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sydney alternative media - non-profit community independent trustworthy
Sunday, 15 April 2007
SAM blog gets more heat from rival sneaking off to Melbourne IT domain name registry?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: independent media
We have forwarded this recently to community media stakeholders for the sake of transparency: 
"To pre empt any legally ill conceived claims that the blog name we are using is not allowed at law or ethics I am taking the step of explaining why we chose this name

www.sydneyalternativemedia.com/blog or SAM as we refer to it in shorthand.

We arrived at our name via experience as a sometime media lawyer in NSW, and a year as a trade marks examiner in the Commonwealth Public Service, and 2 years as a corporate litigation lawyer, and 15 years as a community media practitioner.

"Sydney" because we are based here and do most of our work here, this word is public property

"alternative" because our blog is alternative not in the sense of sexuality but alternative to news missed by the Big Media, or critical of the Big Media/Big Govt, so it is genuinely different from other products. We also generate news stories. We say this is a word that belongs to the public and notice the uses in websites of others below.

"media" - again a commonly used word belonging to the public.
We set up the website when Sydney Independent Media went offline for about 2 months late 2006/2007. At the time we were working for Alternative Media Group in distribution, not writing or editing, and we got no complaints from either of them for the use of our name, and still haven't after 4 months but wonder if the owner of the AMG has evil intentions against us.

Is our blog name too similar, and thus confusing to the public as regards Sydney Indy/Independent Media website?

Well we say our use of the word "alternative" is sufficienlty different in the combination of words. Also we conduct ourselves to clearly indicate we are not part of the "official" indymedia network, though we like and support that global network. We transparently link over to their sites as a different thing. We have no complaints from their active network so far this last 4 months so we feel they are satisfied with this.

In fact we formed the sydneyalternativemedia blog because the Sydney Indy/Independent Media had gone offline for quite a few weeks and we needed an outlet for our stories to be published, first on Melbourne indymedia and then setting up our own website in the lead up to the NSW State election. In fact Melbourne indymedia didn't really want voluminous Sydney based election material which is fair enough.

Is our blog name too similar, and thus confusing to the public as regards Alternative Media Group (AMG)?

We say no. The word "Media" belongs to the whole sector, as indicated by Sydney Indy Media in the market place, and any number of other entities.

The word "group" is quite different being completely absent in our name.
Conversely we use "Sydney" which is absent from AMG name (perhaps because the owner is a US citizen who may not really identify with this locality as such but rather identifies with the 'alternative' inner city culture as in the pro gay press like Sydney Star Observer and is interested to compete with their revenue streams. We have an arguably much more mainstream (yet we trust tolerant) focus.
The "AMG" as they are commonly known do not publish news on their website at all, only newsprint titles City Hub, Sydney City News, The Bondi View, as per advertising rates on their sparse website here:

Alternative Media Group - Upgrade In Progress

So they are in a quite different segment of the media market. Further, we do not advertise being associated with and essentially a non profit ecology action sydney, a micro ngo foundation here at http://cpppcltrust.com/ecologyactionsydney .
Notice our Copy Left style of free use of any of our material and without attribution here:
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Our free copright policy
Mood:  happy
Topic: copyright - SAM

Our material is for open use and is meant to be borrowed, recycled and reused or indeed stolen. It's free, and no need for attribution either. It really is free, and that's the owner and editor speaking, Tom McLoughlin solicitor in NSW.

The trend in daily reads seems to be increasing with 300 hits on some days, and 3,700 per month up from 2,800. We continue to note our language and/or content turning up either as a direct or indirect echo or perhaps parallel evolution in some high profile columnist articles, some distinctly centre left, and on the right too. 

SAM won't embarrass them by mentioning who:. Anyway we are confident enough to say it shouldn't be embarrassing - with 2 university qualifications and 15 years of public interest ngo politics behind the editor with 8 months a tea total, and bubbling synapses as a consequence..

We notice this website in the market place also

Alternative Media Links

(Which is a Telstra big pond Australian website.)
(Which uses the publicly owned terms "media group")
We notice the term alternative media is a commonly used and publicly owned term as here

Alternative media is the only way forward - On Line Opinion - 11/4 ...

Rumours in the web based news media sector of AMG complaints to Melbourne IT registration of our domain name.
We hear in the market place rumours that the owner of the AMG Lawrence Gibbons has malice against us, and thus we anticipate a complaint against our 4 month old start up SAM website news service over our domain name. In fact we met with his group manager Chris Peken last Tuesday to swap materials and bring closure to the professonal relationship where even Peken was at pains to distinguish himself from the owner's bad attitude.
The owner Gibbons has threatened to denounce us as "unreliable" to the market place which we feel is a gross misdescription, and we published to explain the real situation. Last night we voluntarily took down those explanations on the internet having served their purpose of informing the market place for several weeks, and include the basis here for specific stakeholders.
We simply refer people to the legal advice (attached below) we provided to Gibbons in March 2007 showing why we were unable to do his distribution work for a particular issue of the City Hub which would have been an illegal contract, after which he sacked us as an independent contractor for future distribution work after 6 years.
There is no doubt the legal advice is damaging to the owner's professional reputation and we see an element of revenge in postures since this affair. There is no doubt the timing was unfortunate given it was the day of the Mardi Gras in Sydney the owner (and some others) were forced to do his own delivery work to prosecute a personal crusade.
In any case it is a relief because we mostly saw the distribution work as a public service obligation at very great opportunity cost professionally and politically this last 6 years.
We are quite busy and satisfied to move on with our SAM website and other community sector work but its seems there may be an attempt by AMG to sabotage our domain name. If true it only reinforces why we are very comfortable to move on from AMG in the first place.
We feel quite satisfied our blog name SAM or Sydney Alternative Media,  is sufficiently distinctive of both Sydney Indy Media or SIM or IMC web based news, and Alternative Media Group or AMG, and follows conventions in the market place of publicly owned phrases already in use by diverse trading or ngo organisations.
We don't believe there is any real risk of confusion in the market place but we do believe there is a very real risk of a vexatious complaint against us to cause chaos and self aggrandise or petty vindictiveness. None of these motives are compatable with growing or expanding the community media sector that we feel so committed to, as per our reports on our blog here:
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Mood:  amorous
Our Media conference #2: excellent capacity building continues

Topic: independent media
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
When will it be Our Media?: #1 report: Conference of international practitioners kicks off
Mood:  chatty
Topic: independent media
Tom McLoughlin, solicitor in nsw
Attached legal advice to AMG dated 3rd March 2007 "

Posted by editor at 2:53 PM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 15 April 2007 3:35 PM NZT
Tim Blair human rottweiler or light weight lap puppy of Big Media?
Mood:  down
Topic: corporates


Tim Blair aka the human rottweiler and his 30 non sequiturs in the press yesterday still deserves a response as tedious as he is.


People like shrieker Blair might realise a right wing blog, only on newsprint (go figure, refer page 23 Sydney Daily Telegraph 14th April 2007 “30 deeply unfair generalisations”) is not actually cleverer, sharper or funnier than say the highly successful Al Gore or Michael Moore. In fact to quote THE CASTLE  he is “dreamin”:


Here's another 30 curiousities of modern life (plus one axiom no.31 at the end) likely of far more sense than the intellectual vomit from mad dog Blair:


1. Funny how the same people based here and the USA who most support the Iraq war have never seen active service and wouldn’t step out of the Green Zone in Baghdad in a pink fit. First and best chicken hawk example is golf loving George Bush who never served in the Vietnam War. Second is John Howard ditto.


2. Funny how the same chicken hawk supporters of the Iraq war would never send their own adult children, as per the famous Michael Moore footage of the hawks of US Congress running from his camera. Example: John Howard’s sons. George Bush’s daughters.


3. Notice how the deniers of global warming like Alan Jones are busy buying houses in the Southern Highlands at 500 m elevation.


4. Notice how people stuck living amongst concrete in dense inner city suburbs (because services are so bad in the bush), do compost, and do have lower average energy and water use because economy of scale means they have much smaller ecological footprint per head than others, but still get baited as 'concrete lovers'.


