people to engage in creating a nuclear-weapon-free world.
Kathleen is a consultant to the United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs in New York, writing disarmament curricula for young people to be posted on the UN's Cyberschoolbus website.  She is also busy promoting her first film: an award winning feature documentary, The Last Atomic Bomb (2005).  In her spare time she is making a CD of anti-nuclear remakes from the American Song Book and learning how to play guitar.  She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
2 April 2007:  6pm. Workshop at Friends of the Earth, "Talking About Nukes to Inspire Action (and not Sleep or Suicide)" contact <michaela.stubbs@foe.org.au>
3 April 2007: 12.30 - 2.30 Workshop at Howard Florey Institute for nuclear activists on communications, contact <felicity.hill@mapw.org.au>
3 April 2007: 6.30. Film screening and workshop with Pax Christi, St. Ignatius Meeting Room 4, 326 Church St, Richmond, contact Harry Kerr <ahmkerr@hotmail.com>
4 April 2007: 5.30 Lecture & discussion on US nuclear policy, Centre for Public Policy, second floor of 234 Queensberry St. contact John Langmore <langmore@att.net>
5 April 2007: 4-6 workshop with MAPW on ICAN education tools, contact  Jessica Morrison <jessica@icanw.org>
5 April 2007: 7-9 Film Screening of "The Last Atomic Bomb", Howard Florey Lecture Theatre, Melbourne Uni, crn Grattan St & Royal Parade, contact   Kazuyo Preston <kazpres@optusnet.com.au>
11 April 2007: 7pm, Legislative Assembly, ICAN launch, A Nuclear Free Future, with Bishop George Browning, contact Dimity Hawkins <dimity.hawkins@gmail.com>
12 April 2007: lunchtime workshop 1pm. on Talking about Nukes to Inspire Action, Sydney Uni, contact Holly Creenaune <holly@asen.org.au>
12 April 2007: 6.30 Public Meeting with Friends of the Earth Nuclear Freeways Tour, Masonic Hall, Katoomba, contact Natalie Lowrey <natalie.lowrey@foe.org.au>
13 April 2007:  Dinner with local activists, contact Anne Noonan  <bunyip@bigpond.net.au>
14 April 2007:  WILPF Sydney meeting, contact Stella Boyages <sboyages@gmail.com>
14 April 207: Friends of the Earth launch event, 3pm contact Holly Creenaune <holly@asen.org.au>
An anti-nuclear cycle (Cycle Against the Nuclear Cycle 3 - CANC3) is being planned for later this year.
The idea is to ride from Rockhampton to Canberra and for other riders to ride from around Port August to Canberra (the long way).
They will aim to arrive in Canberra before the election I believe (TBC).
They will be riding along the coast and passing the spots where all of the possible nuclear power plants could be built.
This is the third ride of its type, the first being from Melbourne to Jabiluka in '98 and then Jabiluka to Perth in 2000.
It would be good if you could publicise this to people you know who may want to join the ride or who could assist in some way.
A website has been set up with more info at http://canc2007.org.au
This Saturday 17th March we are hosting a special presentation on permaculture in Cuba. The amazing Elvira will be sharing her inspiring stories and photos of organic gardening in Cuba, as well as screening the film "The Power of Community: how Cuba survived Peak Oil". Starts 7pm, the Karen Elliot Social Centre (cnr Hawker and Coglin Sts, Brompton), food provided by Food not Bombs, gold coin donation.
Friends of the Earth Adelaide
FoE Adelaide Clean Futures Collective meetings - every Tuesday night at 5.30pm at the Conservation Centre, 120 Wakefield St, Adelaide. All welcome.
0403 886951, 8227 1399
The meeting on the fourth Tuesday of every month is dedicated to welcoming new members and holding a workshop/skillshare. The topic of the next workshop on 27th March is making signs for the Palm Sunday Carnival, and future topics with guest speakers will be media, puppetry, public speaking, badge making, “Climate Change, Despair and Empowerment”, and many others. If you have a skill you’d like to share that would be useful for the group, let joel.catchlove@foe.org.au know!
Public Meeting
Nuclear Power?
A Waste of Energy!
Tuesday 20th March 2007
6pm for 6.30pm start
Ends 8pm
Tandanya Main Gallery
253 Grenfell St, Adelaide
Kevin Kamps - Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), Washington DC
"Nuclear Power & Radioactive Waste: No Solution to Climate Change"
Dr Jason Garrood - Medical Association for the Prevention of War
Introducing the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (ICAN)
Imogen Zethoven – The Wilderness Society
“The Federal Government’s Nuclear Agenda”
Chris Warren – Channel 7 Environment Reporter, MC for the evening
Free Entry
Refreshments and publications will be available
For further information please contact The Wilderness Society:
Adelaide: (08) 8231 6586
Sydney: (02) 9282 9553
Palm Sunday Peace Carnival!
This year Palm Sunday falls on April Fools Day, and all around the country, groups are preparing to mobilise for carnivals against the foolish wars and nuclear foolishness proposed for Australia.
Well over forty organisations have endorsed plans for an April Fools Palm Sunday nationwide, with events planned in Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Alice Springs, Darwin, Perth, Canberra and Sydney.
The Adelaide Palm Sunday Peace Alliance, currently composed of about 25 environmental, social justice, political, church and community groups, is organising a carnival at Victoria Square, calling for Australians to not be fooled by the nuclear push, but rather to work “for peace, for nuclear disarmament, against uranium mining and exports, and for a renewable, nuclear-free future”.
Already a number of speakers, performers, puppeteers, buskers, musicians and bands have confirmed their participation, including Peter Combe, Poetikool Justice, Soursob Bob, DJ Jimi and many more to be announced!
We enthusiastically invite you to be a part of this event - there are plans for permaculture contingents, for bicycle contingents, for puppet troupes, anti-nuclear choirs, masquerade groups, giant octopi and much, much more; so decorate your bike! Come in costume! Make a mask! Make noise! Fly a kite! Plan choreographed, nuclear-free dances! And bring all your friends! Feel free to pass this on to everyone you know, and if you want more details, contact Joel  (joel.catchlove@foe.org.au).
for a peaceful, nuclear free future
1.00pm, April 1, Tardanyangga/Victoria Square
Join us for a picnic, carnival and concert
FEATURING: Heather Frahn, Peter Combe, Poetikool Justice, Soursob
Bob, DJ Jimi and many more to be announced!
Details as they emerge at http://www.nuclearfoolsday.org/adelaide
Friday 27 - Sunday 29 April - ALP National Conference, Sydney. This conference will be a major point of anti-nuclear mobilisation as the ALP will vote to either overturn the no new uranium mines policy, or retain it and stave off a swag of new mines all around Australia. Lobby your local ALP rep to vote to keep the policy, see form letter below.
April 15-21 - Nepabunna community work trip. This Friends of the Earth initiated trip sees a group going up to Nepabunna indigenous township in the Gammon Ranges twice yearly. Activities involve working in bush tucker garden, maintenance in Nantawarrina Protected Area, and activities with children. Contact sophie.green@foe.org.au for more information
Sunday 18 March - Peace Brigades speaking tour, 12noon, Scots Church, cnr Pulteney and North Tce. Bring your lunch. Jodie Martire has just returned from Colombia where she spent 15 months volunteering with Peace Brigades as an international human rights observer. She provided protective accompaniment (unarmed bodyguarding) and political support to Colombian human rights defenders and members of communities of internally displaced refugees. Come and hear her stories.
Saturday 24 March - Zine & DIY Fair, including a Really Free Market! 12-5pm, Vaughan Place (behind the Exeter). Bring along your wares to trade, or any books, clothes, plants etc to giveaway at the free market - the only free market worth having!
As an independent environmental and social justice advocacy organisation, Friends of the Earth Adelaide depends on the support of its members and volunteers to keep it going. If you are not already a member, please consider joining us. Your membership directly funds our campaigns and helps maintain our independence from government and corporate funding. The membership fee is as little as $30 concession a year. Contact Joel.
0403 886951, 8227 1399
Palm Sunday
April 1
Flynn Church Lawns, Todd Mall, 12-2 pm 
BYO Picnic!
Free ice-cream & pony rides for kids!
Nat Wasley at the Arid Lands Environment Centre
<natwasley@alec.org.au> (08) 8952 2011, 0429 900 774.
Tired of the unrelenting pro-nukes agenda in the media and from all sides of
Want to hear both sides of the nuclear story?
The nuclear push is hotting up as both sides of government come out of
the closet with their nuclear intentions. Yet Australians still are
hesitant about uranium mining and most don’t want nuclear power plants in
their back yards. Join us for this forum and lively discussion of
Australia's position in the nuclear world, our energy options, nuclear waste
and jobs....
Speakers: Rosemarie Severin and Robin Taubenfeld - Friends of the Earth
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2007
Time: 6:30 for 7pm, Cost: Free
Place: Brisbane Workers Community Centre, 2 Latrobe Tce Paddington
Brought to you by the Brisbane Workers Community Centre & Friends of the
Earth Brisbane. FoEB is a member of the Queensland Nuclear Free Alliance
www.brisbane.foe.org.au or phone 0411 118737
Brisbane, Palm Sunday Peace Rally and March
11 am, 1st April
Queens Park, crn Elizabeth and George Streets, Brisbane
Responding to Climate Change: The call to “ecological conversion”
Date: Friday evening march 16 and all day Sat March 17
Hosted by: The Catholic Social Action Office and the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission
Forums Friday night and Sat morning: Workshops: 1:30- 3:35 – Friends of the Earth Climate Justice and Anti-nuclear Collectives will be hosting workshops on Sat afternoon.
Place: St James’ College 201 Boundary Street Fortitude Valley
For more info: Helen Allen 3891 5866
See program: www.sao.clriq.org.au
Press Club Debate: Ziggy Switkowski (Head of Nuclear Review) v Don Henry (Executive Director Australian Conservation Foundation)
Date: March 27 (tue) 2007
Place: Presidential Ballroom, Carlton, King George Square, Brisbane
Cost: $132 or table of to 10 $1,100!!!!! (contact Qld media club 07 3503 5777)
STAY TUNED FOR a PEOPLES ACTION – Ziggy protest or – Grassroots press conference or event to be announced
More info about grassroots media conference/action: 0411 118 737
The Great Nuclear Debate - w/ Prof Ian Lowe & guests
Date: March 29, 2007
Place: Brisbane Workers Community Centre
2 Latrobe Tce Paddington
Rally for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament Inc is organising the
Annual Palm Sunday Peace Rally and March
11am on Sunday, 1st April
Queens Park, cnr Elizabeth and George Streets, Brisbane.
Speakers will focus on Nuclear Free Australia and Talisman Sabre 2007
war exercises.
For more info call Joan Shears jshears@powerup.com.au
ph 07 3855 8178 or 07 3855 9497
Clean Energy Forum
Date:, April 19 (Thu) 2007
Time: 6:30 for 7pm
Place: Brisbane Workers Community Centre
2 Latrobe Tce Paddington
Australia/Queensland as a US bombing range: Operation Talisman Sabre 2007
and Shoalwater Bay - info night on Aus/US war games starting late May near Rockhampton
Date: May 17 (Thu) 2007
Time: 6:30 for 7pm
Place: Brisbane Workers Community Centre
2 Latrobe Tce Paddington
Ecological and Social Justice - forum and discussion
Date: June 21 (Thu) 2007
Time: 6:30 for 7pm
Place: Brisbane Workers Community Centre
  2 Latrobe Tce Paddington
Sustainability and Food - forum and discussion
Date:, July 19 (Thu) 2007
Time: 6:30 for 7pm
Place: Brisbane Workers Community Centre
2 Latrobe Tce Paddington