5. Notice how the “original conservationists” to quote Liberal ex leader Debnam are also the grain grower, Saddam bribe merchants, who are also the biggest land clearers.


6. Funny how the best haters of the ABC (for daring to have standards) think 37 Minutes (plus 23 minutes of adverts), and ACA are documentaries.


7. The same people who think the ABC is the “only … pay tv” in Australia we are forced to fund (according to Blair at least) have never heard of Foxtel part owned by Telstra subsidised by govt monopoly for a 100 years.


8. The same people who admire George Pell’s bigotry against gay lifestyle also support the Church’s traditional ban on married priests making the Churches a hotbed of gay sexual frustration.


9. The same people who admire the free market also support the 'nanny state' banning of consenting adults doing things to eachother on film sold in Fyshwick ACT.


10.  The same people who reject Prof Flannery speaking out on global warming in good faith demand to be taken seriously on the topic in their newspaper (The Australian) while publishing reams of ‘special advertising reports’ for the fossil fool industry


11. The people who think the Simpsons mainstreaming of goofy 'yet harmless' nuke plants in hoky Springfield is innocent fun are the same ones most alarmed at Iran getting nuclear energy capacity because it will proliferate nuke weapon's risk.


12. The same people at Davos World Economic Forum happy to leave global warming 'to the free market to solve', if it exists at all, meet in the Swiss Alps high above the ocean, set to rise if the polar caps melt, and support a seeds repository 130 m above sea level in Norway. Rumour has it they also buy up in the Blue Mountains and sell in Double Bay.


13. The same people who freak most at Iran’s nuke programme praise George Bush’s first strike missile ‘defence shield’ scheme, sending Russia and China into paroxysms of diplomatic protest and undoing the nuclear balance since the 1950’s and trashing the global disarmament agenda etc, because its okay to proliferate if it’s one of ours.


14. The same people who are most religious, indeed Rapturous, think it's okay for W Bush to cause the end of the world with 6 billion deaths ... because he is one of ours.


15. The same people who call the Left anti US also think Noam Chomsky, Pete Seeger, Dixie Chicks, Michael Frente, John Lennon (!), Rage Against the Machine and Muhammed Ali are all Shining Path communists from Peru.


16. The same people who think George Clooney, Tim Robbins, Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman (!?) “are surrender monkeys” would never let their kids serve in Iraq let alone Afghanistan and think the movie Syrianna is a documentary about the Stasi in East Germany (actually it is a doco drama, but it’s about the CIA).


17. The people who think blogging for Big Media is smart and witty have never seen The Chaser War on Everything in case it was funnier than them.


18. The same people who support privatisation of all public assets built up over generations of taxpayers, scream blue murder over death taxes on private assets embedded with generations of public subsidy around a civil society, health services, public education, traffic lights.


19.  The same people who think Islamofascists are around every corner still love Leb flat bread wraps from Subway, and various exotic dishes at their bbq like hummus, and Hazzem El Masri (aka Magic) when he scores a try for their rugby team. They're okay because that’s different.


20. The same people who think free speech demands the right to disrespect a religious Prophet for the Muslims don't mind Mr Peek after 30 years at Tristar getting sacked with no long service payment simply for talking to the media. Free speech anyone?


21. The same people who think the Meeja regulator is wrong to attack Alan Jones for promoting racist street gang fights because he is just the messenger,  think it's fine to strangle the ABC funding so environment shows like EarthBeat on the real science of forest destruction and global warming can be axed.


22. The same people who think that the globalisation of capital and free trade should be unfettered, and executive bonuses unlimited, are desperate to lock up refugees in Villawood desperately seeking freedom from tyranny.


23. Some people think the Devil simply got a bad rap because he never got a chance to put his side of the story, unlike say Tim Blair.


24. The same people who want strict controls on harmful drugs and movement of terrorists across borders for the general public welfare also reject international action on greenhouse emission targets as unrealistic.


25. The same people who applaud John Howard saving forests in Indonesia with $200M in our taxpayer funds want to destroy the same natural carbon storage warehouse in Tasmania for a pulp mill of a big political donor Gunns Ltd.


26. The same people who argue that Tasmania already has 45% of locked up forest (even button grass and rocky peaks), also praise those horny handed sons of the soil affected by drought in this “wide treeless brown land”.


27. The same people who say only a few people died after Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island nuke disasters also think its cute that we can read radioactive traces of atmospheric tests of the 1950’s in every glowing silt layer on the globe from Antarctica to the Sahara to the NSW South Coast.


28. The same people attacking Kevin Rudd for being on Sunrise show on ch7 as too exclusive and low brow, have nothing to say about the Big media companies ganging up and attacking Kerry Stokes C7 pay tv start up resulting in the biggest Meeja litigation contest in living memory.


29. The same people who loved Princess Di paid for the photos of the paparazzi who killed her, and seemingly want to kill her sons/girlfriends now with the same treatment.


30. The same people who are ultra nationalists waving ‘our’ flag on Australia day also think we are still a white supremacist colony of the UK given the union jack in the top left corner. Independent country anyone? 


31. There is a columnist in Sydney who thinks our moniker for him as the human rottweiler is a compliment.


Postscript #1 Monday 16th April 07

Of course like the sinister flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz but in this case over the void of the internet, we have attracted a peanut gallery apparently from modern Rome over there (ie USA), . Go to it boys.



Postscript #2: Tuesday 17th April 07, I'm all for 'across the aisle' bipartisanship including talkies with ill mannered, vicious or evil Right wingers as per the panoply of lightweights in the comments section below. If time permits. As for the insults like the proverbial flogging with a wet lettuce, consider this:


- I wrote that in 10 minutes while Blair probably took 10 days to figure his out. He gets marks for the first draft but not any moral cred.


- Even if we dropped 30 IQ points (not that we follow that bogus western metric here) I would still be above W Bush at 120 - a full 40 points behind his ideological enemies Clinton 159, and JF Kennedy on 160. That metric bespeaks a global tragedy for all of us right now, and volumes for the power of rat cunning.


- In W Bush's case an old Thai saying seems to fit: Anyone can be rich if they are willing to pick the coin out of the poo with their teeth.


But mostly what I wanted to link to was the whining feature about some ultra right harradons, err sorry Big Media female columnists, allegedly suffering psychological violence from cruel email respondents (but no independent verification of same). Their sad situation as good honest toiling journos looks suspiciously like the infamous Rove tactic of sympathy rent seeking from a usually sceptical Centre Left audience, by inventing a grave injury as they literally barrack for extreme policies that will hurt the same audience. Very cute and quite evil mind f*ck:  And here it is


You've got hate mail | Media | The Australian


Whether real or not in their case, I can now catalogue these very real, nasty insults from carnivorous Righties below as a handy resource of quotable quotes to use against the Right in future for my own sympathy trawling (in my case justified of course) from their traditional centre right supporters. Keep it comning boys!

Posted by editor at 2:19 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 19 April 2007 10:12 AM NZT
Sunday political talkies: Big Media revenge on Sunrise for C7 pay tv litigation farts more greenhouse pollution at Rudd?
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: election Oz 2007

Picture: Rudd love in the eyes of voters in the NSW state election, image from memory in The Glebe newspaper last week of the campaign around 22nd March 07.




Author’s general introductory note (skip this if you know this regular weekly column):



This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies  in Big Politics and Big Media.



Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208



“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”



Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above



For actual transcripts go to web sites quoted below except with Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.



10 Meet the Press 8-8.30 am



Paul Bongiorno. Bob McMullan sounding persuasive and firm, Jennifer Hewitt and Glenn Milne, all veterans show. Sounding pretty relaxed.


PM Howard running his election ammo early, maybe too early, eg wall to wall ALP govt’s, Kevin Rudd’s cred on his family story baiting by major press, Sunrise Anzac day broadcast baiting.



[Sunday Sunrise itself looks as bright and happy as usual, no mention so far as best I can tell flicking from 10 to 7.]



Nicholson Rubbery figures very amusing re Peter Garrett’s principles burning with the ALP, and nuke blast from Rudd as the band drummer metaphor of upcoming ALP conference.



Prof Amin Sykle (spelling?) of ANU re Afghanistan mission for Australian troops. Will be casualties? Agrees much more dangerous, hopes not.



Transcript in due course www.ten.com.au/meetthepress



7 Weekend Sunrise, 8.35-40 am Riley Diary


Riley Diary – edgy and amusing as usual. Fearful and friendly focus FM interview, Rudd doing okay actually showing sense of humour, talent but also under some pressure. A bit of semi serious criticism of habitual pollywaffle.



Still no mention of Sunrise show in the news today in the Howard Coalition blowtorch:


Stokes grills Sunrise over Rudd

SEVEN Network chairman Kerry Stokes raised serious doubts about Kevin Rudd's now controversial involvement with the Sunrise program shortly after he became federal Opposition leader last year.

Which all suggests Kerry Stokes as owner of 7 has put the ruler over Sunrise and endorsed their approach and is playing tough like he has done all the way over C7 pay tv litigation against the Howard business mates/bully boys in the other big media. Which is a good outcome for democracy actually.



[I wonder if Rudd should go to Vietnam and do the dawn service, no tricks, just support the survivers of that awful war. It would be a PR coup and the right thing to do for the right reasons.]


Very amusing Red Symons YouTube of Paul Keating doing the dessicated coconut here:


all tip and no iceberg
Added: 5 days ago in Category: Music
Views: 8,733

38 ratings


Web page here but no transcript usually: http://www.seven.com.au/sunrise/weekend



Sunday 9


Feature on Asian airline safety. Long long feature.


Sunday show website here:


Oaks interview Joe Hockey Minister as Coalition rep on Sunrise. Failed to bag Kevin Rudd. Oaks targets Sunrise 7 network [doing ch9 dirty work]  Hockey says better to not get between feuding networks. Leaves it to Rudd. Says motives of Sunrise show to promote ANZAC day were good.


Should he give up the show? Declines to answer for others.


[All smacks of revenge beat up for C7 pay tv litigation by Kerry Stokes, backgrounder here via honest broker Alan Kohler:

Inside Business - 18/09/2005: Channel 7 litigation a 'blockbuster'

“ALAN KOHLER: Showing all the panache of being a one-time owner of the Hollywood studio MGM, Kerry Stokes' production of 'C7 - the Litigation' is a blockbuster. With 22 respondents, including the Murdochs, the Packers, Telstra, a few football codes and a superstar lawyer from London, it's got a cast worthy of Cecil B. DeMille. The plot thickens daily, conspiracies abound, and the denouement may involve a billion-dollar windfall and a big shake-up of Australia's media. Stephen Long reports…….”


Ellen Fanning shows how far she has sold out at Ch9 since the excellent SBS broadcast Fine Line documentary series on ethics in the Big Media by pandering to the beat up of Ch7 Sunrise with her loaded poll question 'will the fake dawn service affair on Ch7 damage Kevin Rudd?'.


I mean who the fuck cares if its one hour one way or another around dawn on Anzac Day? Certainly not the blokes who died in the mud blood spattered all over the field. It's a corrupt joke by the Big Media out to get 7 on any pretext, and Rudd with it if possible over the fabric of our media landscape after the C7 litigation. 


And every one knows how pompous and officious the war machine (sorry Defence Dept and Bureaucracy) are about big junket ceremony when the actual diggers were the most irreverent buggers who ever drew breath, which was what made them so damn adapatable and gritty too.]






Insiders 2


Minister Bishop looking ever the velvet glove of the SS economic stormtroopers, as federal govt education minister. Sounding as tediously dogmatic and certain of herself as usual.


WA holding up for the Coalition in the polls. Bishop says its good economic times there. But polls not looking good elsewhere. Says a lot of time yet till poll day.


Everyperson group bunch of pro business fit swimming types from the upper north shore perhaps. Scepticism at Howard economic boasting.


Panel (below) sledges COAG.


Paul Kelly: says states playing politics. Not credible for states to run a carbon scheme without the feds and it will feed into the federal election. Predicts Howard will use 60% greenhouse target of ALP and Work Choices repeal in big lights.


Panel is Lenore Taylor (moderate, Fairfax AFR), George Meglogenis (moderate The Australian, News Ltd), Andrew Bolt (extreme right, News Ltd)


Interesting discussion of internal media politics of Rudd on Sunrise show at 7 allegedly unsustainable for jealousy and rivalry reasons, distringuish from talk back radio for being less exclusive from Faine to Laws to Jones.


Pathetic footage of  pandering of Rudd and Howard to bigot broadcaster Alan Jones caught red handed in white supremacist ‘one culture many races’ mode with ACMA finding of promoting of political violence against Jones/2GB.


Goes on to note polling so high in marginals for ALP.


Replayed at 11.10 am on radio PNN 630 AM band.


Home page is http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/


Postscript #1: Glen Milne writes an hysterical, ironic line today from the rabid News Ltd traditionally tragic Sunday press. On the front page is a prince under headline "Royal Split" about some ditsy girlfriend and William in a breakup in their respective media fishbowl.


But what is hilariously incredulous is Milne writing in his political feature "How it finally dawned on Sunrise and Rudd" referring to Ch7 he says


"The show is about entertainment, not information."


Oh and the Sunday Telegraph is about what exactly .....?


Postscript #2 Sunday night 14th April 2007


Notice this report on Ch9 60 Minutes last night, a high ratings show that trumps 7 Sunrise, appeases the rival network, is done quite sympathetically by reporter Liz Hayes, and is credible given it was a based on a week of insider following of his daily routine:

"Team Rudd Right now, he's the hot favourite. After five months, the infatuation with Kevin Rudd is still going strong. According to the polls, if they had an election tomorrow he'd be our new PM. A dream run and all the more amazing when you consider how little we actually know about this man."

That's a signficant political response to the attack re Sunrise fracas. Fran Kelly on radio national similarly notes the 60 Minutes story on her radio national slot this morning confirming its a serious influence and now Sunrise has lost its talent after the political space provided by 60 Minutes:


Sun sets on Rudd's Sunrise slot

10:58am | Kevin Rudd and Joe Hockey end their weekly spot on Seven's Sunrise morning program.


Posted by editor at 10:44 AM NZT
Updated: Monday, 16 April 2007 1:34 PM NZT
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Our Media conference #2: excellent capacity building continues
Mood:  amorous
Topic: independent media

Pictures: From top left clockwise

1. Peter Lane of Ch31 (Melbourne) samples "DenialBeer" from our pneumatic activist The Blonde guarranteed to wipe out true history of Australia, refugee issues and human rights scruples. We bought Peter a beer to hear his views on ethical effective community tv models.

2. Sun Quan Huang of Taiwan Shih Hsin Uiversity; POTS weekly, an internet media based activist with English as a 4th (!) language.

3. Day one presentations from strong women of our region in community media including femLinkPacific Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls of Fiji (with microphone), and

4. Day one, Lisa Stefanoff of Central Australia Aboriginal Media Association (CAAMA) representative based in Alice Springs (at far left) with confronting witness of their trainee who 'knows' the reality of the life she is 'meant to have'. Very moving powerful stuff;

5. Prof John Downing, keynote speaker on Day 1, in animated discussion .... in fluent spanish;

6. presentation of the Italian Chainworkers - Mayday and other cause related artwork for the 'precarious worker', involving swap cards, super heroics and culture jam, playful visual concepts. Very amusing talk by Sydney UTS based Ilaria Vanni.

This is the second report of the OurMedia conference in Sydney after day two 11th April 2007, in a 4 day smorgasbord [revised Saturday 14th April 07]:

Alot less notes taken today, and alot more sharing. On behalf of this micro ngo 'SAM blog alter ego ecology action', we managed to erect a display of our contribution to communication capacity in the Patagonia/Chile No Alumysa campaign of 2002-04 (to halt a US$3 billion hydro smelter project to destroy 3 local rivers, lake, 10,000 ha of original forest and fjordlands with 660K tonnes of waste per year).