Nuclear Fools Day Sunday April 1
Rally 12pm ACT Legislative Assembly
Marching to Glebe Park, Civic
Contact CRANC on nonukescanberra@gmail.com or visit
www.nonukescanberra.org to stay in touch.
April 1 - meet 11am, Nightcliff Markets
Next planning meeting is at 6pm on Tuesday March 6. Ring Emma for details on 8981 1894 or email ecnturanium@iinet.net
Palm Sunday
Noon: gather at Franklin Square for walk to Salamanca lawns for Rally
at 12:30.
Speakers include: Senator Christine Milne, Ald Rob Valentine, Dr
Gerry McGushin
More details to come.
See Peace Tasmania for more information.
THE NUCLEAR SAHARA - Living with the legacies of French nuclear testing
Join us for an evening of slides and stories from the Sahara:
6.30pm  Sunday 18 March
Travellers Bookstore, 294 Smith Street, Collingwood 3066
Between 1960 and 1966, France conducted 17 nuclear tests in Algeria.
Last month, for the first time, the Algerian government hosted an international conference on the health and environmental consequences of nuclear testing in the Sahara. The meeting brought together former soldiers from France and nuclear survivors from Algeria, together with researchers from the Middle East, France, Tahiti, Japan, Australia and the United States. Nic Maclellan attended the conference and also travelled to the In Eker test site.
More details and a picture in the flier.
Please circulate to friends who might be interested
Drinks and nibbles provided. Please RSVP 0421 840 100 or email
Palm Sunday - Melbourne
1 April - 1pm Treasury Gardens, parade to Sidney Myer Music Bowl
peace festival, 3pm - 6
Help Wanted in Melbourne!
* huge number of posters to past up ... please help if you can
Palm Sunday collective meets weekly.
Some contacts:
Louise Morris - 9419 8700 - morris.lv@gmail.com
Felicity Hill - felicity.hill@mapw.org.au - 8344 1637
Jessica Morrison - 8344 1637
Talking About Nukes to Inspire Action (and not Sleep or Suicide)
Workshop with Nuclear Disarmament Education specialist from the USA, Dr. Kathleen Sullivan
Monday 2nd April, 6-8pm
Friends of the Earth Cafe, 312 Smith Street, Collingwood, 9419 8700
Nuclear issues can be very difficult to talk about.  The excessive destruction caused by nuclear weapons, the complicated science and technological questions, the extremely long time that nuclear waste remains poison, and the absurd budgets involved can be overwhelming and depressing.
Friends of the Earth and the Medical Association for Prevention of War invite you to learn how to inspire hope, enthusiasm and action  when you talk about nuclear issues.
Dr. Kathleen Sullivan is a nuclear disarmament education specialist from the United States who has worked with Educators for  Social Responsibility on their nuclear weapons project, teaching New York City high school students critical thinking skills about nuclear weapons.  She is generating 6 lesson plans, with tools, tricks and activities for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (ICAN).
Please come along to this workshop where Dr. Sullivan will share her tools and tricks, useful for public speaking, classrooms and generally boosting our confidence for speaking about nuclear dangers.

Nuclear Power? A Waste of Energy
When: Thursday 15th March 2007, 6pm – 7.30pm

Where: City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St, West Perth

Kevin Kamps – Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), Washington DC
‘Nuclear Power & Radioactive Waste: No Solution to Climate Change’

Dr. Harry Cohen – Medical Association for the Prevention of War
‘Introducing the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons’

Imogen Zethoven – The Wilderness Society
‘The Federal Government’s Nuclear Agenda’

Free Entry
Refreshments and publications available
Organised by:
The Wilderness Society; Anti-Nuclear Alliance of WA; Conservation Council of WA

Climate Change, Clean Energy and the Nuclear Trap – Moving from Alarm to Action

When: Monday, 19th March 2007, 6pm-9pm

Where: City West Lotteries House, 2 Delhi St, West Perth


Jo Vallentine – Jo Vallentine is the former Senator for the Greens and the Nuclear Nuclear Disarmament Party

Scott Ludlam - Scott Ludlam is a volunteer with the Fremantle Anti-Nuclear Group and the Greens lead Senate candidate for the 2007 election

The workshop will be an interactive look at energy campaigning in the age of climate change – how to shift our communities to a safe energy path and defeat the ‘nuclear renaissance’. Following short presentations, the workshop will invite creative input from participants.
Together with the University of Western Australia comes the Sun
Festival and concerns about Climate Change.
Held at UWA's Oak Lawn, on 1st April from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m
If you want more info about these Sydney events, or better still if you wanna get involved, contact
Holly Creenaune
0417 682 541
Saturday March 17: Nuke Bloc to join the global protest against Iraq war in Sydney.
Sat March 17, 12noon, SYDNEY TOWN HALL, Marching to Belmore Park for bands. Meet student and anti-nuke activists at 11:45am at the Queen Victoria Statue (outside Queen Victoria Building)  . 
Speakers include TOM KENEALLY * author, social change activist, SENATOR KERRY NETTLE * Greens, PAUL GARRETT * Maritime Union of Australia, HOLLY CREENAUNE *  Friends of the Earth, DAVID BERNIE * NSW Council for Civil Liberties, and MEREDITH BURGMAN * Australian Labor Party
Wednesday 21st March, 5:30pm - 7pm
Forum at UNSW with Mark Diesendorf (UNSW), Dr. Alistair Sproul (UNSW), and Holly Creenaune (FoE) addressing the NSW and Federal elections and real climate change solutions.  Venue TBC, contact Angie Rozali UNSW Co-Environment Director, ilazorangie@gmail.com / 0405 763 360.
Sunday March 25th, Creative working bee for Palm Sunday extravaganza, Friends of the Earth, 19 Eve St, Erskineville.  Contact Adam on adamwolf@riseup.net / 0401045536
Sunday April 1st: Palm Sunday Peace Parade, 1pm at Prince Alfred Park, Parramatta.  www.nuclearfoolsday.org or http://www.nswpeace.org/  Contact Holly Creenaune, Friends of the Earth,  holly.creenaune@foe.org.au / 0417 682 541
Tuesday April 10th, 6pm: Public meeting and Launch of Nuclear Freeways Tour! Location TBA. Contact Holly Creenaune, Friends of the Earth,  holly.creenaune@foe.org.au / 0417 682 541
April 12th Thursday - Talking About Nukes to Inspire Action (and not Sleep or Suicide): Sydney Uni, Wednesday April 12th, 1pm. Contact Holly Creenaune, Friends of the Earth,  holly.creenaune@foe.org.au / 0417 682 541
April 14th Saturday - Launch of Friends of the Earth Sydney and FoE Sydney Nuclear Free Collective - 3pm - Community Cafe - 40 Forbes St, Newtown.  Come for bands, awesome speakers, short films and be part of creating a new FoE Sydney!
April 27-29th ALP National Conference - be a part of organising and mobilising to retain the Australian Labor Party's long-standing No New Uranium Mines policy. To get involved, contact Holly Creenaune, Friends of the Earth,  holly.creenaune@foe.org.au / 0417 682 541
Support for G20 arrestees: a vital part of our social justice & environmental work
In November last year approximately three thousand people participated in actions to express their dissent against the G20 and promote their visions for an ecologically sustainable and socially just future. Many of those participating in the protests have been involved in local campaigns concerning a range of issues – climate change, justice for Indigenous peoples, workers' rights, forests, queer politics, gender issues, and much more. They saw the G20 meeting as an opportunity to challenge some of the root causes of the problems that they campaign against daily.
As you are no doubt aware, the police have arrested approximately 30 protesters, and are continuing to make arrests. They are taking extraordinary measures such as publicly depicting the faces of protesters they are interested in questioning, and laying very serious charges such as riot and affray (charges that could result in jail terms of several years). Arrestees are under very restrictive bail conditions, such as in some cases having to report to the police three times per week, surrendering their passport and not even being allowed to leave the state.
The actions that took place around G20 reflected the widely varying approaches of those present towards globalisation, the state and social change. Most people will have their own views about the strategies and tactics used at the G20 mobilisations - but whatever these are, it is vital that we all give strong, ongoing support for the people who are now facing police harassment and charges.
The criminalisation of protest activity has major consequences for all social justice and environmental campaigns. The state is using the G20 protests as an opportunity to create a climate of fear about direct action and public protest. This is a crucial time to stand up for our right to protest. We need to defend and endorse direct action as a legitimate part of our social justice and environmental campaigns.
The Ongoing G20 Arrestee Solidarity Network has formed to support the G20 arrestees, and to encourage people to question and challenge the increasing criminalisation of protest. As more arrests are possible, and as the court cases for those arrested are likely to take many months, we are in this for the long haul.
We need your support, and your solidarity to ensure that the spaces for all of us to protest do not continue to shrink.
This is what you can do:
- Please forward this email and attached flyer further through your networks
- While some G20 arrestees will be eligible for legal aid or are receiving pro bono support from a legal firm, some will need to pay for their own legal costs. Some potentially face fines of several thousand dollars. Please consider making a donation to help cover their legal costs – contact the solidarity line on 0408 307 722 or email afterg20@gmail.com for further details on how to make a donation.
- The publishing of the faces of 28 people by the Victorian Police in The Age and through the Crimestoppers website was a major invasion of privacy and potentially limits these people's right to a fair trial . You can submit a letter of complaint to the Press Council online at http://www.presscouncil.org.au/pcsite/complaints/compform.html  (see the Statement of Principles and Code of Privacy Standards at http://www.presscouncil.org.au/pcsite/complaints/priv_stand.html )
- You can write letters to the editor, and phone in at talk-back shows, to challenge the mainstream public perception of the events happening at G20.
- Do not give any information to the police about the G20 protests or protesters if you are asked. Use your right to silence and contact a lawyer if you have any concerns.   
- Actively challenge the idea that it's okay to dob in G20 protesters.  
- Contact the G20 arrestee solidarity support number 0408 307 722 if you have any questions or need any support in relation to the G20 arrests.
- If there are ways in which you or your organisation can offer support to those arrested (e.g. by helping to organise a fundraising gig), contact the Ongoing G20 Arrestee Solidarity Network on 0408 307 722 or email afterg20@gmail.com.
In solidarity,
the Ongoing G20 Arrestee Solidarity Network
IPPNW News Alert
Online Petition to Demand Trident Cancellation
The UK Parliament will be voting on whether to renew the UK's Trident  nuclear missile program on March 14, 2007 -- less than two weeks away.  If Trident is renewed, this ensures that the UK will have nuclear  weapons far into the future. As members of an international community  committed to the abolition of nuclear weapons, we must make our  collective voices heard on this issue.
US medical student Tova Fuller, in consultation with IPPNW's UK  affiliate, Medact, has created an online petition demanding the  cancellation of the Trident replacement. You can read and sign the  petition at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Trident_Petition. Please  forward this web address to all of your contacts. The petition deadline  is March 7, to allow enough time to disseminate the text and signatures  to key Members of Parliament before the debate.
More information about Trident and the blockade at the UK submarine  base at Faslane can be found at the IPPNW student website -- 
ALP - uranium
Please show your opposition to the push for the ALP to overturn its policy of opposition to new uranium mines. Send a letter to Rudd via this FoE website:
Talisman Sabre 2007
US and Australian war training
Talisman Sabre is the name of the largest ever military training exercises, scheduled for May/June 2007 and planned to involve over 30,000 US military personnel.
The 'Peace Convergence' is the answer to this, a network of peace activists, committed to challenging the war in nonviolent and creative ways. We will be travelling up to Shoalwater Bay during the excercises to demonstrate Australian oposition to the use of our soil for US training exercises.
If you'd like to get involved, check the website:
Support the Pine Gap 6
At dawn on December 9, 2005 a 'Citizen's Inspection' of Pine Gap took place causing Pine Gap to shut down for five hours. The reason? A group of four Christian pacifists had entered the base, seeking to expose the terrorist acts perpetrated from inside the base (while two others supported the action without entering the base). To support their work including their legal battle, , check this website: www.pinegap6.org
Announcing a green era
Where to go next in climate policy in an election year?
Environment writer Matthew Warren previews the next possible moves
February 24, 2007
MEMO from Prime Minister to Minister for the Environment. Subject: Climate change. Status: Very urgent.
Malcolm, great work with the light bulbs. We're going to need a few more ideas like that before the budget. I want to climate change proof the economy. And the election. I've asked the Treasurer to set aside a few billion to play with from the surplus.
The Government's rules on climate change policy remain the same: We can announce emissions reduction strategies similar to Labor but cannot be seen to be copying them.
Any proposal must minimise harm or impact on the economy; it's still our strongest suit.
All proposals must be genuine solutions or pathways to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Where possible, go after low-hanging fruit; trigger energy savings and efficiency improvements that have recoverable and recordable payback.
And finally, I like the incandescent light bulbs ban. The voters get it. Can you include some other affordable and highly consumer-oriented ideas that have high political impacts?
Thanks, PM.
Herewith is a list of 10 possible climate change announcements Australians may hear in the lead-up to the election later this year.
Green homes
THE Government will drive energy savings from two of the biggest energy consumers in Australian homes. Refrigeration comprises about 13 per cent of household energy use while hot water comprises 37 per cent. The Government will provide a $150 rebate for households purchasing a new refrigerator with 4.5-star or better energy efficiency. It will also provide a $250 rebate for households switching from electricity to solar or high efficiency gas hot water systems. These combined will save about 750,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases each year.
Global cooling
THE increased use of airconditioners has become a contentious symbol of increased energy use. The Government will mandate that all dwellings that install airconditioners should have insulation to an efficiency value of 3 in their ceilings. The Government will assist this by providing a $400 per household rebate for the insulation. About half the dwellings in Australia still do not have insulation. This rebate will therefore be extended to all homes wishing to install insulation if it does not exist. This measure will save about 470,000 tonnes of CO2 each year at a cost of about $44 per tonne of greenhouse gas.
Green cars
THE Government will accelerate the reduction of import tariffs on fuel-efficient cars, including hybrid vehicles, fuel-efficient diesel and petrol engines with a five-star fuel efficiency rating or better in the Government's Green Car Guide. Presently, an import duty of 10 per cent applies to all passenger vehicles and this is scheduled to fall to 5 per cent from 2010. This measure will cut the cost of low emissions vehicles by between $1000 and $2000, and save 750,000 tonnes of CO2 each year at a cost of about $266 per tonne.
Energy-smart offices
COMMERCIAL offices in Australia account for about 10 per cent of our greenhouse gases. Some of the cheapest energy savings can be made by simple retro-fitting of airconditioning, ventilation and by switching to low energy and smart lighting, which combined account for about 70 per cent of office energy consumption. The Government will set up an expert panel of energy efficiency experts who will work with the Property Council and associated agencies to underwrite the cost of retrofitting offices across Australia until 2012. These buildings will then be certified Energy Smart and the energy savings used to repay the cost of the initial retrofit. This scheme will therefore be revenue neutral, but is expected to save about two million tonnes of greenhouse gases each year.
Low-emissions targets
AT present the Government creates incentives for renewable energy by mandating a 2 per cent renewable energy target. The Government seeks to increase the scope and scale of this target by introducing a 10 per cent mandatory low-emissions technology target, which will include renewable energy as well as other low-emissions technologies including abatement technologies up to the equivalent of 0.2 tonnes of CO2 emitted per megawatt hour. This will exclude gas but foster the development of a wider range of low-emissions technologies. The present cost of the existing scheme of $40 to $70 per tonne of CO2 is expected to be halved by opening up a wider range of abatement options.
Go solar
THE Government provides financial assistance to those households investing in solar cells to provide renewable energy for their homes. But they are very expensive. A basic domestic solar power system starts at about $13,000 to save about 65 per cent of total electricity use. To date, about 8000 homes in Australia have taken advantage of the offer (of a rebate of up to $4 per peak watt) since 2000. The Government will therefore increase this subsidy to $6 and target 10,000 new homes each year. This will save about 48,000 tonnes each year at a cost of $100 per tonne of greenhouse gas saved.
Accelerated clean coal
COAL and gas provide more than 80per cent of Australia's electricity and power much of the world's economy. Being able to make them clean by capturing and storing greenhouse emissions underground is critical to a low-emissions pathway for the globe. Equally, if this technology is not cost effective or limited by technology or geology, it is critical Australia and the world know this sooner rather than later so we can make decisions about alternative technology pathways. To this end the Government will invest $500 million, matched dollar for dollar by the coal industry, to rapidly accelerate research and development of clean coal technology as well as accelerated geological surveying to identify all suitable storage locations.
Carbon-neutral air travel
AIR travel is a substantial source of greenhouse gas emissions. From 2008 all domestic air travel in Australia will be required to offset the greenhouse gases emitted for each flight. This is likely to add about $6 to $10 per seat per trip. This will be used to finance the sequestration of greenhouse gases in forests and other approved offset schemes. This initiative will add about $400 million to the cost of domestic air travel in Australia each year and save the equivalent of about 18 million tonnes of carbon emissions a year.
Environment levy
THE Government recognises that the Australian economy is built on its access to cheap energy. But at the same time we must drive restructuring and efficiency if we are to remain competitive. Therefore, from 2010 the Government will place a price on carbon of $5 per tonne in the form of an environmental levy to raise about $2 billion, which will be reinvested into delivering energy savings and efficiency gains for Australian industry. This reinvestment will be managed by a panel of industry representatives, with particular focus on accelerating efficiency gains in energy-intense sectors such as metals processing, cement, electricity generation and pulp and paper processing. This reinvestment in the economy has the potential to save up to 50 million tonnes of greenhouse gas each year and will help climate change-proof Australian industry.
Emissions trading
A WELL-DESIGNED emissions trading system is widely considered the most efficient way to deliver across-the-board reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Recent reports have reinforced the Government's concern that a stand-alone Australian scheme will add considerable cost to business and households. Learning from the European experience, it is also clear that it is likely to take several years to establish a workable and efficient trading regime. Therefore this Government will begin development of an emissions trading scheme in Australia to begin operation by 2012, designed to integrate with global systems as they evolve. From 2012 each state government will be asked to nominate a 20-year regime of emission limits, which will form the basis for domestic trading from that date. New Zealand will also be invited to participate under the Closer Economic Relations agreement between our two countries.