Details of two heroes of that Chilean campaign - Mitzi Urtubia and Marisol Frugone and other material -  are reported here Patagonia project and in Chile here: http://www.ecosistemas.cl/1776/channel.html

Similarly, we provided a copy of the 47 minute video Corazón verde (2002), which translates as Green Heart  to veteran community media consultant Alfonso Gumucio, with his own wikipedia entry here. Alfonso despite his eloquent presentation was like the proverbial expert who knows too much, has too many secrets and has seen many skeletons in closets, and thus was sounding exhausted and even despairing.

He brightened up perhaps as the jet lag wore off and returned the favour with DVD Voices of Magdalena/Communication for Peace which is a 35 minute doco of community radio in a region of Colombia (!). This is a great story to show our Spanish translator Amparo Ilanos who hails from Colombia also.

We also provided a UN 1992 Your World photographic booklet to Dr Juan Salazar of Uni Western Sydney, to echo his frightening image of a 'dying child sculpture on a western conference table'. He was glad for that offering.

Late in the day we made contact with Rika Kobayashi of Planet tv in Japan [webcast] and with her first report on the Our Media conference with vision here [for Japanese audiences]:


We have promised more original content for her today [duly delivered re Lake Cowal H2O ...ooooooh issue in NSW, forest destruction in Australia] assuming format compatability re NTSC/PAL video to digital etc of interest to Japanese civil society stakeholders, that is, to start a conversation without a big business or big government filter.

Some images of day 1 and 2 are found above, and again there will be supplements when time permits after the conference.

Posted by editor at 9:34 AM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 15 April 2007 12:25 PM NZT
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
When will it be Our Media?: #1 report: Conference of international practitioners kicks off
Mood:  chatty
Topic: independent media

Picture: A t bottom Dr Juan Salazar main organiser of UWS ponders the opening plenary, with some of the local and jet lagged attendance. At top on right On the opening panel is UWS colleague Penny ODonnell (left) and Our Media veterans conferences 1 to 6, Clemencia Rodrigeuz and Alfonso Gumucio. Notice the strong Latin collaborative influence.

This is the first day report of a sceptical activist blogger at the OurMedia conference in Sydney starting proper on Tuesday 10th April 07 (written 11th April revisions 14th April): 

'Grey men' as pictured below, opened the OurMedia conference yesterday: Harsh but true. One was dean of Uni of Western Sydney Prof Wayne McKenna at right below. The venue was central Uni of Technology Sydney (UTS) in the CBD, after a film night on Monday at Sidetrack Theatre, Addison Rd Centre Marrickville (which we missed).

Picture: At right dean of UWS Prof Wayne McKenna. At left Dean of UTS Professor Theo Van Leeuwen (who surely is related to Hans Van Leeuwen formerly AFR journo, green media adviser to Lee Rhiannon MLC (Greens), then in the news as house hubby to the editor of Woman's Day). 


There was a wonderful attendance of some 70 overseas participants which is a real credit to main organiser Dr Juan Salazar of UWS. However it was not quite enough to overshadow the weak showing of the dynamic local community/alternative/grassroots media sector in Sydney itself, if not Australia, and therein lies a serious story.


Dr Juan, 10 years in Australia, from Chile has some reflection due on that. [We understand most but not all of the other conferences 1 to 5 had similar lack of local grassroots activists and has been more a gathering of expert practitioners/academics.]

Picture: Radio providers from Enga Provice in PNG with whom we had a friendly chat recalling a visit to the Kokoda area and Lae over 17 years ago (with obligatory bout of malaria - a real teacher).


This 'experts rather than diverse grassroots energy’ tone was dissipated a fair bit by the afternoon specialised sessions. Community media folks are by nature interactive and open and the workshops were an inspiration: Workshops attended by this writer included


- New Technology/Creative Commons intellectual property issues,

- Prisons radio

- Japanese FM in shopping centres,

- RRR here in Sydney, based in Ryde area.


We took 6 pages of notes during the day with many more angles to report, with perhaps the biggest one being one to one interview with dean McKenna re the future of free to air Sydney Channel 31 community tv


(our own contested community television tv station controversially taken over to boost educational programmes at Penrith campus at UWS, when it was already serving authentic local community media practitioners for 10 years prior to that). 

It is notable that Dr Salazar presenting as a 'high caste Latin' with all his suave humour and good looks is beholden to the UWS dean McKenna, even as he noted Our Media "should not just be about revenue." But why the poor turnout of local students to this high status event?

[Actually we found Dr Juan expressing very strong participatory democratic values as the conference wore on, which was a great antidote to this writer's initial cynicism.]

The key note address by self described 'aging' Prof John Downing, founder director of Global Media Research Center [sic] at Southern Illinois University in strong UK Queens English was a very impressive intellectual traverse. He also managed some serious ironies that seemed shocking to this 15 year community media practitioner:


-  he correctly sledged blogs as western english artefacts mostly but also praised their 100 to 500,000 potential audience reach. Mmm that's confusing if valid criticism, noting radio or mobile phone media dominates African and other mass audiences.


- Prof Downing teased out the undoubted language barriers in the sinews and muscle of dominant English vis a vis the other several billion non English speaking global brothers and sisters. Yet the Prof was a living example of English language excellence too, giving the keynote address and with great learning. Was he too good?


I found Prof Downing jarring to hear his view responding to the audience a fairly airy comfort with community media sector folks moving into over paid big media careers. His rationale sounded idealistic but frankly naive on my side of the school of hard knocks: 

Sure there is alot of truth in wanting decent people with moral credibility 'inside' (and I know one or two) to influence the often reptilian Big Media including the Govt's ABC here. But I would never read down the capacity of Big Media to capture and indeed sabatage their competitors in the community sector to sustain their big wages and revolving door into politicians' offices.



[The additional layer of irony, as I discovered, was that the Prof has an Afro American wife by the looks, and is a fluent Spanish speaker, so he probably didn't need to hear my 'snot nose' critique of his apparent self contradictory westernism. But I gave it to him anyway, no fear or favour in the plenary. The next day as I was conspicuously wolfing down morning tea muffin(s) having missed breakfast he caught my eye and suggested in passing just 'don't talk', which was very amusing and fair enough, and pretty unlikely Prof.]


After day one I thought, well, it's one thing for me to lay down the intellectual gauntlet as regards proud autonomous identity of the indy sector, to the builders of my own alternative, community and (mainstream) indigenous media sector, and quite another to prove we are worthy to run our own race.


The stage was set for day two with a bit of friction and worry in the mix.

Picture: At top -workshop explaining the shipping container project computer room in Jamaica as presented by local artist, and it seems globe trotter, Francesca Da Rimini.

Bottom image, at right in the background: Japanese interpreter translating record of this parallel session number 5 'New Techologies and Social Action', on left Andrew Lowenthal from  EngageMedia community sector version of YouTube with much more ethical revenue sharing IP model. (This bloke AL had all the acuity and charm of a latter day Predator aka Mike Cartlon (RIP) who invented IndyMedia for the world from here in Australia. We suggested to AL he must be channeling the Pred and this seemed quite e a spooky coincidence and 'responsibility' too.

Posted by editor at 9:55 AM NZT
Updated: Saturday, 14 April 2007 3:07 PM NZT
Monday, 9 April 2007
Australian Climbing Festival: Gorgeous, risk agreeable people on a full diet of personal exploration, friendship, humour
Mood:  lyrical
Topic: local news

They say lifting furniture burns a lot of fat for the image conscious in this world of mass media advertising assault. With obesity the subject of popular reality tv shows like The Biggest Loser , imagine lifing yourself over an 8 mile knife shaped ridge line in the High Sierras of California as sainted, elite climber Peter Croft described in his humble tones this weekend at the Australian Climbing Festival 2007  in the Blue Mountains. Indeed a great deal of the crowd were as slender as whippets and looked as strong as, well ... rock climbers.

Picture: Peter Croft (Canadian) with his quietly spoken, gentle style and humour appealed greatly to the crowd with applause at his ethic of "climbing for the right reasons" sitting on a ledge no shirt listening to nature, no other climber anywhere. Famous for shocking solo climbs, yet happy to admit backing off a derisory grade 8 unsafe rock, and honest about a rescue "not fun to talk about" for climbing too soon after "a long road trip to Yosemite". A great person who had the hard core audience stuck to their seat at the 'end' of the talk.


The crowd of 500 including hard men and gymnast women at this Easter weekend event were literally in awe of this wiry middle aged solo expert Croft of North America with a face like a map of the world’s cliffs. And the competition for most amazing living adventurer at the festival was strong as per this promotion last Friday in the Herald Cruise control the easy way to reach Blue Mountains 

 Picture: Don't try this at home: flying suits made famous by Glen Singleman and wife Heather Swan who were also featured on the ABC TV Australian Story :: Lovers Leap


No wonder the crowds came.


And imagine how this writer felt a country mile from the speakers' level and half a mile from most of the audience: Nervous, intimidated, inadequate but in the sum also inspired not least by the quiet humility of these worthy role models of a vibrant sub culture:Gorgeous lithe strong people, some with brats bouncing around on the safety mats under the sport climbing wall.


Other elite folks stood out at this 2 day festival like Garth Miller who apparently won a climbing competition (?), at least I heard the roar of the crowd next door. I was in a rival event, in this jam packed schedule, of Bolivian music culture and slide show by the Monasterio Brothers including serious mountaineering guide Dr Erik Monasterio. By the time I made it across it was all over.


Luckily I had already met locally based The Garth on the eve of the festival cradling his pudgy babe in arms (introduced by film maker Gary Caganoff also exhibiting at the festival who did some electrical work for our old factory lease in 2001 in Sydney). Miller is distinctively slender and wiry, medium height and again somewhat waifish like Croft. Perfect build for sticking on rock. Almost bird like. This was a body shape to be repeated: Timmy O'Neill (USA), even Malcolm Matheson aka HB (Australia) more chunky yet surprisingly compact, similarly Jonathan Clearwater of Sydney.


The festival website note of Miller:


"By 1998 he had a tick list including two 32 and a dozen 31 on sight including two in the same day, red pointed 33 in three tries and a v11 boulder problem flashed. At the time he was one of two people in the world to on sight at this level and still the only Australian to do so."

Picture: Garth Miller hams it up for the camera on the official website, compared to the doting father with baby in arms we met on the eve of the festival.

To understand these climbing grades compare a gold medal olympic pole vaulter, high jumper or floor gymnast. It's that good, or as one speaker noted "in other sports he'd be on a million dollar sponsorship but we climbers just do what we do" 


I asked Caganoff was he intimidated living up here in the mountains mixing with these top level climbers and adventurers. "No, more my peers. I don't do that much climbing now though. At Kendall [Kendal Mountain Film Festival in the UK] I was in the room with 30 Everest summiteers. Chris Bonnington and Doug Scott. They were my childhood heroes."


This sparked my memory of an already middle aged Doug Scott signing a poster of one of his Himalayan trips at a the ANU (Canberra) film club in about 1984, which I have dragged around with me for 23 years, creased and tatty but somehow just as grand as gritty DS himself who from memory crawled off  The Ogre for a week with two broken ankles after taking a 'Very Big Swing'.

Picture: Chamlang west of Makalu (Himalayas), photo by Doug Scott sold to the writer in 1984 at a fundraiser for his next expedition, note signature.

Although it was chilly, we were reminiscing in the relative safety of Katoomba in the Blue Mountains some 1017 m elevation and the Australian Climbing Festival was yet to begin. 

Picture: Clair and Adam Donoghue the dedicated calm partnership behind a successful team of vollies delivering a tourism booster for Katoomba, busy as ever the first morning of the festival. Both were acclaimed several times during the next two days for rebooting this 'every 2nd year' event from the 90's after an 8 year lay off.

Trucks and exhbibitors were industriously crowding into the local sports complex on this cold Friday night as prep for the next 2 days as tourists oblivious, enjoyed Echo Point and the cafe culture:

Picture: The usual  passive interactions of visitors to Katoomba at Echo Point, still quite satisfying to the foreign tourists who seemed very happy soaking up the cool high oxygen as children romped around excited, 20 year olds paraded, others  to retire to the warm cafes Paragon, Niagara or as here piano playing Isobar Cafe. The tea and pumpkin soup was a treat. Local sculpture at Echo Point reads "When I reached the lookout at echo point the light was thick and golden/ As if it had passed all day through a butterfly's dusty wing."

My problem however was this: Now that I've pursuaded the organisers to give me a free media pass to an otherwise modestly priced 2 day event ($100), how can I do justice in this blog report, to earn my keep as it were? How indeed to talk to these elite folks at all without blubbering like a fool? And they do have their jargon like Trad, Free and Sport climbing styles. Without realising it I found my answer by applying the climbers' axioms: Attention, focus, commit, accept, and there were a few others I forget now (via speaker Arno Ilgner ).

In other words adapt to your conditions in the now, which in my case were these press reports over the Easter Break on global warming which naturally related to the frozen alpine regions.

But first we were treated to a gracious and highly appreciated welcome to the country of the traditional Aboriginal owners by these Indigenous ladies who had some sly and amusing things to say about the extreme rock climbing ability of the festival participants:

Picture: Welcome to country. More information on the Indigenous of the Blue Mountains here.

Picture: Mountaineers and outdoor ventureres are likely excellent lay front line witnesses to global warming changes as their guide books and living memory reveal something is indeed on the move. This was borne out by personal observation of presenters Croft, Matheson and Monasterio.

Yep the planet is likely fucked, and the the climbing veterans just might have an opinion about the reality of that, and they DID, hardly needing any prompting as per this in the Sydney Morning Herald this same weekend: Window closing on planet's chances - Environment - smh.com.au:

Here are some of the comments we obtained, to paraphrase the conversations, here:

SAM. How do you react to reports like this in the local Sydney Morning Herald about rising snowline and less days snow cover, in your personal observation?

Peter Croft: It's true. You see it in the High Sierra in California. In Canada too the glaciers are retreating. In the [European] Alps classic ice climbs are disappearing, just not there anymore. Even places like the Eiger are bound together by the ice and they're unstable.

Q. So at your elite level, it's a topic of conversation amongst your peers?

Peter Croft: Yes it is. It's discussed at other mountain festivals too. It's crystal clear it's happening.


SAM. Dr Erik Monasterio yesterday was a little confronting in his talk, saying climbers exagerate low risk and under rate high risk. He gave the example of expert rock climbers shifting over to mountaineering lacking the right skills. Do you think global warming will increase objective risk and climbers will understand that? Erik even mentioned an example of a boulder coming loose and nearly killing him.

Malcolm Matheson aka HB: Yes, for sure. My friend Steve Monks [Wild and Rock Index - Issue 27] whose been a guide in the European Alps for 22 years says the Mattahorn is getting dangerous. 

I've been climbing for 28 years and never had an accident, and that's not to say I haven't experienced some dangerous situations or done some serious climbs.

Me: Yes, your record speaks volumes for properly analysing risk. Thanks for your time I can see your young daughter is ready to go. [5 year old in face paint getting towy for Dad to stop his work for a mo]

Picture: home grown excellence. Malcolm Matheson or "HB" a veteran and pioneer of innumerable climbing routes in Australia, and like other elite climbers unassuming and very self confident. Presents like the original 'cougar man' only compared with that funny advertising campaign here in Sydney HB is the real deal, no bullshit. A real master.

Dr Erik Monastario of Bolivia and mountain guide, mentioned above gave some worrying analysis in one presentation of expert climbers at grade 5 in mountaineering terms (very high) who were still experiencing catastrophic injury or death at 5-10% out of a limited sample of 50 subjects over 4 years suggesting that mountaineers even of high ability tend to make weak risk assessments exagerating low and under rating high risk. He gave the example of the 'safe' moderately sloping ramp to Mt Aspiring in NZ which killed 4 climbers in 2002-3.

He also gave the example of an unstable boulder that whisked past his nose in Bolivia leaving the burning smell of rock clashing on rock as an example of our warming climate. If mountaineers underestimate global warming induced instability this fatal or near fatal injury rate may increase:

Picture: Dr Erik Monasterio at right answers further earnest questions from climbers directly after his challenging talk.