Posted by editor at 12:35 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2007 5:33 PM NZT
Sunday, 25 March 2007
Iemma's ALP taken back to '52:48', knives out in next few weeks
Mood:  accident prone
Topic: election nsw 2007

Picture: Voters in marginal seat of Marrickville yesterday in local Anglican Church hall: Democracy here feels like a religious obligation dominated by power mongering and frightening corruption, where the sheep are duped and abused.

[This replaces our usual Sunday tv political talkies article. We missed 10 Meet the Press, and 7 Riley Diary, we are catching 9 and 2 now.] 


As predicted by most the ALP have 4 more years with a lot of bark off them, no landslide, no restored credibility. The Big Media on election night were openly describing the winner as yet “deeply unpopular” (Riley, 7). And as we suspected the Big Press can take alot of credit for the late swing away from the government with all their threshing of brand ALP in the last 3 days or so.


John Howard was even willing to appear with the loser Debnam 20 minutes after his feisty concession speech. That’s not a PM scared of this result. In fact a defensible loss here enhances his chances federally a great deal.


Barry O’Farrell who might actually have won as leader, and once aspirant for the leadership looked tired and not very hopeful of taking Debnam’s job on the ABC panel. The catchcry for the conservatives is ‘1st swing against the ALP since 1988’ which rings true. Barry consoled himself the talent pool in parliament for the work of the official Opposition is greatly boosted with a senior prosecutor, maybe Prue Goward, enviro lawyer Stokes in Pittwater and others. This new blood should shake the tree and really exploit the Iemma Govt’s flaws, incumbency or not. With Debnam as leader with such gains when totally outspent by the ALP.


What Morris Iemma shows with his lack lustre victory speech is that he knows he bought the election with $100M + of taxpayer funded advertising, and pandering to dangerous forces in society – the construction lobby for the desalination plant at Kurnell, the gun lobby for cowboy shooters on public land, the developers more generally in every suburb of Sydney with a good $8M in donations in the last 6 years and gutting of planning assessment laws, the ALP bureaucracy’s own lust for secrecy.


The ALP will argue (eg Anthony Albanese, federal MP Grayndler taking in Marrickville on AM special this morning) that the Liberals failed to take one seat from the ALP government. But that's an exageration of the situation if technically true. No one doubts the MP's in Pittwater and Manly for instance though independents were effectively centre left labour if not Labor. And the Nationals in the Coalition did take an ALP seat out west of the state from Peter Black. And then many ALP seats are far more marginal. The Howard federal government will want to exploit that lurch to the right in the face poor service delivery by Labor in NSW. In short a far more polarised society.

(From Sydney Morning Herald election day 24th March 2007)

In effect Iemma has the same team on a slide and even heavier expectations (and didn't he look tired last night on tv) with very little public goodwill. It’s a recipe for grinding misery really and a difficult parliament. Not as bad as minority government but pretty grim.

There is not an informed person in NSW who thinks democracy is not at least half broken here as per the startling interview on Stateline last Friday here: The Last Interview


Perhaps Morris Iemma knows how thin the ice has got because he may have 'turned the phones off' for the sake of his family today, celebrating his Dad's birthday, but there he is on the box anyway trying to boost the ALP brand again on Insiders 2 in a live cross and 9 Sunday fielding brutal bouncers from Laurie Oaks.


Simon Santo on abc tv Insiders says the vote after about 75% stage is 53:47 this morning, with a swing of 3% to the Coalition. Last night one of the commercial tv stations was reporting 52:48. The ABC is calling 53 seats to the ALP but Sunday 9 is calling it 49 so far.


But the other ‘mandate with a message’ is surely for the NSW Greens. As Leigh Sales of ABC TV accurately suggested, to paraphrase ‘surely you would have expected to do better?’ An extra seat in the Upper House making now 4 Greens up from 3, of limited effectiveness still, beaten in Marrickville and Balmain seats it seems and on average only 8.5% of the primary vote in a year of unprecedented ecological awareness. Truly the Greens are not ‘an enviro group’ despite their colour code to quote Lee Rhiannon, contradicting her ally and new MP John Kaye who once said ‘we are of and from the environment movement’. That systemic confusion in short explains the muted gains of ever hopeful Greens. If they worked a lot harder and effectively on the broad environment and less on boutique social issues, or just more effectively on green and social issues they might actually win a lower seat?