Picture: The beautiful Mt Aspiring west face near Wanaka NZ south island, deceptively dangerous, just under 10,000 feet from a 6000 bottom step (climbed by this writer 1990). Image from Google Earth.

Picture: Peter Croft mesmerises the large audience, winning indelible respect from the audience.

Pictures: Collage of conference experiences including

- everest veteran Tim Macartney-Snape talk (bottom right) for World Expeditions,

- Blue Mountains Council supporting the event,

- garage sale for Australian Himalayan Foundation - giving something back (a charity for the Nepalese);

- Timmy O'Neill , a seriously good speed climber and veteran of El Capitan at Yosemite in the USA but also exceptionally ribald and hilarous comedy prankster, mixed with inspired compassion working with disabled climbers (brought the house down)

- Jonathan Clearwater  in front of Mountain Equipment stall, who presented on Epics and Ethics about a 5 day climb in Pakistan

- the beautiful climber woman across the crowd (inset)

- they funny guy on spring legs

- the jury rigged coffee cup when we didn't have access to Mama Java fair trade coffee

Several other events have not been reported. Like the sport climbing which was hugely popular, the slack line tightrope walk over the pool which attracted a big crowd, the food stalls, bar, lots of live music up to 10pm or so.

There were some glitches in such a big operation worth noting for next time. Some of the films were cutting edge productions eg Cannibals and Crampons but somehow the DVD's were not road tested on location in the exact equipment and some failed until polished or replaced for the 2nd day. Similarly a slide show on the second day was woefully out of sync which really vexed the presenter. But with these minor hiccups it was a satisfied crowd that bailed out on Sunday night having laughed for a full hour with Timmy O'Neill and then sat like stunned sponges soaking up the unique character that is Peter Croft even by comparison with other elite presenters, as much to do with his subtle personality as his gift for climbing.

On a positive environmental note at the festival we also met an old environmental colleague and climber from New Zealand, Brent Hoare living in Katoomba. Just as we are very concerned about global warming effect on climbing environments, he is working on a practical reversal of that problem regarding ethical refrigerants which seemed ironic given the cold nights up there. We promised to add some info to our festival report because that is exactly what catching up at such events is all about. Reconnecting, reskilling, new directions and contacts:

Brent writes today:

Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 10:22 AM
Subject: NRTB info

Hi Tom,
Here's what I put out in advance of the NRTB launch, and some additional  info at the bottom. Great to catch up look forward to staying in touch. Hope the picture is usable.
Other websites to look at include www.nrtb.org.au , and for an international slant, www.mipiggs.org

Cheers!  Brent Hoare 0417 478268

In short his non profit group have a $2 million grant Feb 2007 from the Australian Government to promote safer hydrocarbon refrigerants in big business like Coles, Woolworths, Streets/Unilever, Roche to replace HCFC and HFC refrigerants which are up to 4000 times worse than CO2 for global warming. If memory serves Brent mentioned this about 14% of greenhouse emissions (in Australia?).

The NRTB is comprised of professional engineers, equipment designers and manufacturers which aims to promote the use of natural refrigerants. Bravo!
Clair Donoghue says the Australian Climbing Festival is planned as an every two years event as it was in the 1990's, so look out for it in 2009, it should be very good. And assuming it is to be held in the Blue Mountains again notice this shop on the way up to Katoomba from Sydney:

Also the last picture below should go to Malcolm Matheson who solo climbed El Capitan 3000 foot vertical rockface, and then spent the coldest night of his life in this perched platform structure at the summit hanging from a tree: 

Postscript #1: Sydney Morning Herald 19th April 07 UN rebuff for Britain on global warming with this quote at the end: "China has created artificial snow in Tibet after experts warned of melting glaciers in the Himalayas. The Tibetan meteorological station had created a fall of 2.2 millimetres, which accumulated to one centimetre, last week, about 4000 metres above sea level in northern Tibet, the Xinhua news agency said yesterday."

Postscript #2 A tengential article sympathetic to the above was in Good Weekend of Sydney Morning Herald p29 April 21 2007 called "Powder Keg" about an area on the border of Pakistan and India prone to avalanches, and very popular with elite skiers. There is no overt connection made with global warming threat but one wonders. It does capture the spirit of adventure, and misunderstanding objective danger, as written by expert sports reporter Jacquelin Magnay.

Postscript #3 Another related article in the Big Media: A ripping tale of Lincoln Hall's lucky escape with help from just below the summit of Everest in 2006 after suffering a brain oedema (brain swelling) shutting down most of his survival functions: "Left for dead", p18 April 28, 2007 The Good Weekend, Sydney Morning Herald.

The title refers to direction from base camp to abandon the immbolile speechless Hall putting his sherpas lives at risk as night approached. We at SAM wonder if one significant reason Hall got so much help at serious cost to other climbers when rediscovered next morning was at least in part because of his highly respected reputation, both as a climber and person i.e. good karma.

Postscript #4: We like to think at SAM we started an 'avalanche' of stories about the outdoor mountains scene in the Big Media, with our conference report above. Who really knows. Similar to the Lincoln Hall reference in postscript 3 see Fran Kelly ABC Radio National here recently: Radio National Breakfast - 2 May 2007 - Lincoln Hall

There definitely is a public interest in learning more about global warming from that adventurer perspective and so again here on SBS Dateline last week, and wow what beautiful photography:

Wed, May 2 2007

The Great Meltdown
Welcome to a special Dateline on what has to be the global topic of the moment - climate change, its true impact and what the heck do we do about it? Right now, our own increasingly dry and drought-ridden continent seems clear proof that something drastic is occurring with the world's climate
...more >
David Miliband Interview
This morning, Australian business and political leaders woke up to this full-page ad in the 'Financial Review' placed by five senior private sector economists
...more >
The Shrinking Alps
And now to Europe's snow-clad Alps - or to be more precise right now - Europe's normally snow-clad Alps
...more >

Posted by editor at 11:40 AM NZT
Updated: Friday, 4 May 2007 8:07 AM NZT
Sunday, 8 April 2007
Sunday political talkies: nasty khaki balancer against Rudd following rejection of govt minister Nelson
Mood:  lazy
Topic: election Oz 2007

Picture: Defence Minister Nelson a poser? First an ALP member, now Liberal, ear ring, no ear ring. Image lifted from http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/the-evolution-of-brendan-nelson/2005/12/22/1135032135726.html One thing for sure, the election fight is getting nasty even on Easter Sunday.

Author’s general introductory note (skip this if you know this regular weekly column):


This is not a well packaged story. It’s a contemporaneous traverse of the Sunday television free to air political talkies indicating the agenda of Establishment interests: Better to know ones rivals and allies  in Big Politics and Big Media. ]


Indeed it’s the tv version monitoring task similar to what Nelson Mandela refers to here in his book Long Walk to Freedom (1994, Abacus) written in Robben Island prison (where he was meant to die like other African resister chiefs of history in the 19C), at page 208


“..newspapers are only a shadow of reality; their information is important to a freedom fighter not because it reveals the truth, but because it discloses the biases and perceptions of both those who produce the paper and those who read it.”

Just substitute ‘Sunday tv political talkie shows’ for "newspapers" in the quote above.


For actual transcripts go to web sites quoted below except with Riley Diary on 7. And note transcripts don’t really give you the image content value.

10 Meet the Press 8-8.30 am

No broadcast for Easter break.



Transcript in due course www.ten.com.au/meetthepress 

7 Weekend Sunrise, 8.35-40 am Riley Diary

Humourous, quite edgy as usual. Real politics was 15 minutes earlier rebutting front pager Sunday Telegraph ANZAC beat up in desperate journo over reach: Rudd's insult to Vietnam veterans


‘Fashon theme’ but actually taking the p*ss at artificial photographic choreography of federal MP’s, leveraging the tv camera against print model work of Howard, Costello v Rudd, Garrett images. Hunt for Rudd October was perhaps the best punchline while Howard visited a navy ship. Fairly low key as per


Web page here but no transcript usually: http://www.seven.com.au/sunrise/weekend


Sunday 9

Embedded USA journo injury story, Bush regime propaganda ignoring the huge death rate of locals.