One could only feel sorry for Fiona Byrne of the Greens with half obscured/over exposed postage stamp posters the opposite of the ALP or Liberals Peter Shmigel large format jobs, or even Clover Moore. If your party can’t present decent posters how can you manage an electorate? No doubt they tried their hearts out and their glossy leaflets I saw were very good. But all the materials have to be winners in the big game of lower house seats.


Which brings us to big hearted Rochelle Porteus candidate in the generally vain society of Balmain voters. If the ALP relied excessively on telegenic policy bimbos for cute packaging in this election, the Greens preselection of Rochelle suggests a shallow pool. She may be brilliant and have a heart of gold for all I know and God knows real beauty is not skin deep, but we are campaigning on earth not heaven. I made this point to a Greens stall worker a month ago, and she smiled with no dissent or offence. Rochelle did extremely well to get such a close competitive vote but not good enough. I don’t judge a book by its cover but that’s not voter land. At the least we should have seen a crash diet in the media age of biggest loser.


The Greens are vaguely going forward and holding their position and this is essential for healthy politics in NSW and Australia. But they are going very slow because they seriously lack a meritocracy in their culture where expertise and qualifications mean more than tribalistic ideology in the organisational wing. The triumph of safe mediocrity over geniune talent.


ABC election analyst Antony Green, even allowing for his known ALP leanings (briefing one of the thinktanks) and cynicism says this morning the Greens have reached "their ceiling" and that's a comment that hurts.


Mike Carlton says it's all about the next few weeks of slash and weeding in the NSW Government and that rings true: Next item of business, blood-letting in Macquarie St. Similarly Alex Mitchell says today in Fairfax Iemma will "ruthlessly deal with recalcitrants". Yep. It's a scary place here on Planet ALP.

Posted by editor at 9:42 AM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 25 March 2007 11:52 AM NZT
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Nasty drunken threats of ultra violence at the booth, two ALP bystanders look the other way
Mood:  hug me
Topic: election nsw 2007

Well the start of the day could have been nicer.

 Picture: An ALP worker on polling day in Marrickville who reckons this writer "has a mental problem" (possibly parroting Piers Akerman here Greens and sanity? That's a bridge too far | Daily Telegraph ) and somehow "a bully" (?) for chalking "NO TUNNEL" at a polling booth. This same chap when we revisited the booth 3 hours later (to take some pics as below, and vote) said to this writer shamelessly, "why did you assault and defame a member of the public this morning?". Very disturbing. This writer as per the story below was the one being stalked by a random crazy drunk as they knew, and I received several threats of ultra violence from same 'member of the public' and these ALP folks were the witnesses, the Pharisees passing on the other side of the street metaphorically speaking, but more, blaming the victim (me) with it. Talk about ugly ALP machine. This writer may have a sharp tongue but also Gandhi 10 principles of nonviolence pinned to my front door.


AT 6am we went on our morning jog and bought the daily press. The fruit and veg shop next door to the newsagent was setting up and a drunken fellow with cropped hair was talking to the ethnic shop owner in a slur. I stopped to see if everything was quite allright. Holding my paper up as if to read I said "I think I will buy something too". The street fellow suddenly decided not to be there anymore. Curious. The shoppie told me he had already had a box of plums stolen that morning. He had been up since 3am at Flemington markets.

 "Thanks for your support" he said. "That's okay, see ya later."

Picture: Our local vegies and fruit man taken at 9.30 am 3 hours later: "You want to take a picture of me? Take a picture of my shop ....what's it going to cost me?" he asked insightfully, gently, as I said hello again. "Nothing" I said hopefully.

I held my Daily Telegraph which is a handy size in a roll as I walked home  from the newsagent still pre dawn in case I needed to defend myself.

But the morning was to get alot worse than that.

At the church on the corner the ALP were early, and first as usual, setting up their booth props in the shadows. I got in a mutual sledge about the "liars from the ALP in their tax payer funded cars" wanting to build "a Marrickville Truck Tunnel". They sledged back:

"It all in your head. You're going to support a [Green?] Party that can't deliver anything."

I said

"8 million containers are coming from Port Botany. How are they going to get to western Sydney? ....1000 people die of air pollution in this city every year ..... the govt hid the Commission of Inquiry report for 3 months ..... The trains can only take 40% ..... You set up a secret committee by Laurie Brereton when the Inquiry didn't give you the right answer"

That could have gone better. But it was about to get alot worse.

Picture: Taken at 9.35 am this morning at corner of Illawarra Rd and Warren Rd Marrickville, 3 hours after earlier incidents, 24th March 2007: Question: "Tom McLoughlin, SydneyAlternativeMedia news blog. On the record Minister, in relation to the terrible truck accident in the [Burnley] Tunnel in Melbourne, do you think that could happen here in Sydney with so many motorway tunnels?" Answer by Carmel Tebbutt local ALP MP for Marrickville: "I don't know anything about that. I really couldn't say."

On a whim I went home, close by, grabbed my big chalk and went back at 6.45 am now, and started scribbling NO TUNNEL on the footpath outside the booth. Probably illegal as not authorised or registered but hey I was doing free speech on the day of democracy. I was willing to run the gauntlet.

Picture: Embarrassing secret ALP policy? We chalked about 5 of these NO TUNNEL signs and they were washed off presumably by the ALP booth workers within 10 minutes before 7 am corner of Warren Rd and Illawarra Rd 24th March 2007.

The ALP guys hated that, but were relatively restrained applying emotional violence but not the physical kind: "You've got a mental problem doing that at this time of the day .... your a bully."


I say: "Why do you say I'm a bully for exercising free speech? Are you projecting ALP culture [laughing]?" 

Picture: Green booth worker next to poster, image taken later this morning Warren Rd booth.

But it was about to get alot worse:

The drunk had appeared from the earlier creepy situation at the Vegie Shop looking for more trouble.

The drunk was at that empty phase 3 hours from his last drink, starting to sober up, unloved and unwanted, angry and obnoxious. Like a rat with plague he scuttled into the animated verbal exchange with ultra violent menaces 

"There is no fucking tunnel here. It's in Lane Cove. Get your fucking facts straight" bearing down on me crouched with chalk.

"Put your head up so I can take it off"

I say to the ALP guys: "This is the guy who tried to rob the veggie shop." I didn't actually know that but he was quite suspicious bailing out of the vegie shop so quick just for being watched, and I was warning the ALP blokes not to throw their lot in with this vicious looking fellow for nothing.

To be fair the 2 ALP booth workers had nothing to do with this nasty drunk although they unintentionally contributed to the danger with their side of the sledging.  At one point I said to them 

"Can you just stay close by, I don't deserve to be assaulted by this guy." 

But the ALP guys were too busy shrinking back it seems or just putting up their booth, or enjoying my predicament.

Well that sledge about the Vegie Shop really endeared me to the drunk. For the next 10 minutes I raised my fists twice crouching in self defence as this "I do black belt" nasty kept advancing at me and promised to take my head off. I said stuff to confuse him like  "I'm very strong ....Your an alcoholic, that's sad ....I'm a lawyer ... I will bankrupt you."  All before 7 am on a Saturday. Phew.

He was way down on the alcoholic anaesthesia now and seemed to need some red rage to postpone his own private hell, the inevitable black dog. He had an evil leer towards the end, of a desperado who needed someone's blood on the floor to get him through his own tragic world. Twice he crossed the road to pursue me and the second time moved to block my exit like a hunting jackal. At this I retreated the long way around the block to get home in one piece without "a punch on".

Picture: Peaceful democracy in action: A lefty radical hands out at the booth. The hostile ALP witness (to my predicament with the nasty drunk I never did get a picture of) is in the background in blue shirt. This is the same guy in the first picture above who used personally abusive sledges when I mentioned 'the Marrickville Truck Tunnel plan' of the Iemma Govt.

Marrickville is like that. You try and help a veggie shop owner, and criticise the ALP grip on power, and nearly get your head taken off, with ALP cronies treating it as a sideshow display. Any correlation between this crazy menacing me and the fact it's been an ALP seat for so long? One wonders when the dominant political paradigm is emotionally violent personal attack rather than honest policy, that seems to promote actual physical violence by others one step removed.  The gentle Graham Richardson giving permission to the frightening Tom Domicans of this world?

That drunk was living proof to me of someone taking ALP denials of their Truck Tunnel plan (as reported front page Daily Telegraph) as a justification for his own threats to "take my head off": Get your facts straight indeed.

To be fair the ALP booth workers didn't really want anything to do with the drunk. He was simply a nasty piece of work all of his own doing who lives directly opposite me (!) and knows "you're the guy with the van, with the [anti] nuclear poster. I pass it every day". He kept saying I was a "fucking hermaphrodite". Perhaps that's the clue - the guy is a self hating gay or Fred Nile supporter or unstable child sex victim? Certainly dangerous and a bit close for comfort. (For the record I am a hetrosexual with all the bits in working order and where they belong.)

No help from the ALP guys through all this extended menacing. They couldn't have cared less I reckon.

To show just how sly the local ALP can be, when I saw the fellow pictured above 3 hours later pictured here on the right: 

Picture: Ethical dilemma. The ALP booth worker, at right, is vexed about witnessing a determined menacing assault of this writer a trenchant critic of same ALP Party. What indeed has happened to society to lose its common decency to ignore the plight of someone in real danger? Said ALP booth worker told us after this photo "I wouldn't have let him hurt you, that's why I followed you down the street. [The drunk] came back here and starting sniping at us too." 

he loudly asked 'why did you assault and defame a member of the public this morning?' Charming.  

As if I was the one slurring "I'm going to take your fucking head off." Talk about victimising the victim of an assault. So now I had attacked a thug while crouching trying to chalk a message "NO TUNNEL", who had pursued me for 50 metres, crossing the road twice to get at me. Do the ALP have any shame with this false witness and bending of reality? Or was he worried I would indeed "complain" about the ALP booth workers lack of assistance to their boss Tebbutt MP? Not that I really blame them, the thug was really quite scary.

As God is my witness I never touched or threatened anyone and really was fearful actually, doing all I could to extricate myself, and tried several times to avoid this crazy from the local boarding house, feeling like Stephen Mayne on Walkley night. But unlike Glenn Milne this Thug was fit (like out of the Joint) and youngish and a much more serious proposition. Fact is violence makes me feel ill, but this Thug somehow had learned or been conditioned to feed on it like John Howard enjoys political conflict. Just strange really and frankly outside my experience. I was this Thug's sport and he was dog shit on my shoe I couldn't get off. Unlucky me.

But that's the ALP, black is white, night is day when under pressure. And so tricky. It's all about power really, in this case over the embarassment of the Marrickville Truck Tunnel plan. 

Democracy is so degraded here in NSW from fear and grasping, as per the tough questioning of Premier Iemma by Quentin Dempster last night about developer donations destroying democracy here on Stateline The Last Interview (which is damn quick transcribing work too up already from last night), and the machine workers seem to have learned their lesson well making fiction out of dangerous reality:

QUENTIN DEMPSTER: Mr Iemma, if re-elected, will you bring to an end the practice of developer donations to political parties?

MORRIS IEMMA: As part of – as part of a national system, because that’s the only way to achieve it, we have written to the Prime Minister, my predecessor had as well, Bob Carr had, we’ve called upon the Prime Minister as part of a national system - yes, we would.

QUENTIN DEMPSTER: You are not prepared to take leadership in something that is alienating the public and leading to public distrust about the integrity of the planning process?

MORRIS IEMMA: We have tough disclosure laws. It has to be a national system, otherwise you will end up with the donations being funneled from Canberra back into the states.

QUENTIN DEMPSTER: There is a skew here because the public has seen on the blip screen of Labor Party ads up to 15 million, we don't know exactly how much, that your party, through incumbency, has been able to get the slush funding from the developers. That's part of a systemic problem in New South Wales. That disconnect needs to - that situation needs to be addressed, does it not? You have had a huge incumbency advantage of getting slush-fund money from developers.

MORRIS IEMMA: The Labor Party undertakes the fundraising through the course of the term and does that fundraising from a wide range of groups, and individuals.

QUENTIN DEMPSTER: Developers donate money to buy access, and that's unhealthy.

MORRIS IEMMA: No, donations are made – all, all, who come to Government, put a case to Government are dealt with appropriately. We fundraise from a wide range of groups. Now, in relation to donations and disclosure, we have very tough provisions in New South Wales. As part of a national scheme, that's how it would work.

QUENTIN DEMPSTER: Can you assure the public that Brian Burke-like influence peddlers, people like Graham Richardson in the Sydney scene, will not be given access to your ministers if you’re re-elected?

MORRIS IEMMA: I can give that absolute assurance, nothing, nothing, inappropriate. All our dealings are appropriate.


Postscript #1, 3 pm same day: After hiding from the Thug in my place  for several hours, then sneaking out to remove all identifying stickers and posters on my van, I called Marrickville Police to tell them I was scared. He's perched on the street and hurls abuse about bizarre gay sex and genitals at every nerve wracking attempt to transit. If he hasn't been in jail he's got an unusual sense of horizontal sports.

The police arrive pretty quick at about 2.30 pm and give me an interview. I'm grateful for being visible and for hearing me out. The cops have identified the now sober Thug opposite my place and promise to talk to him and tell him to leave me alone. They say I shouldn't have to hide, just keep out of his way. As I write this I can literally hear said Thug swearing at the world.

One of my colleagues in the activist movement send me a text from the polling booth nearby, and it reads "The police r here over the incident this morning they were talking 2 the alp guy who I think gave yr name they took a report."

When I rang said source back, she (NN) says ALP also mentioned this website, the police also spoke to the Greens booth workers, who had arrived during the second group of menacing assault and possibly witnessed the foul mouthed obscenities, and more verbal threats to "take my head off" and maybe menacing pursuit by the Thug down the street as I tried to get away from him (I couldn't be sure as I was too busy watching out for the Thug in fact).

One can only guess what self referential story the ALP cronies will cook up to make themselves look clean, just like the 'non existent' Marrickville Truck Tunnel plan. Their usual approach is to say I'm aggressive etc and that it was all my fault.

That's the ALP Left's preferred method of attack - emotional violence regardless of fact. It was the same at Waverley Council when I beat them pointless shutting the Waterloo Incinerator that they controlled (indeed a new $40M redevelopment plan for a waste to energy plant via incineration, and not easy to forgive). That's life in the ALP's NSW if you buck their system. And come 7pm tonight it will be again most likely.

Postscript #2 (about 8pm, same day) The Thug as we call him here has been noticeable the  last 4 hours of daylight sitting on the street frontage and wolf whistling and cat calling to every woman who has had the misfortune to walk down this street near a major bus stop, polling booth, shops and supermarket. This is the character of the Thug that the ALP booth worker above is potentially running against our witness above in the minds of the police today? I don't think so. And whoever wins in Marrickville today some old fashioned campaigning against sexual harrassment is in order around here. A neighbour who is a medical doctor was telling me this arvo he can hear the cat calling in the street from our backyard. Conclusion: The Thug is a social menace. And no I haven't seen anything quite like this specimen in all my time in Sydney.

Posted by editor at 8:03 AM NZT
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2007 1:20 PM NZT
Friday, 23 March 2007
Container truck tunnel crash is Sydney's future too under ALP transport policies
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: election nsw 2007
Picture: from News Ltd inside the Burnley Tunnel in Melbourne today after a horror crash that killed 3.

As the three major dailies today editorialise to remove the ALP government in NSW in the vote tomorrow, and Ch9 prime time news ruin Opposition Leader Debnam's last pitch due to technical problems with a live cross, a tragic tunnel crash involving container trucks in Melbourne today (Road catastrophe: Tunnel crash kills three) underline everything wrong with the Inner West Motorway tunnel exposed by the press during this election for Sydney: $5b secret road under Sydney | The Daily Telegraph

Container truck numbers from the Port are set to skyrocket under the ALP (Task force to oversee Port Botany expansion. 25/11/2006. ABC News ...) to 3 million per year  at least (Port Botany - NSW Department of Planning) but likely even more than that (NSW Ports Growth Plan - Summary Sheet) with massive impacts on the Inner City congestion and suburban amenity from the Port Botany Expansion - 10/11/2005 - ADJ

The ALP over ruled an independent planning Commission of Inquiry (Port Botany expansion plan unwarranted: inquiry. 14/10/2005. ABC ...) and tried to stall the release of that report for 3 months (Port Botany Report - 15/09/2005 - QWN REP) making a new motorway tunnel an inevitability under the Iemma ALP Govt. One can assume fatal truck accidents like this today will also be an inevitability as above.