More propaganda from Australian soldiers. As if they have an objective appraisal of the overall situation in their paid up jobs.


Clue to the Big Media mugging of the ALP is Ch9 news vindicative ‘reportage’ as if a straight story of Vietnam Vets ‘outrage’ story front page Sunday Telegraph. [abc radio running it as a beat up on 7 am news this morning, as are 7 as they would].


Seems to be fed govt media strategy for the very damaging Defence Dept repudiation of their Minister Nelson late last week into Easter break as here: 

Nelson struggling with defence role: report

Nelson needs help in Defence Dept: think tank. 06/04/2007. ABC ...]

 Bottomless coffers send army adrift: report - National - theage.com.au



Ruddock with Laurie Oaks. 

Oaks leads in on IR, not khaki which seems significant he thinks the story is bogus? Ruddock interview: been there 34 years, definitely running. A curious line and a bad look for an old govt. Good q and a stoush over Hicks return, New Year’s Eve suggested, no contradiction. Tough argument about gag order. And profiting from story. Military Commission is not a ‘criminal offence’ in the relevant way. Ruddock says he has legal advice it is barred still. One wonders but probably right as MC’s are reconstituted. But not as per ‘MC of the date’ in the federal legislation.


Chubby Oaks looking fitter. Only a bit.


Bettina Arndt to replace Prue Goward.


Discussion of surrogacy law area.



And go to transcript.



Sunday show website here:



Insiders 2


No broadcast for East break. Home page is http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/

Posted by editor at 11:41 AM NZT
Updated: Sunday, 8 April 2007 12:13 PM NZT
Friday, 6 April 2007
South American speakers at Australian Climbing Festival
Mood:  special
Topic: local news

We have applied for a media pass to this event reported in the Sydney Morning Herald today:

Australian Climbing Festival 2007 - Home

to be held in Katoomba over the weekend.

Of special interest are the South American speakers from Bolivia:

Accidents, mortality and personality characteristics of climbers
Dr. Erik Monasterio (MB, ChB, FRANZCP, Senior Clinical Lecturer) is a medical doctor who has worked as a writer/ journalist, musician, adventurer and photographer. Erik's specialty training and work is in the area of forensic psychiatry. He has also been involved in research into the personality characteristics and accidents in mountaineers for over five years. Erik has been climbing and exploring in remote mountain and jungle regions for over fifteen years, he has climbed over forty new rock, ice and mixed routes, and guided in the Andes of South America, Alaska, New Zealand, the Himalaya and Europe. Erik has recently (2006) spent five months climbing in three continents. He has combined personal climbing experiences in remote and demanding environments with scientific research to develop a training approach to maximize performance under stress and in extreme environments.

There will be slide images and brief personal anecdotes of accidents to accompany this presentation. The findings of the research presented have been used in a current affairs television programme.

But the whole programme looks very special too. These references to foreign places, travel, natural beauty remind us of these great images sent to us recently by our Spanish translator Amparo Ilanos

Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 9:44 AM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Fwd: Paisajes de Colombia,desde Palmira

Here are some images of Colombia beautiful places, unfortunately, due to the violence scarcely anyone dares to go, in a way they have been preserved because of the same reason. I have been to only one place of the ones shown here, Parque Tairona, in Santa Marta north of Colombia.
Amparo is our contact with this admirable civil society group in Columbia on environmental projects Clean Columbia help 1/06. The images she sends are here, with damn good climbing spots one expects but remember the warning too:


Posted by editor at 12:52 PM NZT
Updated: Friday, 6 April 2007 1:30 PM NZT
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Greens shove aside ALP patronage machine infecting the green ngo sector
Mood:  party time!
Topic: election nsw 2007

SAM shook the proverbial sandles of the craven peak environment group in NSW pandering to the corrupt Carr ALP government patronage machine in 2000 or so when we resigned from the executive committee of the NSW Nature Conservation Council having been elected twice to that 'august' body. They had pre emptively buckled to 20 year logging resource security for woodchipping while taking the govt's shill.

As this devastating report in the Herald pre election makes clear, via one conservative rival group WWF to the ALP hegemony in NSW, most green non government groups (ngos) were failing their duty on biodiversity conservation in spades, and I knew it in 2000 and expressed my disgust at the time. 7 years later the feeling still burns deep:

Revealed: legal land clearing's savage toll - Environment - Specials

This report of late Feb 2007 refers to half a million hectares cleared legally with a hundred million native critters dispatched let alone native flora 1998-2005 under the Carr government. Not even considering very significant illegal clearing.

The green ngo establishment didn't even have the guts to admit to themselves let alone the public how badly they were losing, which might possibly have galvanised a public backlash. As it was the Carr ALP were elected with an increased majority in 1999 and 2003 for my green movement failure to really bare witness. They just kept taking the hush and access money from the ALP ministers and their manipulators.

And there is a federal election dimension to this because then ACF president Peter Garrett was part of that hush machine in NSW. As was John Connor then executive officer of the NSW NCC now with the Climate Institute (patron Bob Carr) actively soliciting grant money from the same NSW Government.

As was Jeff Angel director of the Total Environment Centre because he had primary responsibility on the NSW Native Vegetation Committee reporting to the Resource & Conservation Assessment Council reporting direct to Cabinet Mnisters, from about 1997 onwards. Angel's duty was to blow the whistle on the government and their effective green light to panic clearing for the next 10 tragic years but it never really came. They strung him along for years and never delivered real enforcement of clearing controls.

Picture: Ian Cohen MLC (Greens) at an evocative Sculpture by the sea, Tamarama Beach

I rang Ian Cohen MLC (Greens) on the record today and asked him what role he thought Jeff Angel had played in the most recent election, in other words did he agree with our impression Angel had disappeared from sight?

Cohen qualified his answer saying he was not up for re election and did most of his electioneering in the country areas but yes was sympathetic to our suggestion the Greens had held most of the space in the electioneering on environmental policy matters in the general media. 

Cohen added the electoral laws contributed to that in that green ngos were prevented this time handing out at the polling booth so the Greens were expected to carry the responsibility and burden.

We at this news blog say thank God for that. And we have little doubt that our backgrounding about Angel had an effect over the last 2 years. As did that knockout WWF report late February 2007. Unlike 2003 we never saw a green brand on the ALP from Big Jeff in 2007. The ALP were reduced to tv adverts singing their own greenwash praise.

Indeed in late 2006  the NSW Govt were pretty cock sure Angel was under their thumb, as he was, even when he didn't have the wit to know it, as per this extraordinary exchange back in November last in NSW Parliament regarding good old door mat Jeff:



Page: 4347

Mr IAN COHEN: My question is directed to the Minister for Natural Resources, Minister for Primary Industries, and Minister for Mineral Resources. Does the Minister agree that the changes the Government forced through Parliament in relation to the invasive native species module of the Native Vegetation Regulations did not have the backing of Jeff Angel or his ministerial review committee? Why did the Minister claim, in answer to a question asked by me on 26 October, that he had that support? The report fails to set out adequately how the changes will improve or maintain environmental outcomes, which is the object of the Act, and three prominent environment organisations—Total Environment Centre, the Wilderness Society and World Wildlife Fund—have condemned the changes. Can the Minister explain how the broad-scale clearing of native vegetation followed by the planting of exotic species will benefit biodiversity? Is the Minister able to name a single species in New South Wales that will benefit from the changes, which essentially facilitate native habitat destruction?

The Hon. IAN MACDONALD: That was rhetoric of a ferocious kind! I say straight out to Mr Ian Cohen that the changes that the Government has put into effect will produce a very workable system that will benefit both producers and the environment. As to the other point in his question, during question time on 26 October there was considerable discussion about the Government's latest groundbreaking reforms to invasive native scrub [INS] management. These changes were based on the recommendations made by the INS review group, chaired by Dr Denis Saunders, which were subsequently endorsed by the independent Natural Resources Commission. I stated that Jeff Angel, in his capacity as a member of the native vegetation ministerial review group, made recommendations in relation to this matter. That is entirely correct. In its consolidated report of October 2006 the ministerial review committee recommended that the Government "consider the proposed amendments of the INS tool as advised by the relevant agencies and the NRC". That is entirely consistent with my statement. In fact, there was a unanimous recommendation by the ministerial review committee that the relevant committee consider the INS report. That is exactly what the New South Wales Government has done—in fact, we have endorsed the report.