On Sunday another insecure road tunnel will open as the result of the election is finalised: Children at Lane Cove Tunnel protest - The Australian - 21 Mar 2007

Noxious road tunnels are indeed a powerful symbol of this ALP government as we go to the vote tomorrow as per The Greens last PR event for the day:

MEDIA RELEASE - 23 March 2007

Greens 'De Grout' Lane Cove Tunnel opening

The Greens MP and roads spokesperson Lee Rhiannon today staged a mock
opening of the Lane Cove Tunnel, with 'Premier Iemma' and the 'Tunnel
CEO' cutting a ribbon and exchanging cash besides a filthy, smoking,
unfiltered stack.

"The Greens have been forced to do a 'De Grout' and cut the ribbon
before the official opening. The difference here is that former Labor
Premier Jack Lang was proud of his harbour bridge and put the people
before banks," Ms Rhiannon said.

"Delaying the tunnel opening until the day after the election is a
'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' arrangement between the NSW
government and tunnel operators designed to keep a potential Lane Cove
Tunnel stink away from the polling booth.

"Premier Iemma might want to sleep in on Sunday and leave the tunnel
opening to the workers, but Sydneysiders will wake up to all the sins
of another motorway.

"Motorway tunnels are a potent symbol of Labor in office.

"Sydney's tunnels represent the abandonment of opportunities to build
a more sustainable Sydney and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

"The government's promise that tunnels will be accompanied by world
class bus, bike and pedestrian facilities are out-and-out lies, with
the Lane Cove Tunnel being a fine example.

"Lest we forget the Cross City Tunnel that stands as a hollow monument
to Labor's incompetence. It's here that profits came before the public
interest by closing local streets, funnelling traffic and obliterating
bus and bike lanes.

"Secret tunnel deals have resulted in millions of dollars worth of
compensation handed to private sector tunnel operators that could have
been spent on schools and hospitals.

"Public confidence in impartial government has been shaken by the free
flow of donations from tunnel builders, financers and operators to
both Labor and the Opposition. On the off-chance the Coalition is
elected tomorrow these donations suggest it will be tunnel business as

"Lane Cove Tunnel consortium members donated more than $2.2 million to
the major parties during the last seven years, of which almost $1.1
million went to Labor.

"Across Sydney public health is being affected by Labor's stubborn
refusal to filter what experts call the 'new asbestos' from the Lane
Cove, Cross City and M5 East tunnels.

"After the election the Greens will continue to campaign with the
community to reform political donations, promote open government,
invest in public transport, filter motorway tunnels and say no to new
motorways," Ms Rhiannon said.

Posted by editor at 7:30 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 23 March 2007 8:30 PM NZT
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Marrickville, Balmain tipping to the Greens despite the Rudd glow?
Mood:  crushed out
Topic: election nsw 2007

Kevin Rudd federal Opposition Leader has exchanged exaltations with Premier Iemma on the tv news tonight, and is pictured in today's edition of The Glebe (News Limited suburban freebie, in a quick turnaround given his visit only today), walking in Leichhardt in the marginal seat of Balmain. We have edited the picture to try and show what we call Rudd Love from onlookers:

The picture of the onlookers is especially revealing we think because there is a certain expression implying "there is our next Prime Minister". It is an innner city electorate friendly to the ALP true but Norton Street is pretty up market, not your average battlers.

The picture below shows other items in the letter boxes and front yards today in the marginal seat of Marrickville. Most damaging probably is the ALP state government failure reported in the Valley Times to filter toxic emissions in the M5 East Tunnel. The volume suggests the major parties are fighting hard over Minister Carmel Tebbutt's seat such that it will fall to the Greens, or not.

Posted by editor at 8:22 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 22 March 2007 9:03 PM NZT
It's Small Thursday for Morris Iemma, thanks to nasty sticky note trick, but Greens do well too
Mood:  surprised
Topic: election nsw 2007

Well who would have thunk it: A sticky note doing over hapless Mr Debnam of the Liberals on our Herald today front page hovering above a very happy pro federal ALP headline Rudd raids Telstra fund for supernet (pictured below). This follows the 'Big Wednesday' (after the surf movie of same name) of nasty Big Media like a dumping surf on Morris Iemma's ALP yesterday. Thus we have dubbed today 'Small Thursday' instead.

This complements of course Ruddy, Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd, adding his "star" power to an Iemma set piece speech today apparently. It also exposes as rubbish our theory yesterday of a 3 day combined press perfect storm against Iemma at the end of the election period. The Telegraph today similarly runs on a human interest story unrelated to the NSW election. But then again there are still two days to go.

Does the sticky note have an authorisation text on it for the electoral laws? Yes indeed over the back if you ever checked it

"Authorised by S. Kaine, ALP 377 Sussex St, Sydney. Printed by Adprint Visual Pty Ltd, 25-29 Wangaratta St, Richmond."

But what caught our eye next was the bold deep green supplement "How to live GREEN" also advertised on the front page with a spunky model on lawn sofa. If that's not subliminal advertising for a certain minor party I don't know what it is, totally free.

(It contrasts with a very nasty head kick by the Telegraph back in 2003 where they placed a Greens Party paid for colour advert next to a same shade of green image of a big paddy field where an Indonesian terrorist Bali Bomber hails from. Talk about conservative malice.)

Actually our sticky note was over the pneumatic said model but here is the supplement cover in full:


Ian Cohen MLC (Greens) has issued this devastating critique of the Coalition rednecks aka The National Party:

The Greens NSW Media Release March 22 2007

Nationals' scorched earth policies ruin Opposition's credibility on environment, say Greens.



The NSW Opposition cannot hope to win any credibility on the environment as long as the National Party continues to call for wind backs of land management practices, said Greens MLC Ian Cohen.



"The Labor government has let down the conservation movement in key areas of land management, leading to massive amounts of land clearing and destruction of threatened species. The Greens are the only viable opposition on this issue, as the Opposition would make the situation far worse." Mr Cohen said.



"While the Greens work towards improving the government's land management, the National Party threatens to take us back 50 years. The Opposition will not win middle ground on the environment with the millstone of the National Party around their necks.


*The Nationals have promised to:



-  Reverse National parks in western NSW

-  End sanctuaries zones in Marine Parks

-  Send coastal rivers westwards with no consideration of environmental impacts

-  Allow cattle to graze in National parks

-  Allow commercial logging to be considered a routine agricultural management activity and not be subject to environmental regulation.



"Land clearing in NSW generates as much as 35 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year, which is the equivalent of more than 7 million new cars on our roads. The NSW Labor government needs to show its commitment to ending broadscale land clearing, which it promised to do by the year 2000.



"The Greens will work towards closing the loopholes in Native Vegetation legislation including:



- Ensuring that a stringent code of practice is introduced and enforced for Private Native Forestry.

- Amending the loophole for 'invasive native species' clearing to ensure sustainable management of thickening native scrub.

- Mandating the use of appropriate satellite technology for monitoring landclearing.

- Ensuring that on the ground monitoring and compliance are enforced."



Further Information: Ian Cohen: 0409 989 466

Well said.

Posted by editor at 10:28 AM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 22 March 2007 9:18 PM NZT
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Premier Iemma may need a helicopter in this perfect storm of Big Media hostility
Mood:  energetic
Topic: election nsw 2007

Picture: What’s going to happen to Morris? He’s fit, but the surf is up and he is going to need all the polling muscle he has built up over the last 18 months. His electoral fate comes down to the punishing Big Media rough and tumble this next 3 days. (Images from 27th March 2006 by this author, ripples of Cyclone Wati reach Sydney's Tamarama Beach.)

At the risk of coming across like a sycophantic Imre Salusinszky in The Australian this last week or so, I have sneaking admiration for Morris. He played Aussie Rules as a young bloke. Like that and woud kick a footy with him any day. He's a sophisticated Italian Aussie - tick for that too. And yes I'm envious because he's got a great family and career success.

But as a wonk I am really enjoying the washing machine beating he is getting in the mainstream press today, with more expected these next 3 mornings Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No wonder he looked boyish and subdued on ABC tv last night declining to condemn anti coal protesters as he braced for the press stories coming today. The threshing is ferocious and the bruising something fearsome.

As they say (eg Matt Price recent column), there is nothing so entertaining for a wonk as a pollie in trouble. Almost as relaxing as watching someone else work hard. Call it a streak of sadism.