The INS changes protect the environment while giving farmers a practical and flexible system within which to work and get on with the job of farming. The consolidated report is on the Department of Natural Resources web site. Mr Ian Cohen might try reading it to get a bit more information on the matter than he revealed in his rather limited question. The report endorses the New South Wales Government's native vegetation reforms and notes that the system is working. That is why Mr Ian Cohen is feeling so aggrieved. Despite all his scaremongering, stakeholders have come forward to note that the system is working. Instead of knocking the system, Mr Ian Cohen might try getting behind the reforms, reading the science and contributing to the debate.

Mr IAN COHEN: I ask a supplementary question. In a letter to Adam Badenoch, Mr Jeff Angel wrote:



"I would like a correction (below) from the Minister about his statement in Parliament yesterday that I and the MRC supported the Saunders INS recommendations.

What the hell did the Minister thinking he was doing?"



Surely the Minister for Natural Resources owes the man an apology.

The Hon. Don Harwin: Point of order: The question is clearly out of order. It is clearly not a supplementary question. It did not ask for the elucidation of any part of the Minister's answer. It just put extra information onto the record, plus it contained argument.

The PRESIDENT: Order! The question was not a supplementary question and is, therefore, out of order.


And then in 2003 ex Minister Craig Knowles refers to good guy Jeff as

 "Jeff Angel, who can only be regarded as a solid warrior for the environment, recognises that as a partnership we have had substantial success [on landclearing regulation]."

Remember this is all the while 1998 to 2006 panic clearing is going on, and still going on in NSW in 2007.

In fact we rang Wendy Frew to congratulate her for her article in the Herald referenced above pre 2007 election vote, with a sting in the tail to the effect of

'keep in mind Wendy the gist of your report was known and understood as it was happening and the guy entrusted with the whistle from 1997 on the peak govt committee was Jeff Angel, and he never did blow that whistle. You have to ask yourself why not?'

Now Ian Cohen MLC has reported this first ray of sunlight today for the thrashed regional bushland of NSW with this media release today. No wonder the Total Environment Centre listed the Green Party at the end of it's election grid. The better the Green Party do, the less duchessing and leverage for his ngo at the expense of the environment he was honour bound to protect. If Angel is not corrupt he is certainly guilty of something just as bad in this business - a dupe for Big Govt and Big Agri business land clearers:

Media Release   -   5 April 2007

Environment the winner in departmental restructure

Greens MLC and environment spokesperson Ian Cohen has applauded the NSW
government’s restructure of environmental, land use and water

“The establishment of a new Department of Environment and Climate
Change, along with the abolition of the Department of Natural Resources,
is to be commended. I am optimistic that the transfer of native
vegetation legislation to the environment portfolio is more likely to
see advances in ending illegal land clearing and the regulation of
private native forestry.” Mr Cohen said.

“I welcome the appointment of Phil Koperberg to the new environment
ministry and hope to have as productive a relationship with him as I did
with Bob Debus to ensure important advances in environmental protection.
The inclusion of Climate Change in the portfolio is an overdue but
welcome recognition that this is an overarching issue which affects all
facets of the environment.

“The relocation of marine reserve management and aquatic threatened
species from the Department of Primary Industries to the environment
portfolio is an important step and will hopefully bring about better
results in the conservation of marine habitats.

“Likewise, the transfer of environmental water management, coastal
and floodplain management from the Department of Natural Resources
should lift the standard of protection in those areas of environmental

“The departmental restructure is an excellent start, but Minister
Koperberg will have a huge job ahead of him to end illegal land clearing
and improve the management of water and vegetation in NSW. I look
forward to working co-operatively with him to achieve real progress in
these areas.” Mr Cohen said.

Further Information: Ian Cohen: 0409 989 466


Now that the election is over we see Angel back in the green policy market place on the issue de jour [PDF link on greenhouse targets] but really he has no business being there and should be run out of the policy business if it were legal to do so.

There are plenty of other examples of how the ALP corrupted the NSW green movement over the last 10 years, such as supporting the Lake Cowal Environmental Trust to greenwash a water guzzling cyanide gold mine, to the great alarm of people like ...Ian Cohen MLC (Greens) and other actually independent green ngo voices.


Picture: Idealist grassroots activists on schools roadshow Jan-Feb 2005, highlighting for instance the mine at Lake Cowal will be as deep as Centrepoint Tower is high. Were they betrayed back in Sydney?

This scandal was again brokered by ... that 'solid environmental warrior' Jeff Angel:

Nov 06 - Alarm of independent greens over miner 'Environment Foundation' pay off to badly compromised 'peak' greens


3rd Nov 06 - Lake Cowal cyanide gold mine chewing up farmers drought water, 20m water table drops to 50 m depth!


15/3/04...The dirty Lake Cowal cyanide gold mine trust terms discussed here in 'Lake Cowal and real politik of mining decisions under Carr govt' 

Indeed there are historicly sound reasons why such groups as North East Forest Alliance and Greenpeace have stayed out of membership of the Sydney based peak green groups, in particular the TEC/NCC/NPA complex of ALP lap puppies. The suspicion surely is that it involves selling one's soul like Peter Garrett is famously accused of doing now.

Postscript #1: Arrests made after mine protest turns ugly Sydney Morning Herald 9th April 2007

"Eighteen anti-gold mine activists have been charged following a protest in central NSW, which concluded with a man allegedly ransacking the protesters' campsite while armed with a knife.

The activists, who included members of the Wiradjuri people, Friends of the Earth and the Australian Student Environment Network [ASEN], were arrested about 1.30pm yesterday after allegedly breaching the perimeter of the Lake Cowal gold mine, which is run by the world's largest gold producer, Barrick.

They claim the mine's operations are environmentally damaging.

"Barrick ... is stripping NSW of its precious water resources, internationally significant wetlands and destroying Wiradjuri history and culture," ASEN's national convenor, Nicola Ison, said in a statement released by Friends of the Earth yesterday.

"Barrick is transporting over 6000 tonnes of cyanide annually from Gladstone, Queensland, to Lake Cowal, New South Wales, creating risk of spill and lethal contamination of waterways along the 1600 km transport route," Ms Ison said.

The activists were each charged with entering enclosed lands. They were granted conditional bail and are due to appear in West Wyalong Local Court on April 26.

Police said a 32-year-old man was arrested yesterday evening after allegedly driving into the protesters' campsite and damaging vehicles and tents.

He was charged with malicious damage, failing to undergo a breath analysis, stalking/intimidation, carry a knife in a public place, as well as driving offences.

He is expected to appear in Griffith Local Court this morning."

Posted by editor at 3:51 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 9 April 2007 10:45 AM NZT
Get Up! Kick Ass ...for civil rights in Murdoch's The Australian today
Mood:  special
Topic: human rights

And we tips our hat to both Brett Solomon and their "170,000" online activist subscribers, and to The Australian editorial decision on placement in their newspaper today 5th April 2007:

Because a page 7 spread hits home more than say a page 6, 8 or 12. And yet there it was on page 7. That's quite a few more thousand$ in premium location, which tells you something about the Big Meeja displeasure with bogus gag orders on David Hicks, convicted of material support for terrorism. At this rate John Howard who appeared on 7.30 Report last night will be glad to leave politics. But let Get Up! tell it

Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser also has a bit to say about the legal travesty here: Politics Overrides the Rule of Law

Perhaps of even more damaging significance for the Howard Government's re-election prospects is this economic criticism in the same edition of The Australian: Kevin Rudd: Howard ignores the big picture

Posted by editor at 1:34 PM NZT
Updated: Thursday, 5 April 2007 5:03 PM NZT

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