And the press today had it all, not just the front page biffo regarding

- Sydney Daily Telegraph worst trains in the world story based on a serious study dishonestly covered up Sydney trains world's worst and having been on say the Paris underground and Santiago service I thinks it's probably good criticism, and not entirely 'comparing apples and oranges' even when you take into account greater density of population re pricing or greater areas to cover re infrastructure cost ; and

- Sydney Morning Herald safety threat from train disasters again from "suppressed documents" prised out via FoI procedures, and richly complemented by another secret school principals document of 10 years of failed maintenance in public schools Schools left to deteriorate Cover-up: rail crash risks compared to Granville

No there was too much 'funny' election grist in the press today really to meet my writing deadline, but here goes as best one can:

- Lord Mayor 'a hypocrite' on donations from developers by said lick spittle Imre, a very clever fellow, in The Australian quoting political donations expert researcher Norman Thompson who has quite a deal of credibility here. Yes a measure of truth regarding Clover Moore as Mayor and MP running this Saturday for showing ostentation as a career lefty, and for getting a bit patchy on ethical funding sources but this should be balanced against the great need in 2004 to oust the ALP state govt attempt at gerrymander of City Hall.

Unsurprisingly in 2004 the Liberal developer side of politics equally wanted the ALP out on the basis of your enemy's enemy is my ally and chipped in $30,000. That's the grey world of real politik. Declaration: this writer uses old Clover how to votes from the 2004 municipal election for note paper including this story and was a volunteer like Norman for that campaign. [And note coverage next day 22nd March Clover is reported helping to serve meals on wheels to poor residents - that's the spirit we admire Clover.]

- the revelation p9 of the Herald that Alan Jones of 2GB is AWOL this last week, actually laryngitis.

- the mesmerising elegance and intellect let alone ethical brilliance of Elizabeth Farrelly with one of her best  Voters face a stark choice which by the way balanced the revolving door every Wednesday of the duopoly federal MP gerrymander at top right of the same page with Tanya Plybersek MP (ALP) (this space should rotate to the 30% of political reps not ALP or Liberal);

- As if to balance the Herald shock horror story is a chunky advert p12 from Sydney Ferries Corporation in their rival The Sydney Daily Telegraph for an "Injury Management Coordinator". Which surely is a horse that has bolted?: Man dies after ferry collision - National - smh.com.au

- Patrice Newell candidate in the upper house and arguably spoiler to the Green Party gets the fluffy lifestyle spot with little colour pic p51 in "style food and wine" by Sue Bennett in the Teleg. Which reminds of her other half Big Phil Adams piece yesterday on the "oxymoronic politics" of the greenhouse debate like "clean coal and safe nuclear power". So true Phil (and don't forget the declaration of interest next time?): Oxymoronic politics rules the greenhouse debate

- After our sledge yesterday, to wit

"Mind you Ruddy (Kevin Rudd) as federal Opposition Leader seems to have his own PR blemish being conspicuously absent from the NSW election campaign by Morris Iemma formerly known as the parliamentary leader of the ALP in NSW."

Now read today: Rudd to bring star power to campaign Is this the metaphorical helicopter rescue service in our headline for Morris in the Big Media Surf? (ha ha)

- Minister Tebbutt education minister as we reported yesterday ('Minister Tebbutt, UN$W under Hilmer $ellout the sustainability business') is implicated in doing over the Solarch facility at UNSW sited at Little Bay in the eastern suburbs. Conveniently as she debates with Trioli there is a matey piece about the UNSW staying in the sustainability business after all, maybe, in ten years, perhaps: Science turns sun, surf into green energy (ten years regretably is political shorthand for never never)

-  Strong moderately scary advert in the Herald by the National Seniors with a pox on both major parties "Poor responses from both parties highlight policy shortcomings"

- A reminder on the madness of USA gun culture by Mark Coultan on the back page of the Herald Even superheroes can die in gun-crazy Gotham  - too bad Morris is busy promoting it Lee Rhiannon MLC - Greens E-Brief No. 163 

- And MY FAVOURITE from the press today, a little complex but oh so embarrassing to our favourites at the NSW Police and Daily Telegraph:  Police Drug raids cancelled POLICE were forced to cancel a major drug operation on Sydney trains and buses last week because the State Govt feared another transport meltdown.

Actually the strap line reads in the paper version "Panicky Government cancelled police operation" but it's not that embarrassing to the Govt on sound public policy grounds, because it was only ever a pre election anti drugs Law and Order Industry beat up and self indulgence designed to do over the progressive Green Party on decriminalising drug users, harm minimisation and sanctioning of dealers.

This is clear from the choreographed front page and 2 page follow up mugging of the Greens on the very same Thursday last week edition of the Telegraph. Prepared in concert by the Telegraph, Iemma Govt and NSW Police. Only we were spared the cynicism via one broken pentograph the Wednesday night before on a harbour bridge train instead which put 40,000 commuters in very angry public transport treacle, and wiped the cynical pre set media beat up of the Greens in favour of a beat up of the ALP itself.

Now the police and Telegraph via their old slugger Luke McIlveen (well known to Media Watch discipline), are recycling the half warmed last weeks news, after the Greens have rebuffed the cynical dishonest reportage of their drugs policy. Which reminds us of the amusing comment by the Herald veteran Damian Murphy on Monday p9 under the headline "It's unofficial: the Greens have won" being a sledge on their rival the Daily Telegraph for their web based election site clearly being monstered by Green party supporters - and who could blame them for some cyber discipline after all their Big Media malice.

And what were the police going to find anyway? People drinking out of cans of coke?:

"Coca-Cola denies ever having used cocaine in earlier versions of its drink but will not say whether the natural leaf forms part of its secret recipe.  Until a few years ago the Atlanta based company bought tonnes of leaves annually." in Things go better without Coke, say Bolivians - World - smh.com.au dated 19th March 2007.

- Perhaps my WORST example of electioneering in the press today is Fred Nile borrowing the Green Party's clothes with a "DAM THE WATER SHORTAGE" slogan on page 4 of the Daily Telegraph promoting water recycling but also to build a new dam. Nile is truly yesterday's man and surely would have dammed the famous Franklin River in 1983 if he could have. The man is an ugly piece of work on so many levels squandering God's creation:

And a final word from Triple S, that is formerly Senator Santo Santoro and his cute witicisms

"The wise man in the storm always prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. It is the storm within that endangers him, not the storm without." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson."

And speaking of deliverance from Big Media storms, you can almost hear the dramatic dueling banjoes from here suggesting political life and death struggle. As I said to that lady producer on the abc talkback this morning, its not the dying days of the election at all. It actually started today and has 3 daily press print runs to go, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Good time to start praying Morris.

Posted by editor at 9:34 AM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 22 March 2007 10:26 AM NZT
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Monkeys on PM Howard's back will be hard to shake as Rudd polling 'soars'
Mood:  silly
Topic: election Oz 2007

Peter Costello is doing the PR lifting for the PM in the news today. And no wonder when these cartoons below from across the major dailies Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, The Sydney Daily Telegraph are reaching critical momentum, let alone the serious content in the text stories.

This opinion piece by a preferred leaker for the Treasurer Peter Costello, rival to the PM, is also more woe to Mr Howard for wetting the powder of his loyalist hard man Minister Tony Abbott:

Glenn Milne: Boot in his mouth 19 March 2007 AS the waves of scandal whipped up by Santo Santoro lap ever higher and the Government gulps for air, the recriminations inside the Coalition have already begun.

Mind you Ruddy (Kevin Rudd) as federal Opposition Leader seems to have his own PR blemish being consipicuously absent from the NSW election campaign by Morris Iemma formerly known as the parliamentary leader of the ALP in NSW.

There is another curious item (picture) at the bottom of our cartoon collage below, of Defence 'Wanker' .... err Minister, in the Howard government, Brendan Nelson in a report about the controversial $6/$15B billion deal with US arms dealer Lockheed Martin

(listed on google this way:"Lockheed Martin - We never forget who we're working for. As a lead systems integrator and information technology company, nearly 80% of Lockheed Martin's business is with the US Department of Defense and the US ...")

is also a very unflattering image. The headline "cockpit" possibly alludes to rumours about his vigorous love life (?) pushed by scurrilous ezine Crikey.com.au at times, and the whole picfac orchestrated by the minister is a response to this big hit on him here last Sunday night in the very high rating 60 Minutes here:

Dogfight You can forget health, forget welfare, wait till you hear how they're spending your money now. Fifteen billion dollars of it. All for a new war plane. A top secret project called the Joint Strike Fighter, our biggest defence purchase ever. But then Liam took a look at the fine print. For some strange reason, our defence chiefs have gone into the deal without seriously considering any other plane.

Where reporter Liam Bartlett (pictured here) did the Tom Cruise Top Gun (1986)thing

Posted by editor at 9:59 AM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 20 March 2007 3:45 PM NZT

